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/lit/ - Literature

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23135186 No.23135186 [Reply] [Original]

>mfw some white boi says the Iliad is his favorite book
Talk about being a basic bitch

>> No.23135193


>> No.23135195

the iliad in this century has received something less than its due

>> No.23135197

ya u rite DBZ is it fr

>> No.23135203

>one of the greatest epic-poem ever written
>basic taste
Why would we care about the opinion of a hipster? No one cares about your obscure piece of shit book your call your favorite

>> No.23135239
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it do be

>> No.23135607

It's one of the main Aryan Bibles. You fear it.

>> No.23135613
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>> No.23136445

This. Nobody white specifies white unless its in contrast to another race. Being white is the default.

>> No.23136471

Don't associate g*rms and nordoids with the Iliad, for fuck's sake. G*rmans don't have souls and are therefore incapable of understanding good art.

>> No.23136524

I tried reading the Iliad when I was like 12 and I had to stop because I had no fucking idea what was going on. I've been afraid to try reading it ever since because it might confirm that I'm actually retarded if I still can't understand it.

>> No.23136944

It most definitely would but don't let that fact stop you.

>> No.23136961
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Well? Tell them, not us Anon! Maybe they can deliberate on the things they enjoy about one of the most celebrated works of all recorded time…