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/lit/ - Literature

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23107964 No.23107964 [Reply] [Original]

i miss him bros...

>> No.23107980

looks like a turtle wearing a wig

>> No.23108003


>> No.23108013

Rest In Rip

>> No.23108017
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>> No.23108040
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I think he is embarrassed that he didn't even proofread his own book...

>> No.23108051

No need to proofread beautiful proses

>> No.23108173
File: 312 KB, 1079x926, 1643816573561.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's just in occultation while writing his magnum opus.

>> No.23108182
File: 326 KB, 602x733, 1707337821177535.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He was unfairly bullied and even threatened with sexual assault on /lit/, which was fucking ridiculous to read, but I think a lot of it he knows was his fault. If you sat down with a proofread copy of your book and a glass of wine, you'd have caught the errors that people found. It was like he shit the book out because he knew YouTube was a far better gig for him than writing.

>> No.23108185
File: 77 KB, 1132x646, vfdv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He made a video last week saying he took 3 weeks off in order to write a thesis. Pic-related is apparently someone he read--looks promising.

>> No.23108214

Damn, Chen fucking raped her...

>> No.23108229

The problem isn't proofreading. His writing just plain stinks. He's obsessed with the image of being an author, but he can't actually write for shit.

>> No.23108238

>if he wants some tits, you must acquit

>> No.23108250

Well, to be fair, it does take a few books to catch your stride, especially when we've been raised more on screens and not books, so, I think, many of us imagine in images and have to translate those into words, but, perhaps, writers previous to us did not have screens warping their minds, so the words flowed easier because they imagined in different ways. It might be difficult to write for a lot of people when they've been raised on glowing rectangles and black mirrors.

>> No.23108380

Wasn't Q also working on a novel?

>> No.23108385

Baby Alex is already out.

>> No.23108507

I published a book and if /lit/ really cared about quality literature and philosophy then this board would be full of threads discussing it. Instead of endless lolcows.

>> No.23108537


>> No.23108573

>I published a book

self-published doesn't count

>> No.23108631

Yes it does when the people deciding who gets to be published are blue haired fat chicks and ideologues who only publish queer black literature about emancipation from le ebil yt.

Self-publishing is based as fuck.

>> No.23108673


No, you have to figure it out for yourself, it should happen naturally. I was never here.

>> No.23108707

Fucking pussy

>> No.23108715


>> No.23108718

His shilling was even more annoying than Gardner's. At least Gardner was a retard who wrote retarded shit for a laugh and not an attempt at being "a serious literati."

>> No.23108720

no u


actually I have gotten a fair bit of feedback so far, some of it from /lit/ and it's been a positive experience. I'm just procrastinating this afternoon by posting on here, should return to work or start a new project.

>> No.23108731

fuck off waldung

>> No.23108810
File: 365 KB, 569x606, oy vey BAS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

$20 paperback. $8 kindle
who the fuck hurt you so bad that you'd price point like an asshole?

>> No.23108823

How tight do you think his butthole is? And what color?

>> No.23108834

what is it supposed to be priced at? twenty dollars was a round number and seemed to be reasonable compared to other philosophy books and translations of classics. Maybe 15 would be better, there are a lot of novels around 10 to 20 dollars. I haven't had anyone give me a hard time over the price, desu.

>> No.23108914

$15 would be better than 20...that's for sure. but really you should lock it in at $12 or $13.95. lower, even if that means you only make a $1-$2 royalty.
you published on Feb 1st? how many copies have you sold? i guessing zero(not including friends or family)
and the kindle version needs to go as low as it can
you gotta make that decision easy for potential customers...you do that by keeping the price low

>> No.23108923


Gardner would be able to tell you.

>> No.23108988

If memory serves, 13 is around the minimum amazon would let me charge for the paperback. They calculate the printing price based on a few factors, such as page size and page number, then they require you to set the price where your royalty covers that print cost (and they then deduct the print cost from the royalty). All that is to say, there is a minimum cost, not that I expected it to be a very profitable venture.

It has averaged a couple of sales a day. I didn't sell it to family or in-person friends. Just let online people/friends know about it, because they're usually the people I would usually discuss antiquity and philosophy with.

So far so good. I would like to go rustle up some book reviews from the readers, though. That way it has a kind of "stamp of approval" for people who are hesitant to read it and/or think it might be incoherent ramblings from some self-published schizoid.

