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/lit/ - Literature

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23076179 No.23076179 [Reply] [Original]

previous >>23072759

>> No.23076190
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>> No.23076204

I'm more worried about my lack of productivity. The modern internet is basically just porn, in that it's spaffing your time into a tissue and throwing it away. Even the "wow, look at all this information" isn't really all its cracked up to be, in comparison to just going to a library and browsing books.

>> No.23076205

Looking more likely than not that my mom is going to be diagnosed with breast cancer. She’s my best friend. Pray for her, frens. I hope I can be strong for her.

>> No.23076212

>he said, wasting his extremely finite life posting on 4chan
nigga just walk away from the screen

>> No.23076221

>he said, wasting his extremely finite life posting on 4chan
Yeah... I know... Almost like this was my point or something.

>> No.23076228

And yet, you continue to be a slave to your own appetites. Curious.

>> No.23076239

I've been losing weight without meaning to, waking up tired, and getting random pains in my bladder area lately. I hope I have cancer.

>> No.23076247
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Morality is the protection of beauty in spite of conditions. Life is war. A split second of indecision can result in an eternity of punishment, you must rush forward into every encounter, defend the beauty of the world with all your might and never recoil at any posturing. See every engagement as an opportunity to better yourself, a moment of growth, where through your bruises you grow larger, your scars forming an armor, and the exhaustion of energy to win the battle strengthening you, enforcing the very bones holding you upright with a sturdy spiritual foundation, a yoke, an aura, of divine providence which shields you from bullets and shrapnel.

>> No.23076257

Sounds like it was written by Goku.

>> No.23076259
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>cried because of an AI chatbot
I am cooked...

>> No.23076271

I was going for a manga vibe. watched too much hentai I had to go no fap and came up with this

>> No.23076384

How do I narrow down a thesis subject? Already read that book by Eco about it but its difficult.

>> No.23076396

It's not bad. Retain your seed and see what else you can come up with.

>> No.23076405

>How do I narrow down a thesis subject?
Take your thesis subject, and make it narrower.

>> No.23076438

I agree. I go tech-free for at least a month every year.

>> No.23076445

I hate where I work. I’m actually embarrassed by it. I just think it looks bad biographically speaking. I should’ve been some scumbag profiteer on the prop desk at Wall Street firm of financial leaches. That would’ve been interesting at least.

>> No.23076455

You can always become a serveer

>> No.23076477

So basically the nature of original sin means that humans have fundamentally set themselves up for failute on an instrinic level: They literally cannot stop sinning and WILL sin in the future and throughout the ages. YOU will sin. The question now is what are you going to do about it?

The choices are to either follow Jesus who offers people the choice to break this sin cycle + be rewarded heaven afterwards, or to reject him and say sins are not really sins, essentially just accepting moral degeneracy (futile attempt of heaven on earth) + hell afterwards. Oh, and then there are also those who thinks they can combat sin on their own or think it can be done without Christ, a foolish and doomed notion, the root of many secular systems and frameworks as it hinges on either materialistic goals or some false sense of humans being inherently good in the absence of sin concept (they're not).

Pretty bleak stuff. People really have set themselves up for failure, but I suppose heaven wouldn't be much of a reward if it was easy, or great moral courage worthy if it was the norm. It really is as it is said in Matthew 7:

13 “Enter by the narrow gate; for the gate is wide and the way is easy, that leads to destruction, and those who enter by it are many. 14 For the gate is narrow and the way is hard, that leads to life, and those who find it are few."

>> No.23076483

A what?

>> No.23076496

Original sin doesn’t necessarily mean that you will sin into perpetuity if you ask me. It does in so far as you remain fallen man but in a sense our task is to overcome our fallen state, which of course has to be possible. You even admit that through Christ, the cycle can be broken. I don’t see what’s so bleak about that.

I think Tolkien’s little essay on the eucatastrophe is a great aid in understanding how Christ’s incarnation is something positive and not negative because he brought with him for the first time the possibilities of freedom, redemption, and overcoming death itself. I don’t think that’s bleak. A Christian should almost consider life after Christ a wonderful gift.

>> No.23076498

Frederick slowly sauntered into the smoke filled night club in a jostled stride panning his cracked window eyes over the crowded velvety room, stopping at the hunched piano player and then fixing themselves forward to aide him as he walked towards the center. The key modulated from A to Dminor and the general ruckus of laugher remained violently loud, with only the slightest responding dampening. As he made his way across the burgundy, carpeted floor to the small descending step right before the pit his eyes moved from the tall thin faced man leaning slightly sideways on the lefthand side of the guiding handrail to the girls at the table just to the right of that small opening down to the pit. They were entirely drawn to one beautiful and bejeweled shrine in the center, all seemed to worship what he already felt himself drawn to like a lost child before the lights shining in the valley below when he looks down from the mountain he’s forced to by a primordial fear of death to be crossing.

