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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 102 KB, 796x1024, faggot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
23099107 No.23099107[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>le edgy baphomet pose to troll le drumpfnazis
Why are crossdressing retards not represented in literature, m'redditors?

>> No.23099135


>> No.23099146

Why would anyone want to think about them?

>> No.23099155

shakespeare wrote those sonnets about one

>> No.23099156

I don't know what you're talking about, but I can tell from the overall tone and style of your post that you're an obnoxious person who would be better off dead.

>> No.23099161

>we're normal healthy people just like you!
>*proceeds to furiously indoctrinate children into his freak gender ideology and voluntarily castrate himself in a grotesque caricature of the fairer sex*
oh and you're a bigot if you disagree

>> No.23099164
File: 52 KB, 500x500, don juan opera.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In Lord Byron's Don Juan, he's sold at a slave market and the girl that buys him dresses him like a woman and given the name "Juanna" and put in the harem

>> No.23099166
File: 798 KB, 745x702, 189573664872982213.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

keep going

>> No.23099172

It sounds like you were successfully trolled

>> No.23099174

Why are anglos like this?

>> No.23099176

omg trans sistas! we iz bein reprussentid n shiet!!

and Lord Byron....obviously was definitely gay and trans but the evil White male oppressors just wouldn't let him express being trans so he had to hide it, right fellow retards?

>> No.23099178
File: 10 KB, 834x806, 1705370387602703.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why are anglos like this?

>> No.23099179

you have literally no proof of that, retard

>> No.23099187

>t. defends a tranny story as long as it's written by an anglo
Buckbroken contrarian

>> No.23099198

Cope that the Baphomet is not an aging hon but an androgynous adolescent boy!

>> No.23099209

>shitskin still crying about "anglos"
>if you don't hate "anglos" you must be pro-tranny!
get the fuck off my /lit/, subhuman.

>> No.23099211

you know what the stage is like

>> No.23099214

>tranny story
Kill yourself, retard nigger.

>> No.23099215

>T. defends a famous anglo who wrote tranny stories
Funny how you can't read. Go castrate yourself Peter.
For the others, why are anglos like this?

>> No.23099216

nobody here knows what the baphomet actually is, almost nobody does, controonpoints and other trannies probably most of all hahahahaha

>> No.23099220

>I'm just going to keep talking out of my thoroughly distended colon
k keep me posted

>> No.23099221

Samefag tranny defender

>> No.23099223
File: 306 KB, 1000x1333, IMG_4236.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you will never be a real woman

>> No.23099229

>replies instantly
>still crying about muh "anglos" for no apparent reason other than secretly being indian
Post your brown hands next so i can laugh some more while you seethe about "anglos", retard.

>> No.23099231
File: 5 KB, 480x123, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

your skin is the color of poop lmao

>> No.23099235

>British musician
Why are anglos like this?

>> No.23099242

>Talking in a thread
Post your axe wound next lmao, what even is instant you dummy. Go come back in 10 hours next time if you're gonna make a point about not being obsessed with this thread yourself.

>> No.23099244

>hi fellow based 4chan anons, p-please will you hate "anglos"?
>if you don't hate "anglos", you like trannies and are samefagging!
kek it's so obvious, you stupid little anti-White pooman/troon.

>> No.23099246

>Two anglo tranny defenders
Horrfic. Your neovagina smells like poop anglo

>> No.23099248

You will never be white.

>> No.23099252

Ywn go to heaven trannoids

>> No.23099261

y'all are not well

>> No.23099272
File: 140 KB, 1077x1299, faggot brown.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>please stop making fun of trannies, fellow based 4channers. let's make fun of White people instead! if you don't make fun of White people, you're a tranny!
you're so fucking stupid and bad at this kek

btw, don't worry if you're brown and based, i'm just bullying this faggot specifically because he's anti-White and trying to divert the thread

>> No.23099274

Only sonnet 20 right? The way he describes the dude doesn't make him a transgender.

>> No.23099277

I'm not a troon, you dumb fucking nigger.

>> No.23099280

>Posts more trannies of his own volition
>Thinks this is an own
Why are anglos like this?

