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23124993 No.23124993[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

who has written about this?

>> No.23124998

Back to the Sharty

>> No.23125001

You can burn yourself alive and faggots on the Internet will still draw you as the funny meme man. It's all so indescribably tiresome.

>> No.23125007

I have a bit

>> No.23125011

I dunno it gets me off

>> No.23125016

Leftism is just the logical progression of Christianity. It was a jewish psyop from the beginning

>> No.23125036

Yukia Mishima

>> No.23125046

You would be part of the aforementioned faggots on the internet

>> No.23125059

I was thinking today about how there is literally nothing left that anyone can do, that would make the average internet-raised person today NOT start cynically/sarcastically shitting on it

No form of protest, no sincere speech or appeal to principles, nothing, everything is guaranteed the same irony and disillusionment acid bath, from a society of retards who have no meaningful experiences yet all have the overwhelming feeling that they've "seen everything already," because it palpably feels like history is over and everything has been done. So everything that happens now is just a cliche. Even if the world were ending people would subvert it with "lol look i don't even give a fuck lmao" irony.

Not passing judgement on this, just saying it's interesting.

>> No.23125068

Ted Kaczynski

>> No.23125071

>Not passing judgement on this, just saying it's interesting.
kinda ironic

>> No.23125078

Let me ask you a question. Why WOULD you burn yourself alive? To have an attention grabbing suicide, maybe. To change your opponent’s beliefs, no. The Jews are happy he killed himself and mossad even sent a mocking tweet about it.

>> No.23125085

That's actually paradoxically helping his side though, since it's making the yids look even more odious as usual. Jews will jump at any opportunity to do that whole "I'm an infinite victim but fuck you you subhuman scum for thinking you're on the same level as me I am the protagonist of history you fucking goyim you exist to serve me" routine. It's just that whites only ever see the surface part of the routine, the victim part, and they have the typically white naivete that noone would act nice to your face and then go hollow out your society behind your back and replace all your power structures with their own in-group structures.

Any opportunity for the Jews to go "lol fucking pathetic goyim fucking cattle" (aka actually say what they think, just out loud) is bad for them, because they can't resist it.

>> No.23125090

He (judging by his twitch name "Lilly AnarKitty", probably she) deserved it for falling for a suicide protest that worked only ONCE for that monk and nobody else thereafter.

>> No.23125106

Nothing has changed, politics are short minded and no one will remember this loser in a month. American support for Israel will remain. If that guy wanted a real controversy, what he should have done, as a member of the US military, is commit a terrorist attack on the embassy, then we would have controversy.

>> No.23125109

No, this is just someone literally dying in order for you to choose between two shitty sides. The simple truth is that abaolutely nobody in this conflict is good. Basically, the Palestine-Israel conflict breaks down our very notion of good vs. evil, and gives us people who murder civilians with machine guns vs. people who use fighter jets for it

>> No.23125111

>American support for Israel will remain
people are growing weary of the jew

>> No.23125117

I’ve been a /pol/fag my whole life and people have said this every year. Tarant was right, nothing will change unless (you) change it personally.

>> No.23125123

You draw him as a loser but the guy is genuinely based and more of a man than any Israeli or Zionist could ever hope to be.

>> No.23125126

Killing yourself is the most pathetic action, so the opposite is true

>> No.23125129

I agree with you, but even with knowing that suicide is pathetic he is still manlier than any zionist or israel supporter.

>> No.23125131
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this desu. hopefully their childish feuding will make USG actually think before interventionism for a change.

>> No.23125134
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he left behind two kids. he was also a troon. real "based".

>> No.23125139
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can someone answer op

>> No.23125140

>I hate jews so much I set myself on fire
Based. No wonder they're in panic mode.

>> No.23125142

Deleuzian fingernails

>> No.23125145

Duly noted

>> No.23125146

I did, retard >>23125068

>> No.23125148

mencius moldbug

>> No.23125149

Ok where does atheism come from then, poindexter?

>> No.23125152

So you’re saying Francis Fuckyomama won?

>> No.23125153

So he improved on himself and developed a conscience. Sounds respectable to me.

"Men" who with yellow fever deserve the rope.

>> No.23125154

ted doesn't talk about it in detail.

>> No.23125157

Midwit pseud.

>> No.23125158
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Yes he does, retard.

>> No.23125159

>trooning oneself and espousing insane leftshit politics is improving
you will never be a woman

>> No.23125160

The ancient Mesopotamians are the protagonists of history not the Jews who settled westward. Or it could be argued the English are. Or maybe the Romans seeing that everyone wants to imitate them. Whatever perspective you choose it’s definitely not the Jews,

>> No.23125162

no he doesn't bucko

>> No.23125165

Can you really blame them though? Almost every white woman is a Pavlov tier npc who is incapable of thinking for themselves or having introspection.

>> No.23125171

I will give him a caveat here, despite me thinking the rest of his ideas are well, very idealistic. Not enough thinkers attack universities. Kind of wish Pol Pot wrote more than a book of sayings and actually developed a system of metaphysics.

>> No.23125175

Tiresome isn’t it?

