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/lit/ - Literature

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23099821 No.23099821 [Reply] [Original]

twin peaks edition

previous >>23095743

>> No.23099854

I just rewatched The Return and I liked it quite a bit more on my second watch. Retard Dougie still gets fucking old tho.

>> No.23099866

>>23099795 #
Idk if I agree or disagree with you or the other guy but you sound like a midwit pseud who's trying to make something out of nothing so fuck you and kys tranny

>> No.23099875 [DELETED] 


>> No.23099914

What a shit couple of days. Everyone was rude to me. My wallet fell into a puddle. My hinge date said she "got covid" and cancelled us getting drinks. My boss basically no-showed our presentation and then his boss gave me an earful for a bunch of shit that was neither my fault or in my control.

>> No.23099935
File: 840 KB, 1470x942, Screenshot 2024-02-21 at 18.48.28.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

in english there's really no need to compounds words. we use nouns as adjectives.

>> No.23099949

I tried to explain to them that I chose the history department to do my thesis on medieval poetry precisely because my background was in economics, and so history is more obvious but they just insisted I apply to the English department. They don’t seem to understand that I can’t do English because I have unrelated degree and experience.

>> No.23099965

You can if you present a decent thesis. If your economics degree was your under grad it doesn't matter. It just shows you can handle higher learning. Its the proposal that matters. It couldn't hurt to try anyway.

>> No.23099972

I want sucky sucky

>> No.23099977

>can get dates
>has a job
>thinks its ashitty day

>> No.23100022

Idk bro I wish I didn't even get the date, feels way worse when she says shit to cancel it last minute

>> No.23100026 [DELETED] 

fi dorra

>> No.23100055

The English department at this school has suggested that they won’t even consider my application. I basically have nothing at all that is attractive to them besides a specific research topic.

>> No.23100061

The Skyrim soundtrack is pretty incredible

>> No.23100077 [DELETED] 
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Everything about Skyrim is pretty incredible. I'm gonna go buy it again.

>> No.23100081

Idk about that. Skyrim had a special place in my heart and it’s probably my favorite game ever, but if I’m being honest, there were a lot shitty things about it.

>> No.23100082

I'm an incel neet.

>> No.23100098 [DELETED] 
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you shut your lying whore mouth

>> No.23100112

I went down the Morrowind hole last winter and it was amazing. Oblivion is goofy as shit but I still love it, totes rec either if you havent.
Now Daggerfall is something else entirely, shits ENORMOUS literally, you could get lost for days in that shit. I still have dreams about navigating those endless dungeons.

>> No.23100124

That's her loss, not yours. Anyway how is hinge? I've never dating apped before and am wondering if it's worth it

>> No.23100136

She offered to "clean" my "banana" with her saliva, which is clearly a flirtation with innuendos, but the fact she looks and acts like a child didn't arouse me, and I can only think about how weird it was.

>> No.23100156

can only picture a pedophile writing this

>> No.23100158

I wouldn't know bro, haven't been on the date yet. 2 people from work met their spouses thru hinge which is why I thought I'd give it a shot but no luck so far. The hinge app is pretty good cuz they let you do more for free. But generally speaking hinge tries to be the more "serious" dating app, whereas bumble and tinder are kinda filled with attention whores and bots

>> No.23100163

She's an adult.

>> No.23100169

yh that was clear in the lore. she just looks and acts like a child in your unprovoked larp

>> No.23100179

Actually, living without love is one of the most difficult things conceivable, but that’s how true meaning is formed; well beyond the gates of Hell, completely shackled by self-doubt, endlessly tortured by your own insecurities and very mind, but in the end, love is there, buried horrifically deep within the gnashing, bloody, black heart of Satan, desperately shrieking for release, and as soon as you stretch your necrotic, frail, pathetic little finger, with all of your sad, hopeless might, despite every miniscule force in the galaxy pulling you back, including, and especially, yourself, and faintly scrape the surface of the malformed, corrupt, insanely pained heart with just a sliver of grace, all of Heaven immediately bursts from underneath you, and freely consumes you with everlasting bliss, for all eternity. -Rejavik

Sorry, y'all; I'm a pretentious, arrogant, pathetic fucking show-off.
Still fun to read, though.
Try to top this one.
It's the longest sentence ever written, by, fucking, far.


>> No.23100193 [SPOILER] 
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Tolstoy's such a zachhack

>> No.23100200 [SPOILER] 
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Guys, it's obvious that I'm just extremely, incomprehensibly better than you, at literally everything possible, just exercise some tucking humility and write something, anything.

>> No.23100201

I eventually reached a point with Skyrim where I just felt that I had played enough of it. I haven't played it in like 4 years and have no desire to pick it up again

>> No.23100207

I want a /lit/ gf so bad bros...
But I know I'm too much of an avoidant, schizo scoundrel.

>> No.23100211

I did too, but I mostly play it for vibe now. I usually pick it up around autumn or winter every year. When you’re climbing over the some mountain admiring the view and Secunda hits, it’s just a nice vibe. The actual game is not fun for me anymore. I’ve actually been thinking about buying a suped up gaming PC just to play Skyrim ultra-modded.

>> No.23100216

She does look and act like a child. It's weird considering her innuendos and large breasts.

>> No.23100218


Why the fuck did F Gardner decide to deny the Holocaust and rant about the Jewish Question? It’s the most baffling development I’ve seen from this board in a long time. He went on a livestream podcast and went absolutely apeshit.

>> No.23100220 [SPOILER] 
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Wish granted, cuck.
For that pathetic fucking "purity," you get one of my mates, forever.
See that adorable, constantly puzzled, dumbass expression? I do that to her, constantly, because I'm simply that brilliant and sexy, as, fuck.
But now you're Elohim, buddy.
Are you ready?


You're good, though, man.

My administration is taking care of you now.

Welcome to the club, Derek.

You're in the Writer Flight, now.

You'll have A LOT of /lit/ gfs, bro.

You'll see.

-Elo, The Night Dragon

Eternal Defender of /lit/

>> No.23100237 [DELETED] 

baka enough of this now

>> No.23100242

smgdh enough of this now

>> No.23100249

Sounds better to be a serious app desu. I was never interested in hook ups and just entered the second half of my 20s, so I really need to find a wife

>> No.23100263

Is it legal to own a homestead and feed the overproduce to your pigs instead of selling it? I know it sounds insufferable and miserable, but it seems like the only way left to get rid of being controlled by banks, capitalism and the Jews.

>> No.23100267

Thr best way is to have chickens or sheep probably. I'm going to move to a homestead and I have a substantial down payment saved for a wilderness plot too, I just hope to pay it all off in one go.

>> No.23100272

You can't escape the Beast

>> No.23100278
File: 93 KB, 1024x682, 13-dougie-twin-peaks-coffee.w710.h473.2x-1024x682.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I just rewatched The Return and I liked it quite a bit more on my second watch.
It only gets better with each rewatch

>> No.23100287

I think there are certain limitations if you take advantage of the homestead tax, but whatever produce you have is yours to do with what you please as far as I know. The key to being free is to have property paid off and minimize property taxes to the utmost degree possible.

