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23076700 No.23076700 [Reply] [Original]

Which is the greatest thinker of the 21st century?

>> No.23076707

define thinker

>> No.23076710
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>> No.23076715
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their synthesis

>> No.23076718

I just wish he wasn't so fucking insufferable as a person. Both reading his shit and listening to him is like descending into reddit hell

>> No.23076731

Neither Zizek nor Peterson are of the 21st century anon.

He's just a sock puppet for Nick Land's derranged fantasies.

>> No.23076753

Sure and Heidegger was a 19th century thinker.

>> No.23076779

Heidegger mostly wrote during the 20th century and was active until the 60s. Zizek has been recycling the same work he wrote in the early 90s. Peterson's just the academic equivalent of Chris Chan. Actually he's worse because Peterson is rambles random shit he read on wikipedia and has zero creativity.

Who are the most influential who actually wrote in the 21st century? Land, Fisher, and Han are candidates. Out of these, Fisher is the most well known but objectively the worst.

>> No.23076790


>> No.23076856

>Land, Fisher, and Han are candidates
It's hilarious that you would trash Peterson and Zizek but cite those utter pseuds. They all belong in the same group of float-up mediocrities, but at least Zizek is genuinely well-educated

>> No.23076882

Peterson says some decent things when it come so psychology and self-actualization. But then anything outside of that and he's a literal nutter.

Zizek is fucking annoying, because he latches onto any random new hot topic and spins it into a very convoluted thesis that leaves the audience drying themselves after being covered with all his spit. The only thing I got out of him is that all ideology is problematic.

>> No.23076893

JK Rowling and Ben Shapiro.

>> No.23076908

Zizek is to be read

>> No.23076910

I have a feeling that its someone none of you know about and will only be reevaluated 30 years down the line.

>> No.23076941
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>> No.23077147

>He's just a sock puppet for Nick Land's derranged fantasies.
Wow you are stupid

>> No.23077175

This is like apples verses onions for a fruit salad. Peterson’s a pseud.

>> No.23077461

Certainly not those guys but Agamben

>> No.23077743

Zizek. Clean your penis either way though.

>> No.23077760

i wouldn't class Peterson as a "thinker" and zizek is a tad over-rated.

>> No.23078242

Noam Chomsky

>> No.23078273

He is so easy to own that he doesn’t even show his face out anymore

>> No.23078281

Gruppo di Nun

>> No.23078283
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This packed audience in LA doesn't count?

>> No.23078292

No it doesnt count because the only people willing to pay a ticket are people who like him.

I used to see him around, he used to come at my parties and do my coke, I was friends w his tranny gf when they were still a secret and he was married. I used to ask him questions, I knew he didn’t know how to answer them, he would get embarrassed.

Anyway he stopped showing up, now all he does is his little balls to talk about his dumb shitty Shakespeare theories.

>> No.23078293

Define define

>> No.23078295

Also let’s be serious: this guy defends monarchies

>> No.23078329

>No it doesnt count because the only people willing to pay a ticket are people who like him.
Isn’t that the purpose of a public platform?

>> No.23078332

Show me the fruits of the French Revolution then

>> No.23078337

Brandon Sanderson and Sarah J. Maas

>> No.23078353
File: 19 KB, 400x400, Greatest thinker of 21 century.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23078364

bedeviled eggs!

He does make some good points, doe. Speed is the name of the game now. You can spend 2 years writing an extremely high quality book, and you'll almost certainly be outcompeted by someone that wrote 5 slop-books in the same time span

>> No.23078386

Foremost it served as a check against monarchic decadence. More broadly it lead to the rise of meritocracy through its egalitarian ideals and Napoleon as a leader, rule of law through the Napoleonic Code, and later with the Springtime of Nations.

Monarchy as practiced by some of the ancient Romans wouldn't be so bad. They would adopt an excellent man into their family as their heir which makes much more sense. Though that is basically oligarchic republicanism. In reality, men aren't rational and prefer their own kin, however suboptimal and flawed their sons obviously are. Monarchy reverts to the mean and hands supreme power to some mediocre shithead.

