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/lit/ - Literature

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23137159 No.23137159[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

from an evolutionary point of view, why are women like this? what are the natural selection advantages?

>> No.23137164

Women get more and more grotesque the more you learn about them. What other being loves being a slave? Even a dog is just doing it out of misdirected loyalty to what it thinks is its pack. Women know they're slaves and embrace it.

>> No.23137169

Because 99% of history is one tribe raiding another, killing all the men and raping the women. Any women who fought back too hard were also killed. Women are genetically predisposed to being whores. That;s why every single religion has rules tightly regulating their behavior.

>> No.23137170
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>> No.23137172

Could it be that snce men are stronger, they conquest, women who fought back were easily killed, women were selected for obedience to their conquerors?

>> No.23137175

You have you understand that the women reading and writing Harry Potter fanfiction have not read the Harry Potter books in years
Even when they do read the Harry Potter books, they're reading it from the perspective of someone who has read thousands of pages of fanfiction which has all merged together to create what Harry Potter actually means to them
The characters are no longer the characters of the books but rather the characters of fanfiction and for each character there are multiple versions of that character
The plot is simply fuel for the fantasies of the authors
Also reading that is giving me terrible flashbacks from all the fanfiction I read ages ago

>> No.23137180

You're still getting off to rape fantasy

>> No.23137182
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>> No.23137188

Btw I think the comment about Harry Potter's parents is not the primary focus but rather it's just a natural consequence of the author imagining the scenario that they think is very hot
So what?

>> No.23137191

It's not just Harry Potter, they also do it with ASOIAF. Hound/Sansa age gap non-consent is the most popular pairing. Drogo/Dany rape fic spawned an entire subgenre of barbarian bodice rippers. And then there's the entire A/B/O verse

>> No.23137192

So you shouldn't have voting rights.

>> No.23137197
File: 25 KB, 850x354, 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kind of rhetorical but why do women find it arousing when their potential rapist-suitor beats up one of her older male relatives? A father or brother figure who's provided for you and protected you this entire time and you just get off to the fact that a bigger stronger male came along and dominated him and that he's going to ravage you in front of them. Have you tried not doing that? Thanks

>> No.23137219

I've never read any ASOIAF fanfiction before
I assume it's just GOT fanfiction and the characters have been warped completely?
A/B/O only exists in order for people with no talent to pretend that they're writers
I'm just a male with AGP, not a woman
I have read dozens of erotic fanfiction and I don't think I've ever seen this trope before
I don't think I've seen it in the dozens of shoujo or josei manga I've read either
I feel like that might be a yaoi thing?

>> No.23137223

>I'm just a male with AGP, not a woman
plot twist

>> No.23137233

Sorry if it wasn't clear
I just wanted to share my opinions

>> No.23137239

I assume the logic is that your new protector is stronger and more capable. Not much loyalty there, true, but as pointed out above evolutionary factors would tend to discourage loyalty in extremis.

>> No.23137240

you should share that bussy namsayin

>> No.23137247
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idk, have you tried getting better genes? thanks.
We've had this thread before and last I checked incels were btfo. If you want to make an armchair evpsych explanation about why women have certain types of fantasies maybe you should accept the biological differences between men and women first.

>> No.23137253
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>woman's opinion

>> No.23137256

>I assume it's just GOT fanfiction and the characters have been warped completely?
No, in fact you can say that GRRM knew the female fanbase well and wrote the book with them in mind. There were just too many convenient romance genre fiction cliches and archetypes otherwise. Drogo's "sun and stars" nickname and The Hound's "little bird" nickname for Sansa for instance. Women love that shit. And the detailed description of scents and pheromones just to give a couple of examples.

>> No.23137262

That's contradictory. Women want to be dominated but say "my body my choice".

>> No.23137264
File: 2.71 MB, 720x1280, 1621150992254.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek that thread is a gold mine.
I wonder whose at fault here

>> No.23137267

Well count me impressed
Usually fanfiction communities seem to be 90% movie/tv viewers and 10% book readers

>> No.23137271

I agree with that interpretation of women's pickiness, which is why I don't blame them, but you should also agree that there's something soulless about being simply okay with that. Women begin seeming incredibly materialistic, infinitely more so than men when we start using these sorts of evolutionary psychology explanations for behavior, and that's incredibly sad. Yes, there is a rational evolutionary reason for being literally incapable of actual tender romantic loveー I don't deny that. It's just a disgrace is what it is, especially because I know men are easily capable of it.

