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23139705 No.23139705[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why do people hate him?

He literally just gives practical advice for young men to improve their lives

I see people like Gabor Mate claim he has repressed anger so his methods are wrong. My friend says he has unresolved childhood trauma and is full of anger.

Ok so even if that’s true, why does it matter if he has “unresolved trauma” if he learned to control that and live a good life in spite of that?

What is more important? Getting to the root cause of every antisocial behavior and “editing out” the bad parts of yourself? Or just learning how to control your shadow?

>> No.23139723

Because like anybody else on a traditionalist platform, he injects “just go with christ” into 90% of his rhetoric, therefore making it anti-logic, unable to sincerely debate, and unpalatable to any but a select demographic of vulnerable young men. Targeting the weakminded to bounce philosophy off of is for charlatans.

>> No.23139728

>/lit/ - Literature

>> No.23139736

He used to be good, but the drugs and coma fried his brain. Now he's a retarded faggot who has daily mental breakdowns and spends almost every waking hour schizo posting on xitter.
Good cautionary tale about the dangers of becoming a druggie degenerate

>> No.23139746

>He literally just gives practical advice for young men to improve their lives
Are you from the past? He's a lolcow now

>> No.23139756

He says obvious shit thats unhelpful to me. While I loathe to be judgemental I am forced to heavily question anyone who says he helped them.

>> No.23139757

>Employed by The Daily Wire

>> No.23139771

Kek watch this https://youtu.be/cTjTqj2Dsk0?feature=shared&t=109

>> No.23139820


>> No.23139826
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I ship him with Ben shapiro

>> No.23139836

1) who cares

2) the fact he makes leftists seethe is funny. They actually think he’s an extremist when he’s not.

>> No.23139864

Because they watched youtube drama reaction videos instead of JBPs actual vids. Just look at this thread for instance. NPCs all of them.

>> No.23139879

How dare you? You demon, you bedevilled woke demon, you horrendous lobsterian-subverter of order, you antisemitic foul anonymous coward?

>> No.23139890

Peterson went from a dude with milqeutoast, status quo takes about personal responsibility to a sad weirdo with possible brain damage who rambles about degenerates.
It isn't 2015 anymore. If you want to subscribe to his repurposed "pull yourself up by your bootstraps" boomerisms that he sprinkled some Jung on top of to sell it to kids then be my guest. He had very little to say before he became insane, but if you like the professorial equivalent of "just go up and give life a firm handshake" be my guest, but most people are laughing at what he has become, not what he was a decade or more ago. Dude was basically just psychology themed joel ostein (or whatever his name is) for the non-religious western youth, but now it's just sad.

>> No.23139954

when it comes to other topics than psychology he is quite dumb, occasionally even idiotic
but being a master of his own field somehow made him believe he knows and understands everything, while in fact he is just your average assooomer

>> No.23139986
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>Dr. Peterson delves into the psychological nuances behind @BenShapiro and @TomMacDonaldOfficial's hit song "Facts".

>> No.23139991

He is based. If a bit angry. I read his twitter. He tells it like it is. I can't say I am a huge fan but we have a common enemy: the woke culture that he fights on our behalf.

>> No.23139997

He's a great example of "right answer, wrong queation". Hispractical advice to young men is helpful and it is what young men should be doing in a vacuum, but it is often viewed and then approached from the wrong aspect.

>> No.23140015

Jung archetypal bullshit may as well be cold reading palmistry. He's Dr. Phil without the bedside manner. "Far right barely center-leftist" He's a figurehead for Overton Window convergence.

>> No.23140019
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His most vocal critics are either keyboard nazis who condemn him for worshipping jews (which is a valid point to a extent imo) or leftoids & commie trannies who are buttblasted that he btfos social constructionism & postmodern nihilism & other attendant ideologies. personally, i have a very ambivalent relationship with his work but on the whole i think he's done more good than harm

>> No.23140023

he's just a self-help salesman who found himself bestowed with a level of internet celebrity he was not equiped to deal with after refusing to call a troon by their chosen pro-noun.

internet melodrama writ large

>> No.23140028

Anyone confirmed to have a social media account should be banned from all public discourse. In practice this is difficult so we simply have to ship them all to the moon.

>> No.23140030

what have you done to fight wokeism?

>> No.23140083
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>> No.23140091
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>> No.23140095
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>> No.23140105
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>Is Jordan Peterson repressed?
One would guess so

>> No.23140112
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Because he lectures on responsibility and bearing pain, then goes and becomes addicted to benzos. He doesn't even have the excuse of a doctor tricking him, he was already an expert on neuropharmacology.

Because he says his daughter is a genius for solving their decades of autoimmune issues, when the daughter admits to literally just googling the symptoms.

Because he completely misrepresents Jung with his judeo-christian sycophancy. I don't even mean that hyperbolically, he literally worships Israel and says it must exist for the good of the west.