>> No.23099287
File: 80 KB, 627x454, Ganymede - As You Like It.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shakespeare made substantial use of cross-dressing. Twelfth Night deals extensively with cross-dressing. He also explores it in Merchant of Venice (several characters), Cymbeline, As You Like It (it is a man, the actor, dressing as a woman, dressing as a man, dressing as a woman)

That character is "Ganymede"
In Greek Mythology (even referenced in Homer's Illiad), Ganymede was the loveliest born of the race of mortals. Zeus saw him, fell in love, and look him as his lover, giving him eternal youth and immortality -- and like Virgil's the Aeneid said: Hera, Zeus's wife, regarded Ganymede as a rival for her husband's affection. Zeus and Ganymede were the model for the Greek social custom of paiderastía, the romantic relationship between an adult male and an adolescent male.

This is why the largest moon of Jupiter (Zeus), is named in Ganymede's honor, so they can be together forever. The other, smaller moons of Jupiter, were named after Zeus's other lovers: Io, Europa, and Callisto

>> No.23099290

It's even funnier because it's pronounced d'u'wanna

>> No.23099298

I made the thread retard.

Not an argument. I refuted you and now you're squirming, like the little anti-White brown incel subhuman that you are.

>> No.23099299

Cool but that has nothing to do with the modern troon movement. None of them tried to pass legislation forcing people to call them women, or demanded access to children to molest.

>> No.23099301

>transphobia is funny
can you stop being a problematic Anglo chud?

>> No.23099304

>Made a thread about trannies
>I refuted you!!!!
>By posting trannies
LMAO, hrt has buckbroken you. You won't make it to 40 and honestly good riddance.

>> No.23099311

We were just talking about crossdressers in literature right?

>> No.23099314

>transgenders are really just cross-dressers
unexpectedly based
>and look him as his lover
lol, where did you learn this? you should try actually reading the Greeks instead of listening to idiot academic opinions on them that are politically motivated

>> No.23099317

You can't reason with these people, tranon. Ignore the bait.

>> No.23099321
File: 58 KB, 396x424, 1683363264908237.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>don't post pictures of trannies for people to laugh at - ACK!
you don't pass btw

>> No.23099324

why are trannies so narcissistic? is it the drugs they take?

>> No.23099326

>You hate laughing at trannies despite laughing at tranny anglos
Lmao buckbroken tranny anglo.
Why are anglos like this?

>> No.23099331
File: 102 KB, 453x707, From a View to a Death.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the third novel of Anthony Powell, one of the greatest English writers, was From a View to a Death, where the Major had a penchant for going to his room and donning a black sequin evening gown and a large picture-hat

>> No.23099336

Can you stop giving the anti anglo retard more ammo fucking hell.

>> No.23099338

Tranny vs. homo thread.
Yes I am brown.

>> No.23099343

I already made my point dw.

>> No.23099385

I'm brown and trans btw

>> No.23099411

I won.

>> No.23099412
File: 36 KB, 768x900, 1683754139986169.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23099417

>namefagging now
you lost before it even started

>> No.23099418

>Immediate response
Blumen fumen m8

>> No.23099421

the girls parts in those days were played by boys

>> No.23099422

I’m Anglo and hate them, personally

>> No.23099423
File: 268 KB, 814x642, War and Peace cross dressing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In War and Peace: Nikolai dresses as a girl, Pyotr "Petya" dresses as a girl, Natasha dresses as a man, and Sonya dresses as a man with a burnt-cork mustache and eyebrows to (which is what sparks Nikolai's romantic interest in Sonya, even though they are cousins

>> No.23099427

I won, if you tranglos feel the need to comment after this refer to>>23099411
I was mostly just joshing but it's easy to annoy others as you can see. I like your nature loads though.

>> No.23099442

>more impotent browncel sperg rage over "anglos" for no apparent reason
stop running damage control for trannies, shill

>> No.23099444

You should try actually reading the Greeks instead of listening to idiot youtuber opinions on them that are politically motivated.

>> No.23099451


>> No.23099458

>I won
Congrats on your Faggot of the Year award, now go kill yourself.

>> No.23099465
File: 91 KB, 642x522, Bacchae cross dressing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.23099466


>> No.23099486

>played by a gay man
fitting at least

>> No.23099494
File: 61 KB, 393x390, don juan giggling virgin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23099496

not surprising, theater was always degenerate

>> No.23099511

You could also try dying.