>> No.23137285

It's a more common trope in western romance. Though typically the father is an evil mafia boss type and the psycho love interest is a competing mafia boss who's just as possessive. The love interest demonstrates he's a more powerful mafia boss and kills the father. The heroine is a typically caged bird/sheltered princess type who essentially has her ownership change hands, but it's okay because the love interest is sexy and lets her go out shopping every once in a while (with two body guards).
There are other archetypes as well. There's sometimes a 'nice guy' rival who acts as a foil to the rogue bad boy love interest. The heroine typically chooses the nice guy first over her raw attraction for the MC, only for the good guy to turn out to be a date rape creep in the end. If you ever wonder why women don't like nice guys it's because they're wired to be suspicious. The only platonic male friends the heroine usually has are either gay or they're one of the MC's lackeys.

>> No.23137293

Not at all. Say
>I have a book in my possession
>I want someone to read it out loud for me
>AND I want to pick that someone to read it
Hope this helps anon

>> No.23137297

It's not a real choice if you're being dominated and owned.

>> No.23137302

it's more a form of masturbation. typically the male in those fantasies are their soul mate and are practically telepathic in knowing what the woman want.

>> No.23137344

Why do these ignorant bitches say this? Nobody has a problem with standards. They have a problem with shallowness, dishonesty, and using people.

>> No.23137595


>> No.23137606

>Ctrl-f Bdsm
>Ctrl-f Sadism
>Ctrl-f Masocishm

...so, I take it that no one here has red anything by Alphoisé Donatien de Sade or Sacher-Masoch?
I leave you with these letters: SSC.

>> No.23137622

Well, it's not a rational thought. Women hate themselves and their bodies because they're weak, so they come up with all kinds of excuses to avoid such conclusion.

>> No.23137652
File: 277 KB, 929x1175, 55416FFC-ABCB-4FBD-B31F-AC3D02C9DAD4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The OP in your screenshot doesn’t blame women for liking attractive men, that’s completely off topic…
Men like attractive women, and YET, we don’t make our literary taste about fucking them, we have interests and thoughts that go beyond pussy, that’s what he was implying.
And of course there’s this whole “I’m a strong independent woman oh wait no pls chad make me your slave” hypocrisy going on with the readers of this type “dark romance” books that is laughable at best, disgusting at worst.

No one cares that you ovulate and have standards in men, dumb bitch, that’s not the point at all.

>> No.23137664

It's so that they are rapeable.

BTW Voldemort with a knife has the same vibes that grey aliens with a revolver. Very funny.

>> No.23137694

Does Voldy even have a dick?

>> No.23137700
File: 848 KB, 1256x759, 1683011206654900.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We need to genetically redesign women NOW

>> No.23137748

>what are the natural selection advantages?
Makes rape fun, which increases the chance of a successful rapist's reproduction, where rape demonstrates social, physical and intellectual selection.

Shows the woman conquering the Name of the Father to herself.

It is pretty bloody obvious, are you new at being human, or are you…poor reproductive potential. You seem like you occupy the "sneak fuck" reproductive selection role in the human band.

>> No.23138406

I think it's more an ego thing. Like anyone, they want to feel valued and have attention given to them, but they inwardly know that it's not "real" unless it is based on their only attribute that is truly considered valuable. They have to conform to the beliefs of society, which right now means pretending to be strong and independent but being roughly taken advantage of by some even more socially adept suave guy. The situation has to be such that they can deny that they wanted what happened and maintain face in society even though they did want it, and even better is if everyone or at least people who are socially adept know this is the situation but can't say anything and usually don't want to. That's the only way they can feel valued now - due to the spread of feminism it's rude or weird to say so openly. The fantasy has to be pursued while avoiding the risk of social disapproval, and society sadly is in the gutter right now. That's for various reasons that are beyond the scope of this subject. That's my understanding at least. In any case, it remains a tiresome fantasy, nothing more and I much rather like my male fantasies which are amazing by comparison.

>> No.23138409

Thinly veiled /pol/ thread, do not engage

>> No.23138410


>> No.23138413
File: 448 KB, 700x615, 1709396227161191.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thinly veiled /pol/ site, seethe about it faggot.

>> No.23138495

Men measure worth of a partner by what is considered physically healthy and fail to see the garbage underneath. It’s simple, honest and direct. Women can’t deal with the simplicity of it and claim men are underevolved as a result.

Women measure the worth of a partner by their psychological power and how they can translate it into the acquisition of material goods and can’t consider the very real possibility that it might manifest as abuse towards themselves because every woman plays with fire in every single fucking social interaction and attempts manipulation games as a means to see how far they can push their partner to achieve more. Men, of course, see women as total fucking retards because their selection process is overly complex, manipulative (duh) and far more likely to fail with spectacularly bad results than it is to succeed.

