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23143093 No.23143093 [Reply] [Original]

Mine is
> Telluria by Vladimir Sorokin (trans. Max Lawton)
> Their Four Hearts by Vladimir Sorokin (trans. Max Lawton)
> Red Pyramid: Selected Stories by Vladimir Sorokin (trans. Max Lawton)
> Blue Lard by Vladimir Sorokin (trans. Max Lawton)

>> No.23143097

Did you find a book with a sweet pages-money ratio.

>> No.23143101

Yea, a few of them.

>> No.23143107

I'm doing a 100 book challenge, so I can't list them all. Heres the ones I'm reading next

>A Tale of Two Cities
>Devotion by Patti Smith
>Mathematicians Apology
>The Crying of Lot 49
>The Last Samurai
>Kitchen Confidential

>> No.23143113

>A Tale of Two Cities
Apparently this is the most sold novel ever but I don’t know any person who has read it.

>> No.23143117

>If on a Winer's Night a Traveler
>The Tartar Steppe
>Shakespeare's history plays
>Book of Disquiet

>> No.23143186

Same here. I've known people who read Great Expectations, Oliver Twist, and David Copperfield, but never A Tale of two cities

>> No.23143211

I read AToTC a month or two ago. I really liked it. Compared to the other Dickens I’ve read I rank them GE>AToTC or BH>TPP. There isn’t much humor in AToTC though and the whole French speech translated was something I wasn’t a fan of

>> No.23143221


>> No.23143237

Currently Reading:
>Science, Philosophy, and Human Behavior in the Soviet Union - Loren Graham
>The Collect Fantasies, Vol. 1: The End of the Story - Clark Ashton Smith
>The Twelve Caeser's - Suetonius
On my list:
>Lysenko's Ghost, Epigenetics and Russia - Loren Graham
>Handbook of Behavioral Intervention in Schools - Keith C. Radley and Evan H. Dart
>Willpower - Roy Baumeister
>Swords of the Steppes - Harold Lamb
>The Moon is a Harsh Mistress - Robert Heinlein
>Johnathan Strange and Mr. Norrell - Susanna Clarke

>> No.23143280

Finished Bleak House a few days ago then got sick so I haven’t been reading much lately. Here’s what I’m hoping to read soon but unsure where I’ll start
>DH Lawrence and Italy
>a different translation of Zhuangzi
>Shakespeare’s Henriad
>The Art of War
>Schopenhauer’s essays
Also want to reread these soon
>Sons and Lovers/Aaron’s Rod
>Conversations with Goethe

>> No.23143332

Do you have any idea why it’s so popular?

>> No.23143354

Dickens is an entertaining writer. His characters have pop to them and the plots are entertaining with mysteries, twists and turns. As for why specifically AToTC and not another on of his books, I’m not sure. Perhaps something to do with book length, the French Revolution, and a memorable title and opening line

>> No.23143373

It’s a huge book, is it not? A Christmas Carol would make more sense but yet it’s Tale the most sold. Interesting.

>> No.23143624

>a different translation of Zhuangzi
What was the other one?

>> No.23143975

March I’m focusing on the Japs
Currently reading The Temple of Dawn by Mishima was. So far it’s set in Bangkok and India and Honda hasn’t set foot in Japan but makes references to the first two books in The Sea of Fertility quartet. I’m about 70 pages in and a bit underwhelmed so far. Hopefully it picks up once he returns to Japan
I also plan on reading
The Gate by Soseki
The Woman in the Dunes
The Sound of the Mountain

April I’ve got some Patrick Leigh Fermor and Paul Theroux travel books to get to

>> No.23143986

i need to read a book my good friend's wife wrote.
but I'm draggin my feet.

>> No.23144011

Palmer, now I have Zipryn
AToTC is like 400 pages. Most of his other books are 800+. A Christmas Carol is obviously a seasonal book.

