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/lit/ - Literature

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23088751 No.23088751[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>> No.23088760

>Always has been.
*shoots you*

>> No.23088766

I mean most new atheists were kikes
Except for Dawkins but he's an obvious grifter

>> No.23088772

I don't think atheists read the Talmud.

>> No.23088781

christopher hitches was?
its crazy, they need to teach kids about this. you seriously can't take these guys at face value

>> No.23088812

>even though I am an atheist I’m a jew first
I don’t have to read the article to know.
It’s a mirror image to when half of online atheism found out they were Islam worshipping leftist twats more than they were atheist. Christianity bad, white bad, west bad, misogynistic bronze age suicide cult GOOD when it’s brown.

>> No.23088820

the chosen people have spoken

>> No.23088823

Jews hate Christians, so of course it was.

>> No.23088833

Hitchens was an Anglo, the most spiritually Jewish of all white people.

>> No.23088844
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lil of column a lil of column b

>> No.23088865

The entirety of the last 70 years has been one big con game

>exploit women's natural frivolity, naivete, and niceness
>exploit autistic men's natural "I'm so rational, I don't need any CULTURE or RELIGION to tell me what to do ;)" solipsism
>exploit minorities' natural oogabooga gibs me dat-ism
>exploit asians' natural bug-like tolerance for the even harshest conditions
>exploit lowest common denominator to promote hedonism, porn, prostitution
>justify it all under the umbrella of "liberality" and "humanism"
>now everybody is a retarded mischling debt slave with 20 mental and physical illnesses (requiring complex systems of monthly usury subsidies)

>> No.23088874

you will buy and enjoy the goyslop

>> No.23088919
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im so tired

>> No.23088945

This never happened plus you're terminally online underaged/pol/tards

>> No.23088972

>even though I am an atheist I’m a jew first
Thats every jew. Have you guys read henry fords book?

>> No.23088983


>> No.23088985

Thank you for your input

>> No.23088994

Remember when Harris said that it was ok for the deep state to collude with the media in order to suppress negative information about Biden during the election? The quote was something like "I don't care if they found the bodies of dozens of murdered children in Hunter Biden's basement." Lol

>> No.23088996

yeah u chuds

>> No.23088997

>I mean
Starting posts that way should be an automatic 3 day ban.

>> No.23089001

face ze vall bitte

>> No.23089003
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your breath smells like gefilte fish

>> No.23089006

Nu Atheism was the definition of missing the forest for the trees. I can't think of a more peevish fad.

>> No.23089014

>Israeli settlers have historically committed horrific atrocities against some Palestinians, and recognizing this is important to ongoing peace.

>Palestinians are 12th century radicals who hang gays and murder their own children to spite Jews. Their safety and security are important, but massive cultural changes are necessary to admit them into the community of nations

Why is this a difficult thing to say? Yes Israel is an ethnonationalist settler state. So is 99% of "Muslim majority" states across Africa and Southeast Asia.

>> No.23089016

>jews always lie to protect themselves
you're trans btw

>> No.23089022
File: 80 KB, 808x663, God's chosen people.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bit longer than 70 years, bud
Have you read the talmud?
Or the gospel, at least?

>> No.23089036

Hitchens did, and criticized it in a few of his books. Christians attacked him for it and defended the Talmud as a core part of the Judeo-Christian tradition.

>> No.23089113

New Atheism was the US establishment's attempt, post 9/11, to engage in culture war against what they saw as a genuine threat in the Islamic faith.

>> No.23089116

nah you are

>> No.23089134

Atheism always has been a Jewish-backed movement since the enlightenment. It helps entrench a plurality of belief in society at large ("freedom of religion"). It divides the Gentiles and weakens the most counter-semitic institution the world has ever known (the Catholic Church). The protestant reformation and liberalism also served Jewish interests immensely (division of Christendom, free market usury etc.). The clear implication is that Jews cannot have legitimate grievances, sovereignty or interests without a weakened opposition. Liberalism, atheism, Protestantism, freemasonry. They all serve to augment Jewish power [and are allowed to exist by (((them)))].

