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/lit/ - Literature

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23122683 No.23122683[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I'm genuinely considering taking so many drugs that I develop schizophrenia in an effort to be as good a writer as Pynchon is.
Will this work?

>> No.23122687

No, you won't be able to construct a coherent sentence. It's like you haven't even looked up the symptoms of schizophrenia, Anon. High risk of disordered thinking.

Anecdotally, people with drug-induced psychosis seem way more fried to me than people who develop it the natty way from genetics/trauma.

>> No.23122689

You have zero talent for writing. Schizophrenia is not going to help you

>> No.23122698

I developed a schizoid personality disorder by taking Focalin for seven years

>> No.23122706

You're more likely to end up a Terry A Davis

>> No.23122714

How do u feel now?

>> No.23122716

it couldn't hurt, I say go for the gusto

>> No.23122757

Pynchon is the best author you could think of?

>> No.23122763

He's one of the greatest authors in the history of the English language.

>> No.23122771

not that pynchon is schizophrenic, but most mentally ill artists of any worth are good despite their mental illness, not because of it

>> No.23122819


>> No.23122828


>> No.23122830

Two genuine retards

>> No.23122839

You and who else?

>> No.23122866

Amazing. I love being schizoid. Used to feel differently about it until I realized lots of people envy emotional muteness

>> No.23123545

No. if anything you'll have to figure a way to straighten out your thinking to even begin writing again. You will become unproductive and change reward receptors in your brain; you'll have to practice at focusing on tasks again, which will only be amplified by your procrastination.

>> No.23123573

You're going to overdose and kill yourself, don't do it.

>> No.23123620

Only one way to find out

>> No.23123627

if you can't develop schizophrenia sober through books a bunch of RCs and weed won't make you a good schizo either

>> No.23123643

Studies have shown using drugs, particularly cannabis, cocaine, LSD or amphetamines, can increase the risk of developing schizophrenia,

>> No.23124632

Don't listen to these idiot discouraging you. Taking drug is actually a good way to enhance creativity.

>> No.23124709

Saying you're taking drugs to "enhance creativity" is just a cope people use to avoid admitting they're a junkie. I know because I used to.

>> No.23124734

Meth is a good option for this, but it won't make you a better writer it'll just make you better at churning out page after page of schizobabble on command. You get volume, most of it will be unreadable garbage. Maybe some gems.

>> No.23124748


>> No.23124774

Lol zoomer thread. Stop complaining and go help your mother with the dishes.

>> No.23125073
File: 266 KB, 710x1182, 416726-philip-k-dick-a-scanner-darkly-cover-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

read pic rel if you want to see what would actually happen to you.

>> No.23125144

If you think drugs make you better at things, I hope you OD.

>> No.23125150

>every great artist in every medium has used drugs
>but I'm sure there's no causality there

>> No.23125185

Possibly. Post a sample of your writing and let’s go from there.

>> No.23125394

lmao, this is how out of touch normies are when it comes to understanding mental illness, schizophrenia is perhaps the worst mental illness you can have, probably the worst ways to suffer through life. If you want to find out what insanity feels like, just have someone lock you in a dark room for a month.

>> No.23125403

Why bother taking drugs.
You're already there motherfucker. Maybe you just need an editor

>> No.23125406

You can induce psychosis with meth pretty easily. Takes about 3 days, though.

I don't suggest fucking with your brain. I did a few years as a fentanyl junkie, and I've been clean for about 4 years now, but it changed something in me and I feel like a completely different person now. Hard to explain, but it doesn't have anything to do with desire for drugs or anything.

>> No.23125494

Out of all the odd things he discovered whilst bushwhacking, these were the strangest: a mound of about 200 semen-encrusted socks hidden under a blue tarpaulin, the smell of which he described only as, quote, life-altering; the severed hand of a timberwright that was, surprisingly, left mostly uneaten by animals; an immovable and unopenable steel box, about one cubic foot in volume, that, when struck with a stick, produced a frail, witchy sounding scream, as if a damned soul was incarcerated therein; and a set of footprints he identified as belonging to an extant and hitherto unknown-to-science race of gigantopithecus (identified as such because he, a rationalist at heart, doesn't believe in superstitious crap like cryptids and sasquatch).