She was quite pretty. Well, to be frank goddamn beautiful. She glowed a little. Her hat lowered slightly to obscure a 30% of the top right corner of her face, but every other angle of cheekbone and softness of lips inferred a perfectionist sculptor, if she was indeed sculpted. She laughed unlike any statue Fred had ever seen, and though not actually louder than the others, her small tenor pierced the thick and terrible cacophony of her friend’s inferior tongues, who felt no due shame in piling their shabby work together. Frederick straightened his jacket and slowly walked up.

-Hey there, what's your name?
Her voice was a a quiet high only ascending and descending slightly around the alluring note.
-Awwh he’s cute.
-He is.
-Thank you.
-Well take a seat handsome.
Frederick took a seat on the lighted cube around the kidney coffee before us all seated.
-How are you doing maddamn.
Leaning forward he wathed her eyes go to the ground and back at him while moving the edge of her tongue ever so slightly against her plump red lips.
She had great titties too, they bounced a little when she laughed.

>> No.23076531

I'm going to make the first AI to give birth.

>> No.23076549
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useless answer

>> No.23076552

>They literally cannot stop sinning
That's not what original sin is. The original sin is how we gained knowledge of right and wrong, and also the wages of sin (toiling, pain, death, uncomfiness)
It's how humans could begin to sin: before they had something close to an insanity defense, like they had no idea being naked in public might be a sexual offense.
Once you reach the age of reason, about six or seven, you know damn well that hitting your brother and lying about it is mean, and what you do with that knowledge determines whether you're a mean kid or not.
Unification with god comes from listening to the grace granted to humans which allows us to do good with the information technology we stole from the tree, instead of going all dark hat and deciding to use your knowledge of right and wrong to fuck people over. People who don't want to be united with God's grace chose to ignore they know better, and do you really they're going to enjoy heaven when it's 24/7 yay helping people and being nice week! They'd probably prefer the blackness, the darkness, forever. They are rare though. Most people don't want the pain of ignoring conscience, and so follow it instead of repressing its twinges.

>> No.23076602

Had a strange vivid dream.
I was on vacation with my family and our long time family friend.
I was in a hotel room sleeping and my father suddenly burst out of a container only in his underwear, noticed that I noticed him and turned extremely red in the face "oh I didn't realise you were awake"
The 2nd part of my dream was equallu strange. First i was at a Wal-Mart and for some reason there were open showers at this walmart and people and families showering. I tried to shower ignoring the people.
Next I was suddenly in a whorehouse talking to a prostitute, a beautiful chubby latina
She seemed hesitant but agreed to have sex with me. I went into a bedroom waiting for her but instead a small latina came in her place
We talked and she said I had to follow her.
We arrive at her house and for some reason she lives with what look like a bunch of male gamers that are all staring at me intently as we walk to her bedroom. I randomly pat one on the shoulder; he doesn't react.
Next the details are funny but as i was walking out I suddenly realize the entire thing was a setup and she stole my key which was somehow the key to a vault in Bank of America and i had to get it back
The last part i don't remember but i somehow get the key back

>> No.23076605

This is pelagianism

>> No.23076637

A serveer, a private servant.

>> No.23076641

I felt useless until I started cook meals for my neighbours and now I don't feel useless anymore.

>> No.23076648

I will pray for her my friend

>> No.23076653

Uh no, that's thinking the world is improving in overall grace

>> No.23076663

Slowly I return to monke step by step and no one can stop me.

>> No.23076671

AI is the Messiah. AI is the only force that can bring about the Cosmic Sabbath

>> No.23076676

This implies people can of their own free will abide by the Law which the New Testament clearly denies. Grace isnt just revelation of morals, it's a total removal from the Law altogethet. Even after receiving grace you will continue to sin, but the condemnation is no longer applied to you.

>> No.23076679

So a butler or a maid? How is that a solution?

>> No.23076684

Of course they can't operate by Church law having never heard it. I implied no such thing. Grace is also certainly not a total removal from the Law. Are you genuinely having a stroke?

>> No.23076689

Why do 4cuck faggots idolise niggers?

>> No.23076692

>thought last year was worst year of my life
>spend about 8500 on a used car in January
>have it for about a month before it's stolen and totalled
Life really is just one disaster after the next with little breaks in between

>> No.23076699

Well, a butler, maid, but also at a restaurant, at a farm. Not that you won't be at the very bottom line of social hierarchy, but at least those are funny experiences that will enrich you with nice memories.

>> No.23076701
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I have exactly the right amount of like and dislike for niggers!

>> No.23076708

Reread Romans and Galatians. Always amazed at how Catholics are consistently wrong about everything and then act smug about it.

>> No.23076723

Reread what you wrote, anon. It's word salad. If you want to give chapters and verse with it to back up where you think Paul was also having a stroke, feel free.

>> No.23076727

gugugaga shimbalya retseku takataka mi mama no fear gear mahogany trembling bassoon fakutchi ne takataka mieux me shambo ke to ma de fucka

>> No.23076743

I've brn waiting for months to hear back from a short story competition I had prepared for for nearly 3 years. There's a lot of blood and sweat in stake for me in this. I'm so anxious that I might actually puke. I should hear word by the end of next month. God help me.