Men being problem solvers see women complain about the abuse they inflict upon themselves (and never take responsibility for) and reinvent themselves as “nice guys”, because it’s the obvious solution. Women reject this solution outright because it doesn’t satisfy any of their needs.

Housewives want Dr Jekyll in the home and Mr Hyde in the workforce.

Career women want Dr Jekyll in the workforce and Mr Hyde beneath the sheets.

Men, after seeing this manipulative bullshit duality of woman, want to be Hulk in the wilderness - away from everyone.

>> No.23138507

>virgin incel's opinions on what women really want
and into the trash it goes

>> No.23138566

And this is why the wise author never writes women as they are. Women can not stand to see their own reflection of their own manipulative/manipulated inner selves and piss on anyone and anything who threatens to pull back the curtain.

It’s why women can’t accomplish anything with other women, why they’re far more likely to fall victim to body dysmorphia, and much more likely to undergo plastic surgery. It’s also why feminists do everything in their power to claim happy housewives are actually oppressed. It’s all the self loathing.

>> No.23138717

humans are one of the few warfaring species and mating with your enemies has evolutionary benefits

>> No.23138721

>humans are one of the few warfaring species
what is this claptrap?

>> No.23138734

Raping the women who bred the losing side seems counterintuitive.

>> No.23138744

name other warfaring species other than social insects and chimps

>> No.23138750

This implies that the raped women and their offspring have the same social status than your own women. You tried though

>> No.23138754

pretty much any predatory animal that lives in a group, dumbfuck

>> No.23138757

If your goal is to spread your genes, why would you NOT rape women when you have the chance? It would be extremely difficult for this behavior to be selected against.

>> No.23138758

seems perfectly intuitive to my penis

>> No.23138776

You just don’t understand the economics of the situation. A man can max out his reproductive potential with a tribe-sized group of women very quickly. If the tribal chief’s entire harem is pregnant already then he is just twiddling his thumbs for the better part of nine months unless he can get access to more women from somewhere else. I guess there’s the possibility that the baby of the captured woman is a net loss of resources because you have to support it, but that depends on variables we can’t really know in this hypothetical.

>> No.23138796

Not sure why a dark wizard would threaten someone with a knife, which seems kind of crude for a guy with magic powers, but otherwise this is written better than most anons' excerpts in /wg/.

>> No.23138827

Women being picky would be a lot more ok of their picks made any sense in the context of that explanation.

>> No.23138839

Not really, since being caught would usually mean being killed by another person in anger and/or by the laws and if a child results from the rape then they would have a bad start in life.

>> No.23138852

Is this genderswapped fanfic from birth or did he forcefem harry?

I am also now remembering that the oldest (s)he could be is 17.

>> No.23138889

Naah, just send a giant fucking snake like the actual canon does

>> No.23138894

Not really. You have to understand that the fantasy isn't about the removal of agency, but the removal of responsibility. They want someone to make all their choices for them, but only if those choices are what they wanted to do anyway.

>> No.23138899

>giant fucking snake
the same thing is happening in this excerpt, haha
penis, hahahaha

>> No.23139094
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Romance novels to women what porn is to men. Women who read books that aren't smut are outnumbered by the smut enjoyers the same way men who enjoy normal books would be outnumbered if most porn men consumed was literature. Very few of you seem to have interests and thoughts that go beyond pussy considering how you behave around hot girls.

>> No.23139110

He's right though.

sincerely, a woman

>> No.23139167

Men want a good girl who will be bad just for them.
Women want a bad guy who will be good just for them.

>> No.23139183
File: 22 KB, 651x128, wolfe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate men so fucking much.

>> No.23139246

It's too bad you stopped being one because it's amazing.

>> No.23139263

That’s because men are wired for physical lust, but are starved for physical intimacy. Porn alleviates one part of the physical connection, but not the other.

Thank you

>> No.23139275

You know I have been dumped by 3 different girlfriends who loved me with their whole life until a condition I had (and knew I had) got me hospitalized. When it happens I have to stay a couple weeks. Now it's gone for good I'm fine.
Like "you are the perfect bf I wuw uuu" then they dump me via text while I'm attached to an IV in the fucking hospital bed.
Now one thing I wonder about trannies is do they inherit the whole female behavior thing, specifically in terms of loyalty and attitude toward love? Do they still love like a man does, that "I wanna brutally murder whoever touches you" kind of love that men feel? I know that right now the troons are just people who got conned by big pharma quacks into becoming living landmines to erase white people, but some day in the (far and grimdark) future this will all be normal, and they'll probably manage to look like women, does it mean that those who still get to be men might be able to finally get a woman who truly loves them back? The holy grail? Is this the silver lining of the technodystopia we're headed to? Basically am I gonna get my own Battle Sister to marry when I reincarnate somewhere down the line?

