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23146592 No.23146592 [Reply] [Original]

Is there a book to make me win every social interaction? I am coming out the loser all the time, then quietly seething for days

>> No.23146602

having long hair does not exempt you from visiting a competent barber, young man

>> No.23146603

How can you come out a loser at every social interaction? Buying bread is a social interaction, how do you "lose" when doing this?

>> No.23146609
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>> No.23146612

Wit comes naturally. Can you even cultivate wit?

>> No.23146621

> Buying bread is a social interaction
It’s not. It’s just a transaction.

>> No.23146622

Well if it turns negative I won’t clap back, also never able to use my full voice, maybe out of fear of not winning. I will only engage if I’m angry enough to believe I’ll win, if that makes sense

>> No.23146627

Normies are hyper adapted to social oneupmanship and it's as natural as breathing to them. Uphill battle to try to win if you don't have that instinct. Though if you really wanted to channel all of your autism into that goal it probably can be done.

>> No.23146631

Interesting, I’ll read it even if you’re just memeing

>> No.23146636

If people show aggression towards you, most of the time they are insecure, know this and show them that they do not move you.
As for buying bread turning negative, I don't know bro, try being less of a sperg.
Do you engage in unwelcomed debates, perchance?

>> No.23146639

>"Will that be all sir?"
>"Thanks, you too"

>> No.23146654

Probably not, I am easily tilted and people get in my head
>unwelcome debates
Yes if you mean I am the one starting them. How did you know?

>> No.23146665

>Yes if you mean I am the one starting them. How did you know?

I'm kind of a sperg too, so I know. Maybe don't start debates if you're not too comfortable with the topic?

>> No.23146672

I asking more generally if wit can be cultivated. I phrased it as if I was asking you if you had the ability. Honestly, I think it is possible for you to become witty. When you read the discourse between guests in a salon in Proust’s ISOLT, it comes down to who is wittier — even if that person is wrong about the topic. I think just reading as much as possible and drilling/memorizing nonobvious vocabulary can be a decent starting place. Also, just read an immense number of plays so you start getting a feel of how witty dialogue begins and shapes itself

>> No.23146678

is there a book about how to deal with people interacting aka yapping continuously in your presence

>> No.23146686

what if people enjoy each other's long winded bullshit and cheap tricks
is there a book about how to adopt the right mindset to get away from this people esp if this was your upbringing

>> No.23146696

I do want to channel all my autism into it. Whatever I set out to do, it usually circles back to this, how well I do socially
lol, yeah I shouldn’t be
Never considered reading plays. I wouldn’t mind it at all to be honest, just wondering if what I’d learn carries over to modern shit talking

>> No.23146703

This guy>>23146636 is mostly right about people getting notably agitated, though on account of that I used to have a problem of letting people interrupt and talk over me, that‘s kinda what I see happening here.

Honestly all that worked was lifting more weights and cultivating a genuine contempt for everybody in my daily interactions. People still try it because they have shit for brains but I find it easy to aggressively finish what I was saying, regardless of whether they stop two words in when they see I‘m not making way for them. Not recommended if you have a job you care about keeping, or which is in demand among competent people who could replace you.

Just lift weights and be more contemptuous in general.

>> No.23146710

Kek. What kind of advice is this?

>> No.23146713

Good info. Yeah nothing beats just being bigger than them and being sure you could physically beat them

>> No.23146723

>but I find it easy to aggressively finish what I was saying

Oh yes, but sometimes they keep talking louder, and you keep talking louder, and after a couple of seconds you're engaged in this domination match, and if you stop you lose. No one understands anything because two people are speaking loudly, but you need to keep going. What if you run out of things to say? That's weird when it happens

>> No.23146741

I’m trying to picture this playing through in real life; two spergs interrupting each other, talking over each other, posturing in a post work out pump to intimidate the other….it’s like animal behavior. This is nigger behavior. But just make sure you don’t do it at your job if you like it lol

>> No.23146759

This thread is surreal, it's like condensed, actual autism.
OP if you follow these tips, you might notice results on the surface, but deep down you'll "lose" interactions even more.

>> No.23146763

This. If you’re getting into debates all the time you are most likely a sperg and need to chill out

>> No.23146764

ok, chad

>> No.23146770

Alright what do I do, just be mature and learn to let things go? At least give me a book suggestion

>> No.23146780

Very rare to run into anybody with the dignity to not stop if way isn‘t being made for them. If they keep going after more than a sentence you just aggressively remind them that you were in the middle of talking. If that doesn‘t stop them then this isn‘t somebody to use your time speaking with.

>> No.23146787

I can’t tell if this advice is tongue in cheek

>> No.23146818

I'd say stop viewing interactions in such a confrontational way. Some interactions can be like this, that's true, but that's a minority of them, in specific contexts with specific types of people. Most people are just trying to get along.

If you start doing stuff like studying how debates are done, or view anyone with contempt, and make "winning" and dominating the entire goal of all your interactions, then you might stop feeling like you lost them, but in actuality, you are losing them all, because you're not really interacting anymore. And others will notice, and be even less tolerant of oddities you might have.

Perhaps you have this view that everyone looks down on you and secretly mocks you when you fumble or when an interaction doesn't go smoothly, but most of them don't.

