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/lit/ - Literature

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23115824 No.23115824 [Reply] [Original]

latest /lit/ meetup in new england. Who do you think is the most well read?

>> No.23115837

>/lit/ is for the discussion of literature, specifically books (fiction & non-fiction), short stories, poetry, creative writing, etc. If you want to discuss history, religion, or the humanities, go to /his/. If you want to discuss politics, go to /pol/. Philosophical discussion can go on either /lit/ or /his/, but those discussions of philosophy that take place on /lit/ should be based around specific philosophical works to which posters can refer.

>> No.23115841

4 = 5 > 2 = 3 > 1 = 6

>> No.23115843

Idk, haven't a clue. The guy with the shades, maybe. So these are the people throwing slurs around? KEK! Why is life so predictable?

>> No.23115849

I'd bet on the blue shirt.

>> No.23115853

Idk, haven't a clue. The guy with the shades, maybe. So these are the people calling anons polchuds? KEK! Why is life so predictable?

>> No.23115856

This is a meta post

>Plato's cave survivor

>> No.23115857

>average /pol/tard uses the same tactics as a literal six year old
Unsurprising, really.

>> No.23115862

Who do you think is a polchud and who do you think is a polwhiner?

>> No.23115870

>Began fagging about le meanie insults out of the blue

>> No.23115877

You're the one crying. I just said what I was thinking, /pol/tard. You've outted yourself.

>> No.23115882

1,2,6 are polfags
3,4,5 are polwhiners, obviously

>> No.23115892

>I just brought up polshit despite this thread having nothing to do with that
Im not a poluser but you outded yourself as an obsessed culture war faggot
>>>/pol/ we don't want your bs here

>> No.23115893

I'm having a hard time judging height, but a couple of those guys have looksmaxxing potential for sure.

>> No.23115896
File: 1.11 MB, 4032x2268, 1689190110579467.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They all have read Decline of the West very carefully.

>> No.23115903

If I showed up to this I would be even more out of place than that David Lynch character.

>> No.23115907

Isn't this a random /fa/ meetup?

>> No.23115913

I thought you had to be 18 to use this website?

>> No.23115917

Second guy from the left is cu-

>> No.23115919

Yeah internet meetups sound fucking terrible. I have fun arguing with yall online I dont need to see yas IRL

>> No.23115920

They're cute

>> No.23115924

Dont you want to get your prostate tickled or enjoy cum brownies /k/ style?

>> No.23115928

Come on you can't find this FAS ridden loser cute

>> No.23115931

they all look like losers. doesnt matter whos the most well read here.

>> No.23115938

West has fallen.

>> No.23115949

It was largely a casual meet with non-lit talk, though #5 (second from right) was heavy into Evola (and Spengler IIRC) and kept trying to get a discussion going. He looks autistic in the photo, but he's actually a charming guy.

>> No.23115957

>#5 (second from right) was heavy into Evola (and Spengler IIRC)

>> No.23115961

Eat shit. I'll say what I want, whiteknighting faggot.

>> No.23115969

He's like an Adonis compared to the rest

>> No.23115970

>I'll keep on having pol rent free in my head and mentioning them in unrelated threads because I am a culture war loser
Yea I bet cocksucker. Go kys

>> No.23115979

I'm guessing from the moon crap on his T-shirt that the guy on the far right (heh, fitting) is a /pol/chud with a three-word lexicon: shills, glowies, sliding. He's likely now sweating bullets wondering whether the meet was a good idea, checking his nostrils for signs of inhaled nanotech.

>> No.23116015

actually he ranted about guy debord and paul virilio while dropping occasional references to nyc podcasts like red scare and trueanonpod and self proclaiming himself as a 'dirtbag leftist'. very abrasive guy

>> No.23116030
File: 291 KB, 1366x2048, fall-2015-weird-beauty-makeup-02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do you all look inbred except the jew in the blue shirt? The blond guy looks so deformed I unironically think he should be a supermodel or some artist's muse, his face is fascinating to look at.