>> No.23139281
File: 241 KB, 1168x761, C89E2C52-02F0-4DB7-8D82-9E64A25FD7F4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you hate men so much, you can go fuck off to that one city in the entire world, in the entire history of mankind that was built and maintained by women.

Oh wait… that’s never happened. Ever.

>> No.23139290

Trannies aren’t women brains in male bodies. They’re low-testosterone men who are psychologically confused regarding the social power imbalance that women have. The only thing they have in common with women is a rampant, self-inflicted self loathing.

>> No.23139306

So basically they're just gay men. Awul. The future is truly hopeless.

>> No.23139330

I know about a study if you are interested:

In short, the people who feel attracted to Dark Triad men tend to score high on emophilia, a trait associted with rushing into relationships due to general insecurity.

>> No.23139343

Both of my women have the same status. My mother beats both my wife and rape concubine into submission. Thanks mom.

>> No.23139346

The world is a cruel place.
Women are weak and stupid
Women want a competent, rich, strong man to look after them and produce healthy offspring into a safe environment.

What exactly is so hard to understand?

Nice guys only score well on being exclusive to her and suck at every other necessary component usually (looking fit, being capable of aggression and dominance, confidence, ambition, competence). There are people who score very well on that axis but they are not nice, stable, honest etc. and these guys are not good for women either usually just resulting in pump and dumps for her. The ideal is obviously a highly competent, ambitious, dangerous, protective man who is going to also be committed to her. That's the golden standard. But in any event she at least experiences physical attraction with bad boys (high on the danger/competitive/strength axis low on stability) while nice guys offer usually ZERO fitness qualities except for being nice to her and demand pussy. Nice guys are like obese women who want Brad Pitt

>> No.23139356

What's with the assumption that nice guys are ugly retards with no spine? Is this a weird internet warping of the idea?

>> No.23139357

I can only speak for my transwife anecdotally but when I first had my sciatic disc rupture or whatever it does, all I knew was I was in a metric fuckload of pain shooting down and somehow got the idea in my head I was going to lose the leg. She was really caring and genuinely worried while taking me to the hospital and quite clear that whatever I was fretting about, it wasn‘t going to change anything for us. The pain numbed after like 2 hours and I proposed to her when I got home. Nice day.

>> No.23139366

I'm happy for you but fuck man... that's gay

>> No.23139369


>> No.23139374
File: 3.94 MB, 1280x720, netflix 365 days.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys have no fucking chance. Any man a woman picks is a huge compromise compared to her actual standards.
case in point: 365 Days trilogy on netflix, essentially a smutter version of 50 Shades, written by and for women.
The MC is a 6'4" 5% bodyfat billionaire dangerous Mafia boss with the face of a Calvin Klein model who kidnaps the heroine and tries to slowly seduce her through tricks like this, eg every woman's wet dream.
But by the second movie, she finds him too protective and overbearing so she cheats on him with his gardner, who turns out to be a super hot rival mafia boss in disguise who was there to spy on his enemy.
So by the third movie she has two cream of the crop top .0001% men head over heals for her and competing for her affection. Even though they both have billion dollar underworld businesses to run their whole world revolves around her. And in the end after all this angst and drama she'll only choose one to sleep and mate with. The other one gets demoted to some kind of platonic protector for life who will die for her.
This is what women want deep down.

>> No.23139376

No, I top exclusively.

>> No.23139387

Your husband. That's your husband.

>> No.23139397
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It takes place in an alternate universe where voldemort was a super wealthy serial killer who just did his time in prison for killing femharry's parents. voldemort blackmails femharry into moving into his mansion with him by threatening to kill more people until she does. I think the author was watching Cape Fear with De Niro and the unresolved sexual tension got to her.

>> No.23139405

>What's with the assumption that nice guys are ugly retards with no spine? Is this a weird internet warping of the idea?
Look up human and primate sneak fucking.

>> No.23139413

This is goyslop feminist power fantasy / psyop.
In reality a man like that doesn't let himself actually care about any of his numerous whores.

>> No.23139414

>This is what women want deep down.
No, it is only the first stage to subjecting other women. Women read this as a sign of their weakness compared to the MC.

>> No.23139419

Because they usually are. The ideal is to be nice and dangerous when needed. But almost all self-proclaimed nice guys are usually just guys who offer little to no qualities except being nice.

>> No.23139425
File: 2.86 MB, 562x1054, 1708102107057830.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If women were removed from the work force, virtually nothing would change. If men were removed from the work force, everything would immediately collapse. Women are useless beyond their reproductive organs. Cry about it.

