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23084408 No.23084408 [Reply] [Original]

I have a difficult request to make: book about atheism that redditors don't like.

>> No.23084418


>> No.23084419

start with the greeks

>> No.23084420

Alexandre Kojève: L'athéisme.

>> No.23084440

Mein Kampf

>> No.23084557
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Georges Bataille's "Summa Atheologica" is probably the most religious, "atheistic" series of works and the furthest thing from the new-atheism, scientism reddit loves so much.

>> No.23084568

Mussolini's anti Christian writings.

>> No.23084731
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The problem with redditors is marxist political brainwashing, not theology itself or lack thereof. Personal metaphysical philosophy has fuck all to do with anything. Redditors are not irreligious people, rather politics is their religion. That's what marxism is in essence, christianity for atheists, for modern "secular" society. The conflation of marxism with atheism itself stems from christjew apologetics and is done purposefully to pit one group against the other.

>> No.23085142
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>The conflation of marxism with atheism itself stems from christjew apologetics and is done purposefully to pit one group against the other.
Uh huh, sure.

>> No.23085166
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Right, I should've said stems from jews lol. Like marxism and christianity. Christjew rhetoric is a product of that

>> No.23085183

I have seen some arguments that Trump is secretly atheist. I would suspect any right wing atheist is likely to be disliked by reddit. Atheism has no unifying element to it beyond its own definition, so any atheist that holds views they otherwise do not care for would fit the bill.

>> No.23085197

Trump isn't atheist

>> No.23085370

Trump isn't "secretly atheist" he's openly atheist

>> No.23085379

Nick Land's "The Thirst for Annihilation"

>> No.23085382
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What else is aggressively so anti-christian from an anti-humanist perspective?

>> No.23085384

Reading the Bible front to back made me an atheist. That's how you know most christians never read it.

>> No.23085400

No he isn't. One of his major influences was some reform church that taught self-help stuff along with it. He went with his dad as a kid and kept in contact throughout at least the 80s (he met his first wife through the church and was married there).

>> No.23085402

lol. it's kinda true though. didn't the church in medieval times prevent bible from getting printed in any language other than latin so no one can read it? shit speaks for itself.

>> No.23085403

>Reading the Bible front to back made me an atheist.
You got rid of superstitious beliefs about a semitic sand demon, yes.
It doesn't necessarily preclude the existence of Azathoth, though.

>> No.23085404

>I'm dumb and was filtered by the Bible
Lol, retards like you were the ones they were keeping safe by not translating it.

>> No.23085407

No. Most people were who literate in the first place could speak Latin.

>> No.23085439

The pastor was some self-help guru that trump cited as an influence on his personality. His track record and statements are conflicting and caustic at best towards Christianity and the adherents thereof. He understood it to be a necessary tool for winning elements of the right but beyond this it is hard to make a case he is some sort of devout follower, and while he has not made any overt statements declaring himself to be atheistic that I am aware of he has certainly made enough statements to suggest he might very well be. It is really between him and himself as far as I am concerned but I have heard Christians make this argument as well so at the very least it is hard enough for him to meet the socially recognized aspects of being a part of the 'Christian tribe' so to speak.

>> No.23085442

how does that negate what I said nigga most people couldn't read latin and bible was prohibited to be translated and copied in local languages. it just means vast majority wouldn't be able to read it.

>> No.23085462

>they were actually helping people out by hiding the secret that it's a retarded book
one mentally disturbed way of looking at it. another interpretation could be that the church knew it was meaningless bullshit that would lose prominence once the esoteric nature of it gets demystified and it becomes understandable by the common people then in turn understood as a retarded book of fables it is and as a consequence it would mean the church would lose the control they had over the people.

>> No.23085464

> I have read the scriptures of one religion
> based on this, I have concluded that all religions are wrong
> furthermore, I have concluded that there is no God at all, even outside of all of the world's religions and their various arguments
Do atheists really? I highly doubt that you read the whole Bible cover to cover in the first place but that's very dumb

>> No.23085474

it must be awful living while knowing there is a chance that the real god is actually a very niche indian one and he sent his word in sanskrit and you will go to hell because you have not read it and didn't worship accordingly.

>> No.23085498

If you know anything about the history of world religions at all, or about comparative religion in general, then you know that they're not all equally interchangeable arbitrary fairy tales. You'd also know that not every religion is Evagelical Protestantism that has an Islamic understanding of scripture. That may be common in parts of America, but the world is much bigger than that and I encourage you to explore it instead of making 80iq assumptions.

>> No.23085513

nick land is peak reddit

>> No.23085514

>read other religious books too then you will find god!
so what you are offering is that I change my 80 IQ assumption with your 69 IQ one. does not sound reasonable.

>> No.23085625


>> No.23085641

I know lots of people who go to church and don't believe a word of it. it's strange, but it's the case nonetheless

>> No.23085918
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was going to post this >>23084440

So instead I'll post this