Picture related, a supermodel with the same vibe.

>> No.23116034 [DELETED] 

So he's the pseud of the group

>> No.23116038

he looks like a midwit, good thing he was ignored. these people shouldnt be allowed to talk politics, it always end badly since they stick to dumb ideology.

>> No.23116041 [DELETED] 

Number 1 looks like a mega-chud

>> No.23116053
File: 50 KB, 960x573, Kermit-and-the-Mythology-of-Muppets-960x573.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

3rd doesn't have arms

>> No.23116056

Nice of #5 to drive up all the way from Innsmouth.

>> No.23116057

why do they all look so inbred? is this why nu lit is so slow witted?

>> No.23116072

Guy second from the right looks like it’s 1930 and he just got out of a soviet work camp

>> No.23116086

Cry harder, FAGGOT!

>> No.23116091
File: 180 KB, 1100x405, repost.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nearly 2 year old repost. OP = FAGGOT

>> No.23116092

>nu lit

>> No.23116096

I bet I spot a chicken-fucker. Every anon knows which one

>> No.23116097

Moon schizos are chuds for sure.

>> No.23116106
File: 62 KB, 524x700, 1708901417729672.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

absolute sleaze
how many dildos did he have shoved up his asshole for this photo

>> No.23116144

You did decipher that he's homosexual. While on the other hand plato's cave t shirt guy is a self professed ephebophile

>> No.23116245

Why do they all take a mugshot face angle

>> No.23116274

What are they supposed to do

>> No.23116279

Look comfortable? What the fuck

>> No.23116304



>> No.23116338

#1 mogs.
>muh pseud shirt
He gets away with it nicely because of his hair, jaw, and the unpretentiousness of the rest of his wear. Look at that shoelace. He just gives zero fucks. My guess is he's from Mass. A lot of Mass. guys have that "Chad succumbed to intellectualism" look.

>> No.23116360

whoa heckin effay lads

>> No.23116365

This isn't /fa/, lady.

>> No.23116375

#5 looks like a Tommy that got shot by Ernst Junger at the Somme

>> No.23116386

Good Lord, lift some weights you pussies. The fact that no one has even mentioned they are all twigs and skellies means every poster ITT is the same.
Exercise, it will benefit you and your writing you fucking homos

>> No.23116396

fuck u homo

>> No.23116414

My people

>> No.23116419

The writer archetype is literally being miserable and sedentary, writers who focus on physical fitness are all faggots who use writing to justify their homosexuality, they love men before truth.

>> No.23116422

I used to be jacked. I was absolutely ripped and functionally athletic for years. Then I stopped caring about sex, and then I realized without sex, none of that mattered.

>> No.23116469

numbah 5 is definitely the one you see constantly using the word "dysgenic" in polemical paragraphs even though as others have said he looks like a Lynch/Lovecraft character

>> No.23116484

I want you 2016ers to go away man.
Or worse, oldfags going through a midlife crisis.

>> No.23116492

The twink on the left could get it

>> No.23116498

You know, I've noticed that this entire website has gotten really fucking depraved and sexual in the past few years and I don't understand why. Is it just because older people are here now and they're losing awareness and inhibitions? I don't get why people take pleasure being this vulgar and gross here now or why sex is on their mind 24/7.

>> No.23116510

See this is why I don't come to these things, 5 minutes in and I would have put him in a headlock and noogied him until he cried.

>> No.23116513

>is a self professed ephebophile
There's literally nothing wrong with that, it's called being a healthy human adult male who's honest about what he's attracted to.