>> No.23144408
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>Mishima's Spring Snow
>The Skepticism section of Hackett's Hellenistic Philosophy: Introductory Readings
>Baudilaire's Flowers of Evil
>Herodotus' Histories (again)

>> No.23144432

Outline, Rachel Cusk
Linguistics: A Very Short Introduction
To Read:
I've got about 13 books left in my To Read for this semester, 9 fiction 4 Non Fiction. Most excited for The Man Who Was Thursday, Wizard of Earthsea, A Rebours, and Benjamin Lee Whorf's collection of essays on Linguistic Determinism.

Very cool list, have you read Piranessi?

>> No.23144433

Les Miserables
On the Natural Faculties by Galen (reread)

>> No.23145817

>pages-money ratio
What does this mean? The books he translate are short and expensive, or they are long and cheap?

>> No.23145930

>Les Aventures de Télémaque
>Gil Blas
>A Tale of a Tub
>Pamela; or, Virtue Rewarded
>Clarissa; or, The History of a Young Lady
>Joseph Andrews
>The Life and Death of Jonathan Wild
>The History of Tom Jones, a Foundling
>The Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy
>Sentimental Journey
>Minna von Barnhelm
>The Expedition of Humphry Clinker
>Wilhelm Meisters Lehrjahre

>> No.23145962

>Anna Karenina
>some Shakespeare
>The Illiad
>some Shakespeare
>Gravity's Rainbow
> some Shakespeare

>> No.23145977

>The Three Stigmata of Palmer Eldritch
>Wuthering Heights
>The Magic Mountain
>Voltaire's Letters to the English

>> No.23145985

Currently reading Skeleton Crew by Stephen King. It's a good read so far :)

>> No.23146045

I loved reading King collections as a kid. Cain Rose Up, Mrs. Todd's Shortcut, The Raft, The Man Who Would Not Shake Hands and Nona are my favorites from that one (The Man... might be his best ever story in my opinion).

>> No.23146563

I've read Night Shift about a year ago, and Skeleton Crew is in my tbr. Excited to read it sometime soon! Right now I'm reading In a Glass Darkly, by Sheridan Le Fanu, and that's also a great so far.

>> No.23146629

I have not, my friend recommended her to me after I was bitching about how modern fantasy sucks(I really like Peake). I read the first couple pages and was interested to try it in the near future. I'm challenging myself by reading more nonfiction this year, but I'm starting to really enjoy it. The Graham book has been challenging and I have to do a lot of secondary reading on topics he brings up.

Also, Man Who Was Thursday was a good read, I also recommend The Napoleon of Notting Hill if you like it. Would you recommend the introduction to linguistics you are reading?

>> No.23146915

His short stories are the best part of his work.

>> No.23146941

Which collections did you like the most?

>> No.23146978
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Philosophy Of Art:

Tolstoy (finished) , Hegel (finished) Pater (on currently),Wincklemann, Gasset, Von Hildebrand, Collingwood, Sartre, Croce, Dewey, Burke, Longinus, Bachelard

General Humanities:

After Locke (already finished) read stuff on crowd psychology, first Le Bon (finished) return to political philosophy with Luther and Calvin (optional) optionally read “The Ethics Of Rhetoric” by Richard M. Weaver. For further political theory, “On Liberty” by John Stuart Mill. Also books on freedom of speech and other rhetorical texts.

Read some literary criticism: Eco (on currently), Lukacs, Frye, Steiner; "How Dead Languages Work", "From The Papyrus To The Internet"

Read Jung (3 works, “Man And His Symbols” (on currently), “Psychological Types” and “New Aspects Of Criminal Psychology”) then symbolic/interpretive anthropology, first Geertz then Turner then Sahlins then Fortes then Descola then Harris then Chagnon then into Lewis Mumford (both works) and then Michel Foucault (both works), Erich Fromm, then Francis Fukuyama, then Samuel Huntingtons essays. Optionally read Walter Lippmann. Optionally read Rene Girard again. Optionally read Max Muller. Optionally read Joseph Campbell.

