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/lit/ - Literature

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23085525 No.23085525 [Reply] [Original]

>used to browse lit all the time in its early days
>take a break from 4chan for a few years because of prison
>come back and it's unrecognizable
I genuinely cannot get over how shit this board is now. I've been browsing for about a week and haven't encountered a single intelligent or sincere post. It's all an endless stream of low effort highly regurgitated bait begging for attention, downs syndrome contrarianism or reactionary larping, or demented character assassinations of authors you've clearly never read but who somehow wronged you.

What in the fuck happened to /lit/? Does no one read here anymore?

>> No.23085528

Behold: the shit posting modernist.

>> No.23085546
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If you don't actually care about a topic and have no interest in genuine discourse on it you should shut the fuck up. This is controversial somehow? You don't need to be a DFW fag to think this.

Also I guess use this thread to post old lit memes and posts. Back when they were good.

>> No.23085554

I unironically think it's the devil. Only /mlp/ is still somewhat human, ironically. Global rule 15 was meant to keep them in, but it wound up keeping everyone else out.

There are still pockets of sincere and intelligent people, but they're probably mostly talking to each other on insulated private servers and other platforms like telegram etc when they're not meeting physically at Churches.

I could point to individual bad-faith groups or symptoms, but it's just an exponential rise in evil over the past several years

>> No.23085568

You didn't do any good reading in prison did you if you're appealing to authenticity as an individual. You are the shit poster.

>> No.23085585

>What in the fuck happened to /lit/
You mean what happened to 4chan? Every board is filled with polfags and trannies that don't actually have hobbies outside of shitposting. They learn what to post to get the most replies and spam it all day. Effortposting is dead

>> No.23085602
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>when they're not meeting physically at Churches.

>> No.23085607

> he doesn't know

>> No.23085629

I don't even care why you're so offended and horrified by authentic expression, because the if not the answer but at least the consequence is adjacent. You're advocating for meaningless noise that no one cares about, which certainly describes your posts. Please shut the fuck up and shit up some other board you gay retard.

>> No.23085638

All boards are subject to sliding, even back before your prison stint. They've just got more sophisticated botting and/or bad faith AstroTurfing. Competent board hygiene professionals that receive no pay could clean it up in a day. But 2013 showed even they are comped (and not just here, everywhere)

>> No.23085657

This has always been /lit/, eventually people who care stop bothering or move on with life and only the shit is left. It's the same thing for /co/ post comics gate

>> No.23085660

How long were you in prison for? I stopped browsing in 2019 and came back within the last week and it's basically exactly the same. Maybe the moderators are slightly better at deleting blatantly off-topic threads than they were 5 years ago. It's been mostly bad for as long as I've known it.

>> No.23085673

I miss namefags.
There was that dude that made the dumbest stories about seducing dozens of women and not being able to read Moby Dick in a bar because women were just putting their tits on top of the book or whatever. There was a very nice jap who was obsessed with... dostoievsky? A caps loq dude who insisted on being the nicest person in the thread while screaming.
At the time people hated it, but it was fun.

>> No.23085680

not OP, but this is also the first time in ages I come by
right after /lit/ broke off arcanine it was a pretty nice board, there was no hive mind and people didn't have quick standard ways to get attention.

>> No.23085685

>I was in prison
how can you live with yourself
we know you went gay for prison

>> No.23085698

I wish this green text was real

>> No.23085715

>I don't even care why you're so offended and horrified by authentic expression, because the if not the answer but at least the consequence is adjacent. You're advocating for meaningless noise that no one cares about, which certainly describes your posts. Please shut the fuck up and shit up some other board you gay retard.
Read Kierkegaard if you've got a mind, or Nietzsche if you're a moron.

>> No.23085797
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you've been out of /lit/ for the same time as i also have been. i dont know if thats nostalgia speaking or what, but /lit/ in 2018 was a place of actual joy for me to come into and post stupid shit, i remember vividly those dumb jokes or people creating the same idiotic threads in a humorous manner over and over again; it had soul and creativity that i cant find in it now. now all i see is "le reddit bad", "le incel", "le christianity", "le trannies" and "le philosophy" ad infinitum. sure, it was there before, but not to such an extent. what happened to threads where you would get recommendation for books basing on the image you posted? i cant find those anywhere now, and these were my favourite. im so fucking done /lit/bros...

>> No.23085801

oh yes the capslock dude, jesus christ i miss that lil nigga like you wouldnt believe

>> No.23085804

You've not posted the bit where she becomes an autopornographer.

>> No.23085807

The culture war and zoomers happened. /lit/ is no more than a place you go when you’re bored and have a few minutes or even a few moments to kill. I don’t come or post as much as I’ve used to as I hate what it’s become. There are a few type of threads I’ll post in but most of /lit/ is idpol bickering. It’s gross

>> No.23085808

Humble bragging about doing time.

>> No.23085818

please explain to me idpol bickering, i have no fucking idea what that even is

>> No.23085824

Identity politics. Just robotic tribalism which has made this site and board just a different flavor of twitter and Reddit. Newfags reshaped the board in their own image and this is what we get

>> No.23085839

I don't think you browsed in the early days, your picrel is from stormfag days and /lit/ was pretty much dead by then and had settled into this shitshow. But if you are serious, shutdown tourism collided with stormfag tourism.

>> No.23085840

if anything /pol/'s revival brought that shit with their constant imaginary enemies.
>inb4 X group is a serious threat to whatever
you're posting on 4chan, you're not changing shit, it's all circle jerk

>> No.23085854
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you know what, fuck it, im using this thread to post my fav posts of lit ive made screenshot of, hope youre not too mad because of little derailing
a testament that ive been here, and that i love you guys no matter where you are and who you are

>> No.23085862
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>> No.23085864
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>> No.23085866
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desu this goes for all boards centered around creative hobbies but the biggest flaw in /lit/ is that time spent here is time you could be spending reading or writing instead. Time you'd spend here otherwise is not time conductive to quality posting. There's a tiny initial phase where you can get genuine recommendations but soon enough your reading list will grow on its own just by following other authors or sifting through garbage for whatever happens to catch your interest, and your intuition was always the deciding factor in what to read. Coming here for more than maybe once a month is damaging to you, your reading schedule and what little you could write; even the collective efforts to make some output happen end up being dragged down by the type of immortal crab that was born with the internet and will die with it: the egomaniac culthead-wannabe, a whole bucket of them, all neurotically acting on their hypersocial addiction and petty needs snaring the lesser naive and devouring what little potential or talent came with them. This is how they feed. This is why they shit up thread after thread. 4chan isn't a place to discuss anything worth jackshit -it barely works as a dump for creative writing- it's a place to placate a constant itch. The ones worth anything notice this and leave. Or come every once in a while, check the catalog, make one or two posts (hold a conversation if they're feeling wasteful) and close the tab, hopefully for good this time.
Can you discuss any author or philosophy to good effect with a bunch of low-IQ hobbyists that don't even dare to write, or obliviously do it to disastrous results, that don't even reread the books they clamor so much or even know to read?

>> No.23085882
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>> No.23085888

I remember when we were writing the legacy of totalitarism in the tundra and people just got into the doc to erase what others had done. Not change ideological shit or whatever, delete and move on.