>> No.23100288

The benefits of pigs is that they eat literally everything. Get a pig herd, have them in the forest, every year take a few pigs to your backyard and feed them overproduce, trash, leftovers till they get real fat and slaughter them.
Chickens are good because they don't take much space and the sheep could be used for making clothes without buying it from the store.
All in all with a good homestead you should never have to leave your house for years.

>> No.23100290

let us say everything you own is robbed from you, everyone you love is taken from you, everything you hold sacred in this world is defiled. praise the Lord almighty for humbling the arrogant! by his grace and his grace alone you simply rebuild, you keep fighting, you keep glorying the world with his light, which is like an undying fire within you, consuming and cleansing the wickedness that fuels it. may it burn bright!

in a way, people take their lives too seriously on earth. they idolize great riches and great things, they gather and they covet, but seldom do they know the one singular truth: that such things they can never keep. naked did man come from his mother's womb, naked shall he return. what matters is not what we die with, but by how we lived!

>> No.23100297

Check local laws pertaining to keeping livestock. You will probably still need to buy feed or have some other primary food source for the pigs.

>> No.23100307

>feed them overproduce, trash, leftovers till they get real fat
you should let animals eat their natural diet

>> No.23100317

> he doesn't know how to get a pig real fat
This conversation was over before it even started.

>> No.23100336

You're just larping man. "Is it illegal to feed pigs leftovers?" Fucking stupid question

>> No.23100337

i don't eat pork. i know farmers fatten up cattle by feeding them grain, which makes them very unhealthy.

>> No.23100357
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went home with a girl when i was 18 after a night out. we got to hers at 7am, her mum was up and seemed so happy and nice, she was smiling, going for her morning swim in the ocean. i hadn't really met other people's parents and wished my mum was like that too.
upstairs, in her room, the girl said in a furtive but sad way, 'she's started drinking already'.

>> No.23100377


>> No.23100384

I meant as a dietary supplement, not as their base diet.
Yeah it's just for a year then the pig gets slaughtered. I can't wait for the day I get to slaughter an animal, cook it, and eat it.

>> No.23100401

I'm going to return to monke. It will be hard because I feel bad even killing a poor fishy. :(

>> No.23100420

damn, made me emotional

>> No.23100422

The more expensive the restaurant, the poorer the portions.

>> No.23100431

Jew or Muslim?

>> No.23100456

Don't try to fuck with Serbia, that is a bad plan

>> No.23100464

Apparently, the law students who browse this board are whiny little faggots who cry when someone calls them out on their retardation

>> No.23100474

I don't want to do anything AHHHHH. Stop making me have to fucking do things you stupid fucking society! What gives you the right to force me to do things! So what if I just want to passively exist! You think that's bad? You think living like a taoist sage is bad? Doing things is the biggest lie, the hugest con job in all of human history.

>> No.23100480
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just posting this here in case I need to look up the image again some time in the future

>> No.23100490

I am absolutely mortified by the possibility that true love doesn't exist. I want to find an ugly, truly ugly woman that fills me with revulsion, but who has a kind soul, and see if I can fall in love with her.
Yes, selfish! But I need to know. Am I as much of a soulless bastard as everyone else? Am I even capable of putting aside someone's looks to love them? God, I hate this. But I need to know! I want to see if I can love her forever, to make her happy, to smile when she does and cry when she cries. I need to knowー and if I fail, I can banish myself from love forever. I'll know that even with all of my pretentions of true love and essential goodness, even I who exalts and cherishes and wishes for it, even I am incapable of it. I can exile myself in peace. No! Completely destroyed but, satisifed in my own destruction.

>> No.23100491

Reminder people in the creative industry thought they'd be the last bastion against AI rendering jobs obsolete, that the manual and intellectual labor would go first, but it turned out to be the reverse.

>> No.23100584

Manual labor is actually the last thing to go and will never disappear fully because it's too expensive and there's no reason since humans exist and are cheaper. Tractors and stuff is what is applied to manual labor
Meanwhile TV, cinema, news and whatever else are completely dead. It's over
This is good, these fags are annoying. Hope they end up as homeless fentanyl addicts

>> No.23100594

Bro you're posting on /lit/ what are you saying, you dont want anyone to ever write another book?

>> No.23100601

>no qualifications
>every job that would take me requires me to spend time talking to people
>cant talk to people

>> No.23100667

thoughts on bouncing between like 6 books at a time?
i do get hooked on some series and just blast through them, but a lot of other books just go into a pile that i read a few chapters of at a time

>> No.23100682

I don't, and we won't really need books. If anything we will use VR+AI to bring books to life and then just live out book plots

>> No.23100688

aw christ youre one of those. never mind mate

>> No.23100753
File: 2.90 MB, 200x200, 1688075364564177.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some of the shit I've done in my early 20s is so cringeworthy, the mere memory of these events makes me wanna rape myself with banana for punishment. I fucking hate my youthful thinking so fucking much.

>> No.23100762
File: 7 KB, 197x256, mary butts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Delving deep into Butts' is always a delightful journey. It's like Butts has a knack for tickling your literary senses just right.

>> No.23100805

Didn’t get my 10k steps today

>> No.23100821

thoughts on fucking a tranny?

>> No.23100860

Did Jesus go missing or something? Everyone keeps telling me to "find Jesus".

>> No.23100871

an empty shell, going through the motions of a dance it doesn't understand, but with enough shadow of being within to understand it was supposed to be much more.

>> No.23100978

i think it would be both hilarious and challeging if us here could find out a way to author a book together. imagine if we could select, say, 10 of us, and invent something, then publish it (self-publishing would do). we could choose people to write, others to plot, and so on, and someon else could use Ai Image generators to convert the book into a comic book, etc.

>> No.23101027

Am I ever going to be able to go outside without feeling like I'm being stared at? Am I ever going to be able to interact with other people without feeling like I'm annoying or burdening them in some way? Am I ever going to be able to form relationships with others that don't end in disappointment and regret?

>> No.23101033

It's you who is lost.

>> No.23101038

just get a lefort nigga

>> No.23101064

I tried hitting up a chick (we'll call her J) a while ago but J never responded, after a good amount of time had passed with no response, I deleted the message and tried again a while after deleting it, but still, no response. I eventually deleted that message too and figured the odds of J responding to me were not in my favour and this was dead in the water. That was 31 weeks ago according to Instagram. Recently I was on Hinge and I came across her friend (We'll call her K), I figured, hell, J might not have even seen my messages (She definitely did) so her K even knowing about me is pretty low. I swiped right on K but again, I had no luck, we never matched. I figured, well, I know K's Instagram account, let me chuck her a follow and see if she accepts it. It's been two days and she still hasn't accepted it but her follower count has gone up. I definitely didn't even get a chance because I tried to hit up J in the past, right?

>> No.23101077

just get rtt

>> No.23101079

A what?

>> No.23101102


>> No.23101115

Episodes of The Return were accidentally aired out of order during its initial run and the audience didn't notice.

>> No.23101141

Am I not zoomer enough? What does this mean?

>> No.23101183

Gave myself a year to figure out if I want to go back to school and actually get a degree or just find something else. That was last november, as of now I have basically committed to working a deadend job I hate and keep hoping some idea or inspiration will pop up. I am worried by how comfortable I have become in my wage cage already, despite hating it as much as I did from day one. It's like the worse things get I just shrug and accept them like a slug, hoping some easy to deduce path will click in my head or be presented. I cannot stand it.