>> No.23116519

>I've noticed that this entire website has gotten really fucking depraved and sexual in the past few years
shut the fuck up, retard

>> No.23116526

But its true

>> No.23116529
File: 427 KB, 1515x2339, 1706379833784227.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Trevor was six foot three. He was clean and fit and confident. I’d choose him a million times over the hipster nerds I’d see around town and at the gallery. In college, the art history department had been rife with that specific brand of young male. An “alternative” to the mainstream frat boys and premed straight and narrow guys, these scholarly, charmless, intellectual brats dominated the more creative departments. As an art history major, I couldn’t escape them. “Dudes” reading Nietzsche on the subway, reading Proust, reading David Foster Wallace, jotting down their brilliant thoughts into a black Moleskine pocket notebook. Beer bellies and skinny legs, zip-up hoodies, navy blue peacoats or army green parkas, New Balance sneakers, knit hats, canvas tote bags, small hands, hairy knuckles, maybe a deer head tattooed across a flabby bicep. They rolled their own cigarettes, didn’t brush their teeth enough, spent a hundred dollars a week on coffee. They would come into Ducat, the gallery I ended up working at, with their younger—usually Asian—girlfriends. “An Asian girlfriend means the guy has a small dick,” Reva once said. I’d hear them talk shit about the art. They lamented the success of others. They thought that they wanted to be adored, to be influential, celebrated for their genius, that they deserved to be worshipped. But they could barely look at themselves in the mirror. They were all on Klonopin, was my guess. They lived mostly in Brooklyn, another reaoson I was glad to live on the Upper East Side. Nobody up there listened to the Moldy Peaches. Nobody up there gave a shit about “irony” or Dogme 95 or Klaus Kinski.
>“The worst was that those guys tried to pass off their insecurity as “sensitivity,” and it worked. They would be the ones running museums and magazines, and they’d only hire me if they thought I might fuck them. But when I’d been at parties with them, or out at bars, they’d ignored me. They were so self-serious and distracted by their conversation with their look-alike companions that you’d think they were wrestling with a decision of such high stakes, the world might explode. They wouldn’t be distracted by “pussy,” they would have me believe. The truth was probably that they were just afraid of vaginas, afraid that they’d fail to understand one as pretty and pink as mine, and they were ashamed of their own sensual inadequacies, afraid of their own dicks, afraid of themselves. So they focused on “abstract ideas” and developed drinking problems to blot out the self-loathing they preferred to call “existential ennui.”"

>> No.23116535

This website has been sexually depraved since day one, you absolute niggerfaggot. If anything, it's far less sexually disgusting than it used to be. CP was posted regularly in the first few years of its existence, so shut the fuck up about things you know nothing about.

>> No.23116539

Nah its clearly different. This whole 4chan was always like this shit doesnt fly.

>> No.23116553


>> No.23116555

>im a pretentious rich new york hipster obsessed with genitals but im better than the other ones

>> No.23116560

these sickly-looking retards aren't even at that level.

>> No.23116561

Nah you're just a retarded newfaggot reddit nigger and you have to go back.

>> No.23116577


>> No.23116580


>> No.23116586

>vapid cunts feeble excuses on why she prefers Chads to intellectual men
>forgets Chads won't fuck her because they can fuck Staceys
Dumb bitch.

>> No.23116594

Those sickly looking retards are our brothers, retard. For better or worse.

>> No.23116611

I don’t need a comeback to this. All I have to do is google the author to see that a very ugly woman wrote it and the argument falls away. I cannot think of an existence more pointless and humiliating than that of an ugly woman.

>> No.23116641
File: 145 KB, 720x651, Screenshot_20240225-191132_Chrome~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why take a photo standing in a dried up puddle of piss in front of illegible nig scribble vandalism

>> No.23116649

Have you never been outside or something? everywhere looks like this

>> No.23116652

>t. guy who's never left new england

>> No.23116657

Ive never been there.
You'd be hardpressed to find any spot in any city where the asphalt doesnt have random discoloration anon.

