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/lit/ - Literature

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23076599 No.23076599 [Reply] [Original]

(You) are getting mentally buckbroken by Jewish demoralization.

Read The Wind in the Willows, Winnie the Pooh, children's books, pastoral poetry, Emerson and nature essays, metaphysics, spirituality, epic fantasy like Wheel of Time, basically anything life affirming and positive.
Listen to classical, shoegaze and ambient for a straight month to cleanse the negative frequencies out from your mind. Try to avoid music with lyrics entirely because lyrics are just propaganda designed to influence your mind on how to interpret the emotions from the music rather than organically letting your brain discover it for itself.
Don't watch movies or TV at all. It's all trash, all of it. Drama inherently deals with conflict, and conflict is usually violent and pessimistic.
I'm the smartest person on this midwit shithole. I highly recommend listening to me.

>> No.23076629

no one forces you to consume the goyslop that you're advocating against
you're not wrong though, with the only exception of
>Drama inherently deals with conflict, and conflict is usually violent and pessimistic.
both drama and conflict in any type of media stems from human nature. conflict in life is unavoidable unless you intend to be the type of basedperson you seem to dislike

>> No.23076642

>my problems are bc of jooz!!!! everything is bc of jooz!!!
My objection to antisemitism isn't that it's wrong or that it's inhumane, but that it's dull.

>> No.23076650

If you want a hand job just ask, no need for all the pretense, this is /lit/ afterall.

>> No.23076657
File: 66 KB, 640x810, IMG_3972.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are your qualifications, genius?

>> No.23076659

It really is the Jews though.


>> No.23076703

He posted a frog, that is like a phd in frogland.

>> No.23076705

What are your thoughts on religious Jews

>> No.23076711

I don't like reading
>its the juuz
>anyway here readable this shit that's pollinated and spread by the same infrastructure i denounce and rebel against

>> No.23076725

>epic fantasy like Wheel of Time
I agree with the rest but read Classical literature, not this goyslop. If you want fantasy at least read Tolkien and medieval works he based LOTR on.

>> No.23077055

>Retard thinks he's a genius with impeccable taste
>Recommends only reading childrens books
>Talks about getting filtered by lyrics in music and says all movies/telvision is propaganda
>Gets filtered by drama because it makes him pessmistic and depressed
>Tells everyone to only enjoy overly optimistic art like a 10 year old redditor
>Blames everything on the Jews
>Tells everyone he's smart in a midwit shithole yet he thinks "bad frequencies" exist
You're a midwit, stop posting your fucking garbage. You're more cynical than most edgelords

>> No.23077060

Oh man you're somehow worse than OP

>> No.23077095

Input of only healthy mental material is such a good starting point (removal of all television is essential, listening to Mozart and Wagner daily is almost food to me at this point) which then goes so far off the rails with retarded nonsense like "Drama and lyrics are jewish“ while carving out exceptions for every kind of personally-favored mass market slop like sword & sorcery and shoegaze.

>> No.23077103

You're both intolerable and not for the reasons you'd think others judge you for

>> No.23077136

Fuck off.

>> No.23077151

>Wheel of Time

>> No.23077168

But then how am I supposed to know RED TEAM BAD and BLUE TEAM GOOD? This is an election year!

>> No.23077178

>This is an election year!
Oh, nice, my 4chan vacation will be starting soon. Last time it was 10 months long and eventually became a vacation from people in general.

>> No.23077390

No u fggt

>> No.23077424

>Drama inherently deals with conflict
how does this fit in with you recommending that I read fantasy fiction

>> No.23077430

OP detected

>> No.23077472

>>Recommends only reading childrens books
Children's lit has more profound esoteric truths than whatever gay postmodern continental philosophy you read.

>> No.23077476

But I'm saying he sucks too

>> No.23077838

Winnie the Pooh is an idealized utopia where there is no violence, no conflict, no backstabbing, narcissism, jealousy or any of the ape emotions we have.
When Christopher Robin sets foot in the Hundred Acre Wood, he leaves the material world and its corruption behind and enters a world of friendship and eating honey all day. This is the eternal quest of humanity, to return to the garden. Most children's literature understands this on a subconscious level, and which is why it is philosophically superior to base materialist """"serious"""" literature that /lit/ loves to chin stroke so much over and think they are intelligent for reading, and then have the audacity to wonder why they are depressed and on 6 different pills.

>> No.23077841

You realize children's literature isn't written by children right

>> No.23077857
File: 23 KB, 277x274, fuckoff.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>da juuuuz
this mocking platitude falls flat when roughly a third of whitehouse staff are ethnically jewish and a majority of gentile staff are married into gentile families
Also a jew are secretary of state, treasury,
Also millions of congress people,
But whatever, read Evola and you'll get what OP is saying
>inb4 samefag picrel

>> No.23077887

What would you want to affirm life in an era where it will just get commoditized for someone else?

>> No.23077914

Idiots telling you to read children books

Yeah nah bro I’ll pass. I’m happy reading my modernist literature

>> No.23077995

I like how you didnt actually acknowledge the real crux of the post.

>> No.23078590

Holy reddit man

>> No.23078605


>> No.23078709

Excess positivity turns you into a naive dullard. Excess negativity turns you into a bitter hermit. Exercise moderation.

>> No.23079093

add me too but only if its a qt