>> No.23085890
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>the internet has reached the point where blatant pedophiles seem like the most reasonable people around probably they're incapable of being normalfags who are now the majority online and offline
pol really did destroy this website

>> No.23085903

Yeah, once you read a certain amount /lit/ has little to offer. /lit/ used to be slower and more attractive to posters who knew their shit but those days are gone as this board operates like a generic social media site. If you make a thread that isn’t about blood meridian, crime & punishment, or a handful of other books or flamewar bait threads, the thread will die in less than a day. There is no reason to put time or effort into something. The board just moves too fast and most anons are 20 years old and can’t offer much or they might not even read at all. /lit/ was always a board that could be exploited as anything can be tied to literature. How much of the catalog is dog whistle threads for (off topic topic) with threads like “books for (off topic topic)”? /lit/ was never exactly great but it was much much better even 5 years ago

>> No.23085914
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realest post on /lit/ atm
just a while ago ive wanted to genuinely talk about a book in a thread but some retard said something about lgbt romance in books and the thread spiraled out of control from that post
thats why i loved shitposting, as you could get creative with those and keep it literature related, now its all about cunts and shut ins who have nothing else to do than fight in pointless batailles

>> No.23085920
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>> No.23085927
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I come upon maybe 1 good post a month. In a very perverse way that makes the time spent here worthwhile, because that's 1 more intelligent word a month than I'd find anywhere else. Because very little effort is put into posts here in general, I make very little effort to read them. 4chan and the internet in general are becoming so saturated with meaningless content that there's a new evolutionary race happening within the confines of this void of noise - - that of skim reading. Being able to give things a cursory glance and divine their value without giving it your real attention is what separates human beings from 'NPC's on here.

Kojima predicted all of this you know.

>> No.23085930
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>> No.23085932
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>go to jail
>get out
>look down on everyone else
Why are prison butt boys like this?

>> No.23085941

It has always been mostly shit. Only real difference now is that the anons who supposedly read just get into circle jerks about how much better they are than everyone else.

Old/lit/ was far worse when it came to lesser knowns and even many big names, I had to keep a Zola thread bumped for three days back in the day just to get my answer and it was just a general question not requiring a deep knowledge of Zola, only having read more than Germinal. Most of my threads on old/lit/ never got a response because they dealt with authors/books that were not well known. These days I can get a response to most anything within a day or two and most of the board being easily trolled and bored means I can get my thread self sustaining with little effort so I do not have to keep it bumped by myself.

nu/lit/s real problem is that it expects something of /lit/, old/lit/ just wanted to have some fun and occasionally talk about books.

>> No.23085944

if this is something that regularly happens to you maybe you should reconsider some things

>> No.23085947

>we were always at war with eastasia

>> No.23085948
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>> No.23085956

Literature is used for ulterior motives or as an aesthetic to define oneself for many here. The anons of a decade ago either left, post less, or are outnumbered by the new breed of anon. I’ve always thought generals would be a good way to revive the board. A bunch of discussions could stay alive as the thread has a greater chance of staying alive.

>> No.23085957

I'm reconsidering not raping you.

>> No.23085960
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It's not as if I had any plans for tonight

>> No.23085966

Is this true love?

>> No.23085970

If your enjoyment of /lit/ is dependent on weeb posting you probably should not be here and not because a sizable chunk of the board seethes about it. What made /lit/ what it was was simply that most anons were happy to play the game and roll with the punches, we made our own fun while we waited for our lit threads/posts to get a response; part of the game back in those days was to show we were /lit/, derail the off topic into being on topic while keeping it related to the topic and the like.

>> No.23085975

I made a thread about Germinal some years ago and it got ~100 replies. /lit/ was always had the same issues it does now to some extent but there was a much greater chance of success. There used to be English majors and phds who could really drop great effortposts. Anons were “more” focused on actual literature. /lit/ was slower. Whenever I see posts saying nu-/lit/ is better I’m always curious what books or topics they post about that they think it’s better. Fiction and poetry all but disappeared, for example

>> No.23085978
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I dunno, I've been coming to 4chan since 2007, and I've been coming to /lit/ since it was created, and I still enjoy this place. You can still find good discussion if you look in the right place, or start it yourself by starting a thread.

Honestly, I spend more time on 4chan than anywhere else on the internet these days. All the old forums and message boards I used to go to for discussions are either dead or deleted. Even with bots, spam, AI, /pol/, what have you, this is still basically the best place on the internet to talk about whatever is on-topic for a particular board. I don't even go on Discord any more, I never really have.

>> No.23085979

Is this a bot? I have genuinely no idea what you're talking about.

I suppose maybe you're just really fucking stupid and deeply illiterate and don't recognize basic Orwell references.

Either is perfectly possible in current year /lit/.

>> No.23085988

didn't we ban this avatarfag ages ago?

>> No.23085998

I think that anon is just unfamiliar with the phrase which is pretty crazy as it’s one of the more famous examples in literature

>> No.23086000

Germinal was always easy to get a response about, like I said my thread required having read more than just Germinal. These days I can get a thread going on the entire series, many here have read more than just Germinal. The point was that it has always required patience to get a response on things other than the current meme books, the anons who actually read only come here between books or the odd bit of boredom. People who actually read are not interested in sitting on /lit/ everyday, they are reading. We didn't have phds here, just larpers and generally the larp was a painfully obvious attempt at validating themselves.
Or it has been 25 years since I read Orwell. I got enough Orwell in high school.

>> No.23086001

This attests to the absolute state of this board.

>> No.23086005
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>Either is perfectly possible in current year /lit/.

>> No.23086009

So are you just telling me I’m better than /lit/ and more mature and no anons can offer me anything?

>> No.23086010

And queue the tritest most predictable of all possible copes.
>no I'm not actually a blithering retard as you just demonstrated uhh...ACTUALLY...I seem so stupid and out of place because...uhh...I'm actually MUCH smarter and older, so stop point out how obvious it is that I have zero right to speak about subjects I know nothing of but insist I have some authority on
Still could be a bot though, it's that hackneyed and retarded and that embarrassing a faux pas.

>> No.23086013

Meant for >>23086000

>> No.23086014
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>> No.23086017
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where the fuck can i have fun now as a shut in while not being constantly bombarded with /pol/, tiktok and broadly meant mediocricity

>> No.23086018

>I got enough Orwell in high school.
You can never have enough Orwell.

>> No.23086023

That's not a sentence, please try again.

>> No.23086026

red bok && painting && music && math && retro vidya

>> No.23086029

Survivors have to band together and form an offshoot

>> No.23086033

We've literally tried that before. There have been multiple attempts to make a 4chan successor, they keep failing and we keep all winding up back here.

>> No.23086034
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Yeah but the salient thing here is to note that while ostensibly stupid and ectopic, the post in question did manage to successfully insert the suggestion that lit was always this into the backdrop of the discussion. Which of course was their aim. The fact they were then able to distract everyone from this likely ideological lie with pure retardation only adds to their effectiveness as bad agents rather than detract from it.

Welcome to the internet.

>> No.23086036

No, but if all you want from /lit/ is people feeding your ego than /lit/ cannot offer you anything.

>> No.23086038

dont trust this guy he just wants to get you alone and suckk your dick

>> No.23086042

it has been pretty horrendous this week i think there's only like 3 good threads up right now, i'm going to stop making the wwoym threads because not that many people are posting in them now and it's just a chatroom at this point

>> No.23086045

I got no other plans tonight

>> No.23086047
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I enjoy playing mahjong. And, you know, reading.