>> No.23101186

roided tatted tanned. what bitched want

>> No.23101188

No they werent you goof. I watched them as they came out and it was in order.

>> No.23101190

No matter how well they pass they don't smell as good as women, and the post nut clarity may very well lead to your suicide.

>> No.23101208

I can't even conceive the amount of time I've lost to stupid group projects team members. Today was especially horrendous because I had to finish something someone else had to do (validate a program that I wrote—normally you write it, make sure that it works and someone else validates/do integration tests on it to make it official). I lost a full HOUR of my time doing the job of a fat fucking pig who, I've seen, was playing games on his computer the whole week. I had to put the bastard's name on the tests because it couldn't be me that did the acceptance tests. Fucking gay pig motherfucker. Meanwhile I'm now late on an end-of-project report that I have to give to the client in a few days. Thank God this will be my last group project ever. Let it be known that I will do my best to shit on useless people at work.

>> No.23101226

Why do you think there are so few publishers that aren’t overtly lefty?

>> No.23101229

An art that artifice no artifact is a non art

>> No.23101235

being a woman is hard sometimes. It just... hurts sometimes.

>> No.23101290

sometimes i think about leaving my long term gf for a pale italian girl

>> No.23101342

Here's a very brief passage I wrote a few weeks ago:

Dangling from a ceiling fan with eyes wide and still. An open drooling mouth and a disheveled dress shirt. Your limbs, all four, swaying gently. You were the happiest I'd ever seen you.

>> No.23101345

Maybe I should just kill myself after all.

>> No.23101376

Good video

>> No.23101382

>learning French to try to pass the time without wanting to die
>get the phrase "As-tu déjà embrassé une fille?"
I'm going to bed

>> No.23101438

whenever I'm done eating I throw away my silverware and when I run out I just buy more

>> No.23101466

Any anons that would be interested in emailing me if I posted an email address? I need to practice socializing without getting extreme anxiety. :l
Not today though, just whenever I don't have a lot of work to do. I don't even know what we'd discuss, I just need to figure out how to solve this problem.

>> No.23101470

Why don't you just talk to them on here?

>> No.23101472

my experience tells me that I either don't have free will, or that I do but it's in some way limited.

>> No.23101479


>> No.23101492

There is a noticeable difference between socializing here and somewhere that two individuals become real entities that can contact and be contacted. Here, it is not even possible to know if the person you're responding to in a conversation is the same person in every post, so there is a lot more of a feeling of asociality. It's the same reason I don't use a phone or instant messaging of any kind, I don't like being contacted or having any direct communications (besides direct family and accidental communication). All I have is whatever is necessary for work and that's it.

>> No.23101522
File: 171 KB, 410x522, 1692151692600940.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People always say follow your dreams.
My dream is to be a 16 year old lesbian girl experiencing true love for the first time.
The world is a cruel place eh.

>> No.23101532

I want to dye.

>> No.23101549

Make sure your container isn't porous if you want to use it for anything else.

>> No.23101551

I can't get into The Return. It's just too weird.

>> No.23101558

morbid, i love it

>> No.23101564

you live in the age of trannyism though
born just right etc. etc.

>> No.23101568

Vote for your favorite children's books in /lit/'s poll (no log in required):

Thread: >>23101513

>> No.23101569
File: 987 KB, 1395x1227, INTEGRAFLUXIA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After all why not? Why shouldn't I anthropomorphicize concepts and see what happens?
Why shouldn't I treat "the gods" as a creative medium of conceptual embodiment?

>> No.23101589

I broke it off with my older-millennial-girl-boss-dog-mom-doordash-customer who hit on me two weeks ago. It was a nice fling, good opportunity to break a very long dry spell, but I just simply could not bare the idea of having a gf that I met through doordash. She texted me the other day to tripple check if I really didn't want to see her anymore.

>> No.23101617

Just spent about $200 on a 1oz bottle of cologne

>> No.23101640

Do you at least have some hunnies lined up that you plan on using it for?

>> No.23101665

On my last walk, I resolved to kill myself. I threw away my journals, diary, and poems— I told my family that I loved them, and I wrote my note:
>"Heart disease. I didn't want to die a slow death."
I began my walk with the absolute certainty that I would not return. The cold winter air soothed me as I walked the barely lit streets. I tried to think of nothing in particular, though images would grip my mind from time to time in keeping with my steps. At once, my old therapist, then my mother, then again a stranger that had said a kind word to me. As I neared the bridge, I felt a strange loneliness descend upon me— my heart began aching as my mind stirred with disjointed and unintelligible thoughts. I felt the phone in my pocket. I don't know why, but I wanted to call someone. It was an obscene, vile interest, devoid of any reason. I didn't know who it would be, or who would care to listen. I stooped over the bridge and peered downwards. No cars passed on the interstate below. My heart began thumping in my chest and, with a sudden attack of arrythmia, I knelt to the ground. I snorted at the thought that I could die without ever having committed to my act— it was a quiet, contemptuous thing. I looked up.

A police cruiser shined its lights and slowed as it neared me. I realized how odd I looked here— it was 2 A.M. and I knelt beside a bridge in all black. I looked positively criminal. The vehicle stopped ten feet in front of me and the officer stepped out with little delay. The cruiser's lights were blinding, and the halos around them made him nearly impossible to see.
>"Hello. Mind telling me what you're doing this late at night?"
I felt nauseous as I remembered the note in my pocket. Stifling my labored breaths, I responded:
>"Just walking."
>"Walking this late?"
>"What's your name?"
>"Do you have an I.D. with you?"
>"Any form of identification?"
>"Could you walk over to the vehicle with me?"
I stepped wordlessly, my heart beating out of my chest. I was afraid that I would be noticed— but at the same time, and in some bizarre, incomprehensible way, I wanted to be caught.
>"Full name and date of birth?"
The communications proceeded in this way and, after realizing that I was who I said, the officer took a different tone.
>"You don't look well. Did you take anything you shouldn't have?"
>"Are you sure?"
I wanted to tell him anything, in fact. Anything to continue the conversation. I wanted to talk to someone, about what I did not care. It didn't matter. I just wanted to talk.
>"Do you need a ride back home?"
>"No thanks."
>"All right. Stay safe. You know it's dangerous this late at night, right?"
As the officer entered his vehicle, I felt a sudden and extreme urge to tell him, "Wait!" Yet no such words came out. Instead, on the verge of tears, I kicked myself again and again for I-know-not-what and for no reason in particular.

>> No.23101669

Why do women in my age range (21) seem to have no interest in facial hair unless it's a pedo stache? I either have a beard and look fine or have no beard and look like a trans woman who's failing to pass.

>> No.23101696

And then what happened? You just walked home, drank a little bottom shelf liquor and passed out?

>> No.23101700

Even in my lowest state I'm still surrounded with people. I might have a knack for socializing or having good people luck. Funny thing for someone who has no confidence

>> No.23101702

Stfu and kys.

>> No.23101703

A face isnt held on by much. I was surprised, I thought the sinew and tendons and such would hold tight but it really does come off in one piece.