>> No.23139438
File: 37 KB, 1667x238, 1705187382959116.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you got raped & impregnated by cromagnon cock for 100,000 years, you'd become naturally selected to cope with it too
>tranny tripfag screencap
massively fucking embarrassing lmfao

>> No.23139440
File: 71 KB, 720x406, utkneqqu-720.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if women were removed from the work force, virtually nothing would change
If that's the case then why are there ads targeting women to join the military?

>> No.23139456


>> No.23139458

Do you really think that matters?

>> No.23139460

It protects them from trauma when they get conquered and their homes get burned and all their people get purged

>> No.23139469

do gay men fantasize about getting raped and getting earth shattering prostate orgasms

>> No.23139473
File: 128 KB, 1497x998, Larry Fink BlackRock.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is because the individuals in positions of elite socioeconomic power & authority today are unironic retards who actually, sincerely believe their own anti-nature, anti-history, anti-human, social constructionist rhetoric; its the same reason why almost everything western civilization produces is worthless, poisonous garbage today

>> No.23139474

Because you can staff a military with retarded diversity hires during peacetime and it doesn't really matter. Now that we're actually gearing up for WW3, they're making ads featuring white men again.

>> No.23139482
File: 27 KB, 400x400, meltz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You tell me.

>> No.23139493

Women are walking contradictions similar to Satan

>> No.23139496
File: 72 KB, 600x577, woman moment.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>similar to

>> No.23139498

Can anything be created to alleviate both?

>> No.23139507

It’s not like we can mind read, THOUGH

>> No.23139514

it already exists, it's called a "woman"

>> No.23139515

To weaken us a nation on the world stage.

>> No.23139517

You should have known that was going to happen anon, because knowing it dulls the pain immensely. You could even walk into torture using the same mindset. This is actually something that I knew was going to happen all along. There, you have a sense of control.

>> No.23139518
File: 290 KB, 483x627, 2EE7425A-B520-4AD3-A127-A3C2FCB50BD2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The brain-genital disconnect is a little different than it is with homosexuality, but yeah. The delusions are stronger and that’s why they need to redefine the world around them to fit the noise in their heads.

>> No.23139520

Obviously but you know what I meant

Right but they’re becoming a chore to deal with, we need an alternative

>> No.23139534

You're just gonna have to wait for robowaifus, though feminists will certainly move to make them illegal as soon as we have the technology. Like that one brothel that bought a sex doll, and the hookers got mad and threatened to strike because so many men were paying for the sex doll instead of them. Women claim they're not objects, but they're very easily replaced by actual objects.

>> No.23139537

Getting raped or raping are the two things the different types of gays primarily fantasize about.

>> No.23139541
File: 108 KB, 824x935, goodreads.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>omggg >_< poor little baby shes so tuckered out after that rough ****ing from daddy voldy <panting puppy dog emoji> <heart emoji>
Why do women write like this? And why is there a strange overlap with the way the furry fandom types?
Like how does a single chromosome difference lead to shit like a preference for big loopy cursive handwriting and 5000 word long rambling, stream of consciousness "reviews" on goodreads sprinkled with movie screenshots and fanart. I'm honestly at a loss to explain how their brains are wired to produce this type of behavior.

>> No.23139557

>Like that one brothel that bought a sex doll, and the hookers got mad and threatened to strike because so many men were paying for the sex doll instead of them.
holy kek. the age of woman is at an end.

>> No.23139577
File: 126 KB, 720x718, women.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this isn't the one I was talking about, but I found a more recent article
>"The idea that women should be like dolls, unresponsive and lethargic during sex, is downright dangerous," said Price. "I feel that sex doll brothels support the idea that sex workers are mere objects, devoid of agency, to be used and abused by their patrons. Sex dolls are 'rape-fantasy' objects that men can mistreat and abuse without consequences. Men should not be using sex dolls as training wheels for seeing a human sex worker."
hoes mad x infinity

>> No.23139581

What's got these women dripping wet isn't Harriet's act of submission to a murderer, but Voldemort's insatiable desire for Harriet. The one in control here is really Harriet; she feels empowered by the fact that such a powerful man as Voldemort is currently possessed by his own dick, which Harriet herself has erected. Harriet isn't submitting to Voldemort, Voldemort is submitting to Harriet by acting on his lust for her.

When you understand this, you'll realize that natural selection has made women prefer men who lust for them, because these men "fall" for them. Women are empowered by such men.

>> No.23139585
File: 269 KB, 800x782, menvswomen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do incels realize only one of these is an actual danger to society?