>> No.23086049

>i'm going to stop making the wwoym threads because not that many people are posting in them now and it's just a chatroom at this point
yeah you gotta make room for a few more Blood Meridian and Nietzsche threads

>> No.23086052

thats all stuff to do alone, and im suffocating while being alone

>> No.23086053
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miss me yet?

>> No.23086055

People come to be entertained or start petty fights their parents used to start with them and if you're bored, just read a book and if you're looking for a fight, just get a girlfriend.

>> No.23086056

fucking tryhard
you need an editor for your shitposts

>> No.23086058

It's just as well, the internet is becoming increasingly centralized and monolithic. If you go on Facebook you'll see boomers posting memes directly from 4chan and be horrified. But if you stay on Facebook you'll see memes that are then reposted on 4chan and experience true Lovecraftian rational death. Pic related is now out of date and has become some kind of non Euclidean ouroboros mobius strip.

>> No.23086059

there's no other way but being alone get used to it

>> No.23086066

>be 2 digit IQ normgroid
>don't know Greek because I'm a fry cook
>get angry at people who do because I'm a fry cook
Shucks, sorry.

>> No.23086069
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>> No.23086070

/lit/ has always been shit. I'm just glad we drove off all the Harry Potter and Eragon fags, and now we contain all the hack teenage writers to a single thread.

>> No.23086071
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forgot image
>Pic related is now out of date and has become some kind of non Euclidean ouroboros mobius strip.

>> No.23086074

I'm literally pooping on the toilet right now as I type this out

>> No.23086077

There would have to be lower expectations for an offshoot as it wouldn’t be as fast (probably a good thing) or have as many anons (probably also a good thing). It would have to function as a sort of book club. Unfortunately we can’t get the best of both worlds: high focused quality and a thriving community where new content is constantly added. If you read there are only so many books you can post about unless you are asking and answering questions for something you’ve read in the past. Every good reader has their bread and butter or wheelhouse or books they’ve just read or are reading. Most books that one has read years ago will evaporate and be like ether and you won’t be able to effortpost outside of generalities or how you remember it. One thing I miss about old /lit/ was the eclectic group of writers or books that certain anons were passionate about. A thread on those books or writers would draw an anon out and they could educate or even simply interact. How many anons are recognizable anymore? I just can’t believe jannies let it get to this point but I guess they know who brings the traffic and thus pays the bills

>> No.23086082

No, that's still how it works. See: how -pilled and -core have become normalnigger expressions.

>> No.23086084

Then why do I think /lit/ is trash and it’s a waste of time whenever I come?

>> No.23086087

Nigga you love it here and it sucks because of you so shut up and wallow in the filth you created
Also I fuckin fucked ur mum lol

>> No.23086090

Go anywhere else on the internet, and realize how much better /lit/ is by comparison. It's a sliding grade.

>> No.23086091
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In the unfathomable depths of a stygian abyss, where the light of human wisdom fails to penetrate, there lies a realm ruled by an entity of unspeakable intellect and malevolence. This Old One, a leviathan crab of eldritch origins, harbors a loathing so profound for the purveyors of written mediocrity—those pseud writers, schlock peddlers, and narcissistic prose-flingers—that it transcends the boundaries of time and space. With a mind as vast and inscrutable as the dark seas it inhabits, this ancient creature undertakes a most eldritch mentorship. It tutors its offspring, a young crab of promising malevolence, in the art of honing its claws, not for mundane predation, but for a purpose most sinister: to shred the pages of banal prose, to tear asunder the flimsy veils of vanity that these authors drape over the world. Under the watchful eye of its progenitor, the young crab learns to navigate the murky waters of human folly, sharpening its claws on the sunken hulls of failed literary ambition, until it becomes a master of its craft, a destroyer of mediocrity, ready to cleanse the ocean floor of the unworthy scribblings that dare pollute the sacred silence of their 4chan /lit/ domain.

>> No.23086092

Because you are a whiny faggot anon yes exactly. You're beginning to get it that's good. You are the problem

>> No.23086094

>Also I fuckin fucked ur mum lol
colossal if verified

>> No.23086102

The whole whatabout thing doesn’t really hold water. I don’t care about other places. If /lit/ is so good it should be held to a higher standard.

>> No.23086103

/co/ was never love and you’re a faggot

>> No.23086107
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Back to /r/writing and /r/books for you

>> No.23086118

I love how unhinged AI art can be. Sure his fingers are clipping through half a typewriter but who cares? Look at the madness.

>> No.23086124
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The real world gets uglier and AI just gets more bizarre and beautiful.

>> No.23086146

best I can do

>> No.23086149

Fuck off Gardner

>> No.23086153

>early days
>posts a screenshot from 2017
i hate newfags so much
i'll never stop hating them

>> No.23086156


>> No.23086187
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I could easily post something older but 2017 was the last year I was on 4chan and that thread is legend at this point and sure to grab attention. 99% of the time anyone still talking about newfags are larping newfags.

>> No.23086197

Yeah it's almost surprising they didn't claim to be browsing /lit/ in 2006.

>> No.23086239

As I said, it feeds your ego
>I am better than them!
You really are not unless self delusion is then metric and even then you are probably not even in the race.

Frankly I don't understand why most people on /lit/ come here, it is not difficult to make an anonymous forum work for you in a way more useful than petty bullshit like an empty ego stroke but most seem to come here for just that.

>> No.23086309

Nothing about ego but more wanting to learn or see opinions on books. I no longer make threads on books I’d like to read but go straight to gr and scroll through reviews to find out if I think it’s for me. Many reviews there are way better than anything I’d get here. Very sad times. People who complain about /lit/ want it to be better which is understandable. Who wouldn’t want /lit/ to be better? But defending nu-/lit/ every chance you get is suspicious. What is the purpose?

>> No.23086324


That's cool man. Any tips on how to survive prison? What did you read while you were in there? How is the library in prison? What about the food? Did you make any weapons?

>> No.23086340

You are proving my point. What made old/lit/ was not it being good, it was accepting /lit/ for what it was—really never considering it could be anything else so we came out like diamonds in the shit of smugglers.

>> No.23086358

Those diamonds are fewer. The shit we need to wade through to find the diamonds is worse. It’s time to stop the charade that /lit/ is some beacon. It’s a baby sitter and twitter board. I have never said that /lit/ had prestige, just that /lit/ used to be better.

>> No.23086363
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>he sniffs farts

>> No.23086379

Sort of? The big difference here being previously mentioned not rolling with the punches as old/lit/ did and falling into the self serving ego stroking. nu/lit/ is all about agendas outside of /lit/, old/lit/ was about lit and that made things more fun but still mostly sifting through shit looking for diamonds. Old/lit/ was willing to sift through the shit, nu/lit/ is not and would rather complain about their lack of diamonds.

