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/lit/ - Literature

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2309650 No.2309650 [Reply] [Original]

While seeking to show the aristocracy in a similar light, Pride and Prejudice and War and Peace depict their characters in a different manner with the former opting for a satiric description and the latter a realistic one. Discuss?

>> No.2309674

Will not help you with homework.

>> No.2310561


HA! I would do anything - anything - to take a lit class where a professor considered, much more asked, a question like that.

No, I'm legitimately wondering about your views on the matter, /lit/. Being a guy, I think that the difference between the two is the reason why I adored War and Peace and viciously hated Pride and Prejudice.

If the above doesn't convince you that this isn't for a class, what amount of time would /lit/ say should pass before I repost this question again? (Some reasonable amount of time that proves I'm not on here because of a fast-approaching deadline.)

>> No.2310584

Will not help you with your thesis

>> No.2310589

if you word your questions in conventional essay-prompt style, /lit/ assumes it's a homework thread.

i've seen the p&p miniseries. will now go and read w&p and get back with ya.

>> No.2310602
File: 21 KB, 342x356, 1316891244936.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>obvious fucking homework thread
>OP protests otherwise

Fuck off

>> No.2310606


I'm a biochemistry major; you could hardly help me with any thesis I would be working on.

What evidence would you need to convince you I'm just trying to get a somewhat-intelligent conversation started. God knows I can't do anything like this on campus.

>> No.2310618


Thank you for your help. I'm new here (as if you couldn't tell). I'm almost finished with War and Peace so perhaps we can continue this in a week or so? There is no way in hell I'm picking up Pride and Prejudice again so expect me to be a little one sided during discussion.

>> No.2310623

Show us a screenshot of your transcript with your name blocked out but the date stamped.

>> No.2310682


Hmm... not quite sure I want to do that. Any other way?

>> No.2310708

your approach is all wrong, too, regardless of whether or not it's a homework thread. you should have elaborated on your OP point a little. it sounds like you're trying to get /lit/ to work out for you something that you're too lazy to work out in your own head. difficult to articulate, but you might have actually had a good chance of sparking a discussion on the very same topic, if you'd just approached it different.


>> No.2310723


>> Rich people do not fucking act realistically in War and Peace and Pride and Prejudice

>> No.2310752

what fucking class actually made you read both these books in their entirety in one semester?

>> No.2310778

I always saw Pride and Prejudice as a bit more of a realistic take on aristocracy and the leisure class in the context of Austen's time with the rise of Romantic thought in England. With the Romantic, lower class trumping that Neo-classical, proper, formal, et al. upper class in the end, Austen kind of makes a realist comment in relaying how the aristocrats cannot continue to act in their formal manners since the romantic stuff has started to become so influential. We get further proof on this in how aristocratic characters like Darcy and company do start to move to the romantic mindset. And the dated nature of the Neo-classical mind shows in England at the time too with stuff like Wordsworth obtaining a bit of wealth and eventually becoming the poet laureate. So I wouldn't say it is a satire, just that Austen broadcasts some of the characters as having slightly dated ways of seeing the world, with Austen further showing through people like Darcy how aristocrats can recognize such dated mindsets to change with the rest of the country instead of being left in the past (like the Queen-acting bitch related to Darcy who I forgot the name of since it has been so long since I read the book).

>> No.2310782


Thanks for the input. As I said, I'm new here. I'll try again in a week or two. Maybe once I finish the book I'll try to get a generic War and Peace thread going. Thanks again!


As I said before, this isn't for a class. I'm reading War and Peace now and a quarter of Pride and Prejudice for an english class in high school. It was just a genuine desire for discussion and I thought I could find it on /lit/. I'm sure as hell not getting at my campus where THE thing to do is watch Jersey Shore and How I Met Your Mother.

>> No.2310798


As I said in an earlier post, I never finished reading Pride and Prejudice because I could never get through it. In any case, thanks for being kind and answering. The reason I wrote that Pride and Prejudice opted for a satiric description was because that's what I got out of my class discussion in high school and that seemed to correlate well with what little of the book I did read.

In any event, I'll be back next weekend or so to see if anyone wants to have a War and Peace discussion. In hind sight, I regret even starting this thread to begin with as I never really felt like discussing Pride and Prejudice but just wanted a confirmation as to whether or not /lit/ agreed with my statement.

Thanks again!