>> No.23089139

>the most counter-semitic institution the world has ever known (the Catholic Church)
>our child molesters are better than their child molesters
fuck off crypto-kike nigger

>> No.23089143

>just as the good Moses intended

>> No.23089149

Post nose

>> No.23089158
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>> No.23089160

>post identifying features on 4chan
No thanks. But thank you for the concession.

>> No.23089169

>exploit women's natural . . . niceness

>> No.23089170

ah that notorious roman unity though, clearly the savivr ov the VVest...

>> No.23089178

Not Christian

>Oriental orthodox
>Assyrian church
Not even in Europe

Schismatics but still bros so whatever

Literally one split in Europe in 2000 years. Judaism divided Europe, not Catholics. Try again, Rabbi.

>> No.23089185

It's true, women just want everything to be "nice". They buy Live, Love, Laugh signs because they're "nice". They support child chemical castration in the form of the trans rights movement because they just want to be "nice". They protest against protecting our borders from hordes of third-world invaders because it's not ":nice". A lot of what women do is rooted in, at least the appearance of, "niceness".

>> No.23089187

>it's not Christian because I said so
ok retard

>> No.23089188

Thanks for playing, Rabbi. I'm not the one defending Jewish power and the downfall of Europe

>> No.23089189

Moses just gave them what they wanted. If it was up to him, there would have been no more sacrifices. So he arranged a spirituality they could follow with their satanic tendencies. Later in isaiah we find God asking for the sacrifices to stop

>> No.23089194

>I'm not the one defending Jewish power
No, you're the one carrying the banner for a different tribe of child molesters. Congratulations, retard.

>> No.23089198
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Yes, you are, christnigger. Hilarious

>> No.23089207
File: 153 KB, 900x506, Jews worship their true god.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dammit, forgot pic. God also condemns the sacrifices in Hosea, says He isn't pleased by them.
Even in the zohar, which is a purely jewish book, says the sacrifices are no longer required, after the destruction of the second temple. That, whosoever wishes to burn fat and blood to God, let him burn his own by fasting

>> No.23089218

He's a Jew.

>> No.23089227
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Theyve been memeing the horrorhoax of six gorillion since before the two world wars. Or maybe during the first. In poland, or hungary, i think

>> No.23089229

>/lit/ is for the discussion of literature, specifically books (fiction & non-fiction), short stories, poetry, creative writing, etc. If you want to discuss history, religion, or the humanities, go to /his/.

>> No.23089236

look bud there is gonna be a little overlap

>> No.23089243

Based christians, you guys lost get over it. Though you may wanna check up on the libraire dalexandrie shit.

>> No.23089248

the talmud is literature

>> No.23089249

The distinction being made is pretty clear.

>> No.23089264
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>you guys

>> No.23089271

I personally am jewish, not a christian. You guys lost, get over it lmao

>> No.23089341

>You guys lost
When? Jews are in a pretty bad situation themselves. Their success is tied up with the success of the West, which they were stupid enough to assist in with its self-sabotage.

>> No.23089352

Low hanging fruit. Find me a group of people who don't diddle kids. Kikes do it most btw. You still won't address the fact that you support Jewish power. You are Jewish.

>> No.23089366

Cattle-anon I.... Have a good sonnentahck, sorry for bothering you.

>> No.23089376

>Find me a group of people who don't diddle kids
Lmao, this what Catholicism defenders have been reduced to.

>> No.23089380
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>pagan faggots

>> No.23089393
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Dawkins doesn't even believe any of his own shit at this point. He just captured a zeitgeist 20 years ago and made easy money off it.

>> No.23089411

>Liberalism serves to augment Jewish power
Republicans are literally the "cut all the regulations" party. Why are you so dumb?

>> No.23089422

He's clearly saying that to give a sense of what the discussion will be about, he's not accouncing his conversion. Weak attempt, friendo.

>> No.23089424

Thanks, Sam. We already (((know))) why you don't criticise Israel.

