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/lit/ - Literature

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23081837 No.23081837[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

i fucking hate white women
i see a picture of a nice white women, dressed in a traditional fashion, then i click on her profile and of course shes a nigger fucker

how the fuck does this always happen, her fucking nigger child looks so fucking ugly af its unreal doesnt she know that her genes took millions of years of evolution to give her colored eyes and hair and she pisses it down the trashcan because le black man is so innn brooo

yeah brainwashed by the fucking media thats what i can tell you though look you bitch nigger mudshark hope you enjoy your low iq niglets hope the bbc was worth it you bitch the western civilization is fucking ruined because of bitches like that fuck

i already tried to send her some messages but she blocks private messages what a fucking coward bitch raxemixing mudshark niglet creator ugly bitch fuck!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.23081844

who gives a shit about muh eyes and muh hair. Are you a girl? off topic shit goes elsewhere, pal.

>> No.23081845

I suspect OP is concern trolling but he said nigger so many times that I don't even mind! Why is nigger such a fun word?

>> No.23081854

>/lit/ is for the discussion of literature, specifically books (fiction & non-fiction), short stories, poetry, creative writing, etc. If you want to discuss history, religion, or the humanities, go to /his/. If you want to discuss politics, go to /pol/. Philosophical discussion can go on either /lit/ or /his/, but those discussions of philosophy that take place on /lit/ should be based around specific philosophical works to which posters can refer.

>> No.23081857

Hehe, nigger!

>> No.23081859

ideology is a bitch

>> No.23081860

If you think she’s retarded for making that decision then what’s the problem? She is defective, let her waste her genes away, if that’s what you call it. Let them do it now, let them use their freedom, so that eventually the white race is purified and only composed of men and women who stick to their race.

>> No.23081864

this is the literature board

>> No.23081865

It's just a guy seething because of another thread.

>> No.23081871

what causes american males to be like this. what makes someone feel undesirable but still waste their time crying about niggers

>> No.23081876

It's the opposite actually>>23081865
Obviously american though

>> No.23081889

>She is defective, let her waste her genes away,
We are losing pretty much all our best genes right now.by following this sort of thinking

>> No.23081898

There is no such thing as losing good genes. Trust in natural selection. Think from an absolute scale. Everything is going as it should. No need to worry.

>> No.23081899


>> No.23081905

What do you propose? I'm hearing lots of whining but no solutions. Typical of the right wing.

>> No.23081906

Books for this feel?

>> No.23081915

>Got so assblasted in another thread he pretends to be upset so he can keep talking about how handsome blacks are
Fucking hell anon

>> No.23081924
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White guys who have kids don't cry about this shit

>> No.23081929


>> No.23081932

If we outlawed miscegenation and lesbianism, society would improve tenfold.

>> No.23081933

link to other thread?

>> No.23081937

There are more fags than lesbians.

>> No.23081939

Lesbians only exist to emasculate men.

>> No.23081942

Got deleted just a bit ago because it was offtopic anyway lol. Turned into a back and forth about blacks despite the convo originally being about ugly asian women. But then you got the whole le white incels love asians and that turned into le blacks are more masculine (their women too).
Now you have this thread.

>> No.23081947

This is kind of pathetic to admit desu...you feel threatened by lesbians? The four of them that exist?

>> No.23081948

A minor concern statistically.

>> No.23081953

Bad apples rot the whole bunch anons. Bulldykes wanting to larp as men is how we got here in the first place.

>> No.23081956
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The jew's greatest trick is making you think society is some soft pussy that is getting raped if you don't stand up and scream about...
You only have control over your own life, and even then, you don't have 100% control... you could get butthole cancer tomorrow, or get hit by a bus, or some asshole forgets to tighten his lug nuts on his fuckin' jacked up F150 and a tire flies off and hits you in the nuts at 60 mph.

The jews' greatest trick is to get you to think that you have any influence at all on the world, when you should be focused on the influence you have on the people around in your circle and your family, spend less time worrying about some coalburner and her ape and more about your own family and situation. Guess what? Life from the outside can be whatever your mind wants it to be, you have no idea how that couple gets along behind the camera, she could be a total cunt psychopath, he could be a complete cuck and do everything she says, you have no idea, everything you think about is all made up in your head.

