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23145126 No.23145126[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Nietzscheans have never recovered.

>> No.23145130
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True. Was the clear headed version of NEETchay. Even mogged him at music.

>> No.23145132

The ultimate cultural white chad. Western civilization declined since his peak.

>> No.23145328

Nietzsche himself never recovered. Could only get out from under the man's shadow after he died, how pathetic is that?

>> No.23145515

Oh, didn't he? Funny, the supposed Wagnerian shitposting on this board is a recent phenomena and always pales in the shadow of countless Nietzsche threads. Seems like you're coping and are still mad Nietzsche BTFO'd both Wagner and Schopenhauer and moved on.

>> No.23145691

>moved on
Taking everything into consideration, I could never have survived my youth without Wagnerian music. For I was condemned to the society of Germans. If a man wish to get rid of a feeling of insufferable oppression, he has to take to hashish. Well, I had to take to Wagner. Wagner is the counter-poison to everything essentially German—the fact that he is a poison too, I do not deny. From the moment that Tristan was arranged for the piano—all honour to you, Herr von Bülow!—I was a Wagnerite. Wagner's previous works seemed beneath me—they were too commonplace, too "German." ... But to this day I am still seeking for a work which would be a match to Tristan in dangerous fascination, and possess the same gruesome and dulcet quality of infinity; I seek among all the arts in vain. All the quaint features of Leonardo da Vinci's work lose their charm at the sound of the first bar in Tristan. This work is without question Wagner's non plus ultra; after its creation, the composition of the Mastersingers and of the Ring was a relaxation to him. To become more healthy—this in a nature like Wagner's amounts to going backwards. The curiosity of the psychologist is so great in me, that I regard it as quite a special privilege to have lived at the right time, and to have lived precisely among Germans, in order to be ripe for this work. The world must indeed be empty for him who has never been unhealthy enough for this "infernal voluptuousness": it is allowable, it is even imperative, to employ a mystic formula for this purpose. I suppose I know better than any one the prodigious feats of which Wagner was capable, the fifty worlds of strange ecstasies to which no one else had wings to soar; and as I am alive to-day and strong enough to turn even the most suspicious and most dangerous things to my own advantage, and thus to grow stronger, I declare Wagner to have been the greatest benefactor of my life. The bond which unites us is the fact that we have suffered greater agony, even at each other's hands, than most men are able to bear nowadays, and this will always keep our names associated in the minds of men. For, just as Wagner is merely a misunderstanding among Germans, so, in truth, am I, and ever will be. Ye lack two centuries of psychological and artistic discipline, my dear countrymen!... But ye can never recover the time lost.

>> No.23145710

such a classic, Nietzscheans always like to say how Nietzsche "btfo" Wagner (which he never actually did), but always forget his praise for him.

>> No.23145921

that pic is every neech poster on /lit/, no cap

>> No.23146013

>but always forget his praise for him.
Preface to Richard Wagner addresses this, why do people like you pretend Nietzsche's early admiration for Wagner is some kind of gotcha? It isn't.

>> No.23146986

What is up with his eye?

>> No.23146996

How do I go about enjoying Wagner? Can I listen to the music on its own or do I have to watch the performance as well? Do I need to read translations, whether subtitles or text, while doing so?

>> No.23147004

Listen to the overtures, then watch a full performance of the ones you liked the most (or read while listening, it depends on how good your imagination is). Translations are necessary for Wagner, since you need to understand the dialogue to fully appreciate what he's doing, it's not just about enjoyment of the music. But start with the overtures, I'd recommend Lohengrin and Tanhauser to start, but it's really down to personal taste.

>> No.23147018

Thank you. I love classical, having gotten into it several years ago in my adulthood, but opera is a genre/form I have yet to try and tackle outside of some of Stravinsky's (some of which are ballets, now that I think about it). I have desperately desired to, though, especially with Wagner, just never knew how to go about it.

>> No.23147028


Listen to the full operas on spotify with just the sound. The plays are extremely overrated.

Don't listen to him.

>> No.23147033

The truth is in the music. The story conceals the true pain and the true life lesson.

In other words the music lies less than Wagner's grandiose stories.

>> No.23147051
File: 1.30 MB, 2098x2681, Richard_Wagner_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man, Wagner really is the weirdest looking composer. His looks are almost as enigmatic as his music. What the fuck is that neckbeard?