>> No.23139595

It never ceases to amaze me how little self reflection women have and how they cannot even begin to understand what the fuck it is we're trying to say. Nobody gives a shit about you wanting chad cock, bitch. The point is that even when men want to get some ass (unless they're pathetic simps) they don't make it their whole personality. Women do, and constantly. Then they have the audacity to spew muh independence when they'd unironically prefer to be dragged by the hair and put in their place if the guy is "hot" enough. Which btw, doesn't even ring true, considering the absolute fucking losers women have sex with. They bitch moan and complain about "incels" and yet they're single mommas to ten kids because the "chad" that came in them dipped. Feminism was a mistake

Here's your (you).

>> No.23139601

It's actually just a form of the Beauty and the Beast story, which is the primary female fantasy. The Beast is powerful and therefore dangerous, but Beauty is able to tame it and make it protect her.

>> No.23139606
File: 171 KB, 1636x853, 1706964808053273.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23139626

I still don’t see a solution after all this whining. Wtf do you uncles want? Federally subsidized girlfriend experiences? Arranged marriages to make a comeback? Mandated monogamy? Just move to a country with sharia law why don’t you.

>> No.23139630

Fucking autocorrect

>> No.23139644

>oh look a green cherry
>why are all cherries green?
Am I on /b/?

>> No.23139646

No no that was good.

>> No.23139656
File: 10 KB, 183x276, download.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's nothing wrong with green cherries chud. It's only the reaction of the MRA/incel crowd that is pathological. Stop slut shaming.

>> No.23139662

If you don’t like the west, move to Russia and die of alcohol poisoning

>> No.23139663

If a girl wants you it's so obvious it can hardly be more obvious. You can never make a wrong move with a girl that likes you. Women who are into you are more pathetic than men with their crushes. The issue is if you are sub 8 you will almost never (or literally never) experience this, which is why most men are confused whether women like them or not (if they did like you, you would know it). Also why Chad always advises you to "just go talk to her bro", "just be yourself bro" because that's what it literally is like for him. The single worst mistake young men make is the PUA swindle, they put all of their resources into acting like high value men instead of putting them into becoming high value men. It is better to spend all your time going to the gym, learning about fashion, making money, developing skills etc. than putting them into approaching random women outside. When you develop yourself enough, women will all at once come rushing to you. If you can hit at least 7 level (which most guys who max out their potential can, because most guys do nothing or waste it on wrong moves) women will start coming to you. It's like you magically pass a line where before you were invisible and now every woman wants you, there is almost no in-between. Only then will you realize just how woefully invisible you were before. Every minute you waste chasing women instead of maxing out your skills is a minute wasted. It is like if you were playing a game where you try to kill the boss for 90th time while being woefully underdeveloped on your skill tree. The only thing you will improve doing this is your stamina in getting beaten for the 100th time. Always ignore women and always skillsmax. Aways.

>> No.23139666

Well I guess we kill biological women then.

>> No.23139670

Almost all of my buddys exes were dead fucks so it’s not a lie

>> No.23139682

That's how you got here, right?

>> No.23139683

I would like women to get what they want, abusive relationships with bad partners. But secondly and more importantly, I would like them not to be protected from merciless shaming by everyone in society who knows about it, so that their mental illnesses can't be promoted to impressionable young women who could be sheepishly swayed one way or the other by their romanticization.

>> No.23139685

Stop bullying us and we won’t kill people. Simple as.

>> No.23139687

That's true anon, there's no reason not to shun these people. Media brainwashing be damned.

>> No.23139689

I’ve had seven girlfriends though, they just couldn’t stay loyal is all. I ended up beating two of them for doing this as well.

>> No.23139691
File: 80 KB, 1199x623, 1613352811118.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every once in a while I spend a chunk of time browsing AO3 to see what the ladies are schlicking to. The more disgusting the more interesting. Recently skimmed one about a poor fellow tied up who had another guy start licking his eyeball, then cutting it open with a scalpel, proceed to suck the fluid out and tongue the inside of the eye, and finally chomp down on the optic nerve with his teeth. Women sure are interesting.

https://archiveofourown.org/works/22883122 - Here it is.

>> No.23139714

This has to be satire. I don't know a single person irl like this and I know almost every type of retard.

>> No.23139725

It's an otherkin transabled.

>> No.23139727

For a lot of us unfortunately, there are persuasive reasons. But the other thing to think about is that if it were not illegal to use force with one's wife, within reason, then the good/bad guy dichotomy would be diminished enough to barely matter at all because the fear of their partner that women desire would exist in nearly every marriage except for those where the man is essentially dysgenic.

>> No.23139734

Bookmarked for later

>> No.23139738

You have it right, I agree with all of this.

