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23130753 No.23130753 [Reply] [Original]

Lurkfag here. I suspect that psychedelics are a gateway to demonic forces and comparable to the fruit of knowledge from genesis. I can’t seem to find anything good about this subject.

I’m looking for some real schizo shit, jungian archetypal reality, 6d mesomerican demons, etc. may also ask on /X/ but that board is somehow even more retarded than this one and literary sources are obviously better than wikka retard shit. If you know other good sources like YouTube videos or web articles or just have a take on the subject drop it here as well.

>> No.23130776


Psychedelics are bad because they induce pseudo-religious experiences, like those reported by saints and mystics. But when it's over, it's still some jackass sucking on his strawberry-flavored vape. The only difference is he thinks he has some spiritual insight, so he's even more of a dick than before.

I don't think it's a portal to the demonic. Psychedelic users don't seem evil to me, they just seem like dicks.

>> No.23130783

Trip reports on how bad it can get and how long it can take on erowid work.

>> No.23130790

You’re a christfag who wants some propaganda about psychedelics being demonic. That shit comes in pamphlets not books. It’s also free. Just contact your local kike on a stick purveyor, the dumber the better - try creationist ministries. They will have material on this and probably send it to you for free to boot.

>> No.23130825
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I more think that the demonic influence leads people to become more self destructive and stray further from personally striving for the “good” (from either a platonian or Christian perspective) rather than being necessarily malevolent, although I’m not fully christcuckified myself I think acquiring a feeling of complete self acceptance and “all is one” moral relativism is not necessarily a good thing for people. Along with the obvious downside of people believing they’ve reached enlightenment when in actuality they more often than not act worse than they did before. Rarely have a I met a person whose psychedelic use has led them to live a better life in any sense.

>> No.23130901
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Anything from Horror’s Call

>> No.23130910

the kangaroo one was even about the forbidden fruit being a gateway to machine elf world

>> No.23131063

If a room full of people are under the same spell/pharmakeia, and they all see the same things, do you think it's only a hallucination?

>be atheist
>unhinged and insane
Many such cases.

>> No.23131078

LSD, Mescaline and 2C-B are great and you should try them :)

>> No.23131096

Nothing beats a heroic dose of the (((Golden Teacher))). Dont be a pussy goy.

>> No.23131111

these medicinal substances are powerful and are to be respected

>> No.23131134

Evola, Maschera e volto dello spiritualismo contemporaneo (there are two translations)

>> No.23131150


I think the fact that multiple people report seeing the same things at the same time is supportive of the theory that these drugs to reveal real forces/entities. Whether or not it's a "hallucination"" would probably come down to a game of definitions. I suspect that if these forces wanted to interact with multiple people at the same time it would be in order to prove their realness via third party confirmation, (and thus further their ability to negatively influence he individuals).

>> No.23131196

No worse way to dissapoint yourself than to read trip reports from lying retards and then just get boring as ego death

>> No.23131365

This one is excellent.

>> No.23131480

It's also equally explainable from the perspective that high doses of psychedelic drugs cause an immense state of suggestibility and altered memory in individuals. "Woah, dude, are you seeing this?" then typically tends to be answered "yes". Not to mention that similar brains under similar conditions with a certain dosage of a certain drug likely produces similar hallucinations. Plus, there's the "noetic issue" with psychedelics: they're great at inducing a sense of revelation, whether it's real or not. In other words, they might just be good at getting you to drink the Kool-Aid.

Now I'm not some sterile scientific materialist. Psychedelics and their profound effect on consciousness certainly emphasize deep unsolved mysteries about subjective experience as a thing itself, but I see no reason to believe that they open up some kind of "third eye to the fourth dimension" or other nonsense.

There's this tacit belief that many people have that says that denying that psychedelic hallucinations are "real" somehow robs the whole experience of the "magic"--but this is horseshit, because the idea that a small amount of an organic compound interacting with the physical system of the brain can generate such an intense and otherworldly subjective experience is an idea that carries a far more interesting and subtle magic than "muh machine elf alien entities from the afterlife".

>> No.23131732

This looks like a banger thanks

True. I meant to preface my response with the caveat that wacked out druggies shouldn't inherently be believed about such claims. I believe I've heard accounts that include a trip sitter claiming that all the niggas trippin looked in the same direction for no apparent reason or claimed to be seeing the same thing simultaneously. I agree that it's very likely for these to not be reliable accounts though.

>> No.23131777
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Phillip K. Dick. Maybe Frank Herbert given his massive mushroom habit (& Carlos Casteneda). Robert Anton Wilson. Colin Wilson's The Mind Parasites. David Wray on Gnosticisms in the ancient world.

>> No.23132169
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>>23131777 (blessed)
are corn demons real?

>> No.23132205

what do people even experience? what revelations? i've never heard anything explicit besides extreme vagueness about 'all being one' or stuff like that

>> No.23132207

For me it was the collective unconscious

>> No.23132324

A fascinating example of Jungian projection

>> No.23132338

Yeah the machine elves are clearly the trickster archetype

>> No.23132738

>I’m looking for some real schizo shit, jungian archetypal reality, 6d mesomerican demons, etc
Why? That's all garbage. Psychedelics can open you up to nonphysical reality. Doesn't mean you should seek it out or take the experience as some sort of spiritual illumination, like I see retards doing all the time.