>> No.23099514
File: 118 KB, 616x892, Shakesqueer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

friends don't let friends join theater

>> No.23099520

Can't believe I keked at shakesqueer

>> No.23099529

Retarded thread posters filtered from multiple angles by a play about how if vice is not respected and channelled through invigorating devices it instead breaks out in ways that degrade the would-be puritan. I shouldn‘t be surprised.

>> No.23099536

I just said the actor who was gay. No need to be angry anon. Being angry makes you retarded.

>> No.23099540

*the actor (who played him) was gay
>inb4 esl
seems im angry too i guess

>> No.23099541

Does that still have a penis and if so, may I ritualistically kiss it in some kind of blasphemous orgy?

>> No.23099550

I'm surprised you don't know about Contrapoints with how much his raping of some dude got shilled here. I think he still has his dick but he's american so removal is possible.

>> No.23099561

I have (Plato, Aristotle, Homer, Hesiod, and probably 10 others), which is how I realized that all these academics claiming that homosexuality was a big thing in Ancient Greek culture are lying or retarded. They misrepresent things and are influenced by social marxism or sjwism or whatever you want to call it, like most of academia these days.

>> No.23099566

Those are Jews, not Anglos. I know their MO.

>> No.23099568

> cross dresser =\= trans

>> No.23099574

Perverse and unnatural things are generally not overrepresented in literature, nor is modern mental illness

>> No.23099576

>didn't read the op
what's a tranny besides a crossdresser who took it too far anyway?

>> No.23099623

Trannies are people who literally want to change their gender, while cross dressers are people who merely want to dress like the other gender without actually becoming the other gender

>> No.23099640
File: 122 KB, 632x830, Breakfast on Pluto .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Breakfast on Pluto by Irish director Neil Jordan based on the novel by Irish author Patrick McCabe (the two both won awards for co-writing the film)

All-Irish cast (including Liam Neeson as the priest) but the star is

Irish actor Cillian Murphy (Scarecrow in The Dark Knight) - playing the Irish she-he. To prepare for the lead role, Murphy studied women's body language and took instruction under a transvestite

At the Irish Film and Television Awards it won
Best Director (Neil Jordan)
Best Script for Film (Neil Jordan, Patrick McCabe)
Best Actor (Cillian Murphy)
Best Hair & Make-Up for Film

>> No.23099659

- A tranny is a mentally ill man who thinks he's a woman.
- Someone who crossdresses, especially if they do it in the name of art, is aware he's a man but does it for the lulz

>> No.23099663

we agree
thomas shelby noooooooooooo
but why did you make that image anon?
i can see why so many women say he looks feminine

>> No.23099677

He didn't make the image, retard. It's a movie from 2005. Crossdressing existed before the 2020s.

>> No.23099678

>he looks feminine

>> No.23099687

He added the two together and added an Irish flag? I tried to reverse search it and nothing came up.
That's what I've heard women say. Sure he has a jawline shaped like a t square but I get what they mean.

>> No.23099707

Trannies will save western civilization

>> No.23099708
File: 58 KB, 736x535, 48337b90fb618d63468ba50441b31320.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

found this though. i wonder what the peaky blinders are gonna think about this.

>> No.23099713


>> No.23099716
File: 129 KB, 721x583, Eddie Izzard Believe Me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eddie "Suzy" Izzard's book details "her" cross-dressing epic from "her" childhood, "her" first performances on the streets of London, "her" ascent to worldwide success on stage and screen, etc

>> No.23099719

Then you should read them again starting with Homer, and understand that pretty much all of the arguments any of those writers supposedly make against homosexuality are specifically about either men assuming women's gender roles or sodomy. If you want to try to claim that homosexuality can't exist without penetration we can have that discussion, but I think it will be difficult for you to maintain a consistent position on that one.

>> No.23099736

>British ACTOR
I know they can get away with it by saying the term actor can be used for both genders but you'd expect them to use actress since they hammer so much on gender.