>> No.23089425

>Find me a group of people who don't diddle kids.
Me, and my family, you fucking faggot. None of us belong to a church, mosque or synagogue. Unplug from the sand nigger desert trilogy matrix please.

>> No.23089429


>> No.23089432
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go bow to your dead kike on a stick, simp

>> No.23089433

it's one thing to be JQ /pol/ack online, but a lot of the anti-semitic stuff is from resentful browns in reality. Probably true online as well.

>> No.23089445

underage /pol/babbies

>> No.23089448

Are jews white or brown?

>> No.23089450
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It is utterly and completely irrelevant whether "new athiesm" (whatever precisely that buzzphrase encompasses) has a Jewish bent. Because religion is so obviously bullshit anyway.
If you grew up in Iraq you'd believe in Allah because that's what your parents taught you.
Christians, Muslims, Hindus etc by and large believe what they believe because it is the culture they were born into.
If you were a pajeet you'd be an E-evangelist for Ganesh.

Simple as

>> No.23089453

>Missing the point
Frogposters never fail to be retarded

>> No.23089454
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>internet tough guy
typical pagan faggot

>> No.23089459

>not actually saying anything at all
The devout never fail to dance around the problem.

>> No.23089504

>debt slave
I direct you also to this

>> No.23089514

Not religious, you just missed the point dumb frogposter.
>Not actually saying anything at all

>> No.23089517

regulations give government more control instead of many corporations control i dont think its an improvement, esp since the government is run by bureaucrats who basically have their jobs for life with no consequences for any of their decisions

>> No.23089522

2 posts now you haven't said anything at all relating to this "point".
I'm thinking you don't have one.

>> No.23089526

There are no parties in the US. As Chomsky once said, after roughly mid-century, there were two factions of a uniparty, but today there aren't even two factions, only the vestigial appearance. Look into the New York Intellectuals:
a set of Trotskyist Jews who were extremely influential in founding the Neoconservative movement and establishing it as what is now often called "Con Inc." On the left, look at
>You can see why [in the 1920s] American felt our borders were out of control. [The immigration law passed at the time] stated a preference for Northern Europeans] ... [Restrictions on] Southern Catholics and Jews—this went on to 1964, so all through [World War II] there were incredible restrictions. 1965 comes, we’re reluctant leaders of the world, we have an economic boom, we didn’t have much immigration, and we have a ton of guilt. First, about the Holocaust. [Rep.] Manny Celler was voted in in 1923…he was Jewish, from Manhattan. He was warning about the Holocaust, and everybody was ignoring him. In 1947, he was head of the Judiciary Committee, and he was able to get jurisdiction [over immigration] changed from the Labor Committee. He had control over immigration reform. There was a huge attitude change. Exodus had been published. Israel was popular. The other thing was the civil rights movement. Black soldiers were coming back, and there were Jim Crow laws. Those movements drove the 1965 law. Philip Hart, called the conscience of the Senate, was passionate about civil rights. ... They decided to do away with preferences for work skills, and have preferences for family reunification. That’s pretty unique to immigration law—they gave green cards to extended family members.
>“Manny Celler managed to get immigration into the Judiciary committee,” Orchowski told TAC in an interview. “That changed the whole focus on immigration from a labor thing to a justice [thing].”
>Following the conclusion of the war, Celler worked to liberalize American immigration laws. He helped pass a bill that allowed 339,000 Displaced Persons to come to the United States, including many Jews.
>Over the next few decades, he continued to work to liberalize American immigration laws, pushed by Jews and others who were discriminated against by the current system. That culminated with him writing and passing the INA, which is also known the Hart-Celler Immigration Act of 1965.
as well as The Politics of Nonassimilation by Verbeeten.

Jews are one major factor in a complex process of systematically and intentionally destroying Western societies, particularly the US, which has been a USSR-style failed state and betrayal of everything its founders stood for since the early 20th century, when Lippmann/Bernays style "managed democracy" became elite discourse. See also Quigley's Anglo-American Establishment:

>> No.23089530

>instead of many corporations
Yeah that's why my internet bill in middle America is so high and I have a data cap. Many corporations. Oh wait it's because fewer and fewer industries have any real competion at all due to deregulation, mergers, and price fixing.

