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/lit/ - Literature

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23102544 No.23102544 [Reply] [Original]

Eventually Wendigoon is gonna release a 5 hour long video essay on this and you're all gonna call the book "reddit" and act like you had never read it in your lives.

>> No.23102562
File: 25 KB, 128x128, 1698376040343008.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have never heard of Wendigoon but I assume he/she/they is/are a gay (or otherwise) youtuber that you watch

>> No.23102575
File: 17 KB, 246x236, mustkill.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys we need to travel back in time to kill baby Wendigoon

>> No.23102588

This post already convinced me the book is reddit.

>> No.23102607

whatever, youre ascian

>> No.23102831

So Wendigoo is responsible for making the Blood Meridian fanbase so toxic and insufferable lately?


I got a feeling he'll pick something like Bakker easier to digest more than Wolfe and it has direct influence from Mccarthy

>> No.23102862

All the thirdies that learn english from his channel (his entire subscription base) will deus vult because they're all Catholic.

>> No.23102970


>> No.23103031

I have no fucking idea who Wendigoon is.

>> No.23103045

Why do people like you and OP let random youtubers live rent free in your heads?

>> No.23103063

I, an anonymous 4chan User, can hereby declare, for everyone able to see and read, that I have never read the book mentioned by OP, nor do I intend to, and that I know nothing about the aforementioned book, than seeing its cover in OP's post, and reading OP's description, and that in no point in time, from the creation of the galaxy until to this very moment, I, or any of my forebearers, had the very intention to read the book, or planned to read the book, or caught any information about the book, even by accident, or in their dreams.
Thus I conclude my statement, with wishing everyone participating in this thread a very good day and my warmest and moste humble regards.

>> No.23103097

>the Blood Meridian fanbase so toxic and insufferable lately
It's the anti-BM retards with their constant spamming about reddit that have become insufferable. Look in the mirror.

>> No.23103121
File: 2.85 MB, 2048x2048, WendigoSoulHackers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A wendigoon is a giant man eating creature from Canadian I believe folklore

>> No.23103124

Is mockery the ultimate, infallible weapon?

>> No.23103335

that’s faggotspeak, have some self respect

>> No.23103348

Nothing he has done nor will do will be considered an “essay”

>> No.23103367
File: 9 KB, 241x250, smug apu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm just not watching the faggot jewtuber, is all. Ugh, I know, I know, the thing is... I'm just not watching it! HAHAHAHA

>> No.23103648

Wolfe has always been reddit though. Midwit tier genre fiction trash. The same people who think blood meridian is peak literature also think guy going around with sword killing monsters and fucking women is "literary" and "better than proust"
>Overall, I found nothing unique in Wolfe. Perhaps it's because I've read quite a bit of odd fantasy; if all I read was mainstream stuff, then I'd surely find Wolfe unpredictable, since he is a step above them. But compared to Leiber, Howard, Dunsany, Eddison, Kipling, Haggard, Peake, Mieville, or Moorcock, Wolfe is nothing special.
>Perhaps I just got my hopes up too high. I imagined something that might evoke Peake or Leiber (at his best), perhaps with a complexity and depth gesturing toward Milton or Ariosto. I could hardly imagine a better book than that, but even a book half that good would be a delight--or a book that was nothing like that, but was unpredictable and seductive in some other way.
>I kept waiting for something to happen, but it never really did. It all plods along without much rise or fall, just the constant moving action to make us think something interesting is happening. I did find some promise, some moments that I would have loved to see the author explore, particularly those odd moments where Silver Age Sci Fi crept in, but each time he touched upon these, he would return immediately to the smallness of his plot and his annoying prick of a narrator. I never found the book to be difficult or complex, merely tiring. the unusual parts were evasive and vague, and the dull parts constant and repetitive.
>The whole structure (or lack of it) does leave things up to interpretation, and perhaps that's what some readers find appealing: that they can superimpose their own thoughts and values onto the narrator, and onto the plot itself. But at that point, they don't like the book Wolfe wrote, they like the book they are writing between his lines.

>> No.23103663


>> No.23103666

read literature
stop reading genre fiction

>> No.23103673

>muh Wolfe is hard to digest
>muh Wolfe is hard to follow
I am actually genuinely convinced that all Wolfe fans are trolling when they say this, that it's a giant inside joke. There's no conceivable way this many people can be that retarded. It's like when DUNC came out and a lot of people said it was hard to follow. I just can't believe that there are people that braindead in this world.

