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File: 869 KB, 1125x886, IMG_6805.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
23087609 No.23087609 [Reply] [Original]

Want stuff in the vein of Roger Scruton G.K Chesterton

>> No.23087615


I'm trans btw, don't know if that matters.

>> No.23087633

Everyone but De Maistre is a complete waste of time. Maybe some Burke, if you really want more.

>> No.23087642

How can you look at this image and not understand that Islam is the largest bastion of tradition remaining in the world when Christcucks have been reduced to this

>> No.23088854

Are you brown?

>> No.23088875

are you a jewish agent?

>> No.23089826

>a pr*testant and a kike walk into a bar

This anon gets it

Unfortunately I don't traditionalism (politically) is possible in the 21st century. It would have been tempting and even possible in de Maistre's time to RETVRN, but that ship sailed long ago. You would need a mass extinction event (unlikely) to rebuild medieval Europe. Modern problems will require modern solutions. Some kind of neo-fascist White nationalism with a e s t h e t i c s and a confessional (Catholic) state is all we can hope for. We're not there yet, though. De Maistre has some fun ideas and he is a very good writer, though. I think He is essential reading for any Christian fascist. He has some absolute kino passages about sin and death and executions.

>> No.23089854

Whiter than you

>> No.23089893

Fake sandnigger shit for low IQ arabs. Tradition is not "in itself" good. Only the Truth (Christ) is good; man attains perfection through participating in this same Truth. So yeah, kikes, prots muslims stay seething and repent.

>> No.23089906
File: 27 KB, 240x324, F8BEDFF0-E565-4639-9F25-3C59576604CA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Some kind of neo-fascist White nationalism with a e s t h e t i c s and a confessional (Catholic) state is all we can hope for.
we're FUCKED

>> No.23089911

Protestant moment

>> No.23089941
File: 1.25 MB, 1200x1070, TraditionalCatholicEuropa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Implying Catholicism will not make a huge return

>> No.23089960

Unironically I think I
White identitarianism is on the rise and will be a significant force by the end of this decade. (White) Catholics are becoming less and less "third-worldist" and "globalist" in character. Once boomers die this will accelerate. Just my observation.

>> No.23089963
File: 1.42 MB, 1200x1450, TraditionalCatholicAmericas.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23089967

Yeah that's based

>> No.23089969

leon bloy, peter kreeft, alisdair macintrye

>> No.23089970
File: 1.40 MB, 1360x1330, TraditionalCatholicMonarchy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i think this also. A Reconquista and Repatriation is the only way to save the white race

>> No.23089977
File: 157 KB, 572x443, TraditionalCatholicGF.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Treat your sisters and daughters well and teach them to remain modest and in prayer always

>> No.23089991
File: 778 KB, 498x278, konata-thumbs-up.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What I don't understand is that the actual conditions of "RETVRN" don't seem so hard to me.

Simple enough:

1. Destroy the global financial system
2. Destroy most major democratic republics
3. Restore de jure aristocracy and monarchy
4. Restore the Church to a position of secular power in the public sphere

Now, you may look at that and think it's impossible, but with sufficient applied force it would NOT be. And the plan, when you lay it out bare, isn't complicated. It's not like we have to take a lot of intricate steps to get back to where most trads want to take us. Like, this isn't some 20-step plan, some elaborate scheme.

You just need to be willing to blow a lot of things up, and burn a lot of things down.

Both literally and metaphorically, of course.

>> No.23090005
File: 356 KB, 625x500, glownigger.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shalom fed, we are not violent like you. go back to worshipping blacks, muslims, and jews

>> No.23090007

You just know she's into rimjobs and anal.

>> No.23090052

I think the tendency in the JP2 era was to push for a sort of Catholic variety of globalism (kissing Korans! We love Jews! Open borders!) The naivety of this became very clear when the world witnessed the absolute state of Europe during the Syrian migration years. Now Europe is blacked beyond all recognition and nobody is happy. It was just Catholicism à la hippy liberalism all along

>> No.23090070

all trad girls are like that lmao

>> No.23090108

Jews are waking up lads. 6:15am in Tel Aviv. Thanks for the wholesome thread. Prepare for the blacked porn and derailing by our favourite small-hat subversives

>> No.23090204

Never fucking put that limp wristed fuck Scruton in the same camp as Chesterton again.

>> No.23090227
File: 637 KB, 1080x1386, pope.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23090245
File: 168 KB, 1080x844, 20240219_131608.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Right on time, schlomo. A boomer pope said a boomer thing. Wow what an observation. Let's not forget that Hungary is the EU's #1 supporter of Israel.