>> No.23101724

Women love pedos. Bad to the bone.

>> No.23101733

Women are stupid and egocentric. Have whatever facial hair you want.

>> No.23101736

I wandered around for several hours trying to convince myself to jump. In the back of my mind, however, I was hoping that I would be arrested. I knew it was vain, I hated it. The walk back home as the sunlight just barely made its way over the horizon was humiliating, and by the time I reached my front door I wanted to jump just as much as when I had started. Instead, I said "Hello" to my roommates and joked with them about anime for half an hour before crying myself to sleep. Gay.

>> No.23101737

Just remember, no matter how retarded women's preferences are for men's appearances, any preferences you have are disgusting and misogynistic.

>> No.23101753

Pretty gay anon. If you're going to kill yourself, take joy in it. Pick a messy and flashy way. Go out with a bang. If you're just depressed and want attention, get a dog. Dogs are great, they dont know I'm a gore obsessed freak, my boy charles is just happy to be pet and walked and fed.

>> No.23101759

I always thought Westerners committed suicide due to existential reasons; now, I am starting to realize it's due to being pathetic incels. What a pathetic group of peoples like sex crazed bonobos.

>> No.23101785

No one's going to believe me. I'm John Richard Scott.

>> No.23101788

Its about love not sex

>> No.23101792

You deserve to be loved by Satan in hell.

>> No.23101795

That doesn't even make sense

>> No.23101798

Kys. Hell is the only place you'll receive any love, wimpy bastard.

>> No.23101800

Every tree and bush and little flower and sprig of moss, every least herb, sweet or bitter, bird that furrows the air and worm that furrows the soil, every beast going heavily about its task of living be to us a riddle with no answer. We know not what they do. And all this great universe that seems so still is but like a sleeping top, that looks still from very stillness. But why it turns, and what we and all creatures do in the giddy steadfastness of it, we know not.

>> No.23101813
File: 44 KB, 640x451, Phil_Hartman-640x451.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

as Phil Hartman once said to Joe Rogan at a tiddy bar while staring into some stripper's pussy and asshole
>that's beautiful, man

>> No.23101822

Love is the greatest good and, when you have nothing and no one, and you believe yourself so terrible that you don't even deserve it, there is not much meaning in life to be found. Further, one can be disillusioned with love itself. Is it really love if you aren't loved despite being ugly? Are you even capable of loving someone despite flaws of equal proportion? Why live if love is not real? There is no sublime and beautiful. Not even Art survives this crisis. Poetry? Why, the mad ravings of men that believe their words are anything but a mistake, a byproduct of evolutionー mental dribble from a sex-crazed monkey.

>> No.23101824

It's by Mary Webb. See this blog article about her.

>> No.23101831

>I get to slaughter an animal, cook it, and eat it.
wouldn't you rather eat a healthy animal tho. the nutritional difference in animals on their natural diet is enormous

>> No.23101843
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What's even the point of making a fucking thread on this board at this point it's just gonna die after 15 worthless replies at most. Shitty fucking dying website that refuses to talk about anything that isn't a headline on twitter. Fuck you.

>> No.23101845

You can take your pedantic overly sentimental garbage and shove it up your ass. You're full of yourself and disconnected from reality.

>> No.23101849

I am surfing on the earth, I'm a surfer

>> No.23101850

And you talk of existential reasons.

>> No.23101852

You are an idiot. Westerners are confused by jews from childhood. They're not retarded and depressed because they're retarded. They're depressed because everything good has been taken from them. Women are deluded into thinking having sex with strangers is good and having the bodycount of a prostitute is normal and that everyone should work whereas men are deluded into thinking this is acceptable. Except everything in their body is telling them otherwise. Men are disgusted by women, women are made unstable because of their sexual practices and can't handle a long relationship, and aside from no one getting to be happy and loved, prices are raising uncontrollably, families cannot afford housing anymore and no one believes in God. Of course jews are behind all of this because they control the housing market and the media that makes people believe all of this shit. Outside of the West people know that families are cemented by God and strong bonds born from marriage and stable families. People aren't killing themselves because they're wimp, people are killing themselves because they don't believe in the future the jews have forced on them.

>> No.23101854

Now that I've seen her I realized what I needed to motivate me to write. A muse--and now I have her.

>> No.23101859

>Little did he know: she will leave him someday. Muses have been dead a long time ago.

>> No.23101866

Oh, her territory is not mine but I am the cartographer. Every day I am finding new latitudes. She beckons me. We're magnetic.

>> No.23101872

You. Too. Will. Be. Dead. Gone--Nothing. Liberation.

>> No.23101874

Why are we born to suffer and die?
Here, take Valium.
No thanks, I drink.

>> No.23101877

None of your sentimental garbage touched on any real deep metaphysics.
It sounds to me Westerners are a trash and weak peoples to get subverted by Jews. Hopefully Jews take it to another level and put you out of your misery by removing you from existence.

>> No.23101883

>None of your sentimental garbage touched on any real deep metaphysics.

>> No.23101887

>It sounds to me Westerners are a trash and weak peoples to get subverted by Jews.
They control everything they watch and everything they hear. The only way not to be subverted by Jews is by being born in the right family, I think. Have compassion. Where are you from brother?
>Hopefully Jews take it to another level and put you out of your misery by removing you from existence.
I will leave my country and buy a house somewhere nice in the East. Jews will not control my life.

>> No.23101891

You should kys asap if your mind is littered by such garbage. I wouldn't feel a shred of remorse if I were to receive news you killed yourself over my coercion. Granted, I would fear legal repercussions... Still, I wouldn't mind you killing yourself in all sincerity.

>> No.23101896

no just watching what i eat

>> No.23101897 [DELETED] 

It sounds like whites have no autonomy and were easily subverted by Jews. The Jews have achieved what many of your ancient enemies aimed for, and I cannot help but admire this. Seeing your race fills me with great schadenfreude, especially given the rise in Nordicism. Hopefully, the Jews can amp it up and have you die in apocalyptic wars. I would be fine so long as I am not pulled into it.
>I will leave my country and buy a house somewhere nice in the East
Hopefully, they ostracize and cannibalize you.

>> No.23101899

It sounds like whites have no autonomy and were easily subverted by Jews. The Jews have achieved what many of your ancient enemies aimed for, and I cannot help but admire this. Seeing your race suffer fills me with great schadenfreude, especially given the rise in Nordicism. Hopefully, the Jews can amp it up and have you die in an apocalyptic war. I would be fine with it so long as I am not pulled into it.
>I will leave my country and buy a house somewhere nice in the East
Hopefully, they ostracize and cannibalize you.

>> No.23101905

Fear death.

>> No.23101907 [DELETED] 

>the mad ravings of men that believe their words are anything but a mistake, a byproduct of evolutionー mental dribble from a sex-crazed monkey
psychological infiltration into literary criticism really has been nothing less than disastrous

>> No.23101910

Try not to get so angry on a basket weaving forum. It only accentuates your macaco aesthetic.