>> No.23116661

6 is a polwhiner, his t-shirt is "burds aren't real"-tier mockery of conspiracy believers

>> No.23116667

You don't sound like you could survive platos cave, what you think is outside is just the inside of a city you silly goose

>> No.23116670

Its a /lit/ meet up they obviously are not going to go hiking anon.

>> No.23116671

Live shows for podcasts are fun to go to and meet up with other internetty people at. An actual website-specific meetup sounds like a nightmare though

>> No.23116677

The asphalt in my city is much nicer than that, save for the hood

>> No.23116679

Graffiti is modern art. Deal with it, thirdie.

>> No.23116681

Man, look at what we're talking about.

>> No.23116786

I can already tell everyone in this book deserves to be murdered by niggers

>> No.23116790

fraid so

>> No.23116793

touch grass, call your mother

>> No.23116795

the author is a jewess

>> No.23116798

>fraid so
plebbit tier

>> No.23116801

nah you are

>> No.23116805

Indeed I would be if I had writted "'fraid so"

>> No.23116807

Are you guys middle schoolers?

>> No.23116811

nah still you
I'm 32

>> No.23116840

You all look tiny. Are you 5'6 120lb?

>> No.23116850

No I'm 5'8" 195 lbs, but I carry it well.

>> No.23116851

second from the right looks like that one thousand yard stare dude from come and see

>> No.23116857
File: 2.06 MB, 1075x806, litdc19.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Glad to see people are still holding /lit/ meetups. Here's the one and only one I attended... 2019

>> No.23116862

>4 women

>> No.23116867

One was just the daughter of one of the couples. She liked reading but wasn't really /lit/... was just brought along with her parents.

>> No.23116868

Which one are you?

>> No.23116869

damn that's a bunch of boomers

>> No.23116872

And gen x.

>> No.23116877

From left to right:
Plato's Chud.
Jeffrey Dahmer if he were a school shooter.
Discount bookstore John Lennon
'I work out at the library'
Civil War Veteran
Flat-earth Karl

>> No.23116898

the looks are certainly improving

>> No.23116901

They look like members of a failed indie rock band from the early 2010s.

>> No.23116902

the one guy ended up being a staunch neo nazi and it ruined the whole vibe of the Austin meetup

>> No.23116937

What kind of parents would encourage their daughter to hang out with us?! Fucking psychopaths...

>> No.23116944

I would be that guy.

>> No.23116948

self depricating faggot

>> No.23116949

you're missing the bigger picture
>people on 4chan have reproduced
a terrifying notion

>> No.23116954

Neonazis are cringe and for some reason always giga losers. It think it’s the social resentment.

>> No.23116957

I think*

>> No.23116969

haha omg. I gotta get out of here.

>> No.23116995
File: 269 KB, 885x1024, pepe_niggers_could_be_here.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>escaped plato s soon
>will soon have a starring contest with the abyss
>wonders why girls don t fuck him despite having a decent jawline
>doesn t have the balls to go er
hippy sage
>possibly the only one who reads
>will soon depart from this material world
jew from new york
>4chan brainwashed him into denying the shoah
>is debating converting to orthodoxy
ww2 russian soldier
>an inch to the right and he would have been toast
>after recovering returned to the front
>war is all he knows now
>dosto is his favorite author
normy poser pseud
>whatever characterizes the anon who read this post

>> No.23117019

post your frankengina

>> No.23117025

I don't know how you guys think that nerd is a chad, lmao.

>> No.23117030

I'm a realist. I would NEVER let my daughter associate with you fucking pedo-coomer misogynist racist weirdos (even if I do myself). Only a retard would.

KEK! True.

>> No.23117821

i have a question why do you faggots do meetups yet cant say anything about lit higher than a shitty undergrad level?

>> No.23117829

What the fuck is going wrong with young men

>> No.23117833

why do people inflict themselves with meetups?

>> No.23117834

The neanderthal goon, the 2nd from the right.

