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File: 143 KB, 604x797, George_Lucas_cropped_2009.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
23096748 No.23096748 [Reply] [Original]

Who is the George Lucas of literature?

>> No.23096762
File: 27 KB, 384x465, Lukács_György.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Georg Lukács

>> No.23096862
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George Lucas

>> No.23096896


>> No.23096898

Ernest Cline

>> No.23097223
File: 121 KB, 487x733, THX1138.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aldous Huxley

>> No.23097231


>> No.23097234

Obligatory: that book was written by Alan Dean Foster.

>> No.23097308

Joseph Campbell

>> No.23097484
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Considering George Lucas was inspired by Foundation, it would be Asimov.

>> No.23097494
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Don't be naive by believing Jewish lies. SW is carbon copy of Dune. He simply didn't acknowledge it, and went for a more far-fetched source.

>> No.23097500

Shut up, prole. You obviously can't tell two unlike things apart.

>> No.23097523

Who sold blockbuster books that inspired generations to obsess over them, wrap up their identify in them, cosplay to the most cringe extreme?
J.K. Rowling

>> No.23097787

This would be funnier if the OP didn't post it.

>> No.23098441

he didn't

>> No.23098593

This retard probably doesn't know that Georg Lukacs is a real writer.

>> No.23098614

Ah yes the story that says that you should never blindly follow an apparent messiah is the same story as the one about blindly following the messiah.

>> No.23098639

>first few are considered cornerstones of the sci-fi genre
>rest are trash

>> No.23098641


>> No.23100138

It has to be michael crichton right?

>> No.23100157

Probably frank Herbert

They both rely one franchise which made them famous which they milked to death.

>> No.23100928

Tom Clancy

>> No.23101152
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>the spice...

>> No.23101159

Agreed. Six kinos each before other people made entries and killed it.

>> No.23101797

Herbert is actually a good writer though, Star Wars was never good.

>> No.23101808

this. I view them on about the same level. I'm saying good things about george here, not bad things about tolkein.

tolkein. harry potter didn't have anywhere near the cultural impact star wars did.

>> No.23101847

Before Star Wars, the film industry was in massive decline. It was considered a sleazy medium. Average film quality was at an all time low, and the industry was generally used as a creative way to sell pornography to people who had limited access to more typical forms of porn(through rampant sex scenes and nudity). Symphonic scores were rare, replaced with tracks from small bands. People on television were even talking about the medium going out of style completely. Go organize some of your favorite films, you will most likely find a massive hole between the 60s and 80s.

Star Wars singlehandedly pulled the medium back into mainstream, blew up the science fiction genre, demonstrated a massive market for merch and an extended universe, and rescued the symphonic soundtrack(which hasn't gone out of style again since). It was an incredible artistic feat. I would compare Star Wars to things like LotR, The Beatles, Harry Potter, Pokemon, etc. since these were all mainstream giants that had significant effects on mediums and genres, and continue to influence culture after decades.

>> No.23102291