>> No.23101911 [DELETED] 


>the mad ravings of men that believe their words are anything but a mistake, a byproduct of evolutionー mental dribble from a sex-crazed monkey
psychological infiltration into literary criticism really has been nothing short of disastrous

>> No.23101914

>the mad ravings of men that believe their words are anything but a mistake, a byproduct of evolutionー mental dribble from a sex-crazed monkey
psychological infiltration into literary criticism really has been nothing short of disastrous

>> No.23101915

don't cut yourself on that edge, pajeet, it's everywhere like this now

>> No.23101916

Many species of monkeys are pretty honorable creatures unlike you snow nigs. Many species have stable social organizations like gorillas, orangutans, gibbons, and so on. Granted, bonobos and chimps are pretty crazy. Not surprising a pseudointellectual snow nig doesn't even know the basics of primate social organization. Let me guess, you think evolution is fake too?
I'd rather interact with a gorilla than you subhumans. Anyways, I greatly sympathize the Jews wanting to supposedly eradicate you. Hopefully it's true and saves other races the need to clean up the mess.

>> No.23101920

I'm not Indian, but I greatly prefer them, on average, over your race. As I see it, Rome will finally collapse. Rome always had a disgusting cultural legacy anyways. I wouldn't be surprised if Black Nobility exist and Jews are just a front for them though, which means you're still at the top unfortunately.

>> No.23101921

Based desu

>> No.23101924


>> No.23101929
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>I wouldn't be surprised if Black Nobility exist and Jews are just a front for them though, which means you're still at the top unfortunately.

>> No.23101932


>> No.23101941

Fear God, and give glory to him; for the hour of his judgment is come: and worship him that made heaven, and earth, and the sea, and the fountains of waters.

>> No.23101942

Why are meds always the response of you insentient automatons? It's like a knee jerk reaction as if you have no control of your minds.

Meds don't help. Meds actually lead to cumulative damage to functional neural connectivity over time. For example, serotonin is a diffuse modularity NT system spread across the brain. It's not just involved in regulation of mood, but it's involved in many other cognitive functions. Most of these trash neuroscientific studies on meds are overly reductionist and studying at a low scale of one NT fluctuating its level at a *single* receptor. Few longitudinal studies across a long time span is done.

Anyways, I am mentally stable and a functional member of society. You can kill yourself, pompous snow nig trash. Not everyone is obligated to like you. I've truly become fed up with you people and avoid all social interaction with you "people". I just come on here sometimes to mock you with the hopes of demolishing your arrogant spirits. Eat shit and die. I can do this and go back to work like it's nothing. Nothing you morons say will ever destroy my spirit.

>> No.23101947

Roman aristocratic lineages still persist dated to the Byzantine era and perhaps even earlier than that.

The Pallavicini, for example, may be more powerful than Jews. Almost all conspiracies about them are immediately taken down. They prefer being more covert like the rest of the Roman nobility.

>> No.23101951


>> No.23101953

>your brain on /pol/
antisemitism needs to be gatekept

>> No.23101967

I'm not antisemitic anymore. I am antiwhite.

>> No.23101984


>> No.23101985

Been hanging out with a girl named Lisa. Took her to a movie out that's titled Lisa Frankenstein because I thought that her name being in the title would be amusing. The movie had all kinda of scenes including masturbating, using a vibrator, and cutting off a guy's dick so as to attach it to Frankensteins rotted body which was lacking one. May have been a mistake

>> No.23102012

She probably loved it, girls are weird like that.

>> No.23102015

>girls are weird like that
yeah i was gonna say i bet it was directed by a woman

>> No.23102029

Maybe your disgusting vermin women are weird like that. I wouldn't mind burning them at the stake like witches and laughing as they scream. Matthew Hopkins had his charm.

>> No.23102032

>burning them at the stake like witches
members of a pre-christian fertility cult who died as martyrs to their faith

>> No.23102043

women love being degraded

>> No.23102048

No i dont!! >_<

>> No.23102050

>make post
>thread doesn't get bumped

>> No.23102055

Tfw no disgusting vermin GF

>> No.23102057

Your mom likes being degraded

>> No.23102063

Depends. How hot was Frankenstein?

>> No.23102070
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He was a silent broody heartbroken goth boy who literally rose from the dead because a girl said she liked him

>> No.23102081

on you knees, slut

>> No.23102091

sounds like a fun time. you're in the clear.

>> No.23102098

A married coworker is trying to set me up with her friend. She's optimistic and overbearingly nice in that theater-kid way, and has that frumpy librarian look. It sucks because I know she's really trying to make me take the bait by putting us in situations together and always mentioning her in conversations. I find her draining and feel we would be a bad fit for one another, though my coworker seems to think made a great pair. I'm tired of meeting women I find completely uninteresting and draining, but then I wonder if this dissatisfaction stems from the fact I don't have meaningful relationships that scratch that conversational, relational intimacy I'm looking for.

Also, Just Kids by Patti Smith does not live up to the hype.

>> No.23102113
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Vivo Canaano
Vivo Carthago

>> No.23102123

Look bro, just try it out. It takes time to get to know someone. Don't expect there to be some flash of lighting and suddenly you're connected with someone. You don't even know her

>> No.23102127

What is that supposed to achieve

>> No.23102131

Why do I always fall for people who don't love me back?

>> No.23102132

Because you're a dummy. You're just a little dumb dumb.

>> No.23102136

I'll love you back! :D

>> No.23102149

Ew, not interested

>> No.23102153


>> No.23102154

Antisemitism is for everyone, including semites.

>> No.23102163

Kys, Nordshit. Your worse than Jews. I literally went from being an antisemite, to reconsidering those views, to now promoting the outright extermination of your Nordshit race. I want to see if there is any real non liberal anti-White movement.

>> No.23102166

You're *

>> No.23102174

I wish we had more examples of people who died alone as total virgins but still did cool shit. Even if they were fictional.
Itd make me feel less bad.
I'm just a mentalcel. No way do I have anything to offer a girl

>> No.23102175

>I'm a retarded niggerfaggot
cool man, thanks for the update

>> No.23102179

>No way do I have anything to offer a girl
You know, men who have nothing to offer a girl still get girls specifically because they don't believe this.

>> No.23102182

I believe you but i am what I am.

>> No.23102185

Kisses your cheek softlr

>> No.23102188

Even niggerfaggots are better than pompous Nordshits. I was reviewing some of my older posts, and I realized many of my cynical thoughts have come true. Nordicism is literally growing. The arrogance of Nordshits knows no bounds. Literally TOONNNS of Nordicist shitheads on Twitters claiming ancient Mesopotamians, Persians, Indians, Egyptians, etc.. all these royalty were racially Euroshits. It started as a fringe belief on 4chan but is growing at an alarming rate.

If race war broke out, none of you faggots would survive asymmetric warfare. This is all the fault of you Nordshits. You are far worse than any Jew I've ever encountered.

>> No.23102191

>unironically going on twitter

>> No.23102192

How are anons supposed to choke down the crippling guilt involved with (basically) grossly taking advantage of a woman that deserves far better? It's basically non-consensual that point.

>> No.23102323
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Few people realize that reading and writing are only arbitrary, and perhaps temporary sciences, like heraldry.

>> No.23102326

if you melt 100g of unpasteurised butter, and mix it with 100g crushed organic walnuts, 2 raw eggs, and 1 3/4 tbsp of raw honey, and consume it, it relieves all your anxiety/stress, makes you very calm and makes you not crave carbs for a week.