>> No.23086388
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>nu/lit/ is all about agendas outside of /lit/
Discord ruins everything

>> No.23086393

The lack of diamonds is because of the newfags that overpopulate this board and the way it functions in the present time. Ive tried putting effort into threads. Ive responded to anons making good threads. If the audience that can respond to such threads isn’t there then the threads will die with few replies and no productivity. There are more anons interested in creating flamewar threads. More anons in taking bait. More extremely tenuously connected lit threads. These shit threads overrun the board at a much higher rate than good threads can be made. I realize it’s pointless to complain because it’s hopeless. I’ve also realized it’s pointless to put in much time or effort. /lit/izens lost. I don’t see how anyone can say that 2016 and Covid didn’t damage this board with a straight face unless they are into those types of threads

>> No.23086413

Discord has nothing to do with it.
newfags has nothing to do with it and the diamonds are only found by those who look for them. They are not less frequent, people are just willing to look for them. You are trying to make /lit/ into your ideal, what made it ideal in the past was most users had not expectations and were just looking to have some fun. Most anons think an effort post is essentially a goodreads review, but an effort post is any post an anon put effort into even if it is a shitpost or just a sentence and should be acknowledge as such and responded to as such.


Almost identical to nu/lit/ just less complaining.

>> No.23086414
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>I realize it’s pointless to complain because it’s hopeless
There, there... everything is gonna be alright.

>> No.23086431

So you really think 2016 and Covid didn’t damage /lit/ at all?

>> No.23086443

I literally said nu/lit/ was the collision of storm fags and shutdown tourists. Plotfag or just can not follow the thread?

>> No.23086452

My stance is old /lit/ was better than nu-/lit/ though old /lit/ wasn’t great. Do you agree with that? If yes, then what are we arguing about and what is your point?

>> No.23086463

You didn't actually make a point, you just demonstrated an inability to follow the thread and a tendency to get triggered. My point would be clear if it was not for you inability to follow a thread and tendency to get triggered, (You) are the problem with nu/lit/ but it is the same problem old/lit/ had.

>> No.23086466

Nu-/lit/ sucks and it’s trash

>> No.23086485

>he is being meta
Right, the only thing that makes nu/lit/ worse is complaining about the state of /lit/, that is what I have been saying all along.

>> No.23086490

Even then, look at how much more civil a random bait thread like the one below turned out:


Sure, /lit/ was slower back then but today that same thread would be 275 replies long, wallpapered with 'jaks', and with two or more people invariably accusing each other of being kikes and pajeets at the end.

The shitty culture war content/mindset is nu/lit/'s major flaw, yes, but not the only one. It's also the overall 'tone' of the place, how everyone communicates with the same shopworn meme phrases/words, in the same aggressive (if not outright hateful) style. To use a term that the irate and conspiracy-minded like so much, it's not 'organic' in the slightest--something that becomes obvious when one surveys the pitiful selection of books that get 'discussed' over and over and over and over again.

>> No.23086506

>2018/2019 newfags
That was around the time this board truly became irredeemable shit, coincidentally. I'd say it has actually healed a little since then.

>> No.23086511

>>2018/2019 newfags
That was when I stopped browsing, not when I started. Reading comprehension NGMI

>> No.23086518


>> No.23086519

Most of that thread is edgy teenagers memeing. You really trying to make it out to be better just because you do not know the memes of those time?

>> No.23086543
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Stop posting demonic AI slop mind-poison, please. I don't want your anti-real anti-human images engraved into my memory and influencing my imagination. Thank you.

>> No.23086554

>You really trying to make it out to be better
Yes, I am. Even a crap nonsense thread like that was 'better' than its hypothetical 2024 equivalent.

>> No.23086556

This is what that anon doesn’t seem to get, the feel of the vibe of this place is totally different. It’s not a good different either

>> No.23086560

Humor and creativity are way worse. Intelligence, too. Even shitposting used to be better

>> No.23086562

then leave faggot or make some good effort posts and be the change (you) want to see in the board. never in my life have I complained the quality of my precious Arabian horse grooming forum is declining, pls kys

>> No.23086564

Asking for African lit recs is a crap nonsense thread on a literature board? Think we found the problem, you have brain rot.

>> No.23086571
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>> No.23086573

I'm not expanding it. You are an evil rat.

>> No.23086575

ur an evil rat

>> No.23086587
File: 146 KB, 1024x1024, mobybbc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am going to use the AI to write a whale cuck fan fiction called Moby BBC and publish it on /lit/

>> No.23086604

>unobfuscated no u
Kind of touching.

>> No.23086605

Lol no one is reading all that shit. Fucking kill yourself pedo.

>> No.23086610

Bots, feds, trannies, and zoomers. The usual suspects.

>> No.23086648

This post hit the bullseye.

A few years ago there were enough friends here to outweigh the bad. Now it's demon central.

This place went from being somewhere that could help a guy to anything but that.

>> No.23086653

tranny zoomer fed bots FROM BEYOND THE MOON

>> No.23086684
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>when they’re not physically meeting at churches

>> No.23086868

It became the start guy board where smart people hang out so all the /pol/tards showing up fresh in 2016 quickly realized that they should go ask the smart guys what they think about political stuff and then it gradually became an incursion as more and more of the staunch /lit/izens of the golden years 2012-14 completed their degrees and went on with their life. Out of all boards on 4chan in 2012 /lit/ was by far the most normalfag so it makes complete sense to me that they probably just left as board quality declined with the ogre hoards of CIA operatives and drooling retards in 2016. Not to mention the overall trend of the space on the internet reserved for scholarly/educational purposes to decline over time.

>> No.23086911

At some point /lit/ became the board for anons who saw themselves above other boards. It’s like a blueboard /b/ now

>> No.23086914

> I take my hobby so seriously I have to do it all the time

>> No.23086920

I mean, he’s not wrong. It is a hobby board after all and it’s clear as day that many here nowadays don’t take part in that hobby. I disagree about his thoughts on writing though. You don’t need to write to be a good or astute reader

>> No.23086999
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Damn I have almost the exact same experience.

>> No.23087021

>you're appealing to authenticity as an individual
nta but what?

>> No.23087037

>the devil

>> No.23087039


>> No.23087040

You're retarded, look at the diagram again and see how everything we do on here is regurgitating to other parts of the internet

>> No.23087041

/pol/ is only a symptom. After occupy wallstreet started to get too good at what it wanted to do big media decided to shift the conversation from class struggle to identity politics. That's when annoying tumblerinas crying "cis white male!" began to pop and then also unironic nazis.
Anyway ever since that happened idpol centered liberalism has taken over entertainment and discourse and created a counterculture of idpol centered conservatives: /pol/fags.
It's a divide and conquer tactic. Most people fighting in the culture war are working class people that therefore should share an enemy, but that yet fight each other over skin color or sexual preference. And who wins? the bourgeois.

>> No.23087051

>leftist memes
>words words words

>> No.23087052

>Now it's demon central.
fuck off to /x/ or gab or something, christfag

>> No.23087076

You're on the board for bookish early-20s kids to discover the names of Foucault and Nietzsche for the first time, and you complain it's bad? No, you outgrew it. Anyone who genuinely cares about their hobby is going to outgrow the 4chan board pretty soon. Nowadays I spend more time in the rationalism community, but really there is no good place to discuss books online. This is a fact you will learn to live with. Instead, treat reading as a solitary hobby, learn to find and enjoy books by yourself without requiring discussion. Take life lessons & concepts from books, and apply them to your practical life. Otherwise read for fun. That's it

If you've outgrown all the literary circles online (which only takes 1-2 years), you're on your own. Sorry. Learn to live with it.

>> No.23087078

He used the word appropriately. You look silly insulting him for it.

