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23081229 No.23081229[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Post the best book about losers you know.

>> No.23081230

My diary desu

>> No.23081233

My diary desu

>> No.23081238
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>> No.23081255

Why are white incels so obsessed with Asian girls? It's like nigcels and their obsession with white woman

>> No.23081257

This guy's diary desu>>23081255

>> No.23081285
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>> No.23081299

ops diary since hes a faggot
picking on frail women is pathetic

because theyre too weak to defeat jews so they bravely attack women

>> No.23081305

This guy's diary desu>>23081299

>> No.23081306

his diary desu

>> No.23081308

our diaries desu

>> No.23081322

Blacks are the masculine race, whites are the in-between and asians are the femenine race. That's why black women look like men.

>> No.23081329

His diary desu

>> No.23081334

This guy's diary desu>>23081322

>> No.23081340
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But it's true if you think about it. If you get an asian men and you put in in a skirt and makeup they'll look exactly as a woman, while black women naturally look like this

>> No.23081344

We both spoke truth desu brotha

>> No.23081346

Should we make a diary thread at some point or are we still cool with using this for comical purposes? I am not asking to be awkward, I enjoy the diary posters.

>> No.23081350

What are you exactly asking for desu?
Wouldn't it just be a wwoym thread?

>> No.23081351

All of Houellebecq’s books. Just finished Possibility of an Island, and Daniel is an absolute loser. You want to be the opposite of the main character of a Houellebecq novel.

>> No.23081353

You have made an excellent point.

>> No.23081354

What about his diary desu?

>> No.23081365

What can make it different is turning it into a dream diary thread. But even then people could lie.

>> No.23081383
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>> No.23081388

This guy's diary desu>>23081383

>> No.23081415

But black men were utterly buck broken historically by white men. All blacks complain about is white men oppressing them. They have barely a shred of masculinity of a race left but to guilt trip whites like a beaten housewife.

>> No.23081446

We are talking about beauty in a superficial and material way. We are talking about how the bodies and faces look, not about how their brains work.

>> No.23081455

So in that sense both white men and white women dominate? You can deny it all you want but there is a reason why in the mainstream coloureds complain non stop about white beauty standards.

>> No.23081464

I love a good mediocre Chinese girl. There's something so alluring about them. I would give anything to date a high IQ desexed autistic lesbian from Hong Kong again

>> No.23081467

Black men and asian women are the best, but whites being an average makes them dominate.

>> No.23081481
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If that's your personal preference than ok. But the average women of any colors preference is a guy who looks like this. A gigachad white man. Just try and find me a colored guy who looks anything close to this.

>> No.23081486
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You're picking the 0.01% of white man and saying that's the average white men, when in reality the average white guy looks like this:

>> No.23081489

Women will fuck any man with power and status. You can be born looking like that or you can find some way to get power and status.

>> No.23081492

There's always a token

>> No.23081497
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and the average black guy looks like a literal down syndrome. You live in fantasy land.

>> No.23081505

>Watched kpop stars fell in love with every men they met while shooting vids in europe
My gf is into that shit and it made me realize how many koreans love european male looks. Lots of the men looked just a bit above average honestly. I feel like the japanese are more ambivalent about white men.

>> No.23081507

But we are talking about masculinity and femininity. Does the people from your picture are more or less masculine than the ones from mine?

>> No.23081508

Jesus I type like an ESL lmao, just had a few beers is all.

>> No.23081510

Do the people from your picture look more*


>> No.23081511
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this nigger looks pretty zesty to me

>> No.23081513

They just look different. You see them as more masculine because you associate them with a specific culture.
You are right about black women though but that's because of their tendency to ruin their hairlines.

>> No.23081516

Ok I'll change the question. Which group of men look more like a woman?

>> No.23081517

lmao you get zero pussy nigga

>> No.23081519


>> No.23081522

Imagine bumping this botted trash.

>> No.23081524

I'm not black but for me it's as clear as day that black being taller, having longer bodyparts, having more masculine face traits are more masculine looking than white and asian men. I'm not saying they are more handsome, but they do look more masculine.

>> No.23081525

who gives a fuck? whos getting more pussy and who conquered who?

>> No.23081529

Kpop men look the closest to women and they're drowning in pussy

>> No.23081530

It seems like you, because you keep replying evading the question even though we are only talking about superficial looks and not intelligence or cultures. It seems like it's your way of coping.

>> No.23081535

Tell me when I've said the opposite

>> No.23081542

NHK ni Youkoso, a good light novel.

>> No.23081548

cope in how? white people dominate the planet in politics, economics, culturally and sexually. It's only in this website that brown rejects like you cope about your inferiority. You can go "b-but who is more masculine" all you want (which clearly white men are not to mention the higher transexual black male rate compared to white men). As it even matters when you dominate in every sense of the word. The term "masculinity" when talking to such poor little brown people such as you.