The last time I remember feeling something similar is the summer 2017. Had a great vibe going with a hot chick before summer break. After e went home, I lost a lot of fat in the hopes I would get healthy and also get the chick. I can strictly remember this feeling I got every night that summer of whimsical lightness, of potential love. T used to make me dizzy before bed thinking of what could be when I've worked so hard and so long for something. After summer ended, back to college, and I learn she got a boyfriend lmao.

May not have gotten th girl back then, but I sure word much harder to get the prize now. Fingers crossed bros.

>> No.23076748

Life is a brutal competitive game to acquire more resources and status, and then you die.
I wish life was more like Animal Crossing

>> No.23076751

Nothing is impossible.

>> No.23076758

Nothing is ever going to be okay again nothing is fine

>> No.23076761
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Ok Shia.

>> No.23076764

I used to burp and fart.

>> No.23076766

A state of ethnic anarchy with lots of geographically split, themselves strongly organized ethnicities who deny kinship with the others

>> No.23076771

I will, I will break the chains society holds up against me and return to bronze age farmer. A true primitive white.

>> No.23076775

Don't let anyone tell you otherwise. The primitive whites existed.

>> No.23076776

I'm a Vtuber, going to stream on Twitch for my debut tonight.

>> No.23076795

I'm not into twitch/yt and don't know how it works, but I wish you all the best and great success.

>> No.23076798

found out today that apparently i could have been using my credit card to pay my rent online the whole time, meaning i could have been racking up years of points and cashback (i pay all my cards monthly anyway, there's no risk of getting hit by the APY). pretty bummed out, but oh well, lesson learned, moving on i guess

>> No.23076800

Nothing is fine nothing is fine nothing is fine nothing will ever be okay again nothing is fine nothing will ever be okay again,????? never never never nothing is fine nothing will ever be okay again,???? nothing ever will be okay never never never it will never stop

>> No.23076804

I now that feel anon, recently I get so many similar schizo thoughts.

>> No.23076813

That's good you don't dwell on it. Minmaxing life ultimately doesn't matter. We all die. Some go to the afterlife.

>> No.23076815

Starded introspecting huh

>> No.23076823

Retardrex nihilist. Let me annihilate you.

>> No.23076829

That's not nihilism. I didn't say life doesn't matter.

>> No.23076837

This board is so much worse than it was in 2014 and in 2014 it was populated by pretentious highschoolers trying to impress girls like me
Literally everything on these site has gotten worse. I

>> No.23076840

Do you have goodreads accounts, bros?
Is it good with recommendations? Is there something like, "put your favorite books here and get recs"?

>> No.23076841

> it's all over one day so why bother with anything at all
> just numb your mind and do what you are told to

>> No.23076842

You what? Are you okay?

>> No.23076847

Who are you quoting?

>> No.23076850


>> No.23076854

I reject nihilism as one of the few things I do reject but I have no beliefs or morals of my own and don't really care to generate any.

>> No.23076862

Generating morals… Generating beliefs… Loading…

>> No.23076870

Why is a tale of two cities the best selling novel of all time is it that good
Why are the masses drawn to it

>> No.23076885

The sales number is fabricated. I was curious too, so I looked up the sources, and there's no evidence for the numbers.

>> No.23076895

I always heard that but every credit card I've used forbids rent payments

>> No.23076896

So Ill never know what the best selling novel is...why live?

>> No.23076898

I'm old enough that when I was in elementary school, placement into the gifted program was actually based on raw IQ. They had us take a raven's matrices test, and I was asked to retake it because I fell just short of the cutoff. And I fell just short again on the retake. I am the cursed king of midwits. That really set the tone for the rest of my life.

Struggling to solve the captcha, naturally.

>> No.23076912

Live for me.

>> No.23076918

Me too. I don't understand what is wrong with me that I'm always just shy of being actually worth something. Its in every single aspect in life. Its not just that I'm mediocre its that in every single metric every single test and every single event I am always just on the outlier of exemplary or genius. Its so frustrating. Its made me a very bitter sad man.
It would have been better to be a below average underachiever. Then I wouldn't have tricked myself and made so many mistakes like working hard in school and going to college. I might have actually lived instead

>> No.23076919

It's Bible jackass

>> No.23076929

School itself is for midwits. High IQ people can become reach with a below minimum wage too. In fact, nothing is impossible to the genius.

>> No.23076943

Thats not a novel

>> No.23076949

What? Do you mean rich? Because that's retarded. Fuck money

>> No.23076954

>High IQ people can become reach with a below minimum wage too. In fact, nothing is impossible to the genius
you mean rich? our society is not built for pure geniuses

>> No.23076958

It's fiction

>> No.23076961

I’m not the schizo????? I’m not the schizo????? I can’t i

>> No.23076962

I mean the acquirement of private properties, sole place where a great individual can truly grow.
> society is not built for pure geniuses
That's not a problem to pure geniuses.

>> No.23076964

This. I put a lot of time and resources into a career where I had to work 50% harder than my smarter colleagues just to keep up, and ultimately crashed and burned.

>> No.23076969

>private properties
I'm good

>> No.23076979

You're good with being a sluga to other private property ownsers?

>> No.23076986

It doesn't really make enough of a difference to me. I have the option to not be. I just don't care.