>> No.23087118

What would happen if the bourgeois lost? Do you think a rich man doesn't live in fear of being stabbed out on the streets the same way you do? What did a rich man accomplish in his life? Technically speaking, he did exactly as he was instructed to do, as did you and most other people. I am not excusing our way of life. But even if they *were* plotting against us all, and maybe they are, what would it change if we swapped them out?

Would humans all still worship money like a God? Each one of us thinks the problem lies elsewhere, with him, or her, or them, but never me nor I.

>> No.23087167

>when they're not meeting physically in churches
this is how i know you're retarded

>> No.23087418

pic is case in point?

>> No.23087432

You miss namefags? The last 2 years has seen an influx of /lit/ authors and collaborative projects ranging from Robert Cross, Unreal Press, Ryan Hartley and &amp, MNMDR, Asemlen. It's almost too much and they're frequently at the top of the catalogue with their shill threads. What planet are you living on? I say theres too MANY namefags. Hell just look at what happened to &amp magazine

>> No.23087438

desu the best thin about nulit is how it's fostered collabs and writing projects for authors. That seems to be its eternal goal at the end of the day. &amp has petered out but people like Ogden Nesmer and Adem Luz are proof that this is a thriving vibrant community. You just didn't see that in the old days in 2018/19

>> No.23087443

desu this

>> No.23087511

>old days in 2018/19
Jesus christ.

>> No.23087528

Using the internet constantly over many years and yet still managed to remain a trashy tasteless human being is not an achievement. 4chan is intelligent to the retards in the same way learning English is a huge achievement for non-English monolinguists. You love pretending to be retarded you have people trying to fit in by being (pretending if you insist) as retarded as you. Sound like they fitted in well.

>>23087076 post is true if anybody ITT does bother. Unless your kind of literature happens to be "Game of Thrones" or "Dune" then there's still lots of space for you to say your favorite nigger nigger nigger shits on this board.

Complaining about trash while being trash is my favorite kind of hypocrisy to see. I miss middle school.

>> No.23087661

/lit/ became anti-academia, therefore anti-intellectual, therefore retarded. Way less anons with degrees or pursuing degrees here now than in the past. That whole /pol/ board has been a terrible influence on the whole site as well

>> No.23087665

>Complaining about trash while being trash is my favorite kind of hypocrisy to see.
Just like your own post, fuckwit.

>> No.23087894

what books did you read in prison

what books did you talk about on lit then

what books do you want to talk about now

>> No.23087913

>Robert Cross, Unreal Press, Ryan Hartley and &amp, MNMDR, Asemlen.
literally whos?

ive never heard of any of these. what are their best works each? theyre probably just mid like tao lin.

>> No.23087919

>Ogden Nesmer and Adem Luz
again who? what are their best works?

in fact dont name titles, you might as well link chapters or copypaste paragraphs because im not scanning their works to just find theyre mid.

>> No.23087929

&amp is nowhere near the levels of success Tao Lin had. Lin is a bonafide published author. The &amp guys just have their circle jerk and drama filled thread on /lit/

>> No.23087987

tao lin is mediocre. his name will disappear because hes not even nearly as notable as some mid bitch like donna tartt.

>> No.23088018
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>> No.23088023

i accept your concession.

so theyre just loser picks overrated by fellow losers.

>> No.23088040
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>> No.23088045

Only newfags don't know of the /lit/ renaissance

>> No.23088052

Key difference being that Tao Lin posting on 4chan was funny because he had a connection to the wider lit world. &amp are just scheming trannies of zero consequence.

>> No.23088053

I never said Tao Lin is good, just that he’s in a different league than &amp guys. A third string player in the NFL, a bottom line guy in the NHL, the last guy on the bench in the NBA aren’t good players but they plow some guy who’s good in a neighborhood rec league out of the water

>> No.23088054

ive read over 2k books and barely browse here anymore. ive made some of the major threads on german literature that influenced this board.

the burden is on the promoters of these (most likely) midwit hacks to prove their worth, otherwise you faggots look weak and stupid.

>> No.23088090

Okay so you admit you're a tourist, opinion discarded

>> No.23088097

I made Blood Meridian and Nietzsche popular on this board. What now?

>> No.23088108

I find it crazy that what are you reading threads usually are killed off with such few replies. I find it to be a sign of the dark times

>> No.23088113

the "people" trying to promote these hacks are the real tourists.

if you werent mediocre and pushing mediocrity youd just be giving reccs on rarer masters and crit.

if you cant defend your choices of faggots you can have the talking done for you.

ill sample some of these and make a thread about the exact reasons why theyre bad.

>> No.23088114

We need to return to pone

>> No.23088174

>/lit/ became anti-academia,
University is for fags, you still have to take a COVID "vaccine" for some Universities... how gay is that?

>> No.23088228

Nigga, you’ve always needed to get shingles, tetanus, and whatever other shots are required

>> No.23088268

kys jason

>> No.23088277
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>looks up VAERS data for those vaccines compared to the COVID vaxx

>> No.23088286

2018 was a genuinely awful year for lit. it was full of appeals to ecelebriteis like that quentin faggot and astroturfed references to le occult obscure authors like guenon, devoid of any substance besides this insular politicking impulse to still even then get one over on the reddit atheist "materialist" crowd.

>> No.23088300

Maybe it’s not worth it for you but my degree, my well paying job, the education I got, and the networking I did were all worth it

>> No.23088301

Can't do it, still have a bunch of books to write and my kid to keep company. What keeps you going?

>> No.23088307

>my degree, my well paying job, the education I got, and the networking I did
You can do all of this without having to subject yourself to University which is full of the most brainwashed dipshits to walk the earth

>> No.23088318

I wouldn’t have job I have now nor would I have the money I got from the job that enabled me to buy a few buildings and rent to people

>> No.23088337

Very cool Kanye!

>> No.23088430

>couple of fags fighting on 4chan instead of writing

>> No.23088432

Hi Lewis!

>> No.23088460

there's literally nowhere else to go

>> No.23088471
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/r/books is 100% totally fair and not astroturfed or heavily modded, a great place to discuss your favourite literature

>> No.23088528

if it was fully astroturfed it would still be continuing via bots. the guenon posters were actually knowledgeable, and on their end, to me appeared sincere.

>> No.23088545

They ARE masters. They're just largely undiscovered. Lazy philistines such as yourself will ignore them until they hit the mainstream and r/books at which point you'll gladly lap it all up like the normie you are.

>> No.23088550

The guenon group was literally an invading discord group. Many here think discord is the devil or something. The fact they posted about guenon wasn’t the issue, the issue was the spamming. With how suddenly it disappeared, it’s clear it was an astroturfed movement. On another tangent, the antinatalist anon(s) either killed himself or is in a psychiatric ward. It’s always obvious when some type of movement or shilling is a small number anons way too overactive posting here. The catalog will be flooded and then suddenly one day it’s gone

>> No.23088560

the quality drop across all boards is the post 2016 /pol/ influence and anyone denying it is just being willfully ignorant

>> No.23088623

The anons denying it either are /pol/ or have /pol/ sympathies. It isn’t so much the beliefs that are an issue, but the monomaniac autistic spamming and shoehorning. Lots of thinly veiled ulterior motive threads or posts

>> No.23088663 [DELETED] 

4chan has been in decline as a whole since the pandemic. People really underestimate the impact of the whole world retreating to social media and the explosion of TikTok that year. The Internet is now a homogenized cesspool. The substance is chaotic but the form isn’t. 4chan is runoff from other websites now instead of the creator of original content and perspectives.
>Majority of threads now reference news or social discourse from other websites like Twitter
>Userbase in general has declined
>More threads are made than ever but most barely get any replies, people constantly make threads without even attempting to use the website outside of that because they are desperate for acknowledgment
>Politics and culture war bullshit permeates every thread on every board even when totally unwarranted

It’s a sad state of affairs. A good example of all these traits are how Blood Meridian keeps getting spammed on this board because a Youtuber made a popular video about it. /lit/ didn’t organically talk about the book, they needed a bunch of zoomer refugees to come on here from another website first. This site’s decline can be reversed to some extent but jannies would have to become far more aggressive and get rid of worthless low-quality threads right away because that’s the biggest problem.