>> No.23102403

I contacted Amazon prime support to help figure out a random charge I got for apparently renting Police Academy 2 and it's been over twenty minutes and they still haven't responded, this is wild, it should not take this long to figure out this issue. Not only that, this is the person I got transferred to because I was in the wrong department at the start and the first person I talked to used a different name than the one it said that had, they were meant to be called Mandru but they said that their name was Disha.

>> No.23102443

Should I tell them that I'm gonna take my own life if they don't give me an update? It's been nearly an hour and I've asked for two updates.

>> No.23102474

what was it like five bucks?

>> No.23102475

I tried Google's new AI (Gemini) for porn writing and it is built on the same dataset as ChatGPT4 because it used a lot of the same beats. It's surprisingly limited for anything specific in storytelling, it is basically a Reddit-brained fantasy author that only excels at the surfaces of things. If you want to go any deeper you hit the limitations of its training model quickly. I think the future of LLMs is mostly multimodal practical applications. It's definitely nothing near AGI. The illusion that it's wide ranging and complex wears off extremely quickly once you try to get it to think critically and creatively within a context. You can see it trying to bash its head against the context in the same way over and over.

>> No.23102476

Yeah, but I'm stingy and out of work right now.

>> No.23102478

Is there any use in trying to debate fanatics?

>> No.23102490

Several of my friends in their early/mid twenties impregnated girlfriends in their mid thirties.

I think many of us guys want kids already, but no girl in her twenties around me wants to go through pregnancy.

>> No.23102553

>no girl in her twenties around me wants to go through pregnancy.
I don't blame them.

>> No.23102590

>Was gonna hang out with a friend tomorrow who I haven't seen in months due to them having to go back to their country for visa shit.
>I'm getting excited.
>Also gonna buy my mum a birthday present while I'm out.
>He just texts me and says something came up and maybe we can hang out next week.
Whatever, man.

>> No.23102619

It's true, on average men want children more than women.
I got shit from some nu-male here about how men are the more romantic sex but it's true. Same goes for many stereotypes. Like men are better at raising children by themselves as well.

>> No.23102624

>It's true, on average men want children more than women.
If there are stats to back this up, I'd love to see them.

>> No.23102637

Listening to happy music makes me sad, what the fuck, this is so bullshit.

>> No.23102640
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>> No.23102644

Every generation believes their bullshit about gender differences is ironclad truth. Like 10-15 years ago everyone thought that men didn't want to be tied down while women demanded commitment. All this stuff about how men are the true romantics and want to raise families is obviously the pendulum swinging the other way.

>> No.23102650

It's funny that this is the one you chose cause I completely forgot that I also saw this one today, what a funny coincidence. But yeah, that's interesting.

>> No.23102664

Indians should be marked if they post something online.
You see some post and think it's just a regular guy but turns out he lives in India. No good.

>> No.23102738

When you are reading Nietzsche you are actually reading Hume made safe for a modern audience.

>> No.23102769
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>> No.23102807

Alejo Carpentier is kind of funny as an author when you remember that despite how much he tranny hearts nigger he was french.
Shame such a good writer was a such a fucking faggot.

>> No.23102815

This is partially because I feel kind of attacked by his nigger worship.

>> No.23102817

Nigger you have no evidence for this. Plus women can't project themselves into the future. If you ask men if they'd like having a family when they're 40 they'll answer yes and always had

>> No.23102819

I wish my brain weren't broken

>> No.23102829

>Says he has no evidence for something.
>Makes retarded generalisation with no evidence to back it up.
Oh boy. Also, for what it's worth, I don't care if I don't have a family at 40.

>> No.23102833

Not suprising, we live in deeply disordered times.

>> No.23102838

Is Dip Cheeser a good pen name

>> No.23102846

No, unless you are making mouse and/or cheese themes children's books.

>> No.23102849

>deeply disordered times
I'm a pessimist but this is just laughable compared to the circumstances people had children in previously.
The reason people don't want children is because they care about other things too much

>> No.23102851

I live an active life and although my diet isn’t great, it’s not bad.

But I just keep getting fatter and fatter. I repulse myself when I look in the mirror now. I don’t even know what to do. I mean, I’m going to tighten down my diet, but this feels almost unsustainable. There is no way per standard advice that I shouldn’t be fit, let alone getting fatter.

>> No.23102853

Literally what I said.
Deeply disordered times.

>> No.23102856

There are already too many people on earth, there is no reason why we should be making more.

>> No.23102869

There's too many Indians and not enough huwhites.
But then again, overpopulation to this extent could also be chalked up to the forementioned deeply disordered times.

>> No.23102891

Start keeping a vague notion of your calories consumed every day. Its annoying but its what ya gotta do. Try to stay around 1500-2000. If you overreat one day, correct the next and have less. Some food is way worse than you would think and other stuff is much better. If you're gonna snack, plain air popped popcorn, veggies or a small amount of fruit. Limit bread, crackers, chips and all that. Cheese on anything is a rare treat. Stews and soups are your friend. Have a bowl of mixed veggies with your sandwich instead of chips. Fish and chicken more often than red meat and be conscious of how much oil or butter you're using

>> No.23102903

overpopulation is a myth created by the elite. the earth only appears to lack the natural resources to support this many people because said resources are malappropriated and our supply chains are needlessly complex.

>> No.23102905

>If you overreat one day, correct the next and have less.
NTA but I wanna mention that if you overeat one day, don't stress, it's OK to make mistakes, it's not gonna fuck you up, just try not to make a habit of it or it will start to affect you.

>> No.23102925

How about Craig Titties

>> No.23102928

>You have to spend a billion trillion years grinding daily to get good at anything unless you happen to be gifted in that area.
>Even then you'll probably be mediocre at best and no one will give a rat's ass about what you might draw.

>> No.23102929

Only ok if you make third rate smut.

>> No.23102930

What are the non arbitrary, permanent sciences? If there aren't any then your "realization" holds no meaning, since knowing it yields nothing but demoralization. "Yet another waste of time until the end" is not a revelation, it is a resignation.

>> No.23102937

Yeah, its fun to watch them sperg out. Entertainment like no other.

>> No.23102960

Some old lady just stopped me and said I’m sorry I have to say this but you’re a very handsome devil

>> No.23102989

i wish i took the chance to loose my virginity in high school to the skinny volleyball chick who had a major crush on me. i declined because i thought she was ugly af. fast forward to today, shes training for the olympics and im still a virgin afraid to speak to female coworkers. that one small change could've made so much difference cuz at least id at least spend those important years with self confidence

>> No.23102995

well you are looking cute today

>> No.23102996

> I'm a virgin
You should be glad and proud that you haven't lost your honour yet. I had a phase in high school too where I wanted to loose my virginity. So happy I was rejected by all the women. Glad I didn't become like one of those average sex-obsessed faggots. This night I almost had a wet dream but with enormous efforts I was able to suppress the orgasm. I wad surprised at how little I leaked when I used the bathroom.

>> No.23102997

when i lost my virginity it didn't change anything, i'm still a dork talking to girls the first time.