>> No.23081552

>brown rejects like you cope about your inferiority.
Huh? Please learn to read. I've never said that blacks are superior to white or whatever shit you might want to forge. I'm just saying that the black race superficially looks more masculine. That's all. I'm not saying that they are more handsome for this, I'm not saying that they are more intelligent or have a better culture for this, or that they control the world. I'm just saying that they are superficially more masculine looking. Does it butthurt so much? I'm not even brown.

>> No.23081555

In fact, looking more masculine is a negative trait, since women like more feminine guys like Justin Bieber, One Direction, or any K-pop group. I seriously don't get what are you on about.

>> No.23081556

>I'm not black but for me it's as clear as day that black being taller,
blacks are shorter than average in the usa. theyre also on average quite short across africa due to malnutrition.

>> No.23081562

Why is the NBA, a sport that requires height, composed of 75% blacks, then?

>> No.23081569

But they simply don't. Look at this niggers features. Considered one of the most handsome of black men. Zero jawline, worse than an incels. Bulbous rounded features (like a woman or child). Not a shred of sharpness to his entire face, pure neoteny (as a woman). You are confusing "animalistic" or more aptly ape-like features with "masculine".

>> No.23081572

>looking more masculine is a negative trait, since women like more feminine guys
women dont know what they want. dont be an idiot. none of those "men" would be able to do all necessary to prop up society, and in fact would get steamrolled in an isolated scenario involving your choice of very masculine whites/browns/blacks.

please revise your ideas because theyre stupid.

>> No.23081574
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>> No.23081583

Thread ruined

>> No.23081587

It's useless to try to speak with you because it's clear that you are closed minded. When I am only showing the first pictures that appeared on Google with the same searches but replacing "white" with "black", you are googling a picture of a white man as an example, you picked up the most handsome white man ever that should be around 0.01% of population. And when picking up a picture of a black man you picked up the ugliest you could find with the less masculine traits possible.

>> No.23081588

>Not a shred of sharpness to his entire face
why is sharpness necessary for masculinity? neanderthals would assrape you and they were bulbous
>pure neoteny (as a woman)
thats not what neoteny means and neither are rounded features necessarily womanly

why do idiots like you run their mouths? youre going get bitchslapped sooner or later.

>> No.23081590

to be frank if he wasnt white-biaseds id have thought he was a bot. some of the dumbest posts ive read lately.

>> No.23081605

Basically yea
Everyone ITT diary's desu

>> No.23081610

Just to redeem myself I'll say that the must-read pillars of loser literature are: Notes from Underground, Crime and Punishment, The catcher in the rye, The metamorphosis (Kafka), Stoner, and Steppenwolf.

>> No.23081615
File: 79 KB, 325x257, Examples-of-neotenous-normal-and-mature-male-faces-Neotenous-versions-appear-to-the.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you've actually given up arguing now are in pure cope mode. I clearly showed you how blacks are not more masculine looking. That black man is Jamie Foxx, are you going to say he is an ugly black man because he is essentially the best they've got. I'll even give you another example. An comparison of both black and white features graded on neoteny as in feminine, baby like features.

pure cope see above, women in every race have more neotenous featured to their racial counterpart, black men and every other race have more neotenous features compared to white men.

>> No.23081626

what causes this?

>> No.23081632

You're a loser, you should know.

>> No.23081636
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youre not that smart though you imagine yourself so.

in fact your an idiot for making unfair comparisons. i dont even like niggers but youre stupid for not being aware of handsomer blacks.

>> No.23081640

and before you say it


>> No.23081648

Both of the women are attractive to me. Non-standard facial features are also interesting, and there may also be cultural factors accounting for why glasses girl pretty attractive. She does give me the impression of being smart, awkward, and intelligent, with a hint of bipolar.
I honestly don't know why there is such a rigid standard of beauty for most anons. Women can be attractive in different ways. Am I just too schizo?

>> No.23081656

You make sense to me. She has that cartoony dorky look to her. I'd rather fuck my specific type but still.

>> No.23081662

youre right but youre also clearly low value yourself which is why you have lower standards.

they both appear healthy enough for breeding.

>I honestly don't know why there is such a rigid standard of beauty for most anons.
theyre narcissists with self destructive egos who think they deserve the best despite having little to offer

>Women can be attractive in different ways.
i repeat, youre right.

>> No.23081671
File: 80 KB, 740x640, Screenshot 2024-02-16 174053.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not an unfair comparison. Black men just simply have more neotenous feature and the example you posted is half Chinese (lol) and an exception. I mean just look up black celebrities vs white celebrities and you will find they have far more smooth rounded features compared to their counterparts. I literally searched for whites with weak jaw and the only results are blacks with weak jaws. Pure cope anything past this.

>> No.23081677

It's the other way around. Asians are the masculine race, blacks are the feminine race. If black men look masculine, the emphasis is on the looks and looks are inherently feminine. Asian men behave masculine, have masculine instincts, if their women are not as opulent as the black ones, it's because their women are more masculine. They are also far more organized than the blacks, even among their most debased people.