>> No.23088683

4chan has been in decline as a whole since the pandemic. People really underestimate the impact of the whole world retreating to social media and the explosion of TikTok that year. The Internet is now a homogenized cesspool. The substance is chaotic but the form isn’t. 4chan is runoff from other websites now instead of the creator of original content and perspectives.
>Majority of threads now reference news or social discourse from other websites like Twitter
>Userbase in general has declined
>More threads are made than ever but most barely get any replies, people constantly make threads without even attempting to use the website outside of that because they are desperate for acknowledgment
>Politics and culture war bullshit permeates every thread on every board even when totally unwarranted
>Because the Internet is homogenized no one cares about the board topics, they talk about random shit instead as if this place is a gay discord server

It’s a sad state of affairs. A good example of all these traits are how Blood Meridian keeps getting spammed on this board because a Youtuber made a popular video about it. /lit/ didn’t organically talk about the book, they needed a bunch of zoomer refugees to come on here from another website first. This site’s decline can be reversed to some extent but jannies would have to become far more aggressive and get rid of worthless low-quality threads right away because that’s the biggest problem.

>> No.23088713

the short answer is the hostile modship drove out knowledgeable posters. they moved onto discord and r truelit.

the discords can be ranked in quality like so:

-litcord, this had the smartest members and the best breadth of knowledge and expertise. had the best conversations on the western canon and modern lit. it had members like dante chart anon and the pomo meme trilogy expert. its reading group on joyces ulysses was the first of its kind to actually finish the book.

-genlit, good but not as smart as litcord, but was full of close minded losers and incels who rarely posted about literature and made it their life blog. had good group discussions on plato and classic lit. its members had a habit of going to jail.

-the official litcord, about as smart as genlit but friendlier though filled with normgroids, and veered even more off topic.

-pseudcord (run by litn), a philosophy cord with quality chats, but was a backwater compared to r philosophys discord at its peak. had many members that turned into trannies, showing philosophy is for faggots.

any discords after these are worse.

not him

not a convincing defense faggot. post some lines so i can evaluate them.

>> No.23088721

>it was an astroturfed movement
okay i see your use of astroturf. astroturf from my understanding is usually used to mean feds or interest groups took over a movement, which didnt happen to the guenon movement afaik. israel latched onto the neopagan movement and shills for it constantly. i would just call the guenon posters shills.

>> No.23088727

>-the official litcord, about as smart as genlit but friendlier though filled with normgroids, and veered even more off topic.
this should be "the official lit discord"
ie this one

>> No.23088767

>the hostile modship
the what now

>> No.23088778

Yeah idk word he’s talking about. The problem is the mods are too lax. The board will continue to be a dump until the hammer starts falling more frequently. At least half the threads up at all times should be pruned

>> No.23088779

the lits mods who allow off topic and low effort thread to run rampant and even delete quality threads.

>> No.23088793

>The problem is the mods are too lax.
theyre hostile and not just lax because they also delete quality threads against anons they disagree with. but allowing shitty threads to stay up is practically hostile too.

>> No.23088796

>idk word
*idk what

>> No.23088814

2016 happened, for some reason this board got hit the hardest and never recovered.

>> No.23088821

What kind of quality threads are you seeing deleted? IME even blatantly off topic threads stay up almost a day or more after reported. Way too many “I hate women”, /pol/ threads, blog threads, and “dude, I had a deep thought” /qa/ threads populating the board

>> No.23088828

This, pol scared away a lot of interesting people. There were postdocs from ivy league universities that were regular posters here and theyve been replaced with incels and christcucks. The death knell of lit was the end of the accelerationist generals.

>> No.23088845

>There were postdocs from ivy league universities
like who

>> No.23088849

I can’t believe nu-/lit/ defenders say there weren’t knowledgeable and interesting anons back in the day. The collective IQ plummeted in recent years and the overall focus got worse. Accelerationism is arguably what /lit/ needs. Kill it to rebuild it. If jannies aren’t going to do much then the board is fucked

>> No.23088859
File: 2.42 MB, 576x1024, literallyme.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop crying you bunch of limp wristed faggots

>> No.23088881

The accelerationist/space-taoism threads were memed on at the time but the people there actually had things to say about what they read. Now posters just regurgitate anecdotes about authors and philosophers, there works reduced to how they fit into the culture war discourse.

>> No.23088883

just join the lit chan anon. its where the shakespeare-joyce-beckett-tolkien-kant scholar anons went.

>> No.23088898

I’m just so used to /lit/ I’m worried I’m set in my ways. I’ve tried r/trueliterature but it’s too hard for me to adjust. I’ve never used discord so I would have no clue what I’m doing

>> No.23088902

the lit chan. the altchan made specifically for lit. its one of the best kept secrets on the internet.

>> No.23088911

How would one become privy to such a secret?

>> No.23088995

how does neolit and the writing general server rank in comparison?

>> No.23089000

not to mention the tales of the unreal shill threads and the Ari and Atlas threads

>> No.23089028

If these were good they'd have produced something that hit /lit/ by now

>> No.23089150

/lit/ is the place for the cool cats

>> No.23089171

lits always been a dump but thats especially true now.

>> No.23089173

>muh pol
go the fuck back, faggot

>> No.23089180
File: 80 KB, 808x663, God's chosen people.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shush you impersonalist ignoramus
Every principle is ultimately a personification

>> No.23089195

pol damaged lit but if anything it improved from 2016-20.

>> No.23089210

The invention of the film camera did far more damage to the written medium than MAGA hat-wearing Boomers did.

>> No.23089225


>> No.23089268

send OP back to jail for buggery.

>> No.23089603
File: 212 KB, 1024x1024, basketcrab.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP getting dunked on in jail
>mogged by crustacean

>> No.23091279

no u

>> No.23091299

read the stories highlighted in orange

>> No.23091303

only weak minds are so affected by memetic hazards

>> No.23091319

I read esoteric fiction written by anons and strange internet recluses whos works have been collectively archived by various third parties for the sake of archivistic datahoarding.
so yes I am superior to you.

>> No.23091328

I have come to realize that all of philosophy is just a series of left wing memes.
Lots of words with no substance or sane goal

>> No.23091991

There have been /lit/ periodicals/collabs almost continually since way before now or 2018. You can find copies of the various periodical /lit/ collabs here, going back to March 2010 with the first issue of the Zine Writers Guild up to the current projects:
I don't have a specific log of the dates, but they pretty well span 2010 to today, though how "/lit/" some of them are through different periods is maybe debatable (but that discussion extends to the current projects anyway).