My advice for guys who are sub 8: if you can't improve yourself to an 8 or higher, focus on girls who aren't American or European. That's how you'll get this experience.

If you're 6-7, go after Slavic or Far East Asian girls. If you're below this, go after South American or Southeast Asian girls.

I discovered precisely what you're talking about when I became a passport bro. I'm in the 6-7 range and had wild success with Slavic girls. It was fairly effortless, too. Very quickly I had a bunch of girls who would enthusiastically do whatever I asked for hours, who were willing to max out credit cards to fly to me just to see and fuck me (and 2 actually did), and who actually treated me with respect and put in all the effort you'd expect someone to put into a relationship to make it as meaningful as possible.

Now, I'm not encouraging you do this just to pump-and-dump and abuse these girls. I treated every girl with respect and I was true to my word. This was part of why it worked out. But if you're not high on the social/physical attractiveness scale, you need to aim for girls from less developed countries. They'll be more emotionally available to you, even the hot ones (but ignore the extremely hot ones because they're likely catfishing).

>> No.23139750
File: 106 KB, 997x468, jung.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

was he right after all?

>> No.23139752

I'm talking about shunning bad partners in the sense of like being against miscegenation and stuff. Those are what I consider to be bad partners and they really deserve to be made fun of and ridiculed. Also check out something called "outbreeding depression."

>> No.23139769
File: 2.85 MB, 576x878, 1670806112667728.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Isn't female sexuality just a reflection of our patriarchal society? If you think about it the entire instution of marriage and monogamy, perhaps all of modern civilization, is set up to wrench the power of mate selection from women and give men who don't deserve to breed a chance. In a perfectly fair world only 10% of men would get to breed. I think men should look inwards if they want to blame someone.

>> No.23139795

>I think men should look inwards if they want to blame someone.
I too agree that 90% of men should be homosexual and serve the 10% of men.

>> No.23139797
File: 1.27 MB, 540x960, 1634834793606.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm on to you.

>> No.23139799

Oh so you'd prefer daily chimp wars and rape?
And you're gonna make that decision, which would be irreversible for millenia, from the comfort of a civilization equally built over millenia by dynasties of competent men who suffered through rings of hell unimaginable to self-serving narcissistic little whores like you, just so you can make your snide litte remarks on a forum filled with low-status autists while elevating yourself to basically the authority over life and death?
Hm yeah strange why any man with a modicum of power and critical thinking capacity would make decision disregarding the opinions and whims of filth like you. Stay woke, stay broke.

>> No.23139800

So why don’t women like simps, dumbass?

>> No.23139804

Because they're weak, so their lust isn't empowering. That should be obvious, no?

>> No.23139810

Well no.
I think we should segregate men into studs for breeding and smarter but less physically gifted ones to act as caretakers. We'll of course chemically castrate the caretakers so there wouldn't be any male violence from inceldom.
The studs would have better genes to pass on and the caretakers could give the child a good environment to grow up in, maybe teach them how to code at an early age. Most studies show that intelligence is more a problem of nurture rather than nature anyways so the caretakers should still be able to pass on their intelligence culturally. Win win for everybody.

>> No.23139816

>our patriarchal society
The greatest trick the matriarchy ever pulled was making people believe it doesn't exist.

>> No.23139818

Nah male violence is based

>> No.23139819

Neither exist, they're both a bunch of bullshit from resentful retards.

>> No.23139821

Y’all need to get a girlfriend and some cheeks. Inceldom has rotted your brain and made you a warped person

>> No.23139825

Voldemort could be a simp. It’s about personality

>> No.23139827

>In a perfectly fair world only 10% of men would get to breed.
Not exactly and what’s happening now. Men having complete control of their sex lives is much more preferable.

>> No.23139842

It's about feeling desired by a powerful man because it's empowering.

>> No.23139845

Finally the most lucid post in the thread. It's really not all that complicated to figure out.

>> No.23139869

So all guys want to live in a isekai with a big harem I take it?

>> No.23139873

Looking at what's currently popular, yes they do.

>> No.23139885

>Arranged marriages to make a comeback? Mandated monogamy? Just move to a country with sharia law why don’t you.
We used to have those in America, you retarded hole. And the country was much, much better for it.

>> No.23139891
File: 595 KB, 1208x1218, 1709139952534711.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This has to be satire.
If only you knew how bad things really are.

>> No.23139893

Dealing with more than one women is dealing with more than one too many.

Guys want to live in a sweat lodge where once a year for their emotional and sexual security they copulate completely and utterly with a woman, draining all themselves and all their vas into the valley of the flaps of death. Then they can get back to their hobby, whether it be painting plastic, philosophy, or competing with other men to fuck sluts.