>> No.23089534

niga in here complaining about his internet bill

>> No.23089533

And what school do your kids go to you retarded faggot? What sports do they play? What social activities do they attend? Pedos are present in all these things. I'm just being real here. Pedos exist and you will never fully remove them from planet earth.

>> No.23089536

If this is true then why is /pol/ filled with republicans?

>> No.23089539

More like nigga in here giving a relatable real world example of my point.

>> No.23089541

Both the GOP and Democrats are liberal in ideology. Both are Jewish, too. Your point?

>> No.23089544
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Do you mean libertarians? Used to be 50/50 libertarian and fascist from what I could tell. Seems like a lot of libertarians are becoming volkisch or quasi-volkisch though.

>> No.23089545


>> No.23089548

Your point is"le religion is bs" which is just your way of trying to redirect the convo because you are a solipsistic retard who needs to be right. It doesn't matter to you because you don't feel connected to whatever like a nigman but entire culturally tied belief systems being eroded in one fell swoop without something clear actually taking its place is not a good thing you dumb frogposter. If its true that new atheism was just a psyop made to create chaos in every civilized society then that would obviously be a bad thing.
tldr; you just didnt get the point because you are a solipsistic retard frogposter.

>> No.23089550

No, I mean Republican. Trump simps, "trads", racists, etc. Most rhetoric on /pol/ is a crack cocaine fueled hyperbolation of people like Tucker Carlson.

>> No.23089554

more like niga made a random complaint and then pretended it related to his point. did deregulation is why your penis small too

>> No.23089557

Also, that it was created by one specific group (jews/le rich/lizardmen/chinese bigfoot) is obviously important too lol

>> No.23089562

But /pol/ isn't full of republicans. Mostly wignats and natsoc types. All of them are anti-conservative.

>> No.23089565

>If its true that new atheism was just a psyop made to create chaos in every civilized society then that would obviously be a bad thing.
Sure but that would be far downstream of the actual important point-which I used the "place of birth" example to illustrate: that jews or no jews, religion is plainly bullshit. Or at least, clinging to a specific one is. Perhaps there is some religious impulse that people have, and who knows the origin of that? Really, who knows? Clearly no one since the "answer" depends on the random dice role of the location of your birth.

>> No.23089571

>deliberately missing the point+ad hom
Game over big dog.

>> No.23089574

I doubt that. I watched Tucker and all I care about is him shifting the overton window toward white identity politics. I voted for Trump and will again, and I see him as simply the maximum chaos candidate. Not even a candidate who causes maximum chaos, just the local maximum (between him and Biden). But I've considered the "accelerationist vote" for Biden too.

Maybe there are some MAGA boomers but I think they just get radicalized by the open racism. Nobody really seems to care about Trump much aside from pissing off the establishment. In 2016 it was a little different, I knew at least a few people who took Trump out and out seriously.

>> No.23089577

I'm subscribed to his podcast, Sam Harris is completely deranged on this topic
>muh human shields!

>> No.23089579

>natsoc types are anti-conservative
u wot

>I doubt that.
The feeling is mutual.

>> No.23089590

It's not "Muslims". It's every country on the face of the earth. No current nation state has the same indigenous people it did 500-1000 years ago. They colonized the current countries they inhabit.

Thing is, that's not supposed to be how the modern world works anymore. After the league of Nations (UN) was created and International law etc.. and all that it was supposed to be the end of that. And it was. Except for the Jews. Thats the issue people have, the fact Jews are above the law. That they get to do whatever they want.

If we're going back to pre-international law times them cool. That's perfect. So let Russia do what they want in Ukraine and lets the Arabs, Persians etc.. do what they want in their own regions. But the rules aren't fair. They're bent over backwards to appease the Jews.

>> No.23089591

National socialiam is anti-conservative. I'm surprised you even consider this to be up for debate. Literally read a book faggot. Start with Payne's History of Fascism.