>> No.23103691

What the hell do you know about literature, retard?

>> No.23103695

Because they're teenagers who didn't actually read complex fiction before picking up wolfe and suddenly believe their genreshit is the most uber complex thing ever written. midwits who don't actually want to read something challenging but want to read something with the veneer of intelligence and sophistication so they read ok genre fiction and pretend it's the greatest thing ever written
They get mad when you tell them that no, fantasy genre fiction is not on the level of actual literature. these people literally think wolfe was a better author than proust lmaooo

>> No.23103697

what faggot are you quoting?

>> No.23103699

more than any wolfefag

>> No.23103702

nice fantasy

>> No.23103703
File: 240 KB, 860x774, EUFaY8DXgAAba01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They get mad when you tell them that no, fantasy genre fiction is not on the level of actual literature.
You sound like you deeply enjoy the smell of your own farts.

>> No.23103713

It is better than Proust.

>> No.23103723

Proust is not literature, retard. Seethe more.

>> No.23103730

>Proust is not literature
Cormac McDonalds said that. The opinions of a reddit 'oh my science' soiboi don't matter.

>> No.23103738

Keep seething, paco. It won't change anything.

>> No.23103764
File: 43 KB, 651x457, fbi glowie false flag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Glowies BIG mad a youtuber encouraged millions of Gen Z to at least become aware of, if not read, a white male writer worth more than every DEI affirmative action retard pushed by (((them))) over the past 20 years.

>> No.23103784

This desu

>> No.23103785

you have got to cut this shit out and start understanding for once that the value of a piece of media has absolutely no relation to two time sink brainrot sites’ consensuses of it. read this book yourself, and if you like it, read more from the author and the writers whom the author claims to have been influenced by. maybe learn a new language or two along the way. that’s already a much more sound approach to discovering what you like and enriching your understanding of world literature than “durr i no read becuz reddit, hurr i read becuz 4chan”

>> No.23103788

Yes, it won't change a thing. Proust is considered great literature, some of the best in the 20th century.
>muh paco
Nice boogeyman.

>> No.23103793

It is just one retarded spic spreading his autism against English writers. I am beginning to suspect that nearly all the retarded opinions on fiction is just this one retard spamming the board with his trash lol.

>> No.23103804

>Proust is considered great literature
By homosexuals like yourself perhaps.
>some of the best in the 20th century
Lol. Chick lit for soulless bourgeois. Cry about it.

>> No.23103818


>> No.23103822

kek look at this intolerable loser and laugh

>> No.23103846

You don't say, dumbass. You won't know good literature if it came up and slapped you in the face.

Wait for some fatass critic to write a book on them. Maybe then you'll feel safe in acknowledging them. Let's be real, you got into Proust the same way.

>> No.23103863

Cry a little more.

>> No.23103864

You didn't know "good literature" until you saw it on reddit or in a video by wendigook.

>> No.23103873

I am not a newfag like you, retard.

>> No.23103874

Why would I cry, retard? I bet you cried when Charles McCarthy died lol

>> No.23103883

Yea, you are. You repeated opinions said by retards as if they were gospel.

>> No.23103890

All you have done ITT is cry how your favorite faggot homosexual was owned by based Cormac lol. I bet you cry whenever you are reminded of the fact that 'prout' is not literature.

>> No.23103891

damn i’m just sitting here within a grin on my face reading this
there’s no way you let this site rot your brain so much that this is how you talk to people now my guy

>> No.23103900

I can't stop people from thinking and saying stupid things, because the problem is they are stupid. A million more stupid videos can't change that.

>> No.23103901

Only newfag retards like yourself are under the delusion that either of the books were famous here because of reddit or some youtuber. That's what gives you away.
>You repeated opinions said by retards as if they were gospel.
You do that everytime you post anything, retard.

>> No.23103903

he's a christian zoomer who got married at 21 and makes video essays about creepypastas and some other topics from time to time, like books

>> No.23103905

>was owned
You're such a redditor, down to the little buzzwords you use. "He was le heck owned! epic fail bro!" Please commit suicide kek

>> No.23103907

Sure. That's why you are seething and replying to the same posts over and over again lol.