>> No.23125506

No, but 2c-b or lsd microdosing can help you be more creative without creating a schizo headspace

>> No.23125512

>schizophrenia is… le bad

>> No.23125594

It's not le good

>> No.23125637
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Every great artist also engaged in the male gaze, but for some reason modern artists avoid it like February 29th. How about instead of acting like a druggie you start acting like a heterosexual?

>> No.23125650
File: 40 KB, 720x960, readers-vs-writers-v0-i7uhef0x21ca1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>chillin with the bros
Turns out Chad was /lit/ all along

>> No.23125659

I love threemilk so much it's unreal.

>> No.23125720

It's cheaper to sleep deprive yourself. Leonardo da Vinci slept 20 minutes every 4 hours, so you should try that instead.

>> No.23125742 [DELETED] 

schizophrenia is not always what you seem to think it is. drug-induced schizophrenia in particular will not help you in anyway. chances are it will come to via anxiety induced psychosis and you will be too busy trying to breathe and stay conscious and deal with disorientation and derealization to even sit down and write something

>> No.23125829

Yea but he's a genetic freak

>> No.23125902

How does Pynchon do it then

>> No.23125935

>You have zero talent for writing.
You don't know that.

>> No.23125975
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Becoming le insane schizoman isn't going to work. I don't believe these insane authors and philosophers are good because they're insane. Insanity is just a byproduct and a hindrance and they'd be even better if they weren't insane. You're just romanticizing dysfunction because it's easier to wallow in feces than start taking the necessary steps to fix your current unsatisfying, meaningless lifestyle.
People with an IQ less than 150 shouldn't even bother trying to be authors or philosophers. Just become a plumber or an electrician and put these foolish ambitions to rest. The world doesn't need more mid literature by unexceptional people.

>> No.23126054

Welp. Guess I'll kill myself

>> No.23126075

You'll end up more like Francis E. Dec instead of a creative genius. Yet his letters are interesting. You do you

>> No.23126086

Makes me wonder in general how the mentally ill create such good art. Some of the most beautiful art gets made by people apparently in deep depression, but when I’ve been depressed I could barely get out of bed, much less make great art.

>> No.23126130

Prose-writing talent is so rare that I'm ready to believe it's like savant syndrome. A part of your brain just malfunctions and brain regions connect in ways they normally wouldn't, giving bizarre verbal talent. When most great writers are alcoholics, depressives, schizoids, or bipolar then something weird is going on. Like the brain is gaining some new ability due to malfunctions in other areas. But that only happens very early in development.

>> No.23126139

>alcoholics, depressives, schizoids
All me

>> No.23126681

They're bipolar

>> No.23126684

I do, especially since you think inducing schizophrenia will help you be a better writer

>> No.23126688

>modern artists
Fags and women? You don't say.

>> No.23126694

You're actually retarded.

>> No.23126721

I wasn't OP. You seem to exhibit a pattern of making unfounded assumptions. Usually this signals a lack of critical thinking abilities.

>> No.23126729

You seem to exhibit a pattern of writing like a faggot. Usually this signals a lack of critical thinking abilities.

>> No.23127971


>> No.23127985

You will either have kidney failure and need dialysis for the rest of your life or end up like that schizo-autist girl who couldn't boil water

>> No.23128156

>unfounded assumptions
It's easy to assume that you were the OP from your post, or were you doing one of those things where you're just 'pretending' to be retarded?

>> No.23128184

Fuck 4chan for ruining this cute girl

>> No.23128193

most actual real schizophrenics are not like your romantic conception of how they are. they are fucking retards that babble on and on all day and sit in a filthy house with shit all over the floor and have no coherent thought nor spoken word at all. life is pure agony and you turn into a literal low iq idiot.

>> No.23128205

>schizophrenia is… le bad

>> No.23128216

Being a schizo is not like your retarded memes where there's a guy talking to himself and making an edgy joke. Schizophrenia is one of the worst fucking mental illnesses you can have right along dementia.
If you wanna have something to write about, go out and live your fucking life, and you want to write well, just fucking read.

>> No.23128223

It’s not that bad you’re just a pussy.
>t. schizophrenic

>> No.23128256

Because mental illness is correlated with divergent thinking.

Divergent thinking allows someone to think outside the box, make connections between two seemingly different ideas blending into a fully formed creation that has spark; Aka, creativity.

>> No.23128263

See you in 20 years.

>> No.23128296

Sounds like resentment.

>> No.23128325

okay buddy

>> No.23128336
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