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2313215 No.2313215 [Reply] [Original]

I finished this a while back and I've been looking for books with a similar tone, but have always been coming short. I wouldn't say that this book was radical in a sense, but it did leave an impression on me. Could /lit/ point me in the direction of a few other books like this one?

>> No.2313228
File: 14 KB, 250x250, 250px-FourExistentialPrecursors.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2313237

Instead of linking me to a list of existentialists (most of whom I've already exhausted), could you recommend me a book that's similar to the one I posted above? It's not that hard, especially if you've read the book. If you haven't, it's a short read.

>> No.2313261
File: 417 KB, 500x283, LOOK_AT_ALL_THE_FUCKS_I_GIVE.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Instead of being simultaneously demanding and a crybaby you could suck Camus' dick, I guess.

>> No.2313273

Not only did you just show how mad you are, but you just showed me how inept you are at being able to comprehend that if I've already read through that list of existentialists, don't you think that I've already read Camus? Enough of the /lit/ variety hour, do you have anything worthwhile for me to take into consideration or are you going to be the insufferable tard your posts thus far have made you seem?

Oh, and if you're going to quote do it in the same thread, faggot.

>> No.2313421
File: 62 KB, 315x500, Hunger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe it was because i read both of them within a few weeks of each other, but i found them very similar.

>> No.2313470

I'll check this out, thanks.

>> No.2313487

Free will does not exist
Therefore Existentialism is bullshit

But it probably doesn't hurt to read up on a few of these guys. I thought Heidegger's Dasein idea was pretty cool.

>> No.2313564

Camus was very uncomfortable with his work being labelled as "existential", to the point of frustration even. He preferred Absurdist.

>> No.2313632


>> No.2314071


>> No.2314150

Maybe you should read more of Sartre. Or Camus & I don't know, do some lsd if reading those authors doesn't work.

>> No.2314162

Try All Men Are Mortal, l'Etranger (esp. if you can read French), and get someone on /lit/ to recommend some Dostoevsky shit about a superfluous man. I suck at Dostoevsky.

Free will being logically and/or physically impossible was plainly evident to every existentialist from Kierkegaard on, and to Nietzsche, to Schopenhauer, etc. A large point of Sartre's work is that we are radically free in spite of it, and fatalism is gay. Hard determinism is pretty close to being a truism at this point, and almost all hard determinists (myself included) are also compatibilists.

>> No.2314171

dostofaggot sucks for superfluous men, too christiany,

so, for superfluous men try eugene onegin (do try an annotated version), a hero of our time, oblomov,

>> No.2314185

Dostoevsky isn't even good for describing/depicting a.. "spiritually homeless" Enlightenment nihilist of the aristocracy? I thought that was pretty much his whole thing, aside from the Christianity.

>> No.2314195

he's ok. ivan was the best characters in super karamazov bros. also, the enlightenment was kinda a century before d. anyway, dosto doesn't really delve into them as well as pushkin, lermontov or goncharov. i think turgenev wrote something about superfluous men too but i haven't read it.