>> No.23103916

You would know all about reddit. That wasn't invented on reddit, you redditranny. That's just where you first came across it, because you're a redditranny in denial.

>> No.23103917

I have never quoted anyone here. You quoted Cormac McCarthy on Proust. Very obvious where you're coming from.

>> No.23103925

kek why would i be seething? if i were seething, i’d be taking issue with exactly what you’re saying
i’m more concerned with how this site made you think you can yap the way you do and somehow convince yourself you aren’t irreparably mentally stunted from it

>> No.23103931

Lmao. Genuine retard.

You speak your opinion. You are clinically retarded. Try putting two and two together, retard.

>> No.23103935

Now you're bringing up trannies as if Cormac McDonalds didn't write a tranny love story as his swan song.

>> No.23103943
File: 94 KB, 491x567, 1636165652318.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"i-i am not seethinggg, even though i am replying over and over to the same posts because they hurt me so much"
Kek. Pic related is you.

>> No.23103945

I haven't repeated any opinion. First time I'm talking about Proust in ages. Proust is one of the greatest writers btw much to the chagrin of redditors and niggers.

>> No.23103952

>this is the level of his reading comprehension
I don’t need more proof that you are illiterate and retarded. I know already that you don't read books whatsoever.

>> No.23103957

>Proust is one of the greatest writers btw
To homosexuals perhaps. Long winded garbage.

>> No.23103964

>no. 6 on the reddit list
All proust fans are redditors. Have some self-awareness, retard.

>> No.23103967

You brought up tranny as an insult, did you not? Do you not see how ironic this is? Also someone who says Proust isn't literature isn't exactly a cultural paragon.

>> No.23103969

>straw manning my point
>“seethe” (the word only 4channers use with considerable frequency)
>pic rel is a meme mocking Reddit, again playing into the supposed Reddit-4chan dichotomy that lives rent free in the users of this site
you just keep proving my point kek. this site really did turn you into a crass retard with nil sense of individuality

>> No.23103974

Like I said, much to the chagrin of redditors and niggers lmao

>> No.23103983

>redditor mad at being called out for being a redditor
Go back there if you hate the culture here so much, retard.

>> No.23103989

>reading comprehension
Redditors love proust, dumbass. You are a recent example for one.

>> No.23103992

>>again playing into the supposed Reddit-4chan dichotomy that lives rent free in the users of this site
read this as many times as you need for it to stick in your brain for good
maybe you’ll learn a thing or two about individuality on the way

>> No.23104008

As if redditors didn't love Cormac McBurgers. Everything you say goes against Cormac lmao

>> No.23104014

>spams the safest basic bitch tier opinions
>no taste of his own. Likes only what the "famous others" like
>preaches about individuality
Lmao. Fucking retard. I don't need to learn anything from the strawmanning vanilla faggot.
>"waah no individuality in insults"
Some reddit opinion to have. I would ask you to do what you preach but I can't sit through the ESL diarrhea that would eventually result in.

>> No.23104031

i don’t understand what you’re referring to, perhaps you think i’m someone else in this thread but you would be quite mistaken
also you REALLY can’t let the Reddit assumption go lmao. some malleable mind you’ve got there

>> No.23104033

I've never read this book or watched a Wendigoon video.

>> No.23104034

>Cormac McCarthy total goodreads ratings: 1.6 million
>marcel proust total goodreads ratings: 150k
There is no statistical possibility where proust's fanbase doesn't come out as the bigger reddit abomination.

>uses reddit as an insult
>preaches about "duuude the site. The loss of individuality duuude"
Kek. You are the caricature of a midwit.

>> No.23104036

nice dubs

>> No.23104039

it is already reddit and a shit book. get over yourself faggot

>> No.23104050

>some malleable mind
Lmao. This is the kind of ESL shit I was dreading. I am not mistaking you for anyone lol.

Some "duuuuude individuality" you got there, little man lol.

>> No.23104053

Fewer ratings = less redditness. And I never said anything about individuality. You're mistaking me for someone else. There are 30 posters ITT.

>> No.23104063


Fewer ratings=less read
High reddit list placements with less readers=big reddit fanbase.

You lack the ability for basic logic it seems.