>> No.23103000

Those subliminals must've worked

>> No.23103001

Being an artist is interesting because it simultaneously requires extraordinary arrogance and extraordinary humility, rather than only one or the other.

>> No.23103011

I really don’t think my calories are an issue. I’m not meticulously tracking them but I did track calories when I was a young athlete so I know how to ballpark and I’m quite certain my calories are roughly maintenance. On top of that, I run or hike for 4-10 miles every day. There’s just no way I should be in a calorie surplus. And yet, this hanging belly of mine gets bigger and bigger.

I do have chronic sleep problems. I’ve wondered if I have some kind of hormonal issue.

>> No.23103012

they have most arrogance before writing their poem of the moment, most humility when they know that they have once more failed.

>> No.23103013

ah shit really? i figured that if i had lost it to her back then, id at least start somewhere and then be less awkward to speak to girls at least over the course of many years. the only reason i wish this is that i understand compound effects and also that in the last couple years i fumbled a couple girls that i felt i had a genuine connection with because i was just not confident enough to seal the deal

and then eventually be able to open myself to women i genuinely have a connection to.

>> No.23103016

what are you eating

>> No.23103020

yeah that's true. you can fuck up and eat mcdonalds ten days a row and after each time pop an amnesia pill, never stress.

>> No.23103022

Girls of the new generation try so hard to behave like boys and appear masculine. It's frankly disgusting, worse than trannies with wigs.

>> No.23103027

it's not 'disgusting', they're just auxiliary males (unless you actually find men disgusting)

>> No.23103039

conventional diet advice that makes people miserable ..

>> No.23103046

For me I lost it at 22.
The old fashioned way, I fucked a hooker.
It did help me a bit. No longer did I get into my own head about being a virgin.
at 24 I got my first gf and at 29 now, I've dated plenty and am now going to marry in the next 6 months.
I have 0 anxiety talking to women. Getting laid helped, going on many dates (and often time rejecting the women) helped it further.

>> No.23103054

Yeah, they do. It’s frankly my single biggest gripe as a dating 30 yo. People in general today have no social grace, no manners, no decorum. They’re vulgar, crude, crass, generally abrasive. But the women are almost worse than the men. I really can’t remember the last time I was around a woman and I left thinking “wow, that’s a lady”. Every time they say or do something so vulgar. It’s our fault as men, you know. The proper way is to give deference to our elders, but for those our age and younger, we should call them out when they behave this way. But there are too many simp men who are just as vulgar.

My real problem with modern society honestly is not even that the mass of people is like this. It’s that there is no group at all which has a higher level of conduct. You know? You expect the sort of working class and party people and young people to a degree to be this way. You don’t expect the wealthy, the professionally accomplished, the educated, etc. to be this way but they are. There is basically nobody who is interested in proper conduct now. That aristocratic taste is totally absent from modern life.

>> No.23103056

Everybody talks about feminism doing a number on young women, but nobody talks about technology doing the same. Social media and hook up apps are doing something similar to women as video games and porn is doing to men.

>> No.23103061

so you say youre single at 30

>> No.23103066

This probably sounds crazy to other people, but a few years back I had this really nice vibe in life that had to do with like the feeling and scenery of where I was living at certain times of the day and also the stuff I was being exposed to on the internet as well as my general mindset. It was such a nice daily vibe. Now it’s just this nostalgic feeling I get when I listen to Erik Satie or read Dostoevsky or something. I’ve been trying to re-enter that headspace and recreate the vibe but it hasn’t worked.

>> No.23103068

What is your point exactly? That I should have put a ring on some vulgar girl just to avoid being single? How would I know be the epitome of the man in the last sentence of the first paragraph? Are you sure you’re not that man?

>> No.23103077

Survival of the fitness, boys.
The great filter is upon us and the people who are being left behind are the roasties who didn't see the wall coming and the chud/nu-male who is too addicted to media

>> No.23103079

nothing you just seem awful

>> No.23103085


>> No.23103093

Fuck man I knew it! Everyone says losing your virginity doesn't matter but that's cuz they already lost it. To someone like me, it is a big deal. Okay fuck it I'm gonna fuck a whore and get to rest of my life

>> No.23103096

Could you describe that vibe more, sounds fascinating

>> No.23103101

describe vibe

>> No.23103107

Oh yeah if you're the type of guy I was you have that shit hanging over you like a shadow.
I used to lie about not being a virgin I hated it that much. I was done with whores after just one time. After that you have to stand on your own.

>> No.23103109

Is it weird that some insults make me happy? Not in like a masochistic way, but in a sort of confident, proud-ish way?
Examples are "hateful," "bitter" and "maniac"

>> No.23103111

Also "lunatic"

>> No.23103112

girl called me 'fuckboy' and it was making me smile almost

>> No.23103117

The ones that say it doesn't matter either had normal childhoods or lost their virginity a long time ago so they see no significance. Losing one's virginity isn't actually all that important and is not itself a good thing, but it does it let you feel more secure about your capacity for sexual intercourse and intimacy with women. This can be extremely useful for someone that is very insecure. However, if you have sex and it turns out badly, it can cause far worse problems.

I would normally be a moralfag and say "Noo! that's a sin!" but you may be sinning worse without having had sex than not.

>> No.23103119

Someone once said that I was the type of guy that if you picked a fight with me I would go after you and your dog.
That made me smile

>> No.23103126

It's weird because insults don't affect me much until hours, days, or even years later. However, the only insults I've received are
>"Rain man" (Most common insult I've received, super weird how so many people know this random movie)
>Ching chong
>"You brothers with Kim Jong Un?"
The only one that bothers me is ugly, though.

>> No.23103213

>this random movie
It was a huge phenomenon when it came out

Define "vulgarity," "proper conduct," and the like. And consider for a moment where you are right now.

>If you ask men if they'd like having a family when they're 40 they'll answer yes and always had
You never had an uncle, family friend, or older coworker who did nothing but bitch about his wife and kids?

>> No.23103217
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I’m not even quite sure how to describe it. I can describe what days were like. It was a town, not big, not small, surrounded by vast forests great for taking long walks. I would go for a long walk either through town or in the forests starting just before sunrise or just before sunset. The transition from a starry sky to thin late autumn air and then to twilight and back to starry skies created an almost magical sort of feeling. I was a graduate student, and so I’d spend my days in my apartment reading, in the library, or my office and at the same time stuff like dark academia and book tube were getting attention online. It’s not that I cared for these, but they’re almost symbolic somehow of the overall vibe of life for me at that time. The part of town I lived in had a lot of old homes, with fireplaces and wood burning stuffs. When you’d walk through town, there’d be this smell of burning wood that clung to the air. In the winter, this smell is so good. It’s almost sweet. I was reading Russian and German literature as well as early American gothic. I was listening to Erik Satie and Frederic Chopin. All gives a certain impression of the vibe that was just everywhere, I’m sure. But what I know I’m not doing justice is to this just slightly magical feeling in the air. It was like twilight, but more so, everywhere all the time. I’d look up at stars and I’d feel like they were there for me, like they were talking to me through eternity. I just cannot even describe it.