>> No.23090254

I'm so fucking tired of Pope Francis. I feel like how Saint Peter Damian must have felt putting up with the Pornocracy.

All the non-fags in the Church are against him at this point, we're all just waiting for him to die. I think he knows it, too, hence the way he's been extra-annoying in the last few months.

>> No.23090267

Catholicism is the pope and that will never change

>> No.23090273
File: 2.09 MB, 1321x1689, Bartolomeo_Passarotti_-_Pius_V.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Catholicism is the Papacy, not individual Popes.

The best way to think of it is that that Pope is basically our king. You can have good kings, and bad kings, but the monarchy as an institution endures from one king to the next, and is the basis of the kingdom.

In the same way, the Church can have good Popes and bad Popes, but the Papacy as an institution endures from one Pope to the next, and is the basis for the Earthly unity of the People of God.

Christ, of course, is the real King of the Church, but until He comes again in glory the Pope is our earthly head.

>> No.23090278

>heh Goyim look at what your pope said about this heckin based conservative trad government in Hungary
>oh you don't like the pope? I guess you should throw all your support behind Orban and Netanyahu in the name of (((Tradition™)))

If thus is what nationalism looks like in AD 2024 I pick neither, schlomo

>> No.23090286

No, Catholicism is Jesus and the sacraments - that of which actually never changes.

>> No.23090302
File: 428 KB, 996x614, popee.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are you being anti-Semitic? You worship a Jew who says salvation is from the Jews.

>> No.23090309

non-responsive. gg ez.

>> No.23090332

We worship the Triune God, you massive faggot. Salvation is from God alone. God made a covenant with the Jews over 2000 years ago, which is was superseded by the new and eternal covenant of Christ's blood in 33AD. Jews basically don't exist. They are a parasitic people who hate Christ and His Church. Hence (((your))) gay memes, Schmuel.

>look he said another boomer thing wow what a win!

>> No.23090337

>not supporting Israel is anti-Semitic

Ok kike

>> No.23090397
File: 13 KB, 441x302, polish (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's break this down... you want me to worship a Jew who says salvation is from the Jews. You want me to bow down to the Pope king who says Jews are the chosen people and that in every Christian there is a Jew and also millions of immigrants should accepted and we should kiss their feet but actually we aren't supposed bow down to this Pope because we disagree with what he says (how does that work?)... and we should go to our local Catholic Church which also say Jews are the chosen people and immigrants should be accepted and we should follow what the pope says and all of this is being told to billions of people... how does this help white people?

>> No.23090403

NTA but it’s either that or third world toiletshittery

>> No.23090429

Do you believe Jesus rose from the dead, or not?

>> No.23090432

Completely unrelated to what I said

>> No.23090437

It's entirely related, because it determines whether everything you said matters or not.

If Jesus did not rise from the dead, then he is not actually God, is not actually the Messiah. In that case, all the twists and turns you are pointing out become damning, and it all becomes nonsensical, and nobody should take Christianity seriously.

On the other hand, if Jesus actually did, in fact, rise from the dead, then he really is God. He really is the Messiah. He really is everything the Bible claims he is. And we'd better start taking him seriously, as well as the religion he founded, even if occasionally there is some confusion.

if Jesus actually rose from the dead, almost everything else is irrelevant.

>> No.23090449
File: 579 KB, 990x743, pope2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Explain to me what Jesus rising from the dead has to do with kissing nigger feet? Why can't you believe Jesus rose from the dead and not get on your knees to kiss the feet of immigrants? Please don't avoid this question. No one ever answers...

>> No.23090461

>can't respond to the subject matter
tell us your 'thoughts' on martin luther and hitler

>> No.23090470 [DELETED] 

Are you a protestant? Can you just answer the question? I ask every time and everyone either avoids the question or goes straight to namecalling.

>> No.23090473

Are you a protestant? Can you just answer the question? I ask every time and everyone either avoids the question or goes straight to namecalling.

>> No.23090476

You didn't answer the question on whether you believed in the resurrection, and now can't answer your thoughts on Luther and Hitler. Sad! State your IQ before I engage you further

>> No.23090479

It's not very Catholic knight crusader of you to act like a pussy and avoid the question.

>> No.23090481

>still can't answer a simple question (which was asked first)
no iq = no further engagement

>> No.23090489

A real Christian would not play silly games and just state his positions with honor and dignity because he is a warrior of Christ. These tricks you are doing are Jewish in nature..