For older one-shot collabs, a good number of those are filed here (and I think they cut off roughly around 2020, again preceding your own assumption):

You're taking the fact that you know nothing about the older /lit/ and assuming that it means nothing happened back then. What gets archived is limited, and by the very nature of the chan format you're going to see the old disappear in some capacity. There have probably been many writers who post but don't post their writing, and I don't imagine there's a good record of the good/accomplished/successful writers from /lit/ going back to the genesis of the board. This isn't a dig at Ogden or Adem; it's that you shouldn't assume they're the start if you haven't actually bothered to look back. Even MNM-DR, who's seemingly part of the same "scene" as those two (which these days seems to mostly be outside /lit/ itself) put out Behead All Satans in 2015, so your numbers are all wrong even just going off the crowd you'd be familiar with.

>> No.23092325


>> No.23092368

Soon going to be missing 3 of Jason Bryan's books

>> No.23092482
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>when they’re not meeting physically at churches

>> No.23092617

>me no like joo
Fresh take

>> No.23092633

>You've not posted the bit where she becomes an autopornographer.

>> No.23093202

she "artistically modelled" and posted it on facebook for attention

>> No.23093220

Did this ever get released?

>> No.23093232

>and I don't imagine there's a good record of the good/accomplished/successful writers from /lit/ going back to the genesis of the board.
A number of anons have posted their published work in various forms, we used to have shill threads with a decent layer of plausible deniability. That stopped for other reasons jealous neets are total fucking psychos, go figure but there was a contingent of 'professional' writers in varying capacities. No one really cared except for other writers.

>> No.23093243

Thanks for the response anon.

>> No.23093520

She's a girl on the internet, despite her seeming wholesomeness, you shouldn't be that surprised. And I remember when that happened, it was keks.

as is this

>> No.23094672

reminds me of the one with the devil's tricks played on anon
I am once again humbled

>> No.23094685
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>> No.23094833

You are no better niggerfaggot.

>> No.23094845
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>> No.23094851

they were fucking awful what are you on about

>> No.23095790

Most of the people I met a church are very kind normies. Don't get me wrong it is actually very nice to see happy families, but they are not the sort of people I would hang out with by default if we are not doing a charity thing or something like that.

Eh, you all disagree on the term but probably are recognizing the same evil

>> No.23095799

No, it's true. I used to deny it, but that was because I initially did not see the massive election-year boomer evangelical waves as a part of native /pol/. I don't care if they even somewhat agree with my politics at this point--and in many cases they do not--they don't know how to actually cultivate good conversation and are incredibly mentally ill.

>> No.23096805

>we used to have shill threads with a decent layer of plausible deniability. That stopped for other reasons jealous neets are total fucking psychos, go figur
dont forget there were elitists who were right to bully these hack midwits for shilling their bullshit

>> No.23096808
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>dont forget there were elitists who were right to bully these hack midwits for shilling their bullshit
He doesn't write

>> No.23097261

No one yearns deeper than me, I am both mastered and possessed by it. Actually, nothing else fits inside of me beyond that which serves my master and supplicates to Him for guidance. This is the fate of a lost soul.

Since your post appealed to me and you seem wiser than the crowd, I will tell you a secret. But the secret sits behind a paywall of neither cash nor brick but a vow. A vow that all of you who learn the secret never use it abusively or exploit at the cost of someone's welfare using it. If you wish to know, I will reply with it tonight at the witching hour since I am always awake then. But be warned, once you know you can never know not.

Reply to express interest.

>> No.23097282

>there was a contingent of 'professional' writers in varying capacities
Yeah, I've got no doubt that there are and have been professionals here in some small number, but my point was that I don't see a record of anyone from previous times. /wg/ keeps a list of authors from their threads, but they've only been a consistent general since 2020; the "/lit/ renaissance" is also more or less just a list of /lit/-associated writers (with Ma included as if that confers legitimacy) that have formed a clique in the last one or two years.

From checking the archive quickly, I haven't found any consistent shill generals, at least not like /mu/ has (which are pretty shit anyway). Do you have any links to them? All I see come up are individual shill threads and a failed general from three years back.

>psycho neets
Part of that comes down to lack of accountability; there are few consequences for being a tard so long as you remain anonymous or put enough distance between things. Nobody can forcefully ostracise you from the board for being annoying, an ass, insipid, etc. unless you go out of your way to make a name for yourself in the process. And even when it comes to projects that cluster as outgrowths of /lit/, a lot of the connections are so tenuous between members, and material effects like money are so small, that fucking up is meaningless outside of the ego toll. This all gets worse when the board userbase is transient and disinterested, meaning no collective knowledge of bad posters, culture, or whatever forms easily.

Other anons have already pointed out that as someone learns more they'll reach the plateau for what /lit/ (or most any creative board) has to offer. I think there's practical use to an anonymous environment for discussion or writing critique, but even those have their limits; anyone who pursues something like writing far enough is going to benefit less and less from the advice a random stranger can provide. Niches exist, and maybe /clg/ is a modern one with a high level of discourse; for writing that might look something like a group of posters with a shared vision and aptitude for something specific in their writing, but I haven't seen that here. The "/lit/ renaissance" crowd wants to bill itself that way, but I don't think there's any fundamental vision or belief outside of "wagmi" that actually unifies that crowd (notice how superficial the connections are between the novels in the infographic that was posted); /wg/ seems to be the same, where the only common vision is success. This makes collaborative efforts shallow in some ways, unless the project is specific enough.

Anyway, the plateau mixed with an influx of shitty users means that there's no reason for good posters to stick around after they get their fill; and those shitty users continually drive down the level of discourse, leading to that plateau appearing sooner and sooner. Why put in effort when nobody else does?

>> No.23097295

There were clearly other writers of skill that used to come here. It used to be that there was a good chance of seeing a post written with skill. Theses people were obviously writers in some capacity. Same with academics. There used to be anons specialized in individual writers to a much higher degree than anything you’ll ever see today. These people are what made the board good. The problems of today still existed to some extent but now they’ve become caricatures. There just aren’t that many passionate and intelligent readers, writers, and academics anymore, the anons who gave this board zest. It’s all culture war schlock now and no different than the reddit, twitter, booktok crowd, the same crowd anons claim to hate but emulate. Crazy and trying times for /lit/. I don’t see it lasting too much longer. In a few short years the board is a shadow of itself. To think what a few more years will bring is frightening and sad

>> No.23097829

>Nobody can forcefully ostracise you from the board for being annoying, an ass, insipid, etc. unless you go out of your way to make a name for yourself in the process.
thankfully butterfly fucked off

>> No.23097967

i've used to browse /lit/ for meaning... plenty of good discussions here with highly intelectual pieces of shits. I miss them.

I know we had some influx of idiots recently, probably due to some moderation problem on other boards... What I did notice more than all are the images of animes, pepe, basedjacks(idk the name, never gave a fuck about them)... But then, I've noticed the same when I've used to browse /b/ 12 years ago. The post dick posts, the YLYL, trannys, and eventually it all died.... I guess this is how boards die? Just embrace it, we had our quiet run.

>> No.23097976

>no reason for good posters to stick around after they get their fill
So why are you still here?