Possibly read Nagel and Chalmers, as well as Lev Shestov

Optionally read Claude-Levi Strauss

Get back to philosophy with Agrippa, Boehme, Mirandolla, Vico, Swedenborg. Optionally read some dialogues of Plato.

French Revolution history:

Burke, Carlyle, Taine, Belloc, Gentz

Russian Revolution history:

Figes, Faulkner, Pipes

Read ‘Tenured Radicals’ by Roger Kimball

also read history of science, maybe some philosophy of science like Thomas Kuhn


Pound (on currently), Eliot, Yeats, Coleridge, Shelley, Byron, Frost, Blake


Mercenaries (on currently), Guerillas, Spies, Police books, Castles/Fortifications


“History Of The Bible”, Scotus, Tauler, Suso, John Of Ruysbroeck, Bacon, Schweitzer, Bultmann, Barth, Rahner, Tillich

Optionally read history of The Cold War, Rhodesia, Texas, The Middle Ages (2 books), Hundred Years War (3 books) and the concept of work (1 book), history of money by Carl Menger.

>> No.23147034

currently have a bookmarks in
- Our Mutual Friend
- To the Lighthouse
- Les Fleurs de Mal (in >translation)
- Kalevala
- Oblomov
- Shaanxi Opera (Jia Pingwa)
- a journalist book about early 10s Thai politics
- a book about Robin Hood
- a YA girl novel with zombies
I'm not usually this ADHD about starting new books while still having other ones going

>> No.23147063

>Mathematicians Apology
you are cool anon

>> No.23147068


>> No.23147455

Nah, the guy who recommended it to me in my 100 book rec thread is the cool one. I wish learned about it sooner

>> No.23147478
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Just finished Tolkien's translations of Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, Pearl, and Sir Orfeo.

Next up on my list:

1. The Lord of the Rings
2. The Republic
3. The Timaeus
4. The Interior Castle

I'll probably read a random Borges short story or two along the way, as well.

>> No.23148808

Don Quixote is the most sol novel ever.

>> No.23148843 [DELETED] 

No Bryan?

>> No.23149229

I've just found the The Very Hungry Caterpillar in my childhood belongings. It's one of if not the first book I ever owned.
I'm going to read it next, I'm not joking.

>> No.23149310
File: 17 KB, 271x368, Frantz_Fanon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Working on
>The Wretched of the Earth, Fanon
>Discourse on Colonialism, Cesaire
for graduate school
Just finished a book on Quechua representation in the National Museum of the American Indian
>Earth-Beings, de la Cadena
which was super insightful, and drew upon
>Cannibal Metaphysics, de Castro
Both of which were super helpful in understanding contemporary Latin American studies/perspectivist anthropology. Get decolonial-pilled folks, it's worth the plunge.

>> No.23149316

>get bitter loser pilled
I'll pass, thanks.

>> No.23149327

I'll bite anon, I'm trying to broaden my horizons anyway. What's the translation you read for Fanon? I heard that some of them can be dodgy.

>> No.23149359

>Rule by Secrecy, Jim Marrs
>Devil's Broker, Francis Stonor Saunders
>Manias, Panics and Crashes by Charles Kindleberger
>Egyptian Magic, E.A. Wallis Budge
i'll finish the Kindleberger and maybe the Saunders today and start
>Roads to Santiago, Cees Noteboom
>We Say No, Eduardo Galeano
>Hard to Be a God, Strugatsky Bros
>Dr Mary's Monkey, Eduard Haslam
>Our Man in Havana, Graham Greene

>> No.23149362

i almost went to grad school for postcolonial theory/decolonial history (this was back in 2010 before it was cool) but i'm really happy i didn't go into academia. i went to Southeast Asia to teach English and got addicted to heroin instead

>> No.23149373

based book, beautiful illustrations
Eric Carle was a really good person too, my friend kept up a pen pal relationship with them from his childhood until he died last year. some of his letters are unbelievably beautiful, giving advice to this young man as he grew up and went through young adulthood. i think that same spirit of wise compassion runs through his work.

thank you for reminding me to get back to Cesaire anon. if you haven't read Eduardo Galeano I bet you would enjoy him!

