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/lit/ - Literature

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23082578 No.23082578[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>2000 nerd culture is popular in men
>2010 women appropiate nerd culture
>2010 gaming culture is popular in men
>2020 women appropiate gaming culture
>2020 autistic culture is popular in men
>2030 girls appropiate autistic culture
Thus in 2030 every man will want to become a schizo (The natural evolution of an autist). How do I become a schizo as fast as possible through lit? What are the most esoteric shit? I think by reading the greeks and the bible your schizometer goes high enough but I want to get even higher.

>> No.23082581
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be careful what you wish for

>> No.23082584

Why don't you just do something that you enjoy instead?

>> No.23082589
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Do I need any previous knowledge?

Not possible

>> No.23082601
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>> No.23082605
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>Do I need any previous knowledge?

anyways pic related is part of the trip

>> No.23083353

My diary desu

>> No.23083362

Women are rarely if ever autistic.

>> No.23083363

Read only books which the authors killed themselves.

>> No.23083409

If ye want to go deep into philosophy-
>Plato - Republic, Phaedo, Philebus
>Aristotle - Organon, Metaphysics, Nicomachean Ethics
>Augustine - The Trinity, The City of God
>Bacon - Instaurio Magno
>Descartes - Meditationes de Prima Philosophia
>Spinoza - Ethica
>Leibniz - Monadology
>Berkeley - Three Dialogues
>Hume - Enquiry concerning Human Understanding
>Kant - Critiques, Metaphysics of Morals, Prolegomena
>Mill - Utilitarianism, On Liberty, System of Logic
>Moore - Principia Ethica
>Wittgenstein - Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus

This isn’t as laborious as it seems. Most of these are pretty short, and you can get down this list in 4.5 months. It will allow you to dive into any tradition of western philosophy, even though it doesn’t specifically treat of all of them.

>> No.23083521
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Mad pride

>> No.23083673

Most of the schizos I knew have permanently mindfucked by substance abuse. Leads to emotional volatility, reasoning is totally opaque to other people. I'm not sure if you really want that.

>> No.23083702

I would say autistic /lit/ culture will never be popular among women because it requires deep investment in time but everyone on /lit/ is a fake anyway.

>> No.23083716

Read the perennialists, Rene Guenon, Frithjof Schuon, and Ananda Coomaraswamy. Those assholes literally wrote the Necronomicon or The King in Yellow, except it drives you insane in a good way.

Schuons's The Eye of the Heart is the best intro to perennialism, while Guenon's The Multiple States of the Being is the peak of perennialism. Coomaraswamy also seemingly has nothing but hits (Hinduism and Buddhism, and Time and Eternity in particular, no particular order to read them in).

>> No.23083717
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>> No.23083732

Study the Bible, simple as. Abusing meth would probably speed up the process, but I would never tell anyone to do drugs.

>> No.23083753

Caring about keeping up with trends is niggardly behavior anon.

>> No.23083760

>you can get down this list in 4.5 months
lmao no stfu

>> No.23083766

No, they will consume tik-tok shorts that explain philosophical concepts poorly.
>Hey there, buddy! The categorical imperative is this super deep and philosophical concept cooked up by this guy named Immanuel Kant. Basically, it's like this moral compass that tells us what we ought to do, not just what we want to do. It's all about treating people right, acting with integrity, and being like the ultimate moral authority, you know?
>So, like, if you're trying to be all categorical imperative about it, you're gonna be, like, anti-racist. You know, because racism is like the opposite of treating people right and being moral. It's like, why would you ever want to judge someone based on their race or ethnicity? That's just not cool, right?

>Semiotics is the study of signs and symbols, and it can help us understand that all words are, in fact, made up. Just like a dictionary can change the definition of a word, it can also change the meaning of a gender. So, if the dictionary says that a man is someone who identifies as male, then that's what a man is. It's not about biology or appearance, it's about identity. And with that, let me show you a TikTok dance that proves my point! (Dances to a catchy tune)

>> No.23083770
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Solution: just kill them all.

>> No.23083809

I was a nerd in 2000, a gamer in 2010, and an autist in 2020, thus I want to be ahead.

>> No.23083811

>How to become /lit/ schizo
Here are some schizo books to read, they are not esoteric but they are just unhinged novels that drive the reader to the edge of sanity.
Nausea - Jean Paul Satre
House of leaves - Mark Danielewski
Focault's Pendulum - Umberto Eco
Cannibal - John Hawkes
Initiation into hermetics - Franz Bardon
The pale king - David Wallace
Cryptonomicon - Neal Stephenson

these should be a good place to start

>> No.23083837

Suppose 1 book per week
Phaedo and Philebus are quite short. I count them as one. As with utilitarianism, which can be read 5e same week as “on liberty” and Meditationes with Ethica. Monadology also with Three Dialogues. That comes out to 18 weeks, or 4.5 months.