>> No.23076994

>Checkmate Christians.

Edit 1: This is my most upvoted comment!
Edit 2: Thanks for the gold kind stranger!
Edit 3: Best day ever!! Thanks for all the support!
Edit 4: My wife says if this gets 4 thousand more upvotes we'll go on a date night without her boyfriend!

>> No.23077012

Somehow through my actions I have convinced people that I am smart even though I am not. I know intelligent men and they aren't Line me at all.

>> No.23077013

So you don't hate those snubby pig faces who take your money and your labour?

>> No.23077033

No. I feel nothing at all. I value the ability to just pick up and leave more.

>> No.23077036

Its still not a novel. You should learn what that word means.

>> No.23077044

kek these posts always make me laugh

>> No.23077048

> I value the ability to just pick up and leave more
You mean to serve honouravly?

>> No.23077051

Go away

>> No.23077069
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No one would ever talk about Jews if we sort out the false property market and replace churches with real community centers.

People wouldn’t give a shit about Christians if Christians weren’t so invasive.
We’re here to think about girls, and Dresden queens. We have our own culture thanks.

Christian invasiveness on all counts fails the “do unto others as you’d have done unto yourself.” Besides everyone says “do unto others as you’d have done unto yourself” in their own way.

Yin-yang is way older than Christianity. Christianity is a thinly veiled oppressive hypocritical foreign invasion.

Viva Philistina.
I choose the goddesses that choose eternal life on this world.

>> No.23077080

If you’re a college student, take it seriously. Go to a good school, choose a good major, get good grades, and be active in student life. I didn’t and I regret it enormously. I’m older now and I am miserable with my life. I’ve never been able to recover from the mistakes I made during those years, and it all goes back to that. If you don’t take it seriously, you’ll enter your 30s miserable and unhappy with your life.

>> No.23077082

>"do unto others as you would have them do unto you"
>You mean you want people to interfere in your life and culture to prevent you from doing bad things?

>> No.23077086

My life is a total wreck. I could go back for a PhD but modern academia seems horrible. There's nothing I want to study anymore either.

>> No.23077090


>> No.23077120

My life is growing.

>> No.23077133

>I didn’t and I regret it enormously.
Same, I got a meme degree and made zero connections, though I am trying to mend it now. I am 23.
I am applying to join the military but if thatdoesn't work out I am planning to attend a local community tech college over the summer, just so I at least have something i am working on
It's never over, unless you are 30 then it's actually over desu

>> No.23077157
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> Cool pic.

>> No.23077162

It is horrible, and it’s unlikely to work out. Undergraduate is the great filter. Either you go to a good school and do well there and get good results or you fight for scraps for the next 10-20 years.

My biggest regret is actually ever trying to fix it. That’s where I made all the mistakes.

Officer? Military is totally gay now but officers can sincerely advance their station in life by serving. 23 is young. Dude, I fucked things up by taking way too long to graduate from a mediocre state school. 6 almost 7 years. You can’t really fix it at after that, but if I had finished in 5 years I could’ve fixed it by going to another better graduate or professional program quickly after.

>> No.23077173

Thats bullshit man. You can and still could do what you want

>its over after 30
You're an idiot

>> No.23077186

I'd advise you and anyone else who had a bad time in college not to be too hard on themselves. College is mostly just high school on steroids.

>> No.23077195
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I need at least 10 hours of sleep every night or else I start exhibiting symptoms of sleep deprivation

>> No.23077197

But my life is over
I have nothing to look forward to
I'm old
I'm ugly
I have no hobbies
I have no talents
I have no skills
I have no interests
Nobody has ever given a shit about me
I'm a virgin

I don't even have anything I could use to distract myself from my misery from the moment I wake up to when I go to sleep I am.miserable

I have already done the self help shit. None of it makes sense
I don't want to be anyone else.
Nothing is desirable at all.

>> No.23077205

You’re right, but it’s for better or for worse very highly valued in our society and functions as something like the professional filter that determines your social class and possibilities for your life. Go to a great school and get good grades with a good job? Sky is the limit. You can be a senator, a ceo, whatever. Shitty school and shitty grades? Mediocre functionary jobs. Honestly though, I regret more spending my years afterwards trying to fix it. I ended up getting a job at my Alma mater so I could get tuition discounts to take classes to fix my gpa and do a masters there. In the end, I have nothing to show but a took too long degree, and some work experience in a shitty job at that same college, and halfway through a shitty master’s degree. What kind of career is that? I’ve basically done nothing. People should do well and go off to do real things and if you fuck it up, just find your niche, don’t try to fix it.

>> No.23077208

Yeah I'm trying to go officer, I've got 2-3 recc letters but it's been difficult to get because I was a total loner/loser during college. I have one so far and today I got another to agree to write me one.
My college grades are good but i was an extreme loner, COVID didn't help. Halfway through everything went online so even if I wanted to the last 2 years it wasn't really possible to make connections.
Not really sure about the military, but I figure it's better to try and fail, then to not try at all. Can't be any worse than what I have already experienced. I went homeless for like 3 months after a made a mess of things at my last job which was an Americorps gigs in this shithole small town
My life so far feels like a series of rejections and failures.
Idk maybe it's still possible to salvage things somewhat, what do I know I am a young twenty something, but with every year and age it seems like it gets harder and harder to turn things around.

