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23138759 No.23138759 [Reply] [Original]

Lit bros, post the best of the best catholic fiction

>> No.23138761

>papist rapists
Not real Christians. Just dogs who love authoritarianism

>> No.23138788

That wasn’t my question tho but thanks for the bump

>> No.23138860

this chart for nonfiction and flannery o'connor for fiction

>> No.23138862
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>CS Lewis
Ah, Real Christianity™, since 1517.

>> No.23138864
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>> No.23138865

Every single thread there's a pedantic yet ignorant prat who doesn't understand Anglo-Catholicism.

>> No.23138890

Ah yes, Anglocatholicism, where you can’t even do the main Catholic thing which is eucharist because there’s so valid succesion

>> No.23138911

that anon is regular in all christian-adjacent threads, though. he's an orthobro.

>> No.23139059

He is decidedly not catholic anon.

>> No.23139061

How do you have catholicism without a king or a monarchy?

>> No.23139063

>Huxley included with Lewis
I can't believe you guys haven't figured out the Orwell and Huxley scam yet
Those men are not good people

>> No.23139111

The best catholic fiction is human history

>> No.23139130

>Catholic fiction
Just, kill me now.

>> No.23139132

There's some schizo on here that goes on about Catholicism, he got the Christian thread the other day banned

>> No.23139135

Yeah the Bible.

>> No.23139150

If Catholics actually read the Bible, then they would not be Catholics.

>> No.23139152


>> No.23139391

It started raining the moment I read your post. I'm guessing you're very, very wrong about this. It's raining quite heavily now.

>> No.23139400

Ah, hail. It's hail, actually.

>> No.23139605
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I really liked this one.

>> No.23140168
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pseudo tradcath pseudo intellect checking in.
they say Graham Greene, Flannery O'Connor, GK Chesterton... tried reading all those cats, and can't make it through a single book. wiling to give them all another shot, but are things really so bleak?
Catholics I know... smart people who have philosophical grounding, who read Aquinas... they go on and on about Tolkien... I mean sure, read some fantasy if you dig that kind of escape, but at some point we have to get beyond children's lit, don't we?
Chesterton is exceedingly clever but the bluster is over the top, and I find it painful reading him trying to get from point a to point b, completely unable to stop the waterfall of sophistry. and this is from a big fan of Dickens and Hardy, so it's not just a matter of verboseness.
Utopia was good, and we do have Dante...

>> No.23141166

Gertrud von le Fort

>> No.23141296

>Augstine, Confessions
>Urth of the New Sun
my diary desu

>> No.23141332

Try Brideshead Revisited (Waugh) and Death Comes for the Archbishop (Cather). Might be more up your alley.

>> No.23141547

I feel you anon. Some of the tradpseud canon can be a little rough at times. I feel like I just dont "get" Chesterton. Where do we turn to? We turn to the French, that's where.

Léon Bloy (novels)
Charles Péguy (plays, poems, untranslated so only if you can read french)
François-René de Chareaubrand (mémoires)
Jean Racine (biblical tragedies)
Georges Bernanos

>> No.23141564

My impression is that French writers are kind of doomers. Am I wrong?

>> No.23141576

I wouldn't go as far as calling them (the above Catholic authors) doomers. I find a lot of hope reading their work - but it's hope that you have to work a bit to find. Bernanos' Diary of a Country Priest, for example, doesn't give anything away too easily. It can blackpill you or whitepill you depending on your disposition and approach to the faith etc.

>> No.23141865

I liked Mauriac's Viper's Tangle, Hysusmans Against Nature, and Brideshead's Revisited are the main Cath fiction I've read.

>> No.23141905

>François-René de Chareaubrand (mémoires)
He wrote a very beautiful defense of the Faith during the Enlightenment when fedora tipping began. Only in French as far as I am aware: "There is nothing beautiful, sweet, or great in life besides the mysterious. The most wonderful feelings are those which agitate us a little confusedly: modesty, chaste love, virtuous friendship, are full of secrets[...] Isn’t innocence, in turn, which is nothing more than simple ignorance, the most ineffable of mysteries? Childhood is only so happy because it knows nothing, old age so miserable only because it knows everything; fortunately for her, when the mysteries of life end, those of death begin."

Posting a quote that Schopy completely ripped. If you know, you know.

>> No.23142921


>> No.23142931

> Only in French as far as I am aware
It’s in Spanish and Italian in case someone wants to know