>> No.23089592

>No the point is that religion is culturally tied
Yes and what would the intentions be of a group trying to undermine whole culturally tied beliefsystems? You're just fedora posting and I understand how others find atheism laughable nowadays.

>> No.23089606

>what are gatekeepers

>> No.23089610

>hating strength
typical christcuck nigger

>> No.23089614

You think any random selection of /pol/ threads or posts right now is reflective of mainstream Republican discourse?

In any case, the polls the Homeland Institute are doing are interesting:

>50% of Republicans would support a candidate who proposed an immigration program explicitly designed to maintain America’s white majority.

>We explained to the respondents that the Great Replacement theory is the claim that political elites around the world are intentionally replacing whites with non-whites, and then asked them whether they: 1) disagreed that whites were being replaced, 2) agreed whites are being replaced but that this is unintentional, or 3) agreed whites are being replaced and that this is intentional.

>50% of Republicans agreed with the Great Replacement theory, while 20.9% believed that whites are being replaced, but unintentionally.

>72.5% of Democrats disagreed that whites are being replaced at all, with the rest evenly split on whether replacement is intentional or not. The result is surprising, given that an important Democrat talking point is that whites will be a minority in the 2040s. Further polling is needed to see if these Democrats are just falsifying their opinions, if they are genuinely ignorant, or if they hold blatantly contradictory beliefs. It is a widespread “meme” that Leftists will move from denying replacement to claiming that it is a boon to claiming that it is a just punishment for white people’s sins — often within the same conversation. It would be interesting to test this meme against hard evidence.

>44.9% of Independents disagreed that whites are being replaced, with the rest split equally on whether white replacement was intentional or not.

>> No.23089615

>why is /pol/ filled with republicans?
It's not, you filthy, ignorant newfaggot.
>republicans are racist
God, I wish.

>> No.23089630

What's laughable is how in denial you are. I am not talking about some downstream issue.
Yes the more the world wakes up to the fact that religion is a crock, the more chaos there could be, and some people could and probably would take advantage of that.
But again, that is downstream of the point. People take advantage of each other and attempt to dominate. That is a large percentage of the history of the world, and is not a compelling reason to believe in something that is obviously not true.

The religious argument always seems to boil down to the fact that they value their beliefs and what they feel those beliefs do for them more than they value accepting likely reality. And when you get to it, it's hard to really argue against that to a religious person. What does an athiest say to that?
And that's why religion persists, because many people don't place likely truth above the comfort of faith. And why should they? I know why I want them to, because religion makes your voting record and cultural attitudes based on fantasy, but that's not an argument to give to a religious person.

Who knows

>> No.23089641

Thanks for helping my point. Wtf man, way to kneecap yourself.

This post is devoid of content.

>> No.23089647

>you guys lost get over it.

And now the heckin based christians are losing to muzzies and wokeists. Your churches are burning, and the ones that aren't are filled with rainbow flags, third worldism and heeb-worship.

You lost. Get over it.

>> No.23089648

>Hey man Im just making convo you know
>Did you know how what you believe in is determined by your location?
>Yes sure the thread is about the attempts to destroy these aspects of culture but hey did you know that people want to subdue others?
>Hey also, religion is bs btw
Don't need to tell me but I was right all along. Just stop posting.

>> No.23089652

refer to my follow up >>23089271
you lost, get over it

>> No.23089655

>National socialiam is anti-conservative
I don’t even know how to respond to you. You are out there in crazy land.

Read /pol/ for 5 seconds and say what you just said with a straight face.

>> No.23089661

Anyone who keeps replying to you is doing themselves a disservice. I implore anyone with a functioning brain to ignore this no-effort nigger. He just wants to keep going "Um no tho?" while you respond to him. Imagine his shitty nigger fingers tapping on his nigger smartphone screen after he doesn't even read your post. If you keep engaging with that, you are assuredly foolish.

>> No.23089663
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Your brain is devoid of human intelligence.
Reddit nigger go home.

