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23143702 No.23143702 [Reply] [Original]

>lecturer spends the seminar defining how gender and sex are social constructions instead of discussing the book
I’m getting into debt for this.

>> No.23143790

I know man it's ridiculous.

>> No.23143812
File: 202 KB, 573x509, lmao.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

at least you are going to be college educated™

>> No.23143825

Should have gone to Liberty University or Trump University.

>> No.23143830

There are certainly worse things to go into debt for. As much a fan as I am of construct claiming I can tell you with 100% certainty that biological sex is no construct. Feel free to ignore them and read something good instead.

>> No.23143831

In one of my first undergrad classes, this guy named Patrick got kicked out of all tutorials for saying he isn't a feminist. The TA asked "What do you mean?" and he said "I'm just not a feminist." I said something about how I think Camille Paglia is interesting and the TA gestured at me aggressively while saying "SOME people are just IDIOTS." The professor was some kind of leftist adjunct who spent either the class on Locke or the one on Rousseau talking about "Riot Grrls," I forget which but it was provoked by him calling Locke or Rousseau a misogynist. In the second semester (it was a two part class) he had grown a big beard and wore an old-timey trenchcoat.

>> No.23143838

ITT anons with no college degree and poor jobs (if they have one at all!) cope and seethe

>> No.23143859

Shut up you dumb nigger, college attendance has been meaningless for decades. 90% of people who attend learn nothing and leave even more retarded than when they enter.

>> No.23143864

Much higher chance of living a comfortable life.

>> No.23143867

you could get a kawasaki ninja for those money

>> No.23143868
File: 138 KB, 512x512, HU-Gold_Black.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw coulda been a Top G

>> No.23143870

not if you studied social construction engineering lmao

>> No.23143871

>he thinks he's clever because he wrote a hundred papers on the fluidity of gender and got a cute little phd in exchange

>> No.23143872
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You were warned.

>> No.23143876

Unless it's STEM, there is an extremely high probability that one is either coming from privilege anyway or receiving enough government support that a comfortablr life would have happened regardless.

>> No.23143882

Damn, I knew I forgot a Top school.

>> No.23143890
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You don't have to share those views you know. In your papers you can still write genuinely. I've never had any professor go UHM ACKSHUALLY THATS NOT POLITICALLY CORRECT in response to my essays.

>> No.23143891

>he hasn't been forced to write in alternating pronouns

>> No.23143892

because they have not read it.

>> No.23143895

This post will upset a lot of anons’ agendas

>> No.23143900
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yeah like the belgariad series by edding, it'll beat out whatever crud is being shoved down your throat for $40,000 per year

>> No.23143984


>> No.23143983

I don't think this is true because the majority of college graduates are in a STEM field or Business. Art makes up a small percentage of enrollments.

>> No.23144003

The one time my professor went on a rant about students' views was because instead of writing an essay, these two feminist dyke students wrote screeds saying the books were bad because of their outdated portrayals of female characters (it was a hard-boiled and noir fiction class). He spent the first 10 minutes of lecture explaining why what he called "moral presentism" is intellectually dishonest and not worthy of being used as cornerstone of a college paper. He managed to quoted Hegel in his tirade. It was very impressive.

>> No.23144010

>phone typing makes me sound like an ESL
God I hate technology. Not actively writing letters fucks up your ability to write and express yourself.

>> No.23144017

what college degree (You) recommend getting then wise guy? creative writing? pharmacist? mechanical engineering?

>> No.23144032

Anons who never went to college try to scare or rile up other anons who never went to college. Will you have to learn about something you don’t like or agree with? Sure. But that’s life. If you are going to let an elective knock you off your square you were never going to make it anyway. It’s a small price to pay for a much higher income bracket and social network that will last your entire life. The same anons throwing out the word snowflakes but won’t go to school because they might have to spend a small amount of time learning about those snowflakes point of view are snowflakes themselves

>> No.23144066

Are you absolutely sure this has nothing to do with the book? Really?

>> No.23144070

I took a sociology class. We covered transgender stuff briefly in the class. The teacher was an ex-Soviet Union citizen. He was pretty based and encouraged students to think for themselves. This was back in early 2018 so tranny stuff hadn't really kicked off. The "big" thing then was just "gender neutral" pronouns/clothing/toys etc. Like saying hey everyone instead of hey guys. My teacher went off on a side rant about gender neutral toys because everything in society is gendered, and therefore nothing can be gender neutral. Maybe for both genders, but nothing is gender neutral. He put this rant into context because one of his female graduate students was telling him how her daughter/son would grow up wearing gender neutral clothes and playing with gender neutral toys. He asked her to explain what the fuck that meant since everything is gendered and if something is "gender neutral" then it is of neither gender. What is a gender neutral toy? How can it be for neither boys or girls? I guess he was really just ranting about neutral being a misnomer and retards thinking neutral means both. This guys also believed the moon landing was fake. I assume that was just Soviet programming so I can't blame him for that one.

>> No.23144097

>We covered transgender stuff
Community health and stats?

>> No.23144105

I'm a Yuropeen, we have an American teacher at our uni that I had for one of my lit classes. She's a woman, but insists on being a they them, putting her pronouns at the end of all her mails. Which is weird; since no one would adress her with third person pronouns when mailing her, so who are those even for? She is also a gender studies prof and tried to shove gender id shit into every aspect of that class (getting specifically hung up on the 'unsex me' line in Macbeth, claiming it is an example of differentiating between sex and gender in a literary work). She is a staunch anti-capitalist, despite having massive amounts of geek merch in her office. She had a new hair color every week, and dressed like a nerdy teenaged boy. Very strange character. I've been avoiding taking classes taught by Americans after that.

>> No.23144115

No, like what gender is. How gender roles can change and how objects/activities can change genders (like the colors blue and pink or wearing skirts/dresses [look up breeching]) and we talked about weird gender roles some tribal societies have. Like there's some african or south american tribe where men take a male "wife" and sometimes these "wives" actually show signs of pregnancy because their bellies swell like they are pregnant. They then peform a "birthing" and their pregnant belly disappears. Most of it was really discussing how tribal societies have much more complex gender roles than western society and that these "transgender" roles they have actually serve a cultural purpose in their societies.

>> No.23144138

Another STEM W

>> No.23144181

The average bloke on the side of the road considers sex and gender to be indistinguishable and synonymous meanings

This world is overcomplicating the simplest fucking shit and even cavemen would gauk at our failing brain power

>> No.23144186

I simply just can’t afford it so I learn on my own

>> No.23144268

If you want to watch a lefty's brain explode, ask them if genitals define gender. Then once they answer "No!", ask them why does removing genitals affirm gender? Ask them why the majority of transwomen remove their penises but the majority of transmen don't get prosthetic penises.

>> No.23144315

Sounds like health to me!

>> No.23144318

>why does removing genitals affirm gender?
Incorrect. Try again!

>> No.23144427

What are you saying? Is it not called gender AFFIRMING care?

>> No.23145456

should have gone to that there university of science

>> No.23145473

Capitalise on college pussy while you can. It's gone before you know it.

>> No.23145486

Boo hoo you have to listen to some old fart waffle on for an hour, yeah that’s the price of credentials faggot

>> No.23145497

I heard that's a good school