>> No.23103223

I’m on a literature board to discuss literature with some people who are not vulgar. Those who are, I generally don’t engage with. But more important, proper conduct means understanding time and place. Locker room talk is called such because it’s appropriate only for the locker room. You find yourself in a locker room? By all means, use it. Do not use it at dinner, or at church, or at work, or in public generally. Understanding the appropriateness of certain contexts is crucial. How is that not obvious? So because some people are vulgar on an anonymous message board used mainly by young men, that somehow justifies women being vulgar everywhere all the time? No.

>> No.23103229
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Went to the therapist and it was decent.

Had a sit down with 2 nurses (?) there. They openly said that this isn't their speciality but they seemed supportive and referred me to a support group and to an therapist with an focus on gender.

"Preliminary diagnosis": Depressive demeanor/mood and possible gender dysphoria

>> No.23103244

rip, another victim of brainwashing

>> No.23103259

How do you not feel incredibly embarrassed by doing something like that?
2 nurses saw some broken idiot who thinks he's a woman.

>> No.23103260

And you’ll probably still watch porn and hangout in fringe online circles with other trannies. You do it to yourselves honestly…

>> No.23103271

I mean, mental illness is always slightly embarrassing. It’s important to recognize it as mental illness and understand that the experts don’t necessarily have your best interests at heart. A therapist or nurse is just as likely to push hormones on you as help you overcome your dysphoria.

What these people need to do first and foremost is stop, full stop, watching pornography and frequenting fringe online and IRL spaces. They do those two things in almost every single case. There are basically no people with gender dysphoria who aren’t also porn addicts and somehow hanging out with fringe weirdos who are subtly trying to groom them.

>> No.23103273

By realizing that women aren't people, they're objects for my sexual amusement.

>> No.23103284

this nigga gonna end up ACK-ing lmao

>> No.23103357

>support group
enjoy sitting around with a bunch of geriatric men in wigs and ill-fitting dresses. take it from someone who knows, just forget this whole thing now. don't wake up in two or three years and realize it was all waste of time, like I did.

>> No.23103358
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Have you not laid eyes upon the sublime beauty of a woman's tender feet? If not, I can understand your apprehension! Ever since I kissed her lovely, pink soles I have been unable to control my outbursts— I awake thrice nightly to dreams of seeing her feet... Or terrors that I won't. No, if I could see, kiss, press my tongue along her insole and slide it up her arch... I would be okay with death, instant, unforgiving... I would die happy, more than happy, I would die in ineffable ecstasy. Oh! But it's so lonely! Sometimes I wonder if I'll ever see her sublime feet again...
>If I could only grasp your tender, lovely feet
>And smell the springtime rose and flower's summer sweet—
Alas! I fear I will never again bear witness to her... What's this? There is a knocking at my door... It is my darling, beautiful, lovely, amazing girlfriend! I shall greet her now. So long, 4chan! If I should die before the morrow, know this— I died a happy man.

>> No.23103385

>hinge date
>job with presentations
You're doing it to yourself, you chose this life

>> No.23103408

Should I just give up on life and sit in my room all day doing nothing
It seems like that's what this country is oriented around

>> No.23103413

follow it through i say, harness the vibes of the universe. wake up to find it strange that your own elaborate spree should after two/three years run out in torpid aging company, ignoring what your labels shout.
death will be such another thing,
all we have done not mattering.

>> No.23103422

I would, if I didn't have to work to live. That's why communism doesn't work.

>> No.23103433

I can't say the time was totally wasted since I did learn something of value. but had I not been retarded, I would have already known it, and not needed to learn the hard way.

>> No.23103437

I don't have to work to live. I keep trying to interact with the world and people but keep finding that there's nothing to interact with. Its like a society architected by autists

>> No.23103454

How does this happen to a person?

>> No.23103455

If I didn't have to work to live I'd just do drugs and bang whores and shitpost all day. Take that for what it's worth.

>> No.23103460

>A therapist or nurse is just as likely to push hormones on you as help you overcome your dysphoria
Hormones often "cure" dysphoria though.

>fringe online spaces
Like 4chan?

>> No.23103465

Man that just sounds awful to me

>> No.23103469

if it wasn't for the butterflies honest idiocy of flight, lurching here and there by guess, he would fly straight.
but not even the aerobatic swift have his flying crooked gift.

>> No.23103519

>Hormones often "cure" dysphoria
Hormones have never once cured dysphoria, you delusional faggot.
>he thinks he's Napoleon
>how are you treating him?
>we're dressing him like Napoleon and teaching him French
Fucking retard.

>> No.23103531

I still don't understand how it happens and considering how protected this entire thing is by the elites we will never have a serious scientific inquiry on why people keep trooning out and getting addicted to tranny porn

>> No.23103538
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just google "which books did the nazis burn" and all will be made clear

>> No.23103589

>Hormones have never once cured dysphoria, you delusional faggot.
Delusions are not the same as gender dysphoria. Delusions don't work like gender dysphoria, GD doesn't respond to treatment for delusions.

Giving a transsexual antipsychotics is highly unprofessional and dangerous.

>> No.23103593

>gay and illiterate
I was calling you delusional, retard.

>> No.23103603

No. That’s what I’m doing since I got a remote job and it’s not good. You have to identify something worth doing and do it. Time is of the essence though. Every year that goes by without you trying to do this, it gets less likely that you’ll do it.

>> No.23103610

Hormones affirm dysphoria you stupid fuck. If I had schizophrenia and thought I wanted to be a bird, they wouldn’t surgically attach wings to my back. They’re help me realize that I’m just not a bird and overcome the mental illness that makes me want to be a bird.

>> No.23103612


>> No.23103614

You shouldn’t give them anything. You’re stuck in a false dichotomy.

>> No.23103622

Wanting to be a bird isn't a mental illness; it's just a natural understanding birds are so much better and more important than humans. Everything that's not a bird or mollusc gets that feeling.

>> No.23103630

Today I won myself a fame at the workplace worse than the guy who asks his boss for a raise every single week

>> No.23103649

I think I'm trans and aesexual

>> No.23103658

I don't feel human and I don't think I want to be
I don't like being a person
I don't like being human
I don't like living

>> No.23103661

I think I'm gay and my dick is small

>> No.23103670

it's hard to be a human being, but it's harder as anything else.

>> No.23103701 [DELETED] 

No. On every level except physical I am a 14 year old anime girl child soldier from a 30 year old japanese television show i haven't seen
Or a dog

>> No.23103731

For some strange reason, I stubbornly refuse to do things the conventional way. At least when I actually care. Things I don't care about, I do them the easy way, but I am genuinely invested in something it has to be my way or I start to seethe uncontrollably.
This includes stuff like drawing or even doing simple maintenance.

>> No.23103752

That’s exactly what a mentally ill person would say.

>> No.23103775

You both have clearly spent too much time in a fringe online community and it has warped your perspective

>> No.23103777

I'm a very sane cuttlefish, go away or i'll turn stripey and scare you

>> No.23103781


>> No.23103835

Your brain sure is small.
You’re probably just bi and feeling really bad about your dick size. Size doesn’t matter if you know what you’re doing. And you probably don’t.
Get over it. Go make friends.

>> No.23103842

Trans is a myth. If you were asexual not even that mental illness would be bothering you.

>> No.23103857

That has nothing to do with communism.
If anything living in a commune is more work, mental and physical.

>> No.23104540
