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/lit/ - Literature

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23092873 No.23092873 [Reply] [Original]

What makes him so appealing to female Philosophy undergrads?

>> No.23092898

He’s conventionally attractive. Not exactly rocket science.

>> No.23092933

He writes good. Not the greatest french postwar philosopher, but he's definitely more fun to read than deleuze or baudrillard or whoever.

>> No.23092943

>good looking
>"i can fix him!"
Checks all boxes

>> No.23092950

are women really this simple minded?

>decent prose

"Welp, I guess I've found the Philosopher I'll base all my opinions off!"

>> No.23092977

Is this some kind of stereotype? I loved Myth of Sysiphus when I was 16, but I'm male. Most people don't want to read 500 pages of kants autism, and if you don't think communication skills matter "in the real world" then you're going to be in for a surprise

>> No.23092992

>Is this some kind of stereotype?

Yes it is, it's a very accurate and real stereotype. Ask any woman in her late teens/early twenties who their favorite philosopher is and watch them fawn over Camus for like 20 minutes straight.

>> No.23092993

If Kant looked like Chris Hemsworth, I guarantee there would be college girls with (abridged) copies of his works. It's just how it works, and I'm not trying to be sexist. (Although Camus being a tortured writer still gives him an advantage)

>> No.23093013

>Most people don't want to read 500 pages of kants autism

Except Camus himself, because I'm pretty sure he would of read Kant.

>> No.23093019

Kierkegaard looks great and women don't give a shit about him, opposite thing with Foucalt.
There might be a chicken and egg thing where ugly people like Schopenhauer repel women through their life, they grow bitter from rejection and write woman repellent philosophy, and then later people accuse women of only liking attractive philosophers

>> No.23093030

>There might be a chicken and egg thing where ugly people like Schopenhauer repel women through their life, they grow bitter from rejection and write woman repellent philosophy, and then later people accuse women of only liking attractive philosophers

This is gargantuan cope.

What's more likely?

Women having a tendency to read Philosophers who are physically attractive?

Or a small handful of Philosophers who wrote vaguely misogynistic passages conveniently being ugly, and consequently women read their work less?

>> No.23093377
File: 31 KB, 220x299, Kant.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23093390

The biggest issue with “social skills” is they’re not a very indicator of morality, usually they’re inversely correlated

>> No.23093422

his books are short, shallow and easy to read

>> No.23093445

>write woman repellent philosophy
what does that even mean? most philosophers throughout history held misogynistic opinions, but I fail to see how that makes a philosophy "woman repellent". unless you're assuming that women are spoiled children who can only read authors they completely agree with

>> No.23093456

>women are spoiled children who can only read authors they completely agree with

Yes. Correct.

>> No.23093462
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bitches love Nietzsche, explain that one

>> No.23093466

he's taught in undergrad. same reason everyone dicksucks plato, he's taught in general courses to every college student

>> No.23093477

Should I get the new Pléiade editions or the old Pléaide editions?
The old ones are cheaper and widely available used but contain no notes from what I understand

>> No.23093480

>are women really this simple minded?


>> No.23093482

Alright, then you must be reading radfem literature about how all men are rapists/pigs, right? Wait, you aren't? Maybe men are the spoiled children here

>> No.23093484
File: 375 KB, 800x1114, 3D69A67C-32A9-4E9A-B4D5-8C6389531E4C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rousseau was really fucking handsome IMO

>> No.23093486

Maybe in Finland or something

>> No.23093492

Sucks to be you moron, because yes, I have read radfem literature.

It was utter torture, but I subjected myself to Andrea Dworkin and Valerie Solanas.

>> No.23093493
File: 99 KB, 1024x967, 591135A8-BCF3-4D0C-B1BB-B27E11CDF4CA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I unironically read radfem philosophy and literature for it’s unintentional entertainment value, it’s the most Freudian writing that I’ve ever seen

>> No.23093496


Reading literature that differentiates from one's ideological beliefs is not the same as reading books from people who literally want to genocide your gender.

>> No.23093502

Then you probably get why women dislike reading misogynistic philosophy, right? I get theory of mind is tough for autists but even you probably understand by now

>> No.23093505

As a woman,
It is true that women like him because he is good-looking. Also, many women get depressed. His books speak to them because they like to read things that make them feel better. Some of them also like to aestheticize things to appeal to potential mates. That's all.

>> No.23093506
File: 49 KB, 850x400, quote-only-idiots-fail-to-contradict-themselves-three-times-a-day-friedrich-nietzsche-37-67-48.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he is the quintessential womeme philosomemer.

>> No.23093509
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They should listen harder.

>> No.23093521
File: 78 KB, 850x400, quote-a-woman-does-not-want-the-truth-what-is-truth-to-women-from-the-beginning-nothing-has-friedrich-nietzsche-120-4-0483.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why would they listen?

>> No.23093671

You've shifted the goalpost twice buddy.

You started off saying women won't read women repellent philosophy and named Schopenhauer as an example.

Another anon responded by saying women are spoiled children because they refuse to read literature that deviates even slightly from their worldview.

You responded to that with a complete straw-man by saying men are hypocrites for not reading rad fems who think all men are rapists.

I responded with "Yes I have read rad fem literature", proving you wrong.

And now you're changing gears to argue that because I've read rad fem literature, I should understand why women don't want to read deeply misogynistic literature, which is not consistent with your initial example of Schopenhauer.

You are an utter retard. Please stop talking forever.

>> No.23093692

>misogynistic philosophy
Funny how you still didn't bother to explain how a philosophy could possibly be misogynistic.

>> No.23093709

give me recs

>> No.23093727

If you want utterly hilarious radical feminism literature, Andrea Dworkin always gives me a good belly laugh.

>> No.23093736

this thread was originally about Camus, wtf have we done here

>> No.23093738
File: 73 KB, 674x506, 1 6dZByL7K8U9Zm1RavfsX7g.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sartre looks like pic related and female undergrads love him. Your argument is flawed.

>> No.23093740

idk what female undergrads ur talking to.

all the ones ive interacted with hate Sartre and think hes a misogynist

>> No.23093757

His vapid navel gazing and saccharine prose. Doesn’t hurt that he’s easy on the eyes.

>> No.23093789

Satre and Beauvoir were popular about 10+ years ago, but their unfathomably based views on lolicon have gotten them (and most other 20th century French intellectuals) posthumously cancelled by the current generation of undergrads

>> No.23093799

I cannot stand you r/redscarefags, stay on reddit with your faggotry

>> No.23093831

Aren't Camus and Sartre the philosophers you are supposed to agree with? The ones a current year college professor will talk about as if they were right?