>> No.23104067
File: 191 KB, 386x415, 1708458828383481.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When will hiro make an e-celeb containment board?

>> No.23104068

You may be on a couple different devices but you type all the same. It's easy to tell.

>> No.23104074
File: 60 KB, 680x584, 1707758953170930.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why bother? It would just become another /pol/, like every other board. All your base are belong to us.

>> No.23104085

>you type all the same.
Your brain is clearly not designed for literature if you can't tell the difference between two very distinct writing styles. Now I understand why actual literature filters you. It's not more complex than lack of intelligence.

>> No.23104098

? So you faggots stop shitting up every other board with inane drivel over le current thing

>> No.23104106

>"just believe my shit bro"
Sure. Keep trying to convince yourself that you are good at working this facade lol.
>two very distinct writing styles.
Lmao. Too much for comedy here. But all "your styles" (or your style) are/is exceptionally bland. Nothing distinct about it. Essays in high schools are written with more verve. You don't have the mind for literature, which is why I think you are dicksucking proust as it is a safe opinion to have on reddit/4chan.

>> No.23104122

Lacking self-awareness goes hand in hand with lack of intelligence. And not everything is or should be written in the cornslop style you love so much LOL especially not a reply for a retard like you.

>> No.23104144

>why I think you are dicksucking proust as it is a safe opinion to have on reddit/4chan.
Unlike the very unsafe and obscure opinion of liking Corncob McSharty and parroting his opinions on reddit/4chan.

>> No.23104149

His wife’s going to leave him. Calling it now. Pretty sure he paid for her med school and she’s now a licensed doctor. She’ll drop him and collect a paycheck as well.

>> No.23104156
File: 124 KB, 626x399, 1708457917275497.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When you read Wolfe what you are reading is Vance made safe for a middlebrow audience.

>> No.23104161

I have you figured, little bitch. You are below average in the scales that we measure anons in the prose threads by. Let's not even entertain the thought of comparing you with a published writer (no matter how much he makes your butt hurt).

You have no style. No intelligence for literature either, which is why you are regurgitating the most basic bitchass opinions ITT. And now you have resorted to baseless ad hominems because I have stood a mirror in front of you and your retarded delusions about your bland as shit "style".

>> No.23104163

How many people read this because Sam Hyde recommends it?

>> No.23104170

Seething ESL tranny lol. Get all of your butthurt out in one post. This is just embarrassing to see.

>> No.23104196

is the main idea with Vance that the characters have elaborate backstories that the reader will ever know and all their actions, major and minor, are derived from and only hint at those character compositions? and as a reader we can just speculate about them and never really know, sort of like knowing a person in real life? Is that what makes it sophisticated?

>> No.23104207

Your concept of intelligence is parroting the edgy opinions of Cormac McCarthy as gospel. I can safely discard what you think of any writing style considering you thought the 33 people ITT were just you and me. See >>23104085

>> No.23104219

Why should I post in your required format?
Cormac loves trannies, buddy. Stop using that as an insult lmao

>> No.23104232

>if you can't tell the difference between two very distinct writing styles.
Lmao. Funniest shit I have read all day. Retards do be huffing their own farts.

Just remember this: not only are you nowhere near as good as you have deluded yourself into believing, but also that you aren't even good to begin with. You are not fooling anyone. There was only one retard arguing with me ITT. It's plain as day. Hiding behind poster count won't do anything. Look for a different hobby. You are a quintessential midwit. You will never be able to fake understanding literature. Your absolutely dire attempt at "distinct styles" (lol) is a warning signal.

>> No.23104252

Topkek..Wendigoon fags were bullied off /x/ for being too obvious and think they're going to be more successful on /lit/? Good luck LOL. Way higher bar and anons here can smell charlatans like him from seven miles away.

>> No.23104311

Everything ever written has a writing style, retard. No one ever said their style was good. It's not anyone's problem that you couldn't tell different users in an anonymous board.

>> No.23104823

we get it dude you heard about Vance from MDE and now think you have to pretend to like him even he wrote middling genreshit slop

>> No.23104868

I don't know what MDE is. I learned about Vance and Wolfe from /lit/.