>> No.23090495

>too low IQ to realize zher is a walking embodiment of the no true scotsman fallacy
>too cowardly to state zher's opinion on luther and hitler, or zher's IQ

>> No.23090514

You don't think avoiding answering questions about your faith is more Jewish than Christian? You have to at least admit it's a pussy move. The only reason to avoid answering something is you know you're wrong

>> No.23090524

ironic, in that you are refusing to answer a good faith question on hitler and luther. I thought you were a fascist lil bud

>> No.23090527

I'm fan of Martin Luther and Hitler. My IQ is 122. My max dumbbell bench is 170. My favorite movie is Il Soprasso and I'm listening to Martha Tilton. I will answer anything else you ask.

>> No.23090540
File: 93 KB, 900x720, fellowrws.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i'm fan
oh what an intellectual!
even though you're almost certainly a reddit-tier jobless NEET (possibly jewish) pretending to like those two, i'll entertain this LARP with the same amount of intellectual prowess.
Pope is a leftist.

>> No.23090544

I'm a jobless neet but I'm no reddit.
>Pope is a leftist.
If the Pope is leftist aren't you supposed to follow the Pope as he is the "king"?

>> No.23090554

they aren't political leaders, their role only corresponds to religious questions as leaders obviously some popes would be more conservative or liberal in politics. the pope during WWII was mildly supportive of fascism, for instance

>> No.23090563

"condemning anti-Judaism/anti-Semitism as a sin against God" is that not religious? He is saying it's a sin against God

>> No.23090581

it's the pope's personal opinion, there's a formal procedure the pope theoretically could do to make his opinion the "official" stance of the church but it has only ever been done about four times in 2000 years
opinions vary on the jewish question by popes, the popes prior to 1960 were bad goys

>> No.23090585

the only time the pope has any authority or influence is when they change church doctrine on the sacraments or developed theology.
if they comment about anything else in the world they are not acting as the pope, for instance talking about climate change rather trying to save souls and ensure most people receive heaven or purgatory through the scripture, sacraments etc.

worldliness is a sign of a bad pope.

>if they comment about anything else in the world they are not acting as the pope
also this is in the catholic church's law as well.

>> No.23090592

Interesting. So you would agree that political opinions of the Pope and 99.9% of Catholics with power are ruining the political minds of billions of people and changing the world as we know it but you would say the religious aspect is still the important part even though they will likely end the western world as we know it.. you just have to shrug your shoulders and trust God

>> No.23090600

look up the strawman fallacy, lol.
did I say any of what you just posited? try less to gain imaginary good boy autism argument points
everyone knows francis is a leftist, obviously leftist catholics like his views and conservative catholics don't

>> No.23090608

If you're the same person as above you were trying to act "redpilled" so you would agree billions of African immigrants combined with jewish power are going to destroy the west no? It's the Pope and Catholics who are saying to let them in that Jews are our brothers. Even if you disagree with them they are convincing hundreds of millions of Catholics that this is okay.. just because you don't let the pope dictate your politics the majority of Catholics do..

>> No.23090621
File: 29 KB, 319x351, _Immigration_Views.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>gets told to stop obnoxiously strawmanning
>strawmans in the next post
Most people who aren't midwit autists on 4chan realize that people have differing views and don't act like robots. almost all groups in the USA have 45-45 divided views on immigration, for instance. And if you had a grasp of reality you would realize that Obama caused the immigration crisis in the first place by destablizing northern Africa in 2011 with the assasination of Ghaddafi.

>> No.23090633

So half of Catholics think undocumented immigrants are a good thing. 686 million.. And I wonder what percentage of that other half think that legal immigrants are a good thing? I'd bet it's the majority. So let's write it out..

>1 billion Catholics think legal immigration is a good thing. 683 million of that 1 billion believe that ILLEGAL immigration is a good thing.

>> No.23090637
File: 26 KB, 600x476, 809-2873753566.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And half of nonreligious unaffliliated think the same, and in fact atheists are much more leftist and vote dem significantly more often than the average religious voter ;)

>> No.23090643
File: 77 KB, 572x336, africaa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not arguing for atheism. I'm saying Catholicism as it exists in the present is keeping people from being politically far right. Unless something changes (which it won't) you will one day have a make a decision to chose between Catholicism or Nationalism and you will choose Catholicism just like E Michael Jones and all other "redpilled" Catholics.

