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23117462 No.23117462 [Reply] [Original]

what are some good anti-tech books?

>> No.23117482

Technological Slavery is all one needs, really. Ellul's TTS is great from a philosophical standpoint and Kacz. drew most of his inspiration from there, but all it does is let you come to conclusions that are fairly obvious after having read Kaczynski's ISAIF. Overall, it's good though.

>> No.23117494

Neil Postman books

>> No.23117499

Marx, Fragment on Machines; and its critique.

>> No.23117503

john zerzan books and lectures

>> No.23117504

Zerzan is good. Seconding.

>> No.23117530

>but all it does is let you come to conclusions that are fairly obvious after having read Kaczynski's ISAIF
No? Ted doesn't even define Technique nor does he go anywhere nearthe same level of depth Ellul does, really you should just skip Ted entirely and just jump into Ellul's work

>> No.23117536

anyone notice the ironic phenomenon that all the "I HECKIN LOVE TECHNOLOGY" people are all tech illiterates, and all the people who understand technology and have tech knowledge actually HATE it?

>> No.23117540

I’m in the middle but have used it for years

>> No.23117568

Every book cited at the end of his manifesto

>> No.23117586

Georg Friedrich Juenger - The Failure of Technology

Written in 1946 it is more of a critique of the features of modern technology and it's consequences and as such it has not list it's relevance.

>> No.23117665

Against the Grain by James C. Scott

>> No.23117673

i hecking love heavy industry and spacecraft but will admit it's not the highest good of life. also it turned warfare and government into total abominations.

>> No.23118405


anyone who invents anything more advanced than a AA battery gets waterboarded by the patent office asking for the location of nikola tesla's ghost but we're supposed to believe AI just miraculously popped up to help us

>> No.23118419

As volatile as the world is, embracing AI instead of fighting against it is the only way forward. It is inevitable

>> No.23118432

No because its not true

>> No.23118444


yeah you fucking imbecile, let's baseball bat every demigod in the back of the skull until their IQ is 58 like everybody else so we never explore space because it hurts the pope's feelings. equity!

>> No.23118586
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>tfw i'm a medical scientist and i started to pretend i'm an antivaxxer just because i got so fucking annoyed by the "i heckin' love science" crowd.

>> No.23118660
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Ted K. is a red herring in that his goal and means to do so are self defeating. All the things he correctly diagnoses as a problem in the world can only be addressed in a nationalist structure in which care for blood and soil are taught and centered in the heart of a rooted, self-sufficient family.

>> No.23118692

The problem is that true anti-tech results in suicide or primitivism. When you start to see technology as beings and us as their slaves, you realize that it's hopeless.

>> No.23118753

america is a paperclip maximizer that turns IQ points into fried chicken

>> No.23118770
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Just don't live in the woods and read it or the FBI will come after you like they did Forest Anon

>> No.23118888

>I hate society and technology is evil
>Better bomb a bunch of college professors instead of going after government officials

>> No.23118935
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A phd in gender studies dont really make you a doctor or a scientist.

>> No.23120277

ed abbey books

>> No.23121435
File: 298 KB, 294x437, david skrbina - confronting technology.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

David Skrbina - Confronting Technology

>> No.23121473

>Against the Grain by James C. Scott

this looks interesting

>> No.23121661
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>> No.23121678

>what are some good anti-tech books?
The Monkey Wrench Gang (one of Ted's key influences in the cabin btw)

>> No.23121686

his name is in teds book

>> No.23122552

I highly recommend all of the work of James C Scott and scott crow. Get black- (as in the anarchist flag) -pilled.

>> No.23122876

what, how so?

im reading it right now, it's not bad but im kinda dissappointed by his writing. The prose does not compare to desert solitaire at all.

>> No.23122899

ted thanks him and a few others in the intro

>> No.23122909

books are tech tho

>> No.23123568

lots of anti industrial lit in french.

Grothendieck, l'encyclopédie des nuisances (semprun) post situationism etc. some of it is translated

>> No.23123587

is ellul any good

>> No.23123611
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>> No.23123639
