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23143633 No.23143633 [Reply] [Original]

Most people seem to like Kafka on this board but do the anti-semites like him? If not what do you think his agenda is as you seem to think all Jews have an agenda. Is it merely to gain sympathy and respect for Jews by writing insightful stories?

>> No.23143636

Him and Borges are the best slipstream writers ever

>> No.23143641

OP here. I’m very anti-Semitic myself as the Jews seem to be behind most of the worlds suffering but I’m undecided whether it’s all of them or just a lot of them.

>> No.23143668

A lot of them. I do believe out of any other race they have a kind of superiority complex that benefits their evildoings; although I do not think it's fair to judge every person on the majority.
For example, I know a lot of gypsies who are very kind, respectful people yet the majority of gypsies are complete scum. Like jews, gypsies also have a insider/outsider view on other people that makes it convenient do thieve from anyone who isn't one of their kind. The difference is jews are cunning, intelligent creatures and their evils are far more impactful on the world. Although I do agree that there are at least a minority of good jews out there. Although not sure if I would consider Kafka to be one of them: he showed all the clear symptoms of a neurotic, moneygrabbing jew. He was also a pervert. At best he was an indifferent jew

>> No.23143675

Interesting. Do you think he has an agenda in his writings?

>> No.23143689

No. He clearly wrote because he enjoyed it. Although there is a lot of jewyness in his work. Such as The Trial having a character who feels constantly persecuated for no good reasons. Jews seem to have a massive victim complex and act as if they're being persecuted all the time and refuse to accept their wrongs as a people. Also the most obvious jewish neuroticism can be found in his story The Judgement

>> No.23143690

He was quite fond of some christian philosophers like Pascal (I think). That’s probabily why he was so genuine.

>> No.23143697
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i'm a colossal anti-semite & i enjoy kafka's work as a form of horror lit, a view into the deranged, paranoid schizo jewish psyche resulting from thousands of years of inbreeding

>> No.23143699

Pascal’s wager is the worst argument I’ve ever heard for believing in God.

>> No.23143700

Gotta separate the Art from the Artist

>> No.23143703

Adding to that, most jews tend to disavow artistic pursuits as in their society art has no practical use. His father tried to stop him from writing, instead pressing him to be a lawyer, a very practical career for their kind. Even if Kafka was an active member of the tribe, using his writing to push an agenda would be pointless as it would have no practical use to his people in that point in time. It's slightly different now with Hollywood and current media, but still

>> No.23143718

You guys are all such insufferable retards. Only retards believe a centuries old conspiracy made by illiterate sand people. Even worse, to let it live in your head rent-free even when consuming art

>> No.23143723

I’ve seen the evils of the Jews firsthand so for me at least it isn’t just wild speculation.

>> No.23143724
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>You guys are all such insufferable retards. Only retards believe a centuries old conspiracy made by illiterate sand people. Even worse, to let it live in your head rent-free even when consuming art

>> No.23143728

Brown hands posted this
>I saw a Jewish person do something bad, so I believe all Jews run the world
>A Jewish person cut me off on the freeway so now I believe 6 million people didn't die
Stop hyperfixating and grow a brain

>> No.23143731

What does this have to do with Kafka or any Jew who wasn't involved in the evil acts?

>> No.23143742

he didn't want anything published after his death, I don't think he had an agenda. his agent was a money grabbing jew who published them anyway though.

>> No.23143755

I once dated a half jewish girl. She hated those freaks with a passion. Me, I like Larry David. As inssuferable as he is, he likes to show their neurotic behavior as it is.

>> No.23143758

wasn't he conscious of his jewishness and didn't want his books to be considered jewish nonsense? he seems like a selfhater(based) so I don't have a problem with him. his books are pretty against bureaucracy and shit like that so I don't consider him someone who is alien to my soul, I am likeminded.

>> No.23143760

It’s a very long story that I’m not going to tell now.

>> No.23143781

>as you seem to think all Jews have an agenda
You haven't engaged with the ideas. Typical narrow minded, knee-jerk reaction. Remember to get your covid booster.

>> No.23143789

Yes, Kafka is Jewish. Can anyone actually say anything about his writing outside of pointing at his ethnicity? You have read Kafka, right?

>> No.23143808

Smug, patronisation? Same snarky tone? Obvious samefagging. Not sure if it's bait or an embittered kike. Likely bait, though

>> No.23143809
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>another thinly veiled pol thread

>> No.23143820

4chan is /pol/ sadly.

>> No.23143824
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bye nigger!

>> No.23143880

>look mom, I used the cool internet word again

>> No.23143886
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>> No.23143903

Yet these are totally different from my two posts in attuide? You /pol/ fags are always claiming you're right and trying to have a superiority complex about every parroted opinion. I say one word about how believing Jewish people control the entire world is retarded and the smuggest rancid fucks alive talk like shit Libs on steroids. You all do this because fascism and antisemitism need to be practiced like a ritual. You can't just stfu and talk about books. You need to bring up Jewish cabal conspiracies because it's the only knowledge you have (bullshit at that, like believing Unicorns are real). You all can literally be well knowledgable in 3-5 (on average) subjects, but instead, you all play this game of make-believe. It's better to believe you know how the world works and blaming humanties #1 scapegoat instead of failing but ultimately succeding in something useful and not annoying

>> No.23143911

>Smug, patronisation?
ESL or illiterate

>> No.23143915

white supremacy and hatred for zionism are mistaken to be the same thing but there is a difference. I think germans are retarded, I also loathe jews.

>> No.23143923

This the the most accurate post and the final and best answer to OP.

>> No.23143934

ESL, anon. I have no shame to admit as much

>> No.23144004

>do the anti-semites like him?
I do :)

>> No.23145198
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To me Kafka is nothing but an insect.

>> No.23145207

He could barely function socially and he hated his father. He did not have an agenda. There are obviously good Jews that simply should reject Judaism.