>> No.23104889

>This is the kind of ESL shit I was dreading
huh? “malleable” is a pretty difficult word for non-native speakers. or maybe you’re the one having issues with English, because
>some malleable mind you’ve got there
is sarcastic, I’m using a pretty common colloquial form of sarcasm
also you seem to be grossly mistaken about what i meant re individuality. it’s not individuality “of insults” or “of not writing like an ESL” but of the kind that ensures that your style, tone, and vocabulary aren’t identical to that of someone who has had his brain absolutely sledgehammered by using this piece of shit site for more than 15 minutes a day
i get you’re trying to seem edgy or self-assured or whatever but it’s really not working bro. you really need to take a break from this site, maybe take a walk around where you used to play as a kid, hug your mom too maybe

>> No.23105009

I hate how people started saying this faggots name and expecting others to know who it is as if it's some A list celebrity that solved cancer. He's a faggot youtuber loser that read a single book and now people don't shutup about either. If I hear "wendigoon" one more time I'm going to kill myself BOTNS is top tier sci-fi btw

>> No.23105025
File: 93 KB, 225x225, wendigoon with wife.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think so.

>> No.23105443

Retarded samefags trying to force their "unique style" onto people, even though it doesn't even exist, is among the most pathetic things anyone has done on this board. You are fucking retarded and you write so fucking bland that it is impossible to tell you from the 10 other people. But you have been samefagging like a retard nevertheless. You are not fooling anyone.
That's a dumb as shit adjective, the way you have used it here. Only a retarded ESL could come up with it, which you are. Don't try to spin it into some "duuude big word for you" like a 12 year old thinking it's a gotcha. That's embarrassing.

Your style is bland. You have been samefagging, and you are hufffing immense amounts of copium trying to hide the fact that your intuition for language is noticeably poor.

>> No.23105455

>she’s now a licensed doctor
If she doesn't leave him, she will at the very least cuck him. Doctors and nurses are some of them most disloyal professions. I think it's because of the stressful environment that people look for sexual relief.

>> No.23105475

it's literally just this. so many /lit/ tards are so obsessed with their supposed aristocratic souls or whatever they can't see a guy on youtube single handedly pushing zoomers to read good works. do ppl here not think those who read blood meridian and like it aren't gonna read other /lit/ choices? it's fantastic to see.

>> No.23105479

I never said my style was "unique." I said our writing styles were distinct, which is true. Different capitalization, different use of space, different use of punctuation. Your brain is clearly not designed for reading if you think that everyone arguing against you is the same person (in a thread with 30+ people, no less). Stay away from Joyce, Dos Passos, Woolf, etc. Stick to McSharty and similar genreslop.

>> No.23105484

It's ruined now, I have removed it from my top 10 and will look for a cooler and more obscure choice. I will not support reddit/youtube/normie books.

>> No.23105522

>I said our writing styles were distinct, which is true. Different capitalization, different use of space, different use of punctuation
No they aren't. Because you are dumb as shit. They are different only to you because you are coping hard with your realization of your complete incompetency with prose and your low intelligence. Stick to poost and other trash (ISOLT has some of the most ESL sounding prose I have ever read in a translation.)
>Stay away from Joyce, Dos Passos, Woolf, etc.
Dos passos is garbage, and it aligns with your shitty taste that you'd recommend him. I have already read Joyce and Woolf.

This is funny. Dumbass ESL legitimately considers his writing to have some distinctiveness, which it doesn't, which if not recognized would disqualify readers from reading a random assortment of writers who sure as hell aren't anywhere as bland as the said retard. I may well call it a non-sequitur. It's that pathetic.

>> No.23105535

>No they aren't.
Yes, they are. If you couldn't tell at least how our capitalization was different you're simply too retarded for reading. Thank God you're not a detective (or anything that requires brain power and pattern recognition).
>shitty taste
You think Cormac McCarthy is the greatest shit ever LOL is One Direction your favorite band? Pulp Fiction your favorite movie? You're a such a joke.

>> No.23105553

>If you couldn't tell at least how our capitalization was different you're simply too retarded for reading
And you are retarded period.
>"look how this one thing is different between us because I made sure to write it that way in order to force the difference"
God you're so retarded. This is so clear and obvious, it's fucking pathetic. Only a samefag would insist that some random shit like capitalization is a marker of there being two different people. I am laughing so hard right now. Why is it that all faggots trying to act elitist (on liking garbage like poost no less) are all ubiquitously retarded across the board? There must be some conspiracy.
>You think Cormac McCarthy is the greatest shit ever
He is Great. Never said anything about the greatest. That's just your butthurt speaking.