>> No.23117845

>Who do you think is the most well read?
second from left seems the most intelligent while also looks the least normal of the three who look intelligent (1, 2, 4), so probably him.

>> No.23117850

bro is having a meltdown in the thread

>> No.23117869

They all look pretty autistic desu, except for the brownshirt guy. He looks like a man from another century.
Sort of odd but cool look.
Guy on the far left looks like he wants to stab someone

>> No.23117902

>I've noticed that this entire website has gotten really fucking depraved and sexual in the past few years and I don't understand why.
Tbf this site has always been kinda depraved. You're though it has gotten worse. Used to be that boards like /lit/ were somewhat free of sexual content. Other boards like /int/ and /b/ are pretty much just half pornography at this point
Epidemic of sexually frustrated young men i think

>> No.23117911

>Used to be that boards like /lit/ were somewhat free of sexual content.
not really
early lit was full of cringe degenerates overrating writers like de sade, who people who read hundreds of works looked down on. spam bots also spammed roastie op pic threads, and if that werent enough there was tons of incel posting. these were true even when lit was at its non shittiest.

>> No.23117922

I'm probably just remembering it with rose tinted glasses now that i think about it more i do remember a lot of threads about this one booktuber slut.
Guess this place has always been a shithole

>> No.23117925

>But when I’d been at parties with them, or out at bars, they’d ignored me.
Why would you add that revealing sentence?

>> No.23117930

they all look like kids who were told that they were very smart in elementary school and now they are progessively failing in everything they do.
I appreciate the complete lack of a sense of fashion, though, this is the bare minimum I would expect from people on this board

>> No.23117933

Nobody is going to mention Elon Musk or George Floyd?

>> No.23118069

I'm 41 myself

>> No.23118076

why are you so shit at lit to the point millennial critics know more than you

>> No.23118279

You obviously weren't here in the olden days when the site was crammed with pics of Podesta's favourite, toothsome dish.

>> No.23118289

1: Polchud, come on just look at that stone-cold chud stare.
2: Probably a teenage polchud. He has an awkward teenager haircut, probably has little to no friends at school and will likely outgrow /pol/ in his 20s.
3: Definitely an ancom leftypol user.
4: The most obvious polchud of them. He's trying so hard to project an image of traditional masculinity. He's literally mewing in the photo, posing a way to show off his arms/biceps, shaved down to stubble to show that he can grow a beard, traditionally masculine short haircut, wearing a shirt that displays he does physical activity.
5: Definitely a socialist of some kind. This guy has been to multiple rallies/protests
6: Probably a lefty but only due to his friends. He looks like has a lot of non-binary/lefty friends and probably went from non-political to left simply by association to his friends.

>> No.23118302

warms my heart to see /lit/ is populated by more or less normal people
wouldn't mind having any of you living in my neighborhood :)

>> No.23118318
File: 112 KB, 1200x600, hardtimes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hard mode
>Which one is the most well read and has had sex with a real woman(trans women are not real women)?

I don't think any of them has achieved this feat.

>> No.23118375

Kudos to them for being brave enpught to attend a 4chan meetup

>bringing your daughter to a 4chan meetup

Not that I'd ever attend such an event, but if I did, I'd be relieved to see I'm not the oldest guy around here

>> No.23118412

That sentence goes over the head of every seething anon whenever that excerp is posted

>> No.23118429
File: 21 KB, 350x350, 1636307057219.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I could easily beat all of them up

>> No.23118809

Jesus wtf is wrong with their footwear? The ww1 era corduroy prisoner looks cool though.

>> No.23118822

5th guy is a genuine troglodyte

>> No.23118826

These people certainly look Australian

>> No.23118840

good point. the reason is because theyre criminal tier angloids, just like australias angloid stock. i know because ive talked with them and half of them are rapists.

>> No.23118856



>> No.23118868

>t. deserves to be murdered by niggers

>> No.23118878

The thing is that these people are the phenotype of those obssesed with Evola, Bronze Age, retvurn to tradition while looking like they wouldn't survive a single day in the world they yearn.