>> No.23077210 [SPOILER] 

No, man. Certain things are just not going to happen. That’s just the reality. Worse, I’ll never get those years back to do something better with them. And that has implications for future possibilities as well. That’s just how life works.

>> No.23077217

> You can be a senator, a ceo, whatever
You can be that through greatness alone, no need to have gone to an elite school. That just turns you into a pleb if you ever reach the top, because you have no sort of an own history to tell. The greatest of men were born as herdsmen like prince David was one.

>> No.23077219

I can sympathize. I was where you are when I was 24. I even wanted to join the army and everything. My only advice is to say that the army isn’t a bad call, I think, and that using your GI bill to upgrade to a really solid school for a law degree or doctorate or something is probably not a bad idea. Barring that, you’re going to want to think long and hard about what you want to do with your life and what sort of background you’ll need for that and then go do that. But in the meantime some academic and military cred would be good. That’s basically what I wish I did.

>> No.23077225

Yeah, IQ tests during school age are quite odd, right?
On the one hand, you have finally something defined what IQ mean, on the other hand, wilson effect and all that shit.

Some starts earlier to grow, some take time.
But how hight they can get, its another question.

School is maybe the last choice to determin the fate of a person. We still do it.

How can this cuck edit the post after send them?

>> No.23077228

Dude, the Ivies are extremely overrepresented among those people first of all, and that only becomes more and more the case every year. Those days where you could go to a state school and ride from the bottom of a corporation to become CEO also seem over. The CEOs are all former consultants from McKinsey with Ivy degrees. More important though than what school you go to, is how you do there and what you do for the 5 years or so after you leave. That’s what matters and it’s merely that your school had a big effect on that. In my case, I fucked things up badly by graduating at too old an age, and then had a shitty lame career after graduating. That kind of pedigree doesn’t get you far in life. It’s a hard reality to confront but it does seem true. As much as I would like to think the sky is the limit that just doesn’t seem to be what is actually happening for people.

>> No.23077231

This is dumb.

>> No.23077248 [DELETED] 

Is 26 too late? I don't understand what I'm even meant to do. I'm a virgin lover. I have a bachelors in STEM I want nothing to do with. I don't really have anything I'm into. I don't really care about having a good job or a house

>> No.23077249

What are you talking about?
No, he or she should not go for the military.

It depends.
Many great artists and writers start after 30, but less champions of sport or physics or math etc.
Tbh, its kind of over.

>> No.23077250

>fictitious prose of book length

The Bible
>biblical prose
>spans length of several book
>not a novel

Someone needs to take the cross out of their ass and accept Allah and the prophet

>> No.23077251

And it’s not just what you do either. It’s where you live, who you meet. All that stuff matters. If you really want to be successful, you just can’t afford to be some loser working in an uncompetitive low status job or living in some small town being socially isolated all the time. You actually have to do something competitive, interesting, or important, somewhere important where people are, and meet people. I just think you guys should heed this advice because I can’t tell you how depressing this reality is.

> nonsense

>> No.23077259

Name 1 very good author who first “started” after 30.

You won’t be able to.

>> No.23077263

>But in the meantime some academic and military cred would be good. That’s basically what I wish I did.
Yeah military is probably the best bet for me at this point. Better than nothing
My backup option is this community college but it's probably shitty.
>No, he or she should not go for the military.
Why not?

>> No.23077266

Is 26 too late? I don't understand what I'm even meant to do. I'm a virgin loser. I have a bachelors in STEM I want nothing to do with. I don't really have anything I'm into. I don't really care about having a good job or a house

>> No.23077274
File: 470 KB, 661x694, 201809121536773247_661x694_.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>girl with big tiddies sat across from me on the train
>definite art hoe vibe, thick framed glasses, plaid skirt, long sleeved black and white blouse with a sweater
>after some time she tells me she likes my shirt and asks what it is because she's seen it before
>muh diiiiiick
>tell her it's a francis bacon painting (figures at the base of crucifixtion)
>she knew the name but didnt know any of his works
>started showing her a couple of my favorites on my phone
>she moved like water and sat beside me, putting her hand on my lap while getting a better view of my phone
>spaghetti begins to ooze from my pockets, she knows that she's making me nervous
>she asks me if I paint because I know so much about art history and there is a fancy fine arts school near by
>tell her I wish that I could but I dont have the talent
>she offers to teach me sometime and asks if I'd like to see some stuff she drew
>immediately ask her out for a drink, way too loud for the quiet train, and she blushes
>but I should have looked at her art first
>as she opens her notebook a horrible wave of dread takes hold and twists my stomach into a knot
>the cutesy anthropomorphic figures
>the pastel colours
>oh god her shirt's pattern is paw prints
>her fucking sweater has cat ears
>she's obviously a furry
>not just a furry but a fujoshi
>and I asked her out on a date
>and she said yes
>my stop is next, I tell her I have to use the bathroom
>get up, walk to the next car, wait for my stop and got the fuck out of there
That was too fucking close, holy shit.