>> No.23089666

Anti-american conservatism aka anti-republicanism ofcourse you obtuse tard

>> No.23089672

What counterpoint are you attempting to make to me?
Because my point is very clear and directly relates to the thread topic, yet you are acting like I am a Sam Harris employee trying to deflect.
Once again I am forced to assume that you actually have no counterpoint and are just doing the classic thing where you try to greentext your way out of a corner by painting me as not worthing responding to.
Pretty cliche.

>> No.23089677

>internet tough guy

>> No.23089680

You literally hurt your own point, what am I supposed to say to that? Your cited article works against your prior posts. Don't get mad at me because you bamboozled yourself.

>> No.23089681

No, but they certainly knew how to coopt it. The last time I checked they were claiming that Christianity was created by jews and that Jesus was a jew while conveniently ignoring who killed him.

>> No.23089687

>inb4 ESL

>> No.23089688

>Hey here is (trying to paint you in a specific way)
>My point's about how religions are bs and tied to location
>This is actually what matters
>No u just dont understand man
>Religion is bs and tied to culture btw, thats all im saying man
You missed the point and have no actual point beside these vain platitudes. That's because you are a solipsistic retard who just needs to say something, anything.
Good luck anon.

>> No.23089692

>retarded pussy
yeah this all checks out

>> No.23089700


>> No.23089710

Again, as simply as I can make it, my point is this: this thread and this line of thinking misses the point entirely by being downstream of the actual question at hand. Which is not whether "new athiesm" is a talmudic scam, but whether or not athiesm/agnosticism as a whole is right or wrong, independent of any group's efforts to use that to their advantage.

Or, to say it another way: new athiesm could be a talmudic scam, but that doesn't get to the heart of the issue which is whether or not athiesm has merit in a vacuum. And I submit that it does, which in turn then reframes the often spammed "new athiesm" bellyaching threads into a much different context. That context being that Sam Harris etc are taking something true (athiesm) and using it to promote Israel and Jewish interests, which would be bad news for the gentiles, but doesn't make athiesm any less true.

To sum up my entire position in one sentence: don't throw the baby out with the bathwater.

>> No.23089717

Cunt you have literally never read a book in your life and you think you know what conservatism and national socialism is. National socialists are anti-conservative because they see it as a losing strategy. Sort of like a slow "speed limit liberalism" which never conserves anything. National socialism is revolutionary, radical. It seeks a social and political upheaval and the creation of a new man. Conservatism is just another side of the liberal coin. Progressivism minus ten years of "progress". Republicans and Democrats are both Jew controlled. One is conservative, the other is not. A natsoc rejects not one, but both.

>> No.23089719

>Hey man, implications of a group attempting to destroy integral parts of most cultures doesn't matter because religion is bs anyway.
>So why are you guys talking about this? It's not important because you know religion is bs
Can you prove me wrong for once jesuscience christ. Stop being an actual fedoraposter thankyou. Mwa mwa mwa heres some smooches now go.

>> No.23089724

national socialism is merely another corner of the jewish technological gestall triangle thougheverbeit. read heidegger.

>> No.23089727

Heidegger saw the "inner greatness" of national socialism, as he put it, he was just dissatisfied with the NSDAP regime. Most national socialists and fascists on 4chan are actually Conservative Revolutionaries.

>> No.23089744

>>Hey man, implications of a group attempting to destroy integral parts of most cultures doesn't matter because religion is bs anyway.
Not at all even a little bit what I'm saying.
>>So why are you guys talking about this? It's not important because you know religion is bs
This is still a wild misrepresentation of my point, but getting a modicum warmer.
The obvious implication of these endless "new athiesm" bellyaching apart threads is that athiesm itself is wrong in part because jews may or may not use it to oppress gentiles. And my point is that it's like if, hypothetically, jews invented some gravity manipulation device, and you started calling gravity a talmudic scam.
It's not that the issue of jews oppressing gentiles in the manner we are discussing wouldn't be a real issue, it's that OP takes that issue and tries to wrap it around athiesm's neck and strangle athiesm. He's basically attaching a rider to a bill. Trying to kill athiesm by making it look guilty for what the jews may or may not be using it to do.

>Can you prove me wrong for once
No u. And I say that genuinely.