>> No.23118893

second one from the right looks fucking cool, not pretty, just cool as fuck

he could star in a western movie or be a model or some shit

>> No.23118934
File: 191 KB, 900x1200, 1686307783421158.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he's ex military and a very notorious architect

>> No.23118964

>and if that werent enough there was tons of incel posting
If you dont like it, then why are you here?

>> No.23119164

I hate to be that guy, but...she's Jewish *cue /pol/swarm*

>> No.23119195

I can tell by your posts that you're no better looking than any of them.

>> No.23119206

Moderate exercise is all a man needs. Only professional athletes and homosexuals should actually care about lifting.

>> No.23119219

Are you newer to 4chan? It used to be far more depraved. The mods have it under much better control than they used to.

>> No.23119220

sums up my gut reaction as well

>> No.23119228


>> No.23119251

Guy on the left reminds me of Stoop Kid.

>> No.23119264

The twink in the glasses uwu :3
Is he in here? I need to hunt him down.

>> No.23119633

Fucking lol the nazi evola chud is a far. How predictable

>> No.23119640


>> No.23119646

Nah it wasnt this is distinctly different.

>> No.23119653

It's a woman's legs

>> No.23119657

Newfags never gonna stop newing.

>> No.23119658


>> No.23119662


>> No.23119776


>> No.23120289

2 on the far right seems to be well...read.. yes.

>> No.23120298
File: 241 KB, 220x220, mort-crying.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you don't gotta call us out like that man

>> No.23120325

this is going to make me start believing in phrenology

>> No.23120346

Fucking kek

>> No.23120446

Being well-read is a good thing, but I don't understand making it your whole identity like you're proud of it. Only if you produce art, and actually finish projects, should you make that your identity.

>> No.23120487

Probably wearing the shirt ironically, looks thoughtful and probably funny, should have a decent degree of success in life but underperforms for some unexplainable reason
One of those guys who was a total and utter dork as a child and has been on a linear trajectory toward chadhood since, but isn't quite there yet. Tries too hard, might be annoying
Insufferable burnout, believes he's smarter than everyone around him but consistently fails in life and deep down seethes.
Decently cool guy, most normie of the group and pulls more bitches than the others, but still has that cyborg tendency to associate with nerdy robots more than his peers.
Genuine enigmatic autist, dressed like the 1910s and doesn't give a shit, does his own thing and is likely to one day find an equally strange but very dedicated wife
Super funny guy, knows he looks weird but leans into it, secretly very depressed

>> No.23120596

Lol this is very optimistic but funny and still probably fairly accurate

>> No.23120606

I'm convinced there is a strong association between intelligence and small ears so I'm guessing the ww1 era fugitive is secretly big-brained. (He's obviously quite the taciturn fellow)

>> No.23120684

Post face and feets

>> No.23120918

So what are each anon’s posting habits on /lit/?

>> No.23120932

1. Tweetophon’s boyfriend
2. Tweetophon
3. Kaczynski/ Linkola poster
4. genre fiction reader
5. Dostoyevsky reader, likely smartest person there
6. “Ironic” shitposter who only knows goosebumps and memes he sees online (ie Guenonposters)

>> No.23120936

been a while since i seen u post on here bro

>> No.23120950
File: 148 KB, 800x800, IMG_0454.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I post frequently but I only use the name occasionally.

>> No.23120968

anyone from richmond wanna meet up?