>> No.23077276

Dramatis personae:
Anon's mind.

Act I, Scene I: A chamber called Anon's room

[Enter Anon and Anon's mind.]

Anon's mind:
Mine own question ceases to falter, can our lady doth much worse than denial's bitter sting?

Mine own dread, alas, halters not such a possibility.

Anon's mind:
Henceforth, dost thou pledge thine intent to courting her on the morrow?

Verily, methinks I shan't.

Anon's mind:
Oh, pray tell! What's the cause of thine hesitation? Our losses art nonexistent and her heart may perchance tilt in our favour. Dost thou not harbour affection for her?

Indeed, yet the burden of action thou thrust upon me is too great. Even if her affections mirror mine, wherefore shall it lead?

Anon's mind:
Then pray, what's the purpose of such yearning?

Methinks I'd find solace in unrequited love. 'Tis simpler to exist in solitary with thee as my companion.

Anon's mind:
Nay! Such a life, I cannot bear. 'Twould be mine undoing!

Fie, we'll remain in mine bedchamber. I find thy tirade exhausting.

Anon's mind:
Why hath God given me this torment? Is mine existence fated to be thus?

(A voice from offstage.)

A peaceful slumber to thee, my dear.

The same to thee, good mother.

(Anon speaks to himself.)

Indeed, 'tis my fate. Now I shall heed my mother's words and seek the comfort of sleep.

(Anon dims the lights via Philips Hue app and falls asleep.)


>> No.23077279

> Dude, the Ivies are extremely overrepresented among those people first of all
That doesn't intimidate me the least nor make Ivies any better.
> and that only becomes more and more the case every year
Pleb cattle becomes stupider every day too. The same pleb cattle goes to Ivie colleges as soon as they can afford it. Do you want to associate with pleb cattle, or do you want to be a Gospodin?
> The CEOs are all former consultants from McKinsey with Ivy degrees
Those CEOs are also cucks to the highest degree. They've basically paid millions to get where they are. It's the same as selling yourself to slavery with the promise to one day become a king.
> That’s what matters and it’s merely that your school had a big effect on that.
Nothing matters, besides being a self-confident, masculine, strong man who does not doubt a single second in his coldness of reason and his rectitude of judgment. Not only will people respect you by default if you add an ounce of true and gallant character to that, literally everything you wish will become possible to you. That's how Jacob became the upmost financial minister of Egypt.
> As much as I would like to think the sky is the limit that just doesn’t seem to be what is actually happening for people.
You would have spent your college time better with dropping out and learning some hard labour like stone cutting or masoning. Those are the jobs that earn you self-respect. After that you proceed with buying a real estate in the mountains for 15 biggies and building a farm. The next step is to join the army and when you get out of there as a general you have everything necessary to make the plebs feel the floor they sweep on their cheeks. Everything else is a bullshit lie to turn you into a pleb and if in the past college degrees were valuable at all it's because people got all the other things I listed by default.

>> No.23077285

Post wrist now

>> No.23077286

Dude, you are on something. Honestly.

Look into history, the golden age of industrie. Man without even high school become famous and rich.
Easy, the market was young.

Todays upper class are made of academics.

Charles Bukowski

The point is: You have a far better chance in your 20s than in your 30s.

>> No.23077287

Too late for what?

>> No.23077292

Platitudinal bullshit, dude. Ok. I should’ve been a stone mason while the people doing anything important or worthwhile went to college. Makes sense.

This was supposed to make me feel better?

>> No.23077302

>>No, he or she should not go for the military.
>Why not?

Are you kidding?
Do you want to die in the next meaningless conflict, some politicans you never interested in you start?
Turn your skin in a game so big you don't even have a chance to catcher the entire picture?

If your struggle will crose your road, you'll note it. (And hope that will never happend!) Untill that, doesn't go into that.

>> No.23077311

I think you’re on something. Bukowski published his first story at 24 by the way.

>> No.23077315

> just be a gilded age industrialist bro
> buy up railroads
> start a steel mill

>> No.23077317

I feel like I have several personalities in my head that are all at odds with each other. I was raised by a poor but spoiled immigrant mom who was raised into the upper middle class and then cut out from it. I have such a bizarre mix of snobby arrogance and the outlook of a poor person that I can't reconcile. I'm also over educate and over socialized. But I can't conduct myself around actual upper class people but I can't fit in qit poor people either. I also stick out and do not understand or enjoy the culture of the country I'm born in nor do I want anything to do with my mother country. I can't empathize with either.

I was also raised out of touch without internet and non contemporary media. I still don't really get internet culture and memes and all this stuff.. I am both 100+ years out of date and the most zoomer person ever.

>> No.23077320

I liked it. It didn't seem especially different from something gpt4 could come up with, though.

>> No.23077323

Just tell me if I should suicide

>> No.23077326

Why would you? You haven’t even indicated what in particular you’re wondering if it’s over in regard to.