>> No.23149390

>get decolonized
No thanks

>> No.23149872

I'm reading the philcox translation now, wish I could give a better review but I'm finishing cesaire first.
nice anon
That sounds excellent, looks very similar to Michel-Rolph Trouillot's work on Haiti. I just love Latin America and Caribbean literature.

>> No.23151421
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Refer to pic. The stars indicate my "main" books I'm working on.

>> No.23151647
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I wanna learn more about cold war, geopolitics and economics cuz I like residing about big business/intel/organized crime conspiracies

>> No.23151659

>Bernal Díaz del Castillo: The True History of the Conquest of New Spain
>Publishers: dIsCoVery aNd cOnQuEst oF mExIco

>> No.23151803
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>12 More Rules For Life by Jordan Peterson

>> No.23151921

sun also rises
malevonint violence
read a gene wolf short today
wanna finish up a jack vance short collection
might start kidnapped robert louis stevenson

you guys have a preferable min/max number of books to read at a time?

>> No.23151929

>malevonint violence
i meant harassment architecture

also was reading men are better than women, but might not finish it

>> No.23153336

Do you have any other recommended texts for decolonization? I'm a flyover dirtserf and I think I should give things a chance before I write them off and get trashed off of Grain Belt.

>> No.23153457

>The Killer Angels by Michael Shaara
>Colin Wilson novels (finish Philosopher's Stone; Lifeforce, Ritual in the Dark, The Desert)
>HG Wells novels (finish Invisible Man; Dr. Moreau, then investigate some later ones like Tomo-Bengay or Blup)
>John Wyndham novels (Trouble With Lichen, maybe Kraken and Web (read most all of them))
>JG Ballard novels (finish Atrocity Exhibition; Unlimited Dream Company, Cocaine Nights, Empire of the Sun, The Drought and maybe the other disaster novels)
>remaining 4 books of Druon's Accursed Kings series
>Au Rebours, La Bas, and En Route, with Submission by Houellebecq in-between
>Interlibrary Loan and Peace by Gene Wolfe
>Cowper's translations of Iliad and Odyssey
>Theogony, Works and Days, Metamorphoses
>attempt to read women authors (not worth listing, but the famous/good ones)
>Darrell Schweitzer's fantasy novels
>remainder of Robert Aickman's short stories I can obtain through online editions
>Dreamsongs 1, GRRM
>Birthgrave by Tanith Lee
>The Weird and Eerie by Mark Fisher
>The Golden Thread by Miguel Serrano

>> No.23155114

>What is Latin America, Mignolo
>Aftershocks of History, Dubois
>Silencing the Past, Trouillot
if you're interested Latin America/Haiti specifically
>Decolonizing Methodologies, Smith
>Braiding Sweetgrass, Kimmerer
more broadly
Check out the others I listed as well!

>> No.23155294

I only read what's on my bookshelf, and don't keep a list of it. Just got done reading Roadside Picnic today by the Strugatsky brothers, and am now on to Other Days, Other Eyes by Bob Shaw.

>> No.23155309
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You're better off not reading Harassment Architecture unless you believe in Mike Ma's politics. The funny parts and the unique prose are bogged down by the protagonist edge lord world view. That makes the already failed satire feel like contrived oversentimentalty; when it doesn't deserve it
>pic related for Mike Ma as a writer

>> No.23155432

My current reading list is all Greek myth related
>Euripides, Sophocles, Aeschylus plays
>Homer's Iliad and Odyssey
>Virgil Aeneid
>Ovid Metamorphoses
>Apollodorus Library of Greek Mythology
>Orphic and Homeric Hymns

>> No.23155438

Le pendu du Saint-Pholien
Cormac the Skald