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23144467 No.23144467 [Reply] [Original]

>everyone inevitably cheats
>spousal abuse is inevitable
>everyone is depressed
>every man is secretly gay
why are all his characters like this?

>> No.23144472

sensitive black gay living in the down low capital of blackery and crime

>> No.23144473

because his penis was hella mid

>> No.23144541

Look at the man, he's a horrific cross between an insect and a skeleton. He looks like he wafts AIDS miasma in a radius everywhere he walks. If I accidentally made eye contact with someone who looks like that I'd go straight home and take a shower. I'd be surprised to hear him speak that his mouth opens and releases words and not the putrid magma of hell's burning swamp.

>> No.23144548

Damn he just looks like normal sad stressed person bro what’s so bad about how he looks?

>> No.23144564

How do you know?

>> No.23144590

He's actually a fascinating individual because he perfectly embodies what blacks in America would be like if they were smart enough to realize how utterly hopeless they are as a race. They have been played for fools and used as a pawn in the white man's games since the start, and all of them without any noticeable exceptions have been eager to play along. But this can't keep going forever and eventually they're going to break away from the phony "American" identity that has been pushed onto them.

>> No.23144597

>the white man's games
Yeah, (((white))) men have milking their culture for centuries.

>> No.23144703

I feel so fucking bad for them. It's generation after generation of the same shit. I try not to be racist but racism is funny and they are also their stereotypes.

>> No.23144710

I guess..

>> No.23145049

>They have been played for fools and used as a pawn in the jew man's games since the start

>> No.23145078

White fuck them in the ass everyday of their lives. But it's still better than living in Africa.

>> No.23145085

Whites fuck Africans even harder. They have them working in toxic mines for less than a dollar a day.

>> No.23145095

There has been plenty of help. Blacks are destructive.

>> No.23145100

China makes em do it if whites don't. Blacks can't work anyway.

>> No.23145109

nta but he's black.

>> No.23145115

>everyone inevitably cheats
>spousal abuse is inevitable
>every man is secretly gay
In the black community those are all true
>everyone is depressed
This isn't but only because most are too dumb to be depressed. Instead they display arrogance and disdain towards everything around them.

>> No.23145154

>I hate the term "anti-Black."
>Of course I am anti-Black.
>Who exactly wins if I cannot count a chunk of people as my brethren?
>And if I cannot count them as my brethren now, then when?
>They are dull and distracted with shooting each other.
>And I do not understand these midnight blue people who smell like coconuts.
>And I do not understand why they are so pitiful.
>To tell them, do not be as you have been taught to be is a grave crime.
>Do not be as you have been taught to be.
>I am anti-Black.