>> No.23147057

I'm fine with just listening for the art of music but, and again I could be mistaken, from what I've read of Wagner (especially as it relates to OP, N. contra Wagner) it seems the moral philosophy, tragic themes, and dramatic content are fundamental aspects of his works, no? That I'd be missing an essential side of the artwork by only listening for the enjoyment of musical form? Again though I'm a novice here so I could be wrong.

>> No.23147065

Happy to help. You should keep in mind though that Wagner's operas are very different from most others, he explicitly does his own thing blending both the narrative and music together into a "music-drama" (as he put it) so don't expect the same thing from other operas. But Wagner is excellent.

Even if that were true, I still think the stories are worth listening to/understanding. The overtures and some of the finales contain the essence of the whole thing anyway.

>> No.23147069

Don't listen to them. You're right, and everything is important in Wagner. He though of himself as a composer, playwright, and poet in equal parts. Sadly, most stagings are far from perfect because no director has ever followed his instructions precisely. It's fine to start off listening to overtures and stuff, but eventually you should take a look, they're operas after all.

>> No.23147076

This board is so fucking stupid and shit. Every thread is either this half baked contrarian bait or the most pseudo-intellectual debate about nothing ever. You are all gay retards.

>> No.23147082

Meistersinger is the only one with a sense of reality. It does enhance the music and has genuine feeling.

The others are basically the same story over and over and a self aggrandizement of Wagner. The music too but like I said; it lies less.

>> No.23147084

Thankfully, we were graced by your superiority. Thank you for enlightening us with your high quality post.

>> No.23147089

>The others are basically the same story over and over
Huh? The Ring and Tristan are like night and day, narrative-wise.

>> No.23147101

Nietzsche critiques of Wagner are genuine or almost.

No. It's the same thing. It's about redemption through love. But the thing is Wagner can never love himself and thinks that love should come from the outside.

>> No.23147120
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>Nietzsche fucking loves Wagner
>Wagner doesn't cares at all by that fucking pole retard
>Somehow, the horsefucker beat Wagner at anything
Does this board even read?

>> No.23147123

Ring cycle doesn‘t even really use the redemption through love theme. Its primary lovers are beset by overbearing social circumstances and deception which lead to a death and rebirth of the world at large.

>> No.23147129

>No. It's the same thing. It's about redemption through love.
That, and a hundred other things that happen before, especially in The Ring, and the way you get to this conclusion is vastly different in both works. So no, not really "the same thing".

>> No.23147133

That's because he's fucking stupid. Death and rebirth happen within; it's the toxic people you leave behind. Nietzsche almost understood this.

He fails both times.

>> No.23147142

>He fails both times.
He fails what exactly? You fail at explaining how it's "the same story over and over again".

>> No.23147151

Redemption. He fails at redeeming himself because he can't love himself.

>the same story over and over again
It is. From his very first opera.

>> No.23147189

>He fails at redeeming himself because he can't love himself.
Proofs? Wagner was happily married to Cosima with a big family and lots of friends (even if he did divorce his first wife). Sounds like major projection on Nietzsche's part.

>> No.23147214

My goodness are you ignorant. Read his letters, he had suicidal thoughts all his life.

He had a horrible life.

>> No.23147241

He also threatened to kill Minna Planer. He was seriously deranged.

>> No.23147275

Justified, she was a bitch.

>> No.23147304

Aren't they all. You still don't threaten to kill them.

Wagner could never survive today. He'd be in jail.

>> No.23147316

I have never heard any suggestion of this in anything that I've read from or about him, and since I'm not wagneranon I will have to be furnished better proof than some other anons word. So please, provide some excerpts.

>> No.23147329

"This girl would no longer be touched in her heart—only by a sharp knife."

She was a cold hearted bitch, but Wagner too.

>> No.23147346

Spirit too strong for the gay 21st century

>> No.23147356

Too weak. Today's BPD bitches would eat him alive.

>> No.23147382

>strength is being an entitled hole

Tits or gtfo

>> No.23147388

Strength is having the support of the system.

>> No.23147668

>early admiration
Once again proving Nietzscheans don't read Nietzsche. His praise for Wagner is evident at the end of his life.

>> No.23147686

He says his ability to express his emotions is admirable but that he's stupid.

>> No.23147690

Which is very true. Nietzsche got a lot right.