>> No.23099738
File: 223 KB, 1080x970, Prince and the Dressmaker .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fairytale of Prince Sebastian, who dresses as the glamorous Lady Crystallia by night

>> No.23099797
File: 200 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23099809


>> No.23099812
File: 232 KB, 794x754, everybodys talking about jamie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the smash hit and multiple award winning musical that has been sweeping the English theater scene (still playing) about a gay 16-year-old British schoolboy that overcomes prejudice and bullying, to step out of the darkness and fulfill his lifetime dream of being a drag queen

it was inspired by the British television documentary Jamie: Drag Queen at 16 directed

by English playwright Tom MacRae (he also wrote the book and lyrics.... and he wrote the wrote the film version

MacRae also wrote two books for children called The Opposite and Baby Pie

>> No.23099817
File: 168 KB, 350x367, 1574800091.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

never forget those penalties

>> No.23099832
File: 260 KB, 1080x1350, 425011692_924461659026347_1042606709485864922_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fucking love transwomen!

>> No.23099849

wow look at that, half of them are shitskins/niggers like you and your stinky immigrant family. that's why you're posting it right?

>> No.23099864

trans"women" are men, you faggot

>> No.23099870

do you just not have standards for what constitutes literature?

>> No.23099894
File: 190 KB, 946x700, Lissa's Beautiful Boy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"It is important to show his femininity as strength. I want to feel empowered as well, and to have an intimate muse. Together we investigate feminine fantasies presented throughout the history of photography and cinema. ... By presenting my partner within the lineage of great beauties and populating the media with our images, we are reclaiming our voice in what is attractive and beautiful."


>> No.23099898

Kek keep coping

>> No.23099925

his me me laugh so hard. I'm still laughing

>> No.23099934
File: 204 KB, 1080x1336, 407683471_1028827378165906_2132027807739257106_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am not a fag, I like women.

>> No.23099942
File: 207 KB, 1334x1008, crossing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Crossing by Stacey Wallace. Part of Open Door Love Story series.

>> No.23099951

“All Boys Aren’t Blue” and “Felix Ever After”.

>> No.23099961

t. ugly radfoid

>> No.23099964

Ladies or Gentlemen

>> No.23099969

with what? i'm not a shitskin like you and your stinky immigrant family

>> No.23099971
File: 131 KB, 560x472, men can wear dresses too.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.23099987

>his raping of some dude
you mean his being raped by some dude
who also became a tranny albeit a bigger uglier one
they both make money so what does it matter right

>> No.23099989
File: 106 KB, 554x496, liviing with cross dressing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.23099998

>I am not a fag
You are.
>I like women
You like men dressed as women; thus, you are a faggot.
Shut up, nigger.

>> No.23100002

I wish to suck her big dick

>> No.23100011


>> No.23100012
File: 146 KB, 688x507, feminizing men.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.23100025

who was the girl that bought him
in this day she'd probably be plunging him with big needles full of pink juice till his body gets all plump and soft and his chest grows two mounds

>> No.23100031

just fucking kill yourself my guy

>> No.23100043

sorry but it's fair game with slaves no? like cutting off their limbs not like it's going to turn into any politics

>> No.23100057
File: 94 KB, 240x350, Middlesex_novel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.23100068
File: 219 KB, 800x800, luna.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.23100071


>> No.23100073

Anyway there's this book called Gynecocracy where an unruly young man is sent to this chick to have his behavior corrected and she forces him to crossdress

>> No.23100076

Great, my shit thread is still up. What a shithole this board is now. i've noticed a lot more non-Whites too, no doubt this is at least partially to blame for the fall in quality.

>> No.23100093
File: 342 KB, 1724x1360, Crossdressing in Early Modern English Literature.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

examines male-to-female crossdressing in early modern drama, prose, and poetry

>> No.23100104

i like how nearly everything posted itt is pure schlock, including this

>> No.23100118
File: 50 KB, 548x478, Crossdressing in Early Modern English Literature contents.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that one is by a Professor of English

>> No.23100132
File: 181 KB, 327x316, 1682568786906009.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Obviously not a good once since he's writing about fags hahahahaha

>> No.23100171

This dumber than becoming a nazi to own the libs
Heres the thing, when you pretend to be what your enemies think you are for the lols you actually are.
Youre agreeing with them by playing into their system.
The way you get free is to not play your enemy's game.