It's the same danger one is exposed to when approaching other similar things like occultism. 99% of the time, the person is completely unqualified or disqualified, so it is likely that they will just harm themselves. Like all of these retards supposedly summoning demons.

>> No.23132741

The Hounds of Tindalos by Frank Belknap Long

>> No.23132765

>Plus, there's the "noetic issue" with psychedelics: they're great at inducing a sense of revelation, whether it's real or not.
Well that's all spirituality, mysticism and religion except instead of eating mushrooms or licking toads you obtain that identical delusion by throwing wads of dollar bills into a circulating wicker basket in between servings of tasteless wafers.

>> No.23132772

you can just say "jews"

>> No.23132818



>> No.23133769

Someone's never experienced a little ego death

>> No.23133841

Does Dune count?

>> No.23133965

Unironically the bible, the "jews" ate shrooms in the desert for 40 years and we all know what happened next..

>> No.23134066

>X is bad because retards use it
I got some bad news, fellow 4chan user...

>> No.23134077

meth is the quickest gateway to the lowest levels of them. the high-level ones that want you to work toward a global hivemind are witnessed in psychedelics, yes.

>> No.23134120

Plant based drugs have their own particular astral correspondence like all things found in nature. Even something mundane like garlic has its own specific influence on the non-physical world.
When you take these particular drugs you are connecting to their own egregore (not quite the right term, but its probably the best way to describe it if you're incapable of psychically experiencing it). You are drawing a bridge from where you "are" to where the influences associated with the particular drug are; all of this "non-locally" of course, or "non physically, astrally" whatever you want to call it.
Synthetic drugs are a different matter.
t. occult knower

>> No.23134826
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>> No.23134866

Nonsense. If you think a Christian would ever ask something like this--and risk leading the foolish into demonic sorceries, no less--you know nothing of Christ or Christians. You're projecting your own manipulative nature onto others.

Repent, OP. These are not things to be played around with. You're not only playing around with your eternal state, but with this temporal one as well--and you will be the one who is toyed with if you persist.

>> No.23134925

crackwhores who think psychedelics are a cheatcode to enlightenment are the dumbest, most pliable people on the planet.

>> No.23135014

but they are, thoughbeit

>> No.23136463 [DELETED] 

Regardless of what spectra one idiotically opens onself to, the bigger problem is one of activity contra passivity; the more passive individuals —especially ones who ingest psychedelic drugs— are virtually open to demonic influence —or infestation, when they are especially vicious— by defualt.

As God is the highest active principle, so the more active/proactive that an individual is, being in physical, mental, spiritual syncord, the more aetherotight is his soul.

The self is the castle; the attitude is the drawbirdge; the aura is the moat.

Impregnabe moat: unassailable drawbridge: untouchable castle.

>> No.23136470

Regardless of what spectra one idiotically opens oneself to, the bigger problem is one of activity contra passivity; more passive individuals —especially ones who ingest psychedelic drugs— are virtually open to demonic influence —or infestation, when they are especially vicious— by defualt.

As God is the highest active principle, so the more active/proactive that an individual is, being in physical, mental, spiritual syncord, the more aetherotight is his soul.

The self is the castle; the attitude is the drawbirdge; the aura is the moat.

Impregnable moat: unassailable drawbridge: untouchable castle.

>> No.23137951

you got your shit pushed in on /x/ so you came to be a faggot here instead, didn't you christcuck

>> No.23138078

Sitting around stuck in your head thinking for decades and expecting to get enlightened is way more sane than a new vivid experience, I agree

>> No.23138083

>do you think it's only a hallucination?
Just because it's real, doesn't mean it's good or productive. Personally, I wouldn't call it fake but I've had very bad experiences with drugs in general (not psychedelics).

For some reason, it's as if my brain is vulnerable to this. Maybe the reason I've been shaken to my core by strong weed is because there's something in the back of my mind that feels that what I've opened up to is very real and could mess with me if I toy with it too much. Plus, there's been cases where people literally do not come back the same after a heavy trip, and not in a good way. Anything that has the risk of doing that to you can't be too good for you, imo

>> No.23138424

You're touching on the fact that personal and general enlightenment are very different things. Personal insights are easy to come by and might be beneficial but there is no requirement that they have any effect on success in interpersonal relations, let alone in improving greater society.

>> No.23138619


>> No.23138640

>Synthetic drugs are a different matter.
go on...

>> No.23138679

Sam hyde fan neochristians think psychs are more mystical than even psych users do. It is only a big serotonin dump. You have 0 (zero) understanding Jungian archetypes. "Demons" ect.. are imaginary. You have brainrot. You are a twitter reactionary. Your parents want you medicated.

>> No.23138742

There is nothing more bovine and insipid than a shroom junkie. They inject a toxin which causes them to hallucinate and mistake it for spiritual insight. The hallucinations you observe are just a defense mechanism produced by the organism to protect itself from predators.

>> No.23139142

The Return of the Dragon by Lewis Ungit

>> No.23139170

psychedelics aren't toxins, they're analogs of endogenous neurotransmitters