>> No.23090660

>I'm saying Catholicism as it exists in the present is keeping people from being politically far right.
human nature generally precludes extremes
>i'm not arguing for atheism... but those DARN catholics are preventing right wing revolution...
even though spain, france, and chile were all under fascist leadership. no wonder you're a jobless NEET

>> No.23090675

I said Catholicism as it exists... it will be less than a hundred years until the west is dead... what's more likely... europe is overrun by immigrants in the next 30 years or Catholic abuelita becomes a Nazi

>> No.23090689

You're not White, Pedro

>> No.23090692

>Catholic abuelita becomes a Nazi
even though you jest, you would find a decent amount of these in german bavaria or in spain, right now.

>> No.23090701

Not enough which is really my point. I don't care if you're Catholic but at the moment Catholics even on the right are pushing people to the Church over pushing anti-Immigration which isn't the right call because there isn't enough time..

>> No.23090711

>are pushing people to the Church over pushing anti-Immigration which isn't the right call because there isn't enough time..
u wot m8
go to sleep, your posting is becoming gramatically incomprehensible

>> No.23090719

Catholics are focusing on Catholicism and pushing people to a pro-Immigration Pope and Church when they should be focusing on politics and anti-immigration. You guys want to focus on saving souls instead of focusing on the border

>> No.23090732

>pushing people to a pro-Immigration Pope and Church
that's not how the word push works
you meant to say promote (I guess)
also, meanwhile in reality no other religious group (or atheist group) is focussed on immigration other than orban and trump, who again, are supported mostly by christians and a sizeable amount of catholics.

>> No.23090764

So would you vote for an Atheist who was anti-Immigration over a Catholic who was pro-Immigration?

>> No.23090775

Why are all of your posts hypotheticals or strawmen? lmao.
if it was somehow "revealed" that trump was an atheist and it was him vs biden (who is marginally catholic) yes, obviously i would still vote for trump. like i said, conservative catholics vote right, liberal atheists vote left, etc

>> No.23090788

Cause even though you try to act good faith when it comes down it you will pick religion over anything else. I don't blame you I would too but it doesn't help the rest of us.. Like obviously if some atheist fascist dictator came and said he was going to fix everything.. Lock down the borders. Remove all jewish control. Ban rap music. Mandate beef tallow but he was against Christianity and wanted to remove all religion from the country you would not support him and you vote for anyone else including a leftist.

>> No.23090793

>tradition = antisemitism

American catholarper detected

>> No.23090797

>you will pick religion over anything else
how MANY TIMES must it be explained to you that catholics are generally more conservative than atheists and vote for trump more often than they do?

>> No.23090799

>meme has a shieldmaiden in it

>> No.23090807
File: 1.08 MB, 1405x1054, war.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You vote conservative until the leader starts talking about removing Christians from power and destroying churches then it doesn't matter how redpilled he was you would vote for Joe Biden.

>> No.23090811

>leader starts talking about removing Christians from power and destroying churches
I like that the only political leader to actually do this was Mao from China. You asian, my dude?

>> No.23090812


>> No.23090818

>destroying churches
the nazis didn't do this tho lol. mao did physically knock them down. you a maoist my bro?

>> No.23090820

I remember reading a book where it said they were taking the Christian imagery out of the churches and putting in Nazi imagery. The wiki goes over Hitler plan to eventually get rid of Christianity.

>> No.23090828
File: 416 KB, 622x900, Screenshot 2024-02-19 at 05-10-59 FT_16.02.22_religionPoliticalAffiliation_640px1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The wiki goes over Hitler plan to eventually get rid of Christianity.
Well that didn't exactly happen, did it. Meanwhile he publically was friendly to Christianity though he PERSONALLY and secretly did not believe in it. Anything else?

>> No.23090831

>Well that didn't exactly happen, did it.
I mean he didn't have enough time.. once it got to that point is when you would vote for Joe Biden. You would have no other option. Not that it matters. This is all a larp. None of us are getting what we want... we are powerless.
> and secretly did not believe in it.
At least you admit it unlike most Christians I talk to...

>> No.23090846

> and secretly did not believe in it.
>At least you admit it unlike most Christians I talk to...
an autistic but vaguely amusing grasp at humor. i can tell you are sleepy. good night little bud, hopefully this conversation made you slightly less unhinged

>> No.23090860

good night

>> No.23091767
File: 235 KB, 1538x2048, mutton chops arnold.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Culture and Anarchy - Matthew Arnold

>> No.23091787

Looks like he also wear the little white hat kek... at least papist don't hide themselves

>> No.23091797

Calling people Christcucks when all muslims watch like a cuckold as Jews expel Palestinians from Gaza.
What happened to that masculine religion? All your leaders are just hoping Israel does it fast so they can do business with them again.
Dog religion, you won't do shit.