Meanwhile, your favorite writer is a faggot homosexual lol. One direction is more up your alley, and your favorite movie is probably brokeback mountain lol.

>> No.23105583

>Only a samefag would insist that some random shit like capitalization is a marker of there being two different people
Your pattern recognition is so shit. I'm not even memeing or exaggerating. You're obviously very low IQ.
>Meanwhile, your favorite writer is a faggot homosexual lol.
Never said he was my favorite. I said he was one of the greatest, which is true. It doesn't matter how much you parrot McBurger's redneck comments, Proust's greatness will prevail.

>> No.23105591

>"I am trash, but I can't cope with it so I'll call you shit"
Lol. So retarded. Find a different hobby, retarded ESL.
>Proust's greatness will prevail
You must have taken a lot of dick in the ass to believe that lol. This is why you like him in the first place, isn't it? Lol

>> No.23105596

>he’s STILL yapping
>he STILL thinks i’m that other guy he keeps calling an ESL or a paco or whatever
bro you really can’t let this go can you? you really just want to have the last word in every shitflinging exchange you get into, even if it means operating on utter delusions the whole time?

>> No.23105639

>he still thinks I am the other guy
I KNOW it in fact.

Last word? That must be your objective. Mine is only to trash retards.

>> No.23105650


>> No.23106890

The blood meridian posts that spawned from him shining a spotlight on the book were funny as fuck though

>> No.23106944
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>> No.23106967
File: 336 KB, 859x1080, 1705845933684047.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I made a fan rewrite of the ending
it's too early to be posting this much cringe

>> No.23107004

21 people read this and did not just find it gay and weird and tried to forget about it

>> No.23107008

Fucking kek I love this shit

>> No.23107401
File: 7 KB, 234x250, 1704696964909445.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a guy on youtube single handedly pushing zoomers to read good works
This doesn't happen. What actually happens is a Youtuber skims a large book (badly), extrapolates some theory on the book's themes, ignores about 90% of the book's actual content and does no research. This creates what we will call The Faggot Take. By creating the Faggot Take the 'tuber has what he actually wants — which is not some valuable understanding of a written work that would benefit himself or others, but a narrative framework to concoct a clickbait video around. The Faggot Take is then plastered up in video form, where millions of little zoomers — who are basically neo-serf illiterates and educated incorrectly, — bear witness and proceed to adopt The Faggot Take in place of any actual learning you might derive from actually reading the book. Why? Because clout. Zoomers do not value things, they value the idea of things. They have been groomed by bad education and a diseased society into becoming chinks, basically. They obtain clout by the illusion of being well-read rather than actually reading, with all the benefits that would award them. And because zoomers outnumber us (like chinks) the Faggot Take is parroted around by simpletons vigorously nodding at each other to feel like they understand anything, sharing in this mutual deluded ignorance. The 'tuber is the root cause of all this, which is why they are (or I guess were) despised on this website.

>> No.23107441 [DELETED] 

>reply one at a time
>same faggy way of writing
>insist your styles are different by pointing out the differences you wished were acknowledged by others
>complete lack of awareness that he is a horrible stylist and none of the differences are noticeable to anyone but the poster himself
Sure fooled me, dude. Hahahahaha.

>> No.23107446

>reply one at a time
Why would we reply to the same shit all the time? Only niggers (like you) dogpile on others.

>> No.23107456 [DELETED] 

>he is talking about himself in the plural
Better learn what that word means, retard.

>> No.23107821

They really assume they are the only gatekeepers, in the age of the internet no less.

>> No.23107830

>BIG mad

>> No.23107863

>Vance made safe for a middlebrow audience.
lol, LMAO even
Vance's Dying Earth is a literal children's book with terrible prose and characters called Flibbidy Floobiddy and dialogue written for performers at an American Renaissance Fair. It's literal pre-New Wave 1950s dogshit for children and retards that was grandfathered into being accepted as classic, when IRL it's obviously L. Ron Hubbard tier shlock.

not only unironically comparing it to Wolfe, but further implying that there's some hidden complexity is reddit tier contrarianism

>> No.23107907

>deluded ignorance
It's always so funny when the racist complains about people being ignorant but can't stop insulting blacks and asians, who have nothing to do with his point.