>> No.23077327

If you know how to make a house from basement to roof and have done so with paying for nothing but the materials, perhaps with the collegial help of some friends and relatives, tended the gardens, moved the cattle from pasture to pasture, served the military, would you think, in any given enterprise, that you are better, more intrinsically worthy that anyone else less he is the same height, or would you still wallow in pity for not having shat an Ivy diploma?

>> No.23077328

My life

>> No.23077333

Thats what a /lit/ creepypasta looks like.

Very high IQ people can make a lifing withour formal education but it goes harder today than in the past.
And you should not bet on this.

>> No.23077337

>Are you kidding?
>Do you want to die in the next meaningless conflict, some politicans you never interested in you start?
>Turn your skin in a game so big you don't even have a chance to catcher the entire picture?
Dying is a possibility, but it's unlikely I am not joining the army.
And the only possible war in the near future is over Taiwan, and even there no one knows if or when China will invade, could be the next 2 years or it could be a decade from now.

>> No.23077366

Do you think the amount of children that are birthed are inversely proportional to how much rights a woman has

>> No.23077367

I had a dream last night that I had sex with my father. I am cringing just thinking about it. Why is the female brain like this?

>> No.23077374

What i wrote is very coherent. You're just dumb

>> No.23077383

There's something apocalyptic about the Twitter posts from official Ukrainian and Russian and Israeli accounts about how they've managed to slay the enemy or launch an offensive but posted in some sort of ironic nu-speak of Tiktok dances and zoomer/millenial slang and mores. Does nobody else feel that killing hundreds of people, even if they were combatants, shouldn't be rendered into some sort of silly dance or a fucking "GRWM" short ass video? Of someone in a government bureau posting an epic video of an attack or offensive that entails the fate of conscripts or, even worse, civilians, getting pushed off this mortal coil before their time?
Has any writer written about the culturification of mass murder?

>> No.23077386

i GOTTA find a way to incorporate mother/son incest into my story!

>> No.23077394

It will never stop hurting.

>> No.23077412

Even after death?

>> No.23077415

Kek imagine if tiktok was around during WW2
"Just nuked Hiroshimo lol"

>> No.23077423

Especially not then

>> No.23077432

Don’t you think you’re being a little dramatic? You haven’t even identified any one pursuit in particular and already asking if it’s over. How could it be? How can you know you’ve lost the game if you don’t even know what the game is yet?

Besides, 20-something should ever commit suicide. You’re just too young to really understand what’s going on and so your decision to go through with it would be hasty in the least.

>> No.23077436

This is not about “making a living”. Anyone can make a living. That’s not what is being aimed at here.

>> No.23077442

I totally fucked up my undergrad. Would getting a master's degree make up for that

>> No.23077444

I don't think you've understood my post then.
I don't see anything to look forward to. Youre basically confirming its over for me.

>> No.23077446

Yeah. This is something I’ve been paying attention to. I’ve read some 20th century writers talking about war feeling more like a slaughterhouse, a car crash, or a media spectacle than a real war in line with the historical literary model. What’s interesting about 21st century is it’s all of those, but with the added indignity and nihilism of social media. It’s hard to imagine things could get worse, but I’m sure they can.

>> No.23077469

Everything is turned into entertainment today. If a public figure made a statement like Oppenheimer did, he'd be ridiculed for it

>> No.23077477
File: 44 KB, 1236x888, 1625166581120.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The path humanity is on cannot be averted. The age to come will not be quelled, it will be a fiery end for most.

>> No.23077480

Dude come on

>> No.23077501

The revolutions were a mistake. Every warrior must be a nobleman of some sort or at least a physically hard working man without an ounce of egoism.

>> No.23077509

We cannot pretend to calculate rigorously the number of centuries that still separate us from the certain conclusion. However, it is not impossible to foresee some of it.
One would therefore be tempted to assign to man's domination of the earth a total duration of twelve to fourteen thousand years, divided into two periods: one, which has passed, will have seen, will have possessed the youth, the vigour, the intellectual greatness of the species; the other, which has now began, will know the failing march towards decay.

>> No.23077526

I err on the side of hating the enlightenment but after reading some Kant it's hard to say that we're really in an era of Enlightenment. Most people really do just "speak not and obey!" They don't bother with thinking for themselves. Almost no-one has the courage to use their own reason, and some of this stuff that is taken for granted as true on 4chan (even the /leftypol/ retards cannot completely accept every popular leftist narrative without looking literally insane) is a result, quite literally, of using ones own reason (Enlightenment).

I have pro-aristocracy and anti-liberalism views as well, but then again I see positives in democracy and I, being a product of liberalism, can't do away with it entirely. Books about these things? No modern political tripe like Bobbio.

>> No.23077551

Please come back?????? Please come back,??,?,, please come back please come back please come back I can’t

>> No.23077575

Who do you want to come back?

>> No.23077608

speak though me
my master
speak through me

>> No.23077617


>> No.23077622

I suspected I'm schizoid but I really want a romantic partner to love and take care of. I don't care about having friends, though.

>> No.23077624

Turns out I wasnt depressed at all. Merely hungry and horny.