>> No.23109897

>He's obsessed with the image of being an author, but he can't actually write for shit.
He's more like us than I thought...

>> No.23109908



3rd book coming in 1-2 weeks, just finishing the epilogue

>> No.23109921

You have a daughter and are still on 4chan?

>> No.23109924

kill yourself

>> No.23110038

I'm a /lit/ newbie can someone give me the rundown on this dude?

>> No.23110044

Wait don't tell me he killed himself. I always teased the mf but only in the play way that I would tease a bottom with my dick in his mouth. Although maybe he didn't appreciate that...

>> No.23110056

Still? I never left bitch

>> No.23110057
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3rd book coming in weeks dawg, suck my fat cock faggot!

>> No.23110060

I just have a visceral reaction against booktubers, which made him fair game in my eyes. To my mind real hardcore writers need to be faceless reclusive weirdos. They can't be youtubers wagging their tiny dicks around trying to look cool. My first impulse was to kill him on sight.

>> No.23110062

Shut up Woolston I preferred it when you were non-stop shilling instead of being coy.

>> No.23110067

kill yourself
It's the other shillcunt, not woolston

>> No.23110145

Nothing's been confirmed yet but there are rumours he's killed himself in front of Les Invalides in Paris.

>> No.23110356

Yeah, but I read that he was working on a new one

>> No.23110420
File: 7 KB, 183x275, Woolston2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wasn't me but have a read of my book when you get the chance mate

>> No.23110455

Hey wait a minute, I recognise that place on the cover

>> No.23110466
File: 324 KB, 1600x900, IMG_00001705.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sticking around just for you, big boy

>> No.23110475

> looks like a turtle wearing a wig
Lmfao true that

>> No.23110478

Nationalism is cancer and patriotism is pure stupidity.

>> No.23110493

What is basically publishing? The ability to reach audiences (through ads) and producing hardcovers and epubs , right?
Why /lit/ dont come up with a publishing house syndicate / cooperative online? Hardcovers/ softcovers can be printed on-demand, and epubs /pdfs are compiled once. The hardest part would be to find a suitable license to publish all the works under.

>> No.23110551

He was no K.D. Walter

>> No.23110612

What's this guy like?

>> No.23110692

he's the lost genius of our generation. Truly a sad loss. Waldunchads rise up.

>> No.23110704

>only publish queer black literature about emancipation from le ebil yt.
I have never ever seen books like these out in the wild.
Like, ever.

>> No.23110709

Mass Market Paperback prices need to make a comeback, and it can't come soon enough

>> No.23110808

Both of you should kill yourselves

>> No.23111019

I support him financially on substack. He is one of the highest IQ commentators out there. Together with Houellebecq, one of the few men that understand current society

>> No.23111036

whats his substack i guess i will support him too after such a sincere endorsement

>> No.23111064
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>> No.23111108

Anon, I have read the introduction and the blurb. I cannot buy it right now since I'm from Brazil and in the middle of some work projects, but I promise I will do so in some months, and I hope to create a thread based on it in the future.
It is a very interesting and bold project, one of the most interesting one I've ever seen here, and I feel happy for sharing certain spaces with you. I am sure one day you children will feel proud for having you as a father as well.

Godspeed, friend.

>> No.23111213

This morning my book just got its first review, a 5/5 and I didn't even pay for it or send a free copy of the book or anything. Those are genuine stars. wagmi, anon.

Also tinkered around with ai voice tech, check it out:


>> No.23111321

We are all gonna make it

>> No.23111328

You, especially, has already made it. I read the previews and it's great. Congratulations, anon.

>> No.23111341

*I should clarify the "or anything". I announced the book and told him about it, and he told me he bought it. So I asked him to post an honest review about it after reading it (he bought it via his wife's acct apparently), and he told me he posted it this morning.

So yes, you should talk to people and ask them to leave a review/share feedback directly. People will respond, in my experience so far.

>> No.23111358

Thank you, anon. If you wind up reading the full book, please share your thoughts/leave a review. If anything the feedback will make the sequel better.

I am going to try making another preview today or this weekend. Maybe one of the sections on divine revelation. The voice ai tools are pretty easy to use and powerful.

>> No.23111855


he looks a week away from transitioning

>> No.23112071

Fuck off, cunts. Ya had me thinking that the greatest Australian wordsmith of all time had died. On ya, ya fucking gronks.