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/lit/ - Literature

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23131729 No.23131729[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Pick one /lit/ and tell us why you made that choice.

>> No.23131743

Time machine. Just to see if temporal paradoxes can occur or not.

>> No.23131748

if i'm given assurances that i can change the past, i pick time machine and tell Hitler everything
otherwise soulmate

>> No.23131750

Be a famous author
I want my 600-page brap fetish novel to be the new Fifty Shade of Grey

>> No.23131752

Time machine just so I could go back and warn Hitler not to alliance with Italy

>> No.23131764


>> No.23131785

Yikes! This is cringe...

>> No.23131792

Time machine
Go back to Emperor Hadrian and tell him to not go so soft on the Jews

>> No.23131817


I would get to spend the rest of my life exploring the past and future of humanity and love every minute of it.

>> No.23131820

Can't I just get the time machine, go back to where I made the choice, pick soulmate, go back with her in my time machine once more and become a famous author?

>> No.23131825

Famous author. Women are nice but I'd rather write.

>> No.23131832

time machine 2009, mine 200 bitcoin per day on PC

>> No.23131836

Time Machine, easily lmao. Go into the past and figure out what actually happened. See Jesus. Then go into the future and see which sports teams will win, which stocks go up, etc. and become a billionaire within a year. Then marry dozens of women and impregnate all of them because I am already a Chad. I just need the money to support them

>> No.23131855

What kind of retard would even consider the other ones?

>> No.23131865
File: 65 KB, 696x383, Marutin-Venezuela-696x383-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>explore the future of humanity
Bad idea anon.

>> No.23131877

Marry my soulmate (assuming I have one). I'm bored, lonely, and horny of fucking course. Fame might be nice, but a hassle as well, no doubt. A time machine is useless to me--I'm black. Where would I go back to?

>> No.23131890

I admire your honesty anon

>> No.23131898

2 but I'm scared I won't be able to be happy even though its my goal in life

>> No.23131909

you have to look inside yourself for happiness, anon, it won't come from others

>> No.23131915
File: 38 KB, 576x768, 198464597_4133029123407597_6869443034416716403_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>1. Be David Foster Wallace
>2. Marry David Foster Wallace
>3. Go back in time and save David Foster Wallace

>> No.23131916

I just want my first girlfriend and to feel loved. I'll deal with any fallout after

>> No.23131933

With a time machine you can make hundreds of billions in the lottery or stock market, you can be the richest man on the planet. You can also predict several disasters, diseases and wars and save millions of lives maybe even save mankind.

>> No.23131937
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Jokes aside, the time machine is the best option. I'm more or less fine being me, although I really need to work on my self-discipline and I wish I was more creative. I'm pretty optimistic that if I do end up marrying someone, we'll love each other enough to make it work. I don't believe in the idea that people have only one soul mate, with whom a relationship would be effortless bliss. With a time machine, I could make lots of money and use it to provide my wife and I with a comfortable life and plenty of time to work on my personal flaws.

>> No.23131956

The only way to save him would be forcing the guy to eat a daily bucket of drugs to the point he would be a zombie for the rest of his life

>> No.23131964

number 3. Other 2 are for vain retards.

>> No.23131968

Famous author. I don't want to marry and the past/future don't interest me. Don't care about money.

>> No.23131972

When I was younger I'd have said 1 but now that I'm deep into wizardhood I have to say 2.

Aging is bad enough and worse when you face it alone.

>> No.23131989

Being a famous author means jackshit, most famous authors are hacks, most talented authors are niche and will be forgotten

>> No.23132000

3. Why become your favourite author when you can meet your favourite author and win against him in a game of poker? That's way cooler
And also I can hack the Stock Exchange

>> No.23132129
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time machine. go back, buy bitcoin, live forever in a castle by myself.

when a man like me is born into the world, the only thing left to be desired by him is to be in solitude and live for intellectual pursuits.

>> No.23132138


>> No.23132173

If you get a time machine, you can just pass of future author's work as your own, and you can just get an AI waifu from the future. Time machine all the way

>> No.23132269

getting the time machine would allow me to do everything on that list. I'd go back in 2010, buy some BTC, store the wallet key somewhere safe and get it back in 2023 when I'm old and mature enough to use that money wisely. then I go back in 2016 and tell myself to date a very specific woman over the hoe I was with for five years

>> No.23132342

I choose none of them
>capable of becoming a famous author on my own
>not gonna let the universe decide who my soulmate is
>already have a time machine called a "computer", although it only skips forward

>> No.23132350

get a time machine be the richest man ever
write the worst book ever
use billions to shill it everywhere, pay hundreds of critics to pretend it's good

>> No.23132366


>> No.23132374

No amount of warning Shitler would save him from his own stupidity, or Germany from theirs.

>> No.23132378

He had no choice in the matter. He was only given as much power over the Jews as God allowed.

>> No.23132427

Hadrian was a century after Christ, weren't the "Jews" by then the same anti-God pharisees and sadducees that they are today?

>> No.23132441

That's why God permitted Hadrian power over them in the first place, probably; but Israel shall not depart from before Him until the sun departs as an ordinance before Him. Christians have been grafted into the tree--that is Paul's metaphor. You'll notice that when a branch is grafted onto a tree, you do not destroy the tree, but preserve it.

>> No.23132460
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I need a time machine to marry my soulmate.

>> No.23133231

Number 3 because you can be a famous author by travelling through time and get a chance to marry your soulmate by using it as an advantage

>> No.23133236

2. Because I’m 41 and I just want Mrs right to fall in my lap already

>> No.23133239

Is it because you don’t know how to operate one from being black or the whole slavery thing?

>> No.23133262

2. I already have a time machine, I don't need another one.

>> No.23133307

>I don't believe in the idea that people have only one soul mate
Imagine if there were 8 billion timelines where in each you date a different woman, making you date every single woman in the world. There MUST be a timeline in which your life is objectivly better than the rest, correct?

>> No.23133435
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there is no world where the time machine is not the best option
you could go back like 15 years or whatever and buy bitcoin for pittance and become so rich that you would never need to work and could devote all your life to the craft and eventually just become famous anyway. and of course you could have your pick of women with all that cash.
if you want to be ultra devilish, you could go forward in time and steal future great novels that haven't even been written yet. you would again get all of the options, and you wouldn't even need to do any real work.

>> No.23133460

i used to think so too anon, but if you dont work on your issues first its all gonna go to shit one day anyway and then you wont even be able to kill yourself to get out of it because it would gut your gf

>> No.23133466

i thought this was a sequence of actions at first, which was really poetic.

>> No.23133480

Time Machine. I'd fast forward to my death.