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File: 219 KB, 496x544, 1709457505626204.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
23141401 No.23141401 [Reply] [Original]

Write a short story about this image

>> No.23141434 [DELETED] 
File: 8 KB, 208x250, 1651998374284.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is nothing left to say.
Everything that needed to be said has already been said.

>> No.23141439

One upon a time, OP was a massive fucking faggot.

>> No.23141704

one of the cringiest things ive ever seen

>> No.23141710

Nightshorts wrapped around my ankles, elbows balanced on shaky knees, fingers tapping away on /lit/; I see the COULD BE meme while I shit.

Haha hoho! Indeed! Fine show! All things The Maestro would say, if he were driving that sweet rid no lunchtime rowdy in the tri-state area would try that white boy tonight. He'll make it home safe and sound. He can go anywhere he wants.
Alas the Maestro must wipe.

>> No.23141782

He stopped at the Doomer Express to fill up his car. Milk only 2.99 a gallon, he thought, things are getting better.
Ever since the niggers set fire to the world's oil supplies at the behest of the Jews things had changed a lot.
He prefered the smell of burning gasoline to burning milk but surviving a trip throught the wastes of Oklahoma was made easier when you could drink milk out of the ole tank when things got bad.
This is where a white man could really live. The faggot niggers at Ford and Chevrolet never thought about milk.
He was stirred out of his brief reverie by a slight sound in the direction of the milkery where they kept the women across the street. God how I'd love to get a job at the milkery, he thought. Great benefits and decent pay.
From the shadows of an alley emerged a faggot. Probably looking for someone to fuck him the ass. Not this time, he thought. I'm prepared this time. I'll never let that happen again.
The faggot stepped out of the shadows, his lils wet and pursed, ready to convince to fuck him in the ass.
"I'm off my meds faggot" he said to the faggot. "BURN IN HELL!" As he yelled this he pulled the milk hose out of his cars milk tank and pointed it at the faggot.
Tbe faggot screamed as he was drenched in lukewarm milk. He was lactose intolerent as expected. All faggots are.
The milk burned his skin and he scurried back into the shadows. Disheartened and probably more intent on a good ass fucking before daybreak.
He got in his car and started the engine. The rancid smell of burned milk filled his lungs once again. He put the car in pulled into the street heading for Oklahoma. The wastes might kill him but he had to make it home before his dad shot himself. He had said he'd do it tomorrow around noon. He had time. If he made on time he could steal some shit from his dad before the cops show up and confiscate everything.
He glanced one more time at the milkery. When I get done with this I'm going to come back here and get a job at this milkery, he thought. God I hope dad hasn't decided to kill himself already. Or this is all for nothing.

>> No.23141828
File: 134 KB, 290x499, 1706207423204.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice effort, but if you want to fully capture the essence of the experience of the white boi seether, suicide isn't enough. You need to include their slavery to the hydra of porn, drugs, vidya, and alcohol, and their obsession with BBC. Consider the texts of conservative donor Vince McMahon. This is an essential element to their lived experience, as permanent a fixture in their thought as trannies.

>> No.23141839

first line was very good, leaving it somewhat open whether the two sentences are logically connected or not
> The faggot niggers at Ford and Chevrolet never thought about milk.
was also a good line. otherwise too much memes, taste requires decency. ends with a good cliff hanger. What is that milkery? i llove milkers btw.

>> No.23141845


>> No.23141852

Well I didn't know Vince is a full on degenerate. Thank you for the knowledge, ma'am.

>> No.23141873
File: 292 KB, 825x684, 1706459598874199.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you know about Bill O'Reilly? He was as big as Tucker until a staffer taped himself harassing her and others confirmed. I recall it definitely involved him dildoing himself, but pretty sure it involved BBC too. It's a commonality. Just look at /pol/.

>> No.23141881
File: 573 KB, 2048x2048, 1706459456260827.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, he also pooped on her.

Many such cases.

>> No.23143054
File: 47 KB, 600x320, never-forget-jan-6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.23143085

>What is that milkery?
I assume a place were they keep women for milking, because in this world cars can run on milk.

>> No.23143114

At the gas station, at last. The kid rose from his seat after parking the car. It was lucky that the doomer expressed presented itself when it did as the old apex already was running on fumes. Stumbling out of the car piss drunk the kid lit a cigarette and grabbed the nozzle to fill up his car. The smell of gasoline was potent as he had managed to spill a few drops outside before finding the tanks opening. A smile grew on his face as he heard the low viscous gushing of the fuel. He looked back, had he lost them? There hadn't been any lights behind him for hours. He'd made enough twist and turns out of sight that surely they must've lost him.

>> No.23143120

But one night is spent away from home. I've had a fight with my wife and shouted at my children and she wants a divorce. She's also known about my cocaine addiction for a long time. I'm only alive to work, go to the office and make my bald boss fatter and fatter so that he can maybe pay for a fucking hospital for his elephant wife with diabetes. I'm living in a motel. I always bring prostitutes to snort cocaine and drink. But I'm going to stop doing that. Bringing in whores; my dick isn't even working anymore. This gas is a rip-off, if it keeps up I'm going to have to sell the car.
He thought, as he filled up the tank of his spaceship at a gas station at 3:47 in the morning, awake and fueled by alcohol and cocaine.

>> No.23143122

>Culture war faggots immediately ruin the thread

>> No.23143205

Good post, would read more.
Good, if a tad on the nose too often.
I very much liked the exaggerations, but imo I would have enjoyed it more if they had been a tad more sparse, so they would have sounded even more exaggerated.
>he was lactose intolerant as expected
That one fucking killed me, thanks.

>> No.23143273

There was a brilliantly beautiful image, once in human history - with an equally brilliant caption. A well dressed, but unkempt and sleazy looking disheveled man frantically looking behind himself as he pours gas into his car while smoking a cigarette.
Niggers could be here, he thought. But with a car you can go anywhere you want, so it's not a problem.
Anyways, that image was at some point retired, but remained active mostly in our collective subconscious, reminding all wise men to appreciate their automobiles, due to the liberty and protection it gives against rabid wild animals. But some zoomer nigger, who spends half of his time on tiktok and the other on leddit somehow gained sight of this precious gold of an image and deBASED it completely by turning into a soulless faggot wojak (le epik doomer variant of course, because he's such a misunderstood lost soul) edit. This tranny zoomer disgusted everyone outside of reddit by ruining this precious piece of artistic history, he promptly got AIDS after getting his anus prolapsed, and this debasement was his greatest impact and achievement in life.
Although he was a subhuman, he has done (accidentally) a certain service. By ruining the original with his gay nigger edit, he has still reminded us of it. And he made us remember it's greatness. His pathetic imitation has only elevated the original, and proved it's eternal potency.

>> No.23143298
File: 184 KB, 750x998, gas-station-niggers-could-be-here.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.23143678

hahah yeah that was pretty funny
I love memes
I love memes so much, why don't we do this again with wojaks!? A meme fusion, haha?
I bet it will be even funnier the second time!

>> No.23143695


>> No.23144046

I hope so!

>> No.23144134

The day was long, and night was coming quick Rick was just minding his own business, but he was in a hurry to get home.
He had just gone to the nearby AI used love bot model adoption agency, His new to him sex bot STACY model was carefully sitting in his passenger seat when he realized his converted hydrogen fueled tesla was running low on pressurize hydrogen, he was hoping to fill up quick at the nearest station, but it was in da hood and with many Kangs walking about he was Shure not to forget da rules, as stacy sat her automatic confidence response adlibbed a what Cha doing honey can I get you something from the fridge.