>> No.23091824

I feel like the solution to so many problems resides in the Victorians. It is like we were detached from their traditions, and we unironically need to retvrn

>> No.23091857
File: 24 KB, 1063x642, literacy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Writing was better back when dumb people couldn't read.

>> No.23091886

True. I guess, looking at your graph, the Victorian era was the beginning of the literary downfall with its promotion of mass literacy.

>> No.23091949

When you consider the habit of reading literature would likely trail "literacy" by at least several decades the chart makes even more sense.

>> No.23091996

You are right. I may have jumped the gun.

>> No.23092054

I get why Wood would dislike thugs like Hamas, but doesn't he care about the Palestinian Christians expelled by the Nakba, or those oppressed by the Israeli occupation and West Bank settler crackpots? Lebanese Christians hate the Palestinians (because of the PLO's schemes in Lebanon) but only a tiny minority (SLA nostalgics and diaspora frauds like the realMaalouf grifter on Twitter) are pro-Israel. Then again Wood despises the Old Testament, downplays how old school Christians permitted conquest in the name of spreading religion, and refused to admit Anne Frank would go to hell for not believing in Christ's divinity. The Dawah crowd suck but correctly called him and InspiringPhilosophy a secularized conservative who prioritizes liberal democracy over religion. Western Christianity really is doomed.

The guy on his right is even funnier and is a even bigger grifter. Uses New Atheist arguments about Islam and argues that the world would be better off without religion, but then makes sloppy apologetics for Christianity and Judaism that could just as much apply to Islam (to appease his Christian and Jewish doners). He outright denies the fact Talmud allows fucking 3 year olds instead of just saying that most Jews don't follow the Talmud outside a few cherrypicked beliefs. And like all the other ex-Muslim types (who make their apostasy a major pillar of their views and personalities), he is a massive shill for the ethnoreligious state of Israel despite claiming to be a skeptic. Most of the ex-Muslim community (not just the high profile activists but their spaces like r/exmuslim) seem to have very simplistic views based on contrarianism, spite, and an extreme affinity towards the West and Israel. Only a very few of them have more nuanced views. I get why they see things the way they do, but it isn't a healthy outlook.

Mussolini was an atheist who pretended to be a Christian to get the support of the conservative right. I heard he did become religious in his final years.
That's because literacy was only available to the nobles.

>> No.23093367

Muslims will say this then renounce non-Wahhabis philosophers as Shia kuffar

>> No.23094412
File: 48 KB, 576x720, Friedrich_Hayek_portrait.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used to be trad, but I realized it's a retarded larp. I support an utilitarian approach to austrian economics now. This way I can defend patriarchal structures without any metaphysical commitments. Religion appeals to hysteric individuals, and the same can be said about race worship.

>> No.23094429

historically this stuff was typically done by restoration rather than revolution but in any case both seem more viable than reform at the moment. the immigration question poses the very real threat of accidentally sparking a major race war though.

>> No.23094677

Don't forget to martyr yourself for that six sweet-year old harem ass first, you bastion of tradition.

>> No.23095250

Those two would've been slaughtered by the crusaders in 1099 A.D. Absolute state Cuckianity

>> No.23095256

*absolute state of Cuckianity

>> No.23095263

the american evangelical tradition is violence and murder.

>> No.23095266

By coping.

>> No.23095324
File: 11 KB, 258x245, 166.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>614 A.D. - Palestine

>Jews Expelled by Persians/massacred by Romans as Persians invade and capture Galilee; Jews joined army of invading Persians against Rome; Jews purchase 90,000 Christian
prisoners from the Persians for the pleasure of cruelly putting them to death; Jews were expelled, however, afterwards, because they insisted on setting up their own independent
state under the protection of Persia and the Persians weren’t going to allow that (James
Parkes, ‘The Conflict of The Church and The Synagogue’, p. 260; originally via Michael the

>629 A.D. - Jerusalem

>Jews Expelled partially by Byzantine Emperor Heraclius I after retaking of Jerusalem; upon approach, Jews bribed him to guarantee their safety, but upon entering the city and seeing
the number of Christians that the Jews had killed, he withdrew his promise, executed many of them, and expelled the remaining Jews (James Parkes, ‘The Conflict of The Church
and The Synagogue’, p. 261).

Get fucked kikes.

>> No.23095336

Didn't David Wood try to murder his dad?

>> No.23095354

he did, he's a fucking psycho, as evidenced by his christcuck turn

>> No.23096780

Neither of them is Orthodox Christian.

>> No.23096785

>bitch ass nigga prophet muha raped a child
>bastion of tradition
easy on the camel piss now muhamam hijab

>> No.23097248

Maurras is probable an extrême version of them.