/lit/ is for books, anyways, faggot.

>> No.23081963

Freedom is the best accelerator of natural selection. Porn, homosexuality, sexual liberation, miscegenation, I say all of it is good. You are thinking too small. If you strictly enforce good behavior, then you prevent undesirable genetic traits from being wiped from the gene pool. For example, suppose that there is a set of genes that predisposes a woman to be a whore. If you enforce modesty on all women, then it would be difficult to differentiate the whores from the modest ones, and you could accidentally marry a whore, which is fine, if modesty is enforced, but your daughters and granddaughters may live in a liberated society, and now your progeny will whore themselves out and your bloodline will degenerate. Whereas if you simply knew that your wife were a whore in the first place, you wouldn’t have married her. With homosexuality, men repress their sexuality and marry and have kids, which only propagates gay genes. Homophobia ironically makes homosexuality even more rampant. This is why freedom is so important. God I love the USA.

>> No.23081965

>All this in response to a simple statement
Damn, also your last sentence has some incorrect comma usage

>> No.23081970

right on the money, alex

>> No.23081974

Do you deny it's emasculating?
I'm more fine with fudge packers than dykes, though homosexuality in general is a psy-op. The former is less egregious in my eyes however, especially because I'm not a Christcuck.
>wanting an ethnically homogenous society without kowtowing to dykes is... JEWISH!
Shut up faggot.
You're the actual jew.

>> No.23081977

You could outlaw anything you want, not going to stop people from becoming goblins willingly
>comma usage
"/lit/ is for books, anyways, faggot"
this is how I would say it, why is the comma usage incorrect?

>> No.23081979

>the proliferation of vice is the key to eliminating it
mutt logic

>> No.23081981

> You're the actual jew.
so… you don’t think evolution should be accelerated? You want to remain a mediocre ape-like species? If that makes me Jewish, then call me Shlomo

>> No.23081982

>I'm more fine with fudge packers than dykes
You shouldn't be. There are far more fags than dykes and their influence is 10x as bad. They're now renting wombs and buying babies (male only of course).

>> No.23081985

Alex? This is Jason faggot, I'm making tacos and drinkin' whiskey
>ethnically homogenous society
Literally impossible in the west, maybe you were born 100+ years too late. Or 200+ years, fuck it, why does it matter?

You know, the worst videos I see on Kaotic, LikeLeak, TheYNC, the WORST videos are always in ethnically homogenous society.

>> No.23081989

I just explained to you in clear logic that yes, that is actually the case. That is how natural selection works. Everything starts with genetics. Vice especially. That’s why when strict societies finally become free, degeneracy explodes, since people are just releasing their latent natures. If you simply allowed people to express who they are, then the degeneracy problem would solve itself over time. Maybe this concept is too advanced for people like you, idk.

>> No.23081995
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100% this

>> No.23081998

This is your average BAPfag. His post just exudes Jewy, doesn't it.

>> No.23081999

I don't think about lesbians enough to feel emasculated by them. Also the types of homos that spread AIDs and diddle kids are better in your eyes?

>> No.23082004

Don't ask, he is probably the gay pagan who thinks he will subvert abrahamic religions.

>> No.23082006

>so… you don’t think evolution should be accelerated?
Why would I want that? What you want isn't a better World, just some creepy oversocialized urban landscape with a single race of androgynes.
>You want to remain a mediocre ape-like species?
More disgusting jew bullshit. Just fuck off back to Saturn, leave us the hell alone.
Giving women's rights is what lead to bullshit like transgenderism in the first place (notice how all of these failed males are misandrists/feminists), this is the crux of my perspective on the matter.
>Literally impossible in the west, maybe you were born 100+ years too late. Or 200+ years, fuck it, why does it matter?
There's still measures that can be taken to preserve my race. For example, anti-natalist policies against minorities would be in our favor.
>You know, the worst videos I see on Kaotic, LikeLeak, TheYNC, the WORST videos are always in ethnically homogenous society.
The "worst videos" can just as well take place in a Ohio ghetto. You pretty much confirmed to me that your multiculturalism is a form of western chauvinism btw.

