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/lit/ - Literature

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2312923 No.2312923 [Reply] [Original]

>that feel when no gf

>> No.2312934

>tfw "That feel" threads still aren't a bannable offense

>> No.2312933
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>> No.2312946

>that feel when you wish these "foreveralone" r9k cunts would stay in their rightful place

>> No.2312985


>In a relationship with those two.

Seriously, who wouldn't want that? Fuck.

>> No.2312993
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english/engineering majors

your friends,

>> No.2313005


Still believing glorious homosexuality is an anomaly, faggot?

>Not believing in the will to power

>> No.2313006

Go back to your biology soft-science Ouija-board voodoo lab.

>> No.2313009


Look at those glorious idealised forms - perfect faces; slim, boyish bodies; lucid skin; slightly ruffled hair; tensions between the bodies.

Are you seriously still heterosexual?

>> No.2313026

It is. There are more homosexuals now than there have been in the past. No doubt, liberal mass media has contributed to this trend.

>> No.2313034

I know I'm not
(those two aren't that hot though? i mean they're not bad but there's hotter lads)

glorious versatile bisexual master race represent

>> No.2313039

There are more "out" homosexuals now
In the past they just lied

>> No.2313040

um could this possibly be related to population growth?

>> No.2313056


>Ancient Rome
>Ancient Greece
>Feudal Japan

I seriously hope you don't mean this.

>> No.2313062


I'm just a faggot for those two then. I know they're secretly drawn for fujoshi :_;

>> No.2313071


By the way, you should post more dudes. Might as well turn this into a thread discussing gay literature.

Jean Genet didn't make me cum buckets, but made me feel intellectual as fuck. I liked his fake stoicism that he deliberately destroyed at the end of 'The Thief's Journal'. I was tricked.

>> No.2313073

i think this thread deserves not a single answer cause that mixture of memes is horrible.

>> No.2313080


/lit/ doesn't know how to not reply to threads

>> No.2313091
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>mfw people think homosexuality is genetically linked

>> No.2313100
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I can do if you like. I'll try and keep it safe for work.

I haven't read any gay literature, unfortunately.

>> No.2313109
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Let's turn this into a gay literature thread. Pic related it's a fantastic fucking novel

>> No.2313123
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y'all suck dick

>> No.2313185
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Wow, this looks really good. Wishlisted.

I just remembered - I lied when I said I hadn't read any gay books. Enduring Love by Ian McEwan is about Joe Rose, a straight, married atheist who becomes the object of obsession of Jed Parry, a devoutly religious gay man who wishes to save Joe's soul through ghey.

Sorry about my syntax just then - it was horrible.

>> No.2313206


Yes, more, please. /y/ is all fujoshi shit anyway. I would post but don't have much worksafe shit on my computer (Mentaiko usually).

By the way, when reading normal literature, does anyone begin to wish that some of the characters were gay? I'm not talking about the traditional fanfiction bullshit that goes on, but something else.

For example, I was reading 'Spring Snow' and wanted so much for some sodomy to happen at points. I then reflected and knew that it would probably lead the book in a direction that it shouldn't have gone. I seem to be driven by a desire for smut at times that goes against my desire for intellectual stimulation - pornography, a base entertainment versus enlightenment.

Does anyone else know what I'm saying?

>> No.2313239
File: 19 KB, 313x475, 68-Death-in-Venice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic also related. this story rules

>> No.2313249


Holy fuck this. More 14 year olds need to be filled with semen. Does anyone else agree?

>> No.2313278

ITT: pederasty. Fuck guys, take it somewhere else please.

>> No.2313285


Pederasty is a major part of literature. I thought Plato was a requirement on this board. Why can't we discuss gay/pederastic literature - there are enough 'Lolita' threads.

>> No.2313293
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Oh fuck, I've also read that. It seems I forget everything homosexual that I read.

I found it quite a challenging read for something so short. Pretty dense elaborate writing style. Aschenbach dwells a lot on youth and aesthetic beauty, which seems to be the main focus.

>> No.2313295


ITT: books you wouldn't read in public.

>> No.2313302

That's fine, but the gay hentai belongs elsewhere.

>> No.2313307



What am I reading? Well, apart from the last pic.

>> No.2313339

Fill in appropriate jargon for creepy Japanese erotic drawings in that case.

>> No.2313353

Sorry about the explicit yaoi. I'm trying to delete the file but it's not taking effect. Polite sage.