>> No.23120993

fuck no and reexamine your life for asking

>> No.23121007

Why are yall so fucking ugly lmao

>> No.23121042

u aint even from here fag fuck off

>> No.23121046 [DELETED] 
File: 164 KB, 300x300, fuck u nigger.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

(rich man from richmond)

>> No.23121051

the most important question of the thread

>> No.23121614

>there is a strong association between intelligence and small ears

>> No.23121620
File: 328 KB, 626x695, IMG_0735.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dis nigga look like he havin an allergic reaction to food or sum

>> No.23121627

What's wrong with meetups? I can't really go to any due to where I live, but I think they seem neat. Why would a meetup for a "hobby" you people clearly indulge in be so out of the question? Might meet some interesting people who share your interests, and autists really aren't as unpleasant to be around. Worst case scenario you wasted an afternoon and you dip out early. I get it if you're a woman, but most of you snide cunts ITT are them. The normie LARP is palpable.

>> No.23121786

I have none, its just an anecdotal theory I have

>> No.23121976

Eat the brownies

>> No.23122019

The 3rd and 5th look genuinely cool. I'd like to be friends with them. Everyone else looks like they've never interacted with a real life woman

>> No.23122026

I noticed how I also wear like them

>> No.23122042

The second to the right legitmately looks very soulful. I doubt anyone there could appreciate the things this man has felt and seen through his lifetime. The pains of his peasant ancestors are still wracked amongst his face, carrying that pain like the mark of Cain.
Anyone who mocks his appearance has clearly lineate from a pampered, souless bloodline that feasts on the spiritual sacrificies of the poor.

>> No.23122044

Source though?

>> No.23122053

>if only you knew how bad things really are

>> No.23122288

Th'art real, th'art. Even a bit of a bitch.

>> No.23122827
File: 21 KB, 512x383, 1389892030552.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There was another lit meetup? Why didn't anyone tell me?
Is "0 1" not organizing them anymore? It's been a while since I heard from him.

>> No.23122833
File: 183 KB, 1024x768, 4189253828_e97d3fe7f6_b-928524789.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because they're in Boston, anon. Everything's covered in piss in Boston.

>> No.23122837

>jew from new york
Wait, really? What makes you think he's that?

>> No.23122892
File: 43 KB, 524x699, 1695271757747855.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Quit yapping loser, >>23116492
is right.

>> No.23123220

I went to one for a different board back in 2012 or 2013. And I've met other people from 4chan around that time and earlier. I think the times have changed too much now.

>> No.23123617

Far left and right need to get on hrt asap (if they aren't already)!

>> No.23123632

so wtf are you suppose to do now?

>> No.23123734

Ulillillia and Haley Joel Osment's lovechild

>> No.23123748

Guy on the right looks like some famous musician

>> No.23123752

I’d like to do a Northeast Ohio meetup

>> No.23124830

god-tier blunt rotation

>> No.23124892

>I don't understand why
Eternal summer. Newfags post without understanding what boards are for. So they put things on /b/ that should be on /hc/, things on /lit/ that should be on /b/, things on /tv/ that should be on /pol/ and so on.
The actual amount of depravity doesn't increase, it just gets posted in places it shouldn't be.

>> No.23124971

It always has been, but not to the point where anons would fuck literally everything, like that so-called "twink." I think it's just the way zoomers are from porn exposure. Everything with a hole, including average looking dudes, is a sex object, and they're all "bicurious" enough to have sex with a man, but most wouldn't date one.

Or perhaps anons simply used to keep it to themselves. Maybe it has to do with the overall lack of consideration put into whether some comment should be added to a thread. People have too much diarrhea of the mouth (keyboard?), no appreciation for board quality.

>> No.23124981

Why is Dostoevsky just chilling on the right

>> No.23125337

i could unironically take them all on at the same time and win

>> No.23125356

>But when I’d been at parties with them, or out at bars, they’d ignored me.
and now the truth comes out, lmao

>> No.23125357

no one believes this bait bro

>> No.23125358


>im a muscle man on the internet!
get friends

>> No.23125359
File: 23 KB, 70x117, Capture569.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

literally me

>> No.23125365

>1. Tweetophon’s boyfriend
of course the Plato enjoyer is the more attractive and masculine of the two