>> No.23082009

Please explain to me how being homophobic doesn’t just propagate homo genes by incentivising the repression of homosexual behavior and trying to blend in by marrying and having kids. I know of at least two men who had kids and later came out as gay. It happens all the time. Do you WANT this to just keep happening, forever? Or would you rather the fags and whores and nihilists simply be who they are, go without children, and let their genes die out once and for all?

>> No.23082013

>improving the human species is disgusting jew bullshit
thank God they’re in charge and not retards like you

>> No.23082019

>I don't think about lesbians enough to feel emasculated by them.
I'm just viewing these things objectively, bro. Let women fuck whoever they want, society degrades. I find it funny that you're so obsessed with defending dykes however, and didn't even point out my spiel against race-mixing.
>Also the types of homos that spread AIDs and diddle kids are better in your eyes?
A mere consequence of the gynocentric cuck society you created.
Not him.
Blah blah blah utter pilpul. You're just a dysgenic fag.

>> No.23082018

Not a thing. The very word is retarded. Homo means same and phobia means fear. Fear of the same? No. The moment you adopt the left's terminology is the moment your mind begins to be infected by a virus. There is wrong (that which leads to extinction) and there is right (that which expands life). There's no such thing as "homophobia".

>> No.23082021

been outside lately? how's your 'trust the plan' working? ever seen idiocracy?

christian nationalism

>> No.23082023
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>> No.23082025

>semantic distractions
> Blah blah blah utter pilpul. You're just a dysgenic fag.
nice argument lol. Thanks for conceding.

>> No.23082027

You know I could easily crush your wrists, right?

>> No.23082028

>semantic distractions
I don't accept your terms. Your terms are propaganda.

>> No.23082030
File: 2.19 MB, 3264x2448, tacos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is now a tacos and whiskey thread

>> No.23082033

Ok, pick another word that means being intolerant of homosexuality, or enforcing heterosexuality, I don’t care. These are just silly word games to distract from my argument, which you ignored. Homophobia preserves homosexuality. Your simplistic black-and-white mentality may have a hard time understanding this, but it’s clearly true. You must view humans as a species that undergoes natural selection like any other species.

>> No.23082036

Don't take it the wrong way but I'd fuck these tacos. Buen appetite anon

>> No.23082037

I bet you’re the same type of guy to say
>muh dick
when niggers bring up their sexuality. And here you are, reverting back to primitive physical displays to cope for the fact that you have been intellectually outclassed and embarrassed.

>> No.23082043

>superior human species is when I'm a weak tranny bitch doe

>> No.23082044

Nobody cares if you do drugs
Nobody cares if you are gay
Everyone hates you if you're a crackhead
Everyone hates you if you're a faggot
>simple as

>> No.23082046

And liberty for fags to do whatever they want, including buying baby boys, doesn't spread the homosexual virus to a bigger degree? It's literally opening the sewage and seeing the vermin bursting out. Repression keeps them in line at least while we deal with important stuff.

>> No.23082052
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/lit/ needs a "show off your taco" night, I'd go all out, these were some shit simple tacos but so tasty.

>> No.23082057

Who would win, mike or mike?
Anyway yea something like that'd be fun. A general "What are you having while reading, show off" thread would be better than the regurgitated shitposts.
Sometimes simple food is best desu.

>> No.23082060


>> No.23082064

lol, that’s clearly not what I’m saying. Superior human species is when we let the trannies actualize their genetic nature and remove themselves from the gene pool before their genes propagate too much and lie dormant in the whole population. Weed it out before it spreads. We both literally view degeneracy as degeneracy, but you’re too short-sighted to understand how to actually address the problem.

>> No.23082067

Never going to happen, if we /lit/ folk create our own little culture and have some fun, that shit is going to be sabotaged so fucking fast

>> No.23082074

Our goals don't align at all, dumbass. What you want is societal degradation and acceleration and I want the opposite. You're spiritually a nigger and a jew.