>> No.23078399

Aristocrats have been paying taxes since.
An incredibly good university system not only in France but also in Italy that promoted universal education — Enrico fermi went to La scuola normale founded by Napoleon, so l’ecole normale and the college de France were born from it (and don’t tell me that’s bad or ill just call you a pleb)

The creation of the modern state in southern Europe which rise from poverty 70% of the European population.

My family were peasants during the French Revolution and thank to it they became an upper middle class family for 200 years.

>> No.23078401

Peterson is a conservative pundit who writes books pretending to be an intellectual

>> No.23078424


>> No.23078466

Yeah, that. And a hundred more, too.

>> No.23078474

Jordan Peterson is a huge fraud, if you were gonna include him then might as well include PewDiePie, Mr. Beast and Sneako.

>> No.23078482

Unironically this. Sneako has done more for public thought and discourse than anyone mentioned in this thread.

>> No.23078489

We could train a chatbot on /lit/ posts and it would come out a better thinker than peterson. Zizek might have it beat on coherence, however.

>> No.23078503

Peterson has good points about a lot of shit. He basically distills traditional wisdom for a new age. In terms of credentials he was a majorly popular professor at the University of Toronto, and is a licensed clinician. I don't know what you mean by fraud, but I assume you would also be a fraud by such a standard.

Even pewdiepie tries to read books and share some wisdom with his retard subscribers. I don't know about the others.

It's easy to tear things down. Much more difficult to build things up.

>> No.23078506

sneako is very intelligent tho

>> No.23078529

Mutts gotta rep their best in show.

>> No.23078679
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>> No.23078963

Who is that? What has he done?
>inb4 look him up

>> No.23078993

Stefan Molyneux

>> No.23079001
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R. Scott Bakker and it isn't even close.

>> No.23079009

Sneako would body this pseud in a debate

>> No.23079010

how do you get cucked intelligently tho

>> No.23079041


>> No.23079044

Can confirm. Please don't lie in Zizek's lap while he's spitting straight fax on ideology.

>> No.23079056

Nooo! Intelligence is not an inheritable trait! Even if you're extremely intelligent your sons might be randomly born full retards!
Billions must die so I can rise from serf to middle class. Class systems are based as well, just the class systems that fit me.

>> No.23079068

Awww u mad about Robespierre because he had some degenerates' heads choppy-chopped off?

>> No.23079073

Revolution is slave morality.

>> No.23079131
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>> No.23079156

If you don't already know him then you probably aren't intelligent enough to understand

>> No.23079166

Rudyard Lynch.

>> No.23079189

>Ben Shapiro
The only thing this k*ke knows is to perplex and confuse people into agreeing with him.

>Peterson is rambles random shit he read on wikipedia and has zero creativity.

>> No.23079196

sounds like you're not intelligent enough to explain

>> No.23079197

I accept your concession.

>> No.23079201
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>> No.23079219

Libido Kamen.

>> No.23079254

Calling him a fraud would be going too far. The fact that you don't like him doesn't mean that he's a fraud. He might be wrong, have controversial takes on some things, but he's educated and used to teach at Harvard and other highly regarded universities. Though yeah, his life advice and philosophy is pretty fucking generic, wouldn't call him a great thinker.
>Ben Shapiro
Yeah, that's it. Undoubtedly he has mastered the technical part of the art of debating, he knows how to talk fast and ask questions that require some talk and can't be explained in a couple of sentences, and the moment the target gets confused he just gets very confident, starts punching with a bunch of buzzwords and "wins".

His debates are all style over substance, they're just entertainment and there's basically nothing of value in there. Also he selectively picks his targets and usually debates people weaker than him.

>J.K. Rowling
Why would she be a fraud? She wrote a couple of good books for teens. Nothing wrong with that. I don't see her trying to be too pseudo-intellectual.

>> No.23079266

>leaves the audience drying themselves after being covered with all his spit
I can't tell if he has a lisp or if it's just his accent