>> No.23139894

>our patriarchal society
We live in a gynocracy, retard.

>> No.23139926

Can't source this quote, is it genuine? Also, does he talk about fatherless girls? It's an interesting point to me because my own mother grew up fatherless (he died when she was 4) and she's always seemed a bit cold to me.

>> No.23140103
File: 301 KB, 600x400, 294fb264a9b97a4dbe4b9f50f73ef513.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"How'd your speed date go norm?"
>"It didn't work out. You see, I'm an old fashioned fella. All I want is a woman who can cook, clean, and take the kids to soccer practice."
>"And her?"
>"She says she wants a six and a half foot tall Adonis with two hundred fifty pounds of pure muscle. He should be white but not that bland, milquetoast, Swedish-German white but a more dangerous, rugged, off-color white. You know, like a Scottish Highlander or Russian Mafia type. Furthermore, he should have old money breeding and be clothed in only the finest garbs money can buy. But beneath the Armani suits and Chanel eau de toilettes lies a feral beast, untamed by the emasculating influences of western liberal society and modern feminism --her words not mine. She says he should have the 'heart of a demon and the face of an angel'. A man who is no stranger to death and who will not hesitate to take a life should the opportunity arise. A man whose very presence will make lesser men quiver in fear. A man who has the criminal underworld in the palm of his hands and have a net worth north of a billion dollars."
>I says to her I says "Well I'm not a billionaire but I used to be on Saturday Night Live and have plenty saved up. I have an upcoming netflix special. I own a 5000 sq ft house and can afford to send our kids off to the best colleges. I know I'm only 5'11" but I hear there's surgery nowadays that can give a man a few inches. I'm Irish if that's okay. I don't have any criminal dealings but I do have plenty of connections inHollywood. Oh, and I can hit the gym if you find my physique lacking. I'll get a personal trainer and steroids and everything. Trust me, I'm quite the catch and you'll find no better within a hundred miles". I wink at her.
>she mulls this over in her mind for a bit, then looks at me. "That's fine and all, but are you a telepathic Fey shifter rapist?"
>I says "what in the world is a telepathic Fey shifter rap-"
>And she slams her purse down says the date's over.

>> No.23140132


>> No.23140312

You know I sympathized with you at the beginning of your post but the longer it goes it seems less like you got dumped for your medical condition and more likely they thought it was weird how much troon shit you jerk off to and used the hospitalization as an excuse.

>> No.23140324

You have never met a trouble-searcher?

>> No.23140335

The """woman""" in that pic completely missed the point. OP was not criticizing their high standars, OP was criticizing that they literally have RAPÉ FANTASIES.

>> No.23140347

>Romance novels to women what porn is to men.
Men don't go around bragging about how many porn videos have they seen. While in the pic you shared, the sister in the greentext is bragging about having read more books when they all are porn.

>> No.23140510

Because every organization of the West is 100% wrong on purpose.

>> No.23140521

Fan fiction is not allowed on /lit/.

>> No.23140534

Because you can only get retards to voluntarily join the military and of late they're really scraping the very bottom of the barrel.

>> No.23140555

lmao what the fuck that isn't how genes work. even lamarck was smarter than you because at least he didn't think genes were gendered like this

>> No.23140612
File: 185 KB, 367x526, jung.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23140624

Negrodamus, aren’t all 3 of those the same thing

>> No.23140695

If genes aren't gendered, how can sexual dimorphism become more or less extreme through evolutionary pressure? You may be retarded.

>> No.23140711


>> No.23140825

No. Narcissism is an obsession with oneself, psychopathy is a disregard for others, & machiavellianism is a willingness to manipulate others to gain power. Its possible to have one or even two traits & still be a decent, capable, pro-social individual, but to possess all three elements of the dark triad is to necessarily be dangerously pathological & incompetent in positions of authority & trust

>> No.23140880
File: 44 KB, 295x293, endless suffering.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The realisation that most (all?) women are incapable of true, honest, faithful love has done more to blackpill me than any excess of suffering or injustice in this godforsaken world.

>> No.23140898

What do you define as love? This is the problem with blackpill shit, you're probably using a retarded as fuck definition that doesn't even apply to yourself.

>> No.23140914

dumb nigger

>> No.23140987

This. A girl in my high school English class smiled at me once in passing and I thought to myself that I would die to protect her right then and there. Why can’t women be more like that

>> No.23140996


>> No.23141011
File: 2.91 MB, 608x1044, 1663695749816606.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

feminism took this from you

>> No.23141047
File: 19 KB, 574x107, Lovecraft on Love.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At it's most basic core: Caring for someone else more than you do yourself.