>> No.23082078

so this is lit huh first time visiting
I thought it would be... smarter

>> No.23082081

Well I know but, you know this as well, it's nice to dream right

>> No.23082085

Turn around and never come back shoo shoo

>> No.23082090

BAPfags are cancer.

>> No.23082094

You cannot acquire an immunity to poison without drinking it. To avoid it forever is to create a permanent weakness that will one day be too lethal to overcome.

>> No.23082099
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I have never read BAP, I hardly know anything about him. I simply understand evolution, and you don’t.

>> No.23082106

nice deflection attempt fuentesspic, but you and op will never, NEVER be white.

>> No.23082108

What you want is for a woman to act like a woman would and breed womanhood out of existence when the actual solution is for white men to nut up and conquer their women instead of letting another race do it for them. This is just dysgenic.

>> No.23082115

You don't even understand how our evolution works, moron. Women being the sexual selectors is relatively recent in your history.

>> No.23082117

How do you know I'm talking about you without knowing what BAP stands for? I got you.
The rat confesses. I knew it. Jews are below everyone else btw.

>> No.23082122
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>> No.23082128

Note to actual humans ITT: Any "right winger" who promotes rampant degeneracy and filth is a Jew in disguise tying to subvert his immediate environment. Call him out like the rat he is.

>> No.23082130

Because you already addressed me as such, dumbass>>23081998
Some women are inherently coal-burners. You can see it in their faces. It is their destiny to have mulatto children. Let them do it now and get it over with, else they will just propagate their coal-burning predispositions throughout the whole white race. This is not a difficult concept.

>> No.23082135

Nice /lit/ thread

>> No.23082139
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know your place, impudent worm. the whore of babylon will never take root in america and you are going back.

>> No.23082142

He's so happy and goofy, he's just like me.

>> No.23082144
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Look how much attention it got

>> No.23082147

That's what started this thread anyway lmao. Someone who got so assblasted in another thread they larped as an upset and disgusted citizined

>> No.23082149
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I recently misplaced my comfy Hitler gif folder, I am sad

>> No.23082155

Your god, BAP, loved Kanye before he named the jew and criticized Jewish influence. Now he hates him. BAP is a Jewish subversion psyop.

>> No.23082163
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>boost up

>> No.23082170

just imagine not being white in 2024. couldn't be me! your family is going back too btw. far right bodybuilders have already taken over the american government and it's too late, just get on the plane before we make you.

>> No.23082174

Imagine being happy to marry a woman who would have otherwise married a man of another race if your society didn’t strictly prevent such a thing from happening. Better to live with the conscience that she could have easily married any man, and yet she chose you.

>> No.23082184

This is a weird way of thinking, genuinely. In your scenario she could've married other men of your own race as well. Genuinely what a weird fucking copout.

>> No.23082186

Holocostin doesn't have to imagine given that he's a Jew and I know you are, too (lol).

>> No.23082202

You are deathly afraid that white women marry black men, so you just want to make it illegal. Not only is this cowardly, but you have to live with the fact that your wife may be a latent coal-burner, and you would never know it. I would rather know the exact type of woman that I’m choosing. A woman who is encouraged by the media to racemix and feels no guilt whatsoever in doing so, yet also chooses to marry her own race, is clearly a better catch than a woman who simply does whatever is expected of her by society. I don’t want a woman to marry me because she couldn’t racemix because it was the taboo at the time. That would be so embarrassing. But you’re completely fine with this. Pathetic.

>> No.23082203

why is this board increasingly a battleground between two rival fanbases of right-wing ecelebs?

>> No.23082214

Idk what the convo was originally about, just saw how you resort to the strangest copes about how much more secure you'd feel if you knew your wife could marry black men as well but still chose you lmao. What a weird fella you are.
Didn't read past the first sentence btw.

>> No.23082240

Yes, I would want a wife who doesn’t choose low IQ niggers. I don’t want my daughter to have those genetic predispositions. I want to have a high IQ, Chad bloodline. What happens if you enforce same-race marriages, but this practice goes away 100 years from now? You can’t control this, of course. And what if your granddaughters have the coal-burning genes and choose to ruin your bloodline? All because you married a woman whom you assumed would not racemix (but she literally was not allowed to even if she wanted to). Whereas if my wife was allowed to, and didn’t, then I am more confident that my daughters and granddaughters won’t do it either. I cannot explain this in any simpler terms.