>> No.23125186

It's pretty funny.

>> No.23125189

> worked only ONCE for that monk
Did it? Tibet isn’t free. Tibet was talked about for a while but just as much because of Dalai Lama’s activism. Ultimately none of it did jack shit it’s still a China province being colonized (literally) by them.

There are two big nonviolent protest “success” stories in Ghandi and Nelson Mandela and even those are debatable.

Mind you some other cunt already lit themselves on fire for Palestine in the US and nobody even noticed

>> No.23125191

After Liberalism: Mass Democracy in the Managerial State
The Strange Death of Marxism

>> No.23125192

Modern leftism is totally incompatible with Christianity and so is the alternative on the right.

Enough with the propaganda, brainlet. Pick up The Book and read it.

>> No.23125197

Your book is worthless garbage.

>> No.23125212

Why do you deserve people listen to you for making yourself into a bbq?
We have people cutting off heads and shooting entire schools of children to bits to get their manifestos read and they get dunked on as well.

All this faggot had to say was “free palestine” like that was something nobody heard before. He deserves to get mocked. What an idiot. What a fucking buffoon.
At least “subscribe to Pewdiepie” before massacring two dozen muslims was funny. Nigga even played meme music. By your reckoning he deserved to be heard surely?

>> No.23125219
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>> No.23125238
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>low-IQ right-wing "one struggle" third-worldists are actually lionizing this mentally-ill anti-White anarchist cuckold
BAP vindicated yet again

>> No.23125239

Bronze Age Kike is brown

>> No.23125244

It must piss a lot of brown right-wing third-worldists off that Ashkis are Whiter than them.

>> No.23125249

one drop rule, brownie

>> No.23125256

That rules out the Catholic Oaxacans who make up the majority of the third-worldist right.

>> No.23125258

And all Ashkenazi Turk roaches too.

>> No.23125260

What did BAP say about Dominique Venner again?

>> No.23125263
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Based, fellow white Jew

>> No.23125265

Is this a rhetorical question?

>> No.23125266

Looks like a mexican reggaeton video other than the jewish flag kek

>> No.23125267

A worthy trade, if it were practical

>> No.23125269
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>> No.23125271
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>> No.23125272

>BAP doesn't like Palestine, he therefore must like Israel!
The Retard Right.

>> No.23125273

get that bitch some ozempic

>> No.23125275

Holy fuck is that BAP? We have to spread this

>> No.23125277
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>I'm gonna greentext and change the subject!
Israelis are People of Color lil' man.

>> No.23125279

Yeah, not too fond of them

>> No.23125280

Israel is the ideal modern state for most rightists. A perfect blend of ethno-nationalism and homosexuality. What more could people like Alamariu want?

>> No.23125281

fellow Turkish roach, so yeah i'm sure they're 7th cousins or some shit

>> No.23125284

White, not white, white, not white. That's what's low IQ.

>> No.23125286

>What more could people like Alamariu want?
Global fascism, the death of billions.

>> No.23125290

He'll be first if he isn't taking his Truvada.

>> No.23125291

Actually whites have higher average IQs than not whites.

>> No.23125295

True, he must be protected until his work is done.

>> No.23125299
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>> No.23125304

>misses the point
As expected of the yous of this place, really.

>> No.23125306

It's been nearly a decade since his last original book, he's definitely been downing the truv'

>> No.23125308

>those leftists are so delusional they’re basically following a religion! haha
>anyways check out my new book Esoteric Trumpism in which I argue trump is the faustian hero of the west according to spenglerian historical theory

>> No.23125310

>It's been nearly a decade
He draws his bow...

>> No.23125313

Thanks for the (you), nincompoop

>> No.23125316

I notice this except with people talking about IRL shit. Dating, movies, gossip, etc. I don't think these kinds of people are truly human anymore. Something in their soul has been irrevocably severed.

>> No.23125317
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>> No.23125442
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If you are going to self-immolate, at least do it in style.

>> No.23125448

because its absurdly stupid to kill yourself over a conflict that doesnt even affect you.

>> No.23125466

>When you kill yourself, you win. - Sun Tzu

>> No.23125535

its clearly a recreation of catholicism in secular lense.

Tranies/non-binaries/gays were the monks and priests of yesterday

>> No.23125537

Actually curious about this because I’m out of the loop

>> No.23125648
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This retard leftie died so that his own "comrades" would completely disown him for being a white man.

The very act of killing yourself out of protest for the struggle of people and cultures that have 0, literally 0 things in common with you is the epitome of Christianity. I saw the video and immediately reawakened to the recurring thought: White man was doomed 2000 years ago.

As a side comment, I hope it isn't too /x/ to say that this is synchronically twinned to Rothschild's death. Looks like sacrifice rituals still work to this day.

>> No.23125649

Assuming you are American your tax dollars go to Israel, your side has already been chosen for you.

>> No.23125656

It's very revealing seeing a bunch of guys who lionised a guy who hijacked a plane and flew it into the side of a mountain (also leaving behind a family) because he was bored immediately become irate and insecurely insist it's gay to kill yourself now when someone does it out of concern for someone else.