>> No.23146845
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just stop doing drugs you damned hippy

>> No.23146857

I just don’t want to freeze up when someone says shit about me. I’m not looking for these situations. The looking for debates is separate for me

>> No.23146862

Study rhetoric

>> No.23146884

> I just don’t want to freeze up when someone says shit about me.

Give an example

>> No.23146912

Most recent thing, someone brought up some shit I did once to my other friends in our group and said I was a little bitch about it. This dude talks so much. I don’t have the built in response to call it out, I’ve probably conditioned myself to be passive over the years

>> No.23146918

The Talmud

>> No.23146921

Tarl Scrollwick has painted nails and bruised knees. Make of that what you wilt, my sister in AntiChrist

>> No.23146924
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Nuff said

>> No.23146956

It’s hard to say without knowing exactly what they were talking about. Was it mean spirited or teasing? Lots of guys talk shit in a joking manner. Don’t overthink stuff like that or come right back at him or develop a self deprecating response. Just a few options but don’t misread it

>> No.23146964
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Train MMA and then physically assault them every time they say something you don’t like.

>> No.23146965
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1. Define winning (win interactions, NOT ARGUMENTS)
2. Perform

>> No.23146971
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Learn media production and become commercially vapid and frivolously powerful

>> No.23147070

This is what I imagine L.A. Lasagne to look like.

>> No.23147819

>At least give me a book suggestion
48 Laws Of Power by Robert Greene
>Law #??
>Win through Action. Never Through Argument.

>Starting Strength
>Mastery by Robert Greene
>Laws Of Human Nature by Robert Greene.
>"How to Fail At almost everything and still win big" by scott adams.

>> No.23147870

You lose arguments because you are affected by what they are saying to you. Fix the things you are insecure about (which are fixable, height, race, etc. obv cant) and build enough confidence to stand tall against people. Life can't be solved through step by step methods, you just need to try to be a little better every day and one day you'll notice that you are "winning" social interactions by being confident in who you are.

>> No.23147973

You'll never win every social interaction, but you may benefit from "Secrets of Power Negotiating: Inside Secrets from a Master Negotiator" by Roger Dawson.

>> No.23148006

The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership, with a forward by Zig Ziglar

>> No.23148093

I just roleplay as an uninterested 500 year old vampire and its working out for me.

>> No.23148191
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Yes, I'm a professional negotiator. Here ya go ...

"Never Split the Difference: Negotiating As If Your Life Depended On It" by Chris Voss introduces a revolutionary approach to negotiation, drawing from Voss's experience as a former FBI hostage negotiator. The book moves away from traditional negotiation strategies that focus on logic and financial gain, instead emphasizing the importance of emotional intelligence and psychological tactics. Here are some key negotiation techniques from the book:

1.Active Listening: Voss underscores the importance of listening more than talking. By actively listening to the other party, you can identify their needs, fears, and desires, which can be leveraged to guide the negotiation.

2. Mirroring: This technique involves repeating the last three words (or the critical one to three words) of what someone has just said. Mirroring helps build rapport and encourages the other party to elaborate more on their points, providing you with more information.

2. Labeling: Voss suggests labeling the emotions and needs you're hearing from the other party. By verbally acknowledging their feelings ("It seems like you're feeling frustrated"), you can diffuse tension and create a more collaborative atmosphere.

3. Tactical Empathy: Demonstrating empathy towards the other party's situation can help build trust and an understanding. This doesn't mean agreeing with them but showing you understand their feelings and needs.

4. The Accusation Audit: Before the other party can list your faults, list them yourself. This preempts criticism and shows you're reasonable and self-aware, making the other party more likely to be cooperative.

5. Calibrated Questions: Asking open-ended questions that start with "how" or "what" puts the other party in a problem-solving mode and can lead them to your desired outcome without resistance. It also makes them feel like they are in control.

6. The 7-38-55 Rule: Communication is 7% the words you say, 38% tone of voice, and 55% body language. Paying attention to non-verbal cues is crucial in negotiations.

7. The "That's Right" Technique: Getting the other party to say "that's right" by summarizing their viewpoint accurately helps create a breakthrough moment. It shows you understand them, which builds rapport and openness.

8. Bending Reality: Using techniques like anchoring their emotions or establishing a range can make your offer seem more appealing.

9. The Black Swan Theory: The book also introduces the concept of "Black Swans" — small, seemingly insignificant pieces of information that have a huge impact on negotiation outcomes. Identifying and leveraging these can dramatically change the course of a negotiation.

These techniques emphasize the importance of emotional intelligence, strategic questioning, and active listening in negotiations, offering a human-centric approach to achieving favorable outcomes.

>> No.23148431

>The 7-38-55 Rule: Communication is 7% the words you say, 38% tone of voice, and 55% body language. Paying attention to non-verbal cues is crucial in negotiations.

Interrogation technique/theory, and Persuasion research. Fronting falsely is less effective than witholding said 'body language', saving it for punctuation and negation of the other's.

>> No.23148579

social skills guidebook

very very cringe. might as well have included tony robins (ew)

>> No.23149061

>a genuine contempt for everybody in my daily interactions
This is key. Lifting is just part of facilitating that.