>> No.23083895

>Suppose 1 book per week
lol no stfu

>> No.23083902

>they are not esoteric
>initiation into hermetics

>> No.23083914

Kys lazy fag

>> No.23083916

You need to read the works of F Gardner

>> No.23083974

Honestly lots of people will just give you the stock standard answers that are "approved" by board culture and since they are "pre approved" answers they will not elaborate. What you really need to do is get into the work of Philip k Dick particularly Valis onwards. Philosophy can be nice "ah, what is an apple? Is it really an apple? Whats the nature of apples?" but at the end of the day philosophy is just fancy poetry for pseuds. Philip K Dick questions reality and what it means to be an individual human being, which I think are the ultimate topics a work of literature can tackle. Perception, consciousness, good and evil, the soul, these are the things that will actually make you appear schizo to most people and this is what Dick primarily writes about.

>> No.23084028


there is no trend you can latch onto that will make you attractive

>> No.23084083
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I don't want to be attractive, I want to be schizophrenic

>> No.23084094

That's because its not 2030 yet. Women were not nerds in 2004, or gamers in 2014.

>> No.23084132

>the schizo thinks women can read philosophy
Good job anon, that's the way!

>> No.23084216

Cryptonomicon? Really? It's pretty straight forward

>> No.23084320



>> No.23084327

How did you even interpret that

>> No.23084428

If you want to become a schizo, you need read philosophy

>> No.23084554

But I'm not a woman, I'm a man who has gotten everything ruined by woman so now I want to get over the autistic phase before they take it from me

>> No.23084618

I think I have an idea on how to go schizo:
1- Choose something to believe in, anything really, but you have to accept it as total reality.
2- To this end, read books about what you believe in, seek like-minded people
3- Think about it everyday, find things in real life that reinforce that thing you believe in
4- Act through your beliefs

Classical example is the religious schizo: He believes in God and so reads about the bible, but is convinced that the churches are corrupt and the bible tells him and confirms that indeed everything is wrong. Then he goes online and more people tell him about the satanic jews that control everything. And he sees them everywhere all the time, and everything he reads is about them and their nefarious plans. If at first he started with entry level stuff and more grounded books, he is now reading totally off the wall shit (Like how to protect yourself from dark magic, rituals to summon angels and shit) that nevertheless he fully believes. By now, his house probably looks like the apartment of the serial killer from Seven, and he spends hours thinking about this, reading about it, terrorized by the demons gangstalking him, the government surveiling him. His time is limited, something must be done. Maybe he'll shoot up some people, maybe he'll keep preaching, he'll organize some people, he'll make deviant-art tier propaganda.
He hears God, he lives God. He's a fucking schizo.

>> No.23084882

I believe Robert Anton Wilson called this the reality tunnel. There is a healthy way to do this though, which is to imbibe different perspectives. That way you have touched the elephant all over the place.

>> No.23084991
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actual schizo here. I had a psychotic break down, went to the nut hut, had to get a psych and now every month they give me an injection of anti psychotics.

Let me tell you, being a schizo isnt cool or counter culture, its the scariest thing in the world, the real and extreme paranoia you feel is off the charts. you start seeing patterns in everything, you just feel like something or someone is out to kill you

>> No.23085933

I had a psychotic breakdown too, two actually, and now, I claim enlightenment, which may be related. I see connections in everything as well, but they're just a fun game the Infinite plays with us.

Someone is really out to kill you, and it's Reality itself. The moment of enlightenment absolutely feels like dying. Why fight it? The sufis say you must die before you die.

>> No.23086774

>HAII GUYZZ!! I'm a proto-normie who loves all the shit normies do but I need to maintain my superiority complex by pretending to find stuff lame after all the other normies adopt it! REEEEE!!! (I still have my rare pepe collection and I wish normies didn't take my marvel and funko pops) Can you please tell me exactly how to appropriate your interests so i can seem cooler to the normies i hang around xD
Asking for a book recommendation at the end doesn't make this a literature related post.
>>>/adv/ >>>/r9k/ >>>/b/

>> No.23087142
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Get ready to play brain warp

>> No.23087145

Yo this is some straight nubian tier schizology right here my brutha

>> No.23087328

Of course! Spirituality is just functional madness in the end.

>> No.23087332

I need to get my brain to retvrn to having an authoritative voice telling me what to do. That may be the only thing that can turn my life around