>> No.23107947 [DELETED] 

The resident dirty ass beaner is a good example of such a person. He is always spamming racist shit on the board during his breaks from cleaning toilets.

>> No.23108043

so this is how /lit/ pretends to read books, video essays?
you might as well watch wishbone lmao

>> No.23108074

I hope he doesn't release it before I finish the series, I would rather watch it after reading them.

>> No.23108108


>> No.23109211

Im honestly surprised. Where does he say this?

>> No.23109254

You're a tranny

>> No.23109266

Only we are allowed to talk sbout books because... because...

>> No.23109276

Cormac published a tranny book in 2022.

>> No.23109354

Can’t tell exactly when. Can probably find it on YT, but he’s recommended gene wolfe and BOTNS. Also Jack Vance, Philip K. Dick, and other sci-fi authors,

>> No.23109664

Everyone know Clark Ashton Smith>>>>>Vance.

>> No.23110842

So that's what killed him

>> No.23110941

It's always funny to see leftists melt down over abject reality

>> No.23110949

do you even read what you type? you have zero self-awareness..
you are one of these new type of book-readers who spend more time on /lit/ and reddit trying to discern the most "esoteric" and "cool/based" literature than you do actual reading. lighten the fuck up and read because you enjoy it and not because you are paranoid of what other online losers will think of you.
self-absorbed loser

>> No.23110984

But if I do that how will I feel superior to others? Superiority complex begets gate keepers and gate keepers protect a community centered around commonality from deteriorating into brain rot itself. I would absolutely take your advice if it weren't for the fact that this black iron prison craves community.

>> No.23111000

CormACK McCarthy

>> No.23111272

Cope wolfefag
>you are one of these new type of book-readers who spend more time on /lit/ and reddit trying to discern the most "esoteric" and "cool/based" literature than you do actual reading. lighten the fuck up and read because you enjoy it and not because you are paranoid of what other online losers will think of you.
That's literally what wolfe fans are
midwit teenage redditors who think a genre fiction book about a guy killing monsters and fucking women is "deep" because it uses basic surface level unreliable narrator and takes its ideas from better books

>> No.23111279

checked and lol

>> No.23111282

I'm just coming to the end of this book and I really thought it sucked desu

>> No.23111295

Rise Above and PF are great people who have been actively jailed and persecuted by the authorities for standing up for White interests. These pathetic little potshots of keyboard warriors claiming, jesus christ, that using a walkie talkie in a potentially hectic situation is evidence of something? Go pick up a weight so that you become marginally less of a fucking faggot.

>> No.23111739

zomg i am so heckin' TERRified of some pretentious terminally-online incel thinking i'm a "midwit" lmaooooo

>> No.23112146
File: 122 KB, 680x530, 1680278201436755.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I only like the part where Severian was hanging out with his torturer bros, I couldn't bother reading anymore after he got expelled.

>> No.23112203

>quoting a whole page of a literal fucking who
You just convinced me to buy this book, unironically. Imagine seething this hard over fun pages

>> No.23112210

They hated him because he told the truth.

>> No.23112251
File: 52 KB, 767x766, 1643638038434.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was filtered by the parts Wolfe left for the reader to "fill in"
All I got was getting confused, am I low IQ?

>> No.23112366

I haven't a fucking breeze who wendigoon is but if was a faggot who lived their live according to online consensus I'd kill myself.

>> No.23112667

Gonna blogpost but I enjoyed the Wizard Knight, finished BotNS a couple months back and hope to move onto Latro in the Mist when I'm done with some Herman Hesse.
It's nice to get back into reading.
I have a signed test printing of Urth of the New Sun that I'm pretty grateful to own

>> No.23112790

There was a moment in BOTNS that I only got because I have a shared love of mythology and naval history. I don't care if it is reddit, I'm going to love it for that reason alone.
Plus its a fun dying earth adventure even if you don't quite understand all the moments where Wolfe is being smug.
Nice. Latro is my favorite Wolfe series, and it doesn't get nearly the same amount of love as New Sun.
If you want comfy religious order stuff, Long Sun might be worth a try.