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/lit/ - Literature

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23117035 No.23117035 [Reply] [Original]

Anything like picrel? I’m already aware of the influences on TD (Ligotti, for example).

>> No.23117047


>> No.23117056

Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy

You mean the heartbreakingly ordinariness of the declared "extraordinary" and the constant failure of man in the world, not to live up to the standards that he projects onto the world, or the standards that he projects onto himself, but merely to live to the projection of his own inadequacies in front of him.

p.s.: You are a soviet agent.

>> No.23117071

Good call. I saw the movie and meant to circle back to the book.

>> No.23117084

>I saw the movie
Watch the 1970s miniseries instead.

>> No.23117119

Thank you!

>> No.23117177 [DELETED] 

Hunger of the Kangaroo had a ton of King in Yellow and Carcosa references. I’d start there. It’s one of the more fucked up Gardner books from the ones I read. The plot involved someone finding and stealing a copy of the real King in Yellow book in real life and the story ends up in sewer tunnels and a demonic talking kangaroo trying to eat the kids and other tropes you’d expect from a Gardner novel

>> No.23117204

I thought you meant John Gardner for a second. I couldn’t believe I hadn’t heard of the title. I’ll check it out.

>> No.23117288
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Cioran probably. Quotes Schopenhauer (Mainlander's even worse on the doomer side). Stuff like Notes From the Underground (Dost.), Diary of a Madman & Inferno (Strindberg). On the spectral spooky & political end, The King In Yellow of course (Chambers) & The Blind Owl, Clark Ashton Smith poems. The Lime Works (Bernhard).

Some music to read to:


>You are a soviet agent.
a gay adulterous one

>> No.23117787
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rust quotes from "conspiracy against the human race" a few times, mostly at the end. as for somethig dealing with a govenrment conspiracy to molest children "programmed to kill" is an interesting read. even though i don't agree with the author's conclusions i am forced to admit he had at least picked scent of something legitimate when he started.
that post was deleted by mods because f. garder is a natorious shill who plugs his dogshit books all the time. if you really are curious pirate his works, don't but them. the man is hardly literate, which you'll be able to tell after fewer than five seconds reading his work.