Because he defends the broken status quo of liberal democracy and capitalism, using completely dishonest tactics to discredit opponents (become a manager, you're a tyrant, etc) instead of taking their points seriously.

Because he claims to be part of an "intellectual dark web" when its just a bunch of jewish liberals. Really pushing boundaries there. There are tenured professors with hotter public takes than that.

Because he claims to be pro free speech yet wants to remove anonymity on the internet.

None of the people defending him have actually looked at his braindead takes, or read the literature on what he claims to represent. Just read Jung, von Franz, Haule, etc for yourself.

>> No.23140127


>> No.23140128


>His most vocal critics are either keyboard nazis who condemn him for worshipping jews (which is a valid point to a extent imo
holy shit its fucking true lol

>> No.23140141

shut up nerd

>> No.23140166

I was just thinking today how funny it is that he is so oblivious to his own preaching. I mean, how he has notoriously gone on about natsis and their alleged atrocities
and how you better be careful in judging them because you would probably have participated yourself... and then here he is with zero self awareness being one of the biggest sycophants to nettinyayo and jewish power as they do what they do to palis

>> No.23140396

>(((Gabor Mate)))

>> No.23140408
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>Don't associate by ethnicity and shared heritage and history
Unless you're jews

>Don't seek out like-minded people and unify by identity in the face of complete IDpol
Unless you're jews

>Don't resort to violence, there must always be an open dialogue to discuss matters without war
Unless you're jews

>Democracy is just the best way to govern man, it doesn't matter that all the figures I admire were authoritarian and despised jews, democracy and liberalism

>> No.23140730
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>His most vocal critics are either keyboard nazis who condemn him for worshipping jews
We literally just want the same rights that Israel has. And a fraction of our own taxes that they are somehow entitled to.

>i think he's done more good than harm
All the small good he did was encouraging young men to better themselves and focus on improvement and healing. He has done done that in many years now, or when it is done it is strictly within narrow confines of be an island, don't unify with those suffering like you, don't draw strength and support from your ethnic cohorts.

Oh you're a jew? Yes, you can associate ethnically and kill those in your way. Give 'em hell, etc.

>> No.23140797


>> No.23140803
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>don't unify with those suffering like you, don't draw strength and support from your ethnic cohorts.
what are you mad about exactly? global history & culture indicate consistently that the majority of white people in the world are & always have been genetically averse to collectivism & ingroup-oriented ideologies. the only reason white societies have ever adopted collectivist political arrangements like marxism or nazism is because they endured unimaginable suffering & deprivation & were pushed by these circumstances beyond the limits of typical white behavior. Unless you believe in social constructionist bullshit, you're dumb as fuck for being offended by peterson refusing to engage in white identarianism

>> No.23141039
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You are massively overstating white individualism, we still have an inherent sense of tribe like every other primate on the planet. Until the mass media brainwashing of the late 20th century every white country wanted to stay white. When non-white immigration started to be allowed in the mid 20th century governments had to lie massively and say it wouldn't change ethnic demographics.

>> No.23141070


It's great that in 2024 the only way for people like Peterson to stay relevant is to walk right up to the line of naming the Jew and then leave their audience to fill in the rest. These faggots are going to be dragged forward whether they like it or not.

>> No.23141306

His addiction arc was funny as shit. "I can't kick benzos with detox like all the other junkies. I am a super special little girl whose dainty, delicate femme-sensibilities would simple wilt like a flower if I had to face withdrawal symptoms like a man. So, against the advice of pretty much every doctor I have consulted, I am going to get a bunch of drunk, back-alley Russians to put my ass in a coma in some sketchy St. Petersburg chop shop, fuck it up, and give me brain damage."

The only way that could have been funnier is if his soft, bitch-made ass had died on the table.

>> No.23141334

He's very aware of it. He always was. Why do you think he needed the benzos? The benzos helped soothe his guilty conscience and cognitive dissonance. He did it all for money.

>> No.23141344
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ITT trannies and chuds seethe

>> No.23141529

>Why do people hate him?
For the same reason they hate Rowling. He opposed gender ideology.

So, liberals in the media went to try and destroy their reputations and some people followed along.

I think in Rowling's case the boycott for the Harry Potter game failed so spectacularly that they gave up on fighting her.

>> No.23141538

What about the fact that he sold his soul to the jews at Daily Wire?

>> No.23141541

>>Employed by The Daily Wire
Lel, he literally works for that ratfaced Mossad agent

>> No.23141544

He won't name 200 years together and he outright refuses to apply the same arguments he purports to all his opponents to the state of israel.

In fact he cries about how great israel is and screeches at those who disagree.

>> No.23141554

He doesn't even apply his arguments to himself.

>> No.23141556

I can forgive a man who struggles to judge himself. But I cannot forgive treason.