>> No.23098037

Back in the day /lit/ used to have some of the worst mods on the site. I can remember for a long time there was an anti-Marx mod who would shitpost in leftist threads and any time he got BTFO he would just delete the thread lol. There was also an anti-Guenon mod for a while. The mods on /lit/ used to be very ideological and would just delete threads that they didn’t like.

>> No.23098051
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so the devil's best friend?

>> No.23098093

>lol as punctuation
obvious reddit/yt comments should be met with full ban. respect language for god’s cocksakes

>> No.23098127

The internet and the world went to shit and everyone become bitter, cynical and above all angry.

>> No.23098623

>There just aren’t that many passionate and intelligent readers, writers, and academics anymore, the anons who gave this board zest. It’s all culture war schlock now and no different than the reddit, twitter, booktok crowd, the same crowd anons claim to hate but emulate.
Even within the past year the quality of threads seems to have taken an enormous nosedive and sometimes as much as 50% of the catalog is just slide threads

>> No.23098634

Then be the change you want to see in the world

>> No.23098649

The one that I remember most is butters. Is she still around?

>> No.23098777

If the cancer is still here and spreading them it doesn’t matter

>> No.23098780


>> No.23099799

The so-called /lit/ renaissance is a bunch of faggots from the same Discord hugbox who banded together to shill each other's writing

>> No.23099844

If you stopped caring about the board it’s actually interesting to watch in real time. All it took was a few short years for a bunch or retards and anons with agendas to sink the board

>> No.23100620

Not really. Most of them are /lit/ regulars and shill on /lit/. If they were discord exclusive in the way that Delicious Tacos is Twitter exclusive then they wouldn't sell thousands of copies.

>> No.23100630

>writers don't come here no more
What? There are more namefag authors shilling here then literally ever in the history of this board. See the /lit/ renaissance for proof.

>> No.23100668

Cry harder you fucking crab

>> No.23100722

Chat GTP and turing-passing bots happened

>> No.23100736

“Writers of skill”

>> No.23101025

I don't have anything to add, I just want to commiserate, OP.

>> No.23101040
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You guys (and I) could probably find common ground over The Enchantments of Mammon by Eugene McCarraher

>> No.23101131

I started lurking this site in like 2019-2020 ish and I do find it interesting how these sorts of threads usually have someone posting about how after 2016 the boards have been largely awful. I don’t know how true that is since I wasn’t lurking on here before but I was always under the impression that this site was rife with a lot of politically incorrect transphobia, homophobia, racism or whatever else, I just thought that’s how the site’s userbase generally was, did it get worse after 2016 or what?

>> No.23101516

4chan was a largely edgy but bro-progressive-ish space until the second half of Obama's presidency. See the exploits of Anonymous.

>> No.23101541

The best way I can describe it is the tone changed. If old school 4chan had a message statement it was “don’t take the internet too seriously”. The politically incorrect stuff was always there but it was mostly used in a joking or a fun way. Now it is an ideology on nu-4chan and that has left many anons too serious and humorless. A good many anons think they are crusaders trying to save the fallen west or something. The site stopped being fun, it’s deeply serious stuff for too many anons today. When anons complain about /pol/ it usually isn’t the beliefs they hold, it’s the way they act. They can’t post about anything else and make and take part in flamewars. There is a good reason they are cancerous.

>> No.23102379


>> No.23102836

Unironically this

>> No.23103166

It's post-modern capitalism, the Devil's current tool. The right might be even more post-modern than the left now.

>> No.23104372

>he doesnt actually know what that word means

>> No.23104413

>criminal garbage

>> No.23104572
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Should I make more?

>> No.23105523

Different anon, but I think the key part here is that they're grouped together specifically because they hang out in the same Discord(s), not because they're actually broadly representative of the writers on /lit/. It's a very small subset of the board, and their primary interactions occur outside of 4chan. It's worth noting that one of the authors on the Goodreads list above (>>23092325), ARX-Han, was very specifically NOT someone who browsed /lit/, and wrote up in detail how, as an outsider, he thought he'd meet success by advertising his book to /lit/ and found the opposite.

That Goodreads list is also off from what the actual group is; the list also misses its own point of "Books by people who lurk and/or participate in the /lit/ board of 4chan" by listing Ma, Waldun, and ARX-Han (if not more). Then you've got Behead All Satans on there, which is nearly a decade old and obviously predates most of the rest. The real "/lit/ renaissance" group is very specifically a self-branding by people who primarily interact via /lit/-adjacent Discords, specifically related to Unreal Press and &amp. And I'm repeating myself here, but it's a very recent attempt at branding that only captures a small outgrowth of /lit/ and doesn't represent (as far as I can tell) any common literary vision.

If you want a recent slice of /lit/ authors, I'd look at the first 14 (maybe 15) issues of &amp. The first 14 issues had no Discord influence as far as I know, and indiscriminately included writings specifically by /lit/ anons. The lack of discrimination of course meant most of the writing sucked, but it's at least an honest representation of the board, and did include very good writing in rare doses. The 15th issue was after a long hiatus, and was technically pre-Discord, so the writing there should also be mostly free of any outsider influences (any submissions would have happened the same as for the older issues).

I'll also note that even among the anonymous contributors to &amp, the good/enjoyed writing generally came from only a handful of authors; none of those regular contributors barring the editor himself are represented in the renaissance label. (Ogden and Zulu each only had single original contributions to &amp in the first 14 issues, so I won't count them.) Based on that it's my guess that some of the best writers on the board don't actually show their writing here, or do it anonymously, or do it very rarely, or do it up to some limit. The other caveat to what's been said about plateaus is that it also means that what a lot of the "good ones" contribute to the board will come in limited amounts while they turn their focus elsewhere.

>> No.23105549
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it's a bad sign when the most popular thread on here for the past week is about how shit the board has become

>> No.23105558

>/lit/-adjacent Discords
Discord is for fags

>> No.23105563

How much of /lit/‘s problem is just retarded zoomers who don’t care about board culture?

>> No.23105571

Discordniggers seem like a different species to me. What kind of subhuman nigger filth could sink to that level?

>> No.23105575
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Email or 4chan, any other forms of communication electronically are for faggots

>> No.23105587

Women are scum.

>> No.23105589
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Just a reflection of men

>> No.23105781
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>browse lit all the time in its early days
I would hardly call 2017 lit's "early days".

>> No.23105785

I always loved this one. I took city college night classes before I did my graduate education, mostly for language practice and math. The attitude shift from my cushy expensive liberal arts undergrad to being with a bunch of mothers and vets was not too unlike that. I pissed off a lot of people being a real prick in those classes. It's one of those things I cringe now whenever I think about it.

>> No.23105811

Imagine complaining about the quality of this place and then posting that cringe picture.

>> No.23105912
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>> No.23106901

/lit/ suffered the most from the 2016 votertards than any other board did

>> No.23106925 [DELETED] 

not even close. /lit/ is unusable these days

>> No.23107210

>Behead All Satans on there, which is nearly a decade old and obviously predates most of the rest
one of the progenitors of the /lit/ renaissance

>> No.23107388

You mean he's the only /lit/ writer from that era hanging around in the same circle of Discords. Is there another common feature that I'm not seeing?

>> No.23107553

holyshit lighten up

>> No.23107571

If 4chan banned any discussion about race and genders it'd be 1000x better.

>> No.23107604

This. Add current day politics as well

>> No.23107767
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Back to plebbit, faggots