>> No.23082242
File: 54 KB, 480x640, jason2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which one of you faggots is talking about MARRYING a woman? Knock up the hottest, richest woman you can find!

>> No.23082263

every woman these days take birth control anyway. And it would be nice to have 20 children and all, but it’s best to marry eventually and actually have a stable family to raise a few kids. Or do you want all of your children to be raised by a single mother?

>> No.23082335

You can die any time and then your blah blah stable family will have kids being raised by a single mother. 20 kids with 20 different single mothers are going to yield far greater odds than sticking all your eggs in one basket.

>> No.23082340

I’m not saying to only have kids with one woman. I actually want to have 20 kids with 20 different women and have one woman for myself and raise her kids alongside her.

>> No.23082375

White guys with kids curl their toes with delight at the thought of their daughter bringing a black guy home.

>> No.23082390

as if abortion and birth control isnt readily available

>> No.23082396

What are you going to do about the rest of the kids?

>> No.23082399

this is called r selection and produces undesirable offspring who will either not breed or will breed with other undesirables

>> No.23082425

I grew up with a single mother. I don’t think it’s optimal and yet, I think it’s a good test of one’s genetic qualities. If my sons cannot become successful without me, then so be it. They don’t deserve to live. With that said, I would still like to devote a lot of time and energy to one or two sons, to see what is possible. I think parenting is really easy and most of our problems are caused by retarded parents who don’t know how to incentivize good habits and teach practical knowledge and skills. I can’t wait to be a father, I think about it all the time. I’m certain that my son will be much more successful than me, and I plan to be pretty successful.

>> No.23082443

>You know what this world needs? More fatherless children.
You are exactly the type of person who shouldn't be breeding. Castrate yourself.

>> No.23082452
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Oh okay never mind then

>this is called r selection and produces undesirable offspring who will either not breed or will breed with other undesirables
pic related (You)
where were the geniuses like you when Genghis Khan was around he really needed your sage wisdom he fucked up big time

>> No.23082468

Do you think the Overman needs a father?

>> No.23082471

The Overman IS a father

>> No.23082474

You're not gonna be producing the overman you're gonna be producing a criminal that contributes nothing to society

>> No.23082490

Don’t you think it would be better if humans could produce men that didn’t need to rely on a father? Men who intuitively understood the world and how to dominate their environment? How else could we bring about this type of man if we didn’t select for it precisely by increasing the amount of fatherless children? This world is not for the weak. Yes it is true that raising your son gives him an advantage, but I am thinking beyond selfish survival strategies. I am thinking about the species as a whole, and am even willing to put my own genes to the test.

>> No.23082495

Your level of intelligence proves your genes are worthless so don't bother passing them on

>> No.23082504

Children need both attention from their mothers and their fathers to grow up in a healthy way. If you are motherless, you won't learn how to love. If you are fatherless, you won't learn how to be responsible.

>> No.23082510
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you’re not wrong. But the fact is my fatherless children will still be superior to the average fathered child, so it’s a net benefit to the world.

>> No.23082511
File: 10 KB, 236x353, IMG_0359.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now you see OP, I would have less of a problem with them being together if it weren’t for the fact that he is so fucking ugly. Receding hairline, mongoloid eyes, cuck standing pose.
Anyone who isn’t a brainlet would realize that race isn’t a sole signifier for beauty and that physical attractiveness comes down to the science of aesthetics. There are whole YouTube essays dedicated to this. But if she were to have married and procreated with a black man who looked like picrel then I would have no problem whatsoever. Mixing of races in itself isn’t the problem, it’s the fact that people want to procreate with ugly unaesthetic looking people and pass down ugly genes for generations to come. That is what’s causing the downfall of society.

>> No.23082518

>He linked his ACT score

>> No.23082523

Yeah, a perfect score with no father and a mother who never encouraged me to do more than what’s necessary. I simply excelled. But go on, keep calling me unintelligent