>> No.23147775

>It's about redemption through love.
Cliched statement, has almost no meaning now, was only popularised because it was falsely conflated with a prosaic 19th century-romantic notion of love, and thus seemed to offer something to the common person. The significance of 'love' in Wagner is philosophically highly complex, but how many of middling intelligence now believe they understand Wagner in toto just because they think 'it's about redemption through love'--without, of course, actually explaining to themselves what that could possibly mean. With Wagner it seems people lose their basic criteria for the authentic judgement of art very quickly, and instead of looking at the artwork itself, they look to popular cliches.

>Wagner can never love himself and thinks that love should come from the outside
If you think the Ring cycle should be a sappy moral tale about learning to love yourself then maybe you should stick to anime.

>toxic people you leave behind
Please kill yourself you retard. Does your entire intellectual life revolve around self-help manuals?

>> No.23147779

EARLY in his life. Before he read Schopenhauer, met Cosima and settled into a cosy family life and successful artistic career with the funding of King Ludwig.

>> No.23147814

So tired of people getting filtered by Wagnerian drama. The music and drama are one and the same. If you didn't understand one, then in all likelihood you didn't understand the other.

>> No.23147833
File: 23 KB, 460x276, enoch-powell-007.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Enoch Powell on his love for Wagner:


>> No.23148024

>"This girl would no longer be touched in her heart—only by a sharp knife."
That's you you old cunt. Wagner was a good musician and a horrible poet.

>> No.23148029

All his life.

>> No.23148031

Problems are always more internal and Wagner could only externalize. He was too narcissistic to admit it too - that's why he glorifies stupidity with Siegfried.

>> No.23148213
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Where are these resentful dwarfs coming from? What holes, from dusty Nibelheim, do they scurry out of? Alas, the age old insecurity drives them out. Some people just feel inferior when faced with genius. On the one hand someone smearing Wagner's personality in a desperate attempt to dim his art, the other spitefully insulting heroism as if to justify his meagre intelligence. Used so many times they have lost their effect. What of Baudelaire and Hauptmann and Eliot's praise for Wagner's poetry, and countless other cultural luminaries? And what of the late Wagner's embrace of a mysticism of the inner life: 'The mystic is the man for me…the man who feels the urge to ignite for himself the inner light in contrast to the outer brightness which shows him nothing'? Of course, no reply can be given. Because these criticisms are not driven by reason, but resentment.

>> No.23148219

They are purely logical facts. Wagner killed Germany.

>> No.23148240

He had paroxysms of depression (and every other emotion) all his life, sure. But unlike his younger self the result was not storm and stress, but resignation and transcendence. He even said the reason Liszt was depressed in his old age was because he didn't look forward to death, as a mystical revelation, as he himself did.

>> No.23148615

He was intolerable.

>> No.23148629

You mad

>> No.23148632

Who the fuck is even this faggot?

>> No.23148635

Turn on your monitor.

>> No.23148636

I literally never seen this dude in my life.

>> No.23148637

This is true for music in general and is why I prefer listening to either instrumental or, in rarer cases, music in languages I don't understand.

>> No.23148816
File: 63 KB, 541x566, wagner foto.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is it about Wagner that causes such seething on this board? I really don't understand.

>> No.23148833

You've never seen him, but you have heard him.

>> No.23148837

I'm not seeing it either it.

>> No.23148853

He's the most controversial artist of all time. It's not something unique to this board, a certain type of person just turns crazy whenever he's discussed.

>> No.23148876

Quite literally not what Nietzsche said. Have you even read Ecce Homo or any of his letters? In BG&E he praises the character of Siegfried.

>> No.23148878

kindly elaborate, I'm genuinely curious. What's so controversial about him?

>> No.23148885

Hitler liked him.

>> No.23148932

That's just another excuse. Wagner has been almost as controversial as he is now since his own day. There was the dispute with the musical conservatives, the dispute with the Jews, with the French, with newspapers, with academia, with Nietzsche, and then it gained a new life post-Hitler, and then the Russian militia naming itself after him hasn't done him any favours either. Almost everyone in modern history has framed themselves either for or against Wagner in ideological, moral, artistic or political terms. There's no logic for why Wagner should be so controversial across so many fields, he just is. And people will continue to find new ways to somehow blame him and new things to blame him for.

>> No.23149027
File: 12 KB, 259x400, joyce wagner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't have your atavistic German paganism and your vanilla churchianity too.

>> No.23149272
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Very true

>> No.23150296
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It's funny how much Wagner made Nietzsche (and by extension, Nietzscheans) seethe.

>> No.23150760

Yes you can