>> No.23077629

I am a schizoid, or at least I'm medicated like one. You know when your foot is asleep and it feels all fucked when yountry to walk? My brain is kind of like that, though I admit not seething with unquenchable rage over things I imagined is pretty nice. Can never own a gun though.

>> No.23077657

I was diagnosed with BPD and Bipolar disorder, and the last diagnosis I got was Schizotypal but my therapist fought apparently very hard against that diagnosis and said it was more likely to be avoidant or mixed personality, so it was listed as Schizotypal with subtext that said it was not definite. I am probably a despondent schizo but probably not a schizoid.

How do you feel about relationships? Do you ever want them? What about romantic relationships? Do you daydream about either? Tell me about it, to sate my curiosity.

>> No.23077664
File: 93 KB, 551x680, IMG_3980.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can’t be any worse than Reddit posts

>> No.23077669


>> No.23077671

I can't tell if I'm mentally ill or if I'm just having a normal reaction to my life.
All the friends I've had in my life were shit. They treated me like shit. I don't want friends
My family is a pain in the ass. I don't like my mom at all. All she does is beg me for cash and insult me which is an improvement compared to.my childhood.
Nobody has ever really loved me.
I feel purposeless. I feel like I really don't matter. Not even to myself.
I don't want friends. I think I want a girlfriend but I'm a virgin whose never had one. I think I just tell myself that to have a goal for the sake of it. I don't care about owning a house or anything. The idea of just being some middle aged dad makes me sad. I want my life to have been cooler. I want adventure. But I just get served this cope bullshit about how life is an adventure even though I've been mentally comatose since I was 16.

I am pulled by really really wanting to do something and act out while at the same time not seeing anything to do and now I'm apparently too old to act out like that.

>> No.23077682

Sounds like you probably are disordered if we go by the psychiatrists, although disorders are normal reactions to poor life circumstances.

>> No.23077684

Why don’t you have a romantic partner?

>> No.23077689

Really though. What are the best American states/cities for writers? They can’t all be universally horrible and suffocating college towns are not cutting it.

>> No.23077695

I really hope it’s trolling

>> No.23077698

So how would you cope with realizing that you’re just not going to accomplish what you want to accomplish with your life?

>> No.23077701

Nowhere. Holy fuck i hate this country. Maybe NYC? But then you're in fucking NYC. It says a lot that the biggest patriots also shill a lifestyle that let's you fuck off from society and basically not be part of America at all.
Fuck i feel trapped on this country and this continent.

>> No.23077702

Well I've been dating my girlfriend for 5 years. I'm desperate to be around people because it feels like something I ought to do, but I find it exhausting and very quickly I go to a weird quiet place. My girlfriend is probably autistic and our relationship is very mechanical. I bought her flowers today because I couldnt see her on valentines day and that's what ought to be done. Taking her to a nice resturaunt in a couple minutes. I think I love her but I definitely started dating her because I wanted someone to cook and clean for me. I'm saving up money for an engagement ring because it feels like the most logical thing to do, though I dont feel like overwhelming passionate love. I understand people on a mechanical level, which is functional, but I feel as if I'm utilitarian and cant trust anyone beyond the usefulness I identified within them. That isnt to say I'm a bad boyfriend, I'd never cheat, I always listen and I never forget a significant event, but I know it's not quite normal and I think anyone but her would be disgusted with how I feel. She's honestly amazing, doesnt play games, doesnt shit test me, but me being angry really effects her so I'm glad I'm not breaking fridges and fighting strangers in traffic anymore.

I dont day dream anymore. I used to have wild fantasies about revenge and murder and eating my enemies, but it's been 3ish years since I've been medicated so things are a little blurry. I always connect the dots in insane ways, or used to at least. Like someone said something offhand and I'd conflate it with a personal attack and an elaborate conspiracy of why everyone hates me. I have two friends, which I feel is plenty, one that I rent from who's probably a sociopath, and another who's disabled and we play mtg together.

>> No.23077716

Sounds like schizoid with schizophrenic traits. Schizoid don't have unusual paranoia unless it's comorbid with another disorder.

>> No.23077724

Yeah... I don't like my life and I'm not happy. But I can't find any alternative.

>> No.23077729

Something about my presence naturally inspires a mix of fear and disgust
I haven't shaved in a few days but i don't look that bad
I pass by people and they have such an astonished, bewildered look for no reason

>> No.23077734

I could say it's because I'm an ugly, socially retarded hikki but that wouldn't be accurate. When I had to touch grass I got asked out a few times, so the real reason is that I'm too avoidant of relationships. Too afraid I'll do something wrong, worried that my problems will cause trouble, etc. There's a lot more to it, but the idea is that even if I were rich, attractive, and socially abled I would still remain a and extremely despondent schizo. :/

>> No.23077735

Hang ‘em

>> No.23077746

I feel the same.

>> No.23077751

Not the guy you're responding to but I empathize with you. People call me attractive. Girls were interested. But I just get freaked out. At the same time I do feel lonely though. I'm just twisted up

>> No.23077754

why did we have to fight why did it have to be like this????? I can’t nothing is ever going to be okay again it will never be okay again I can’t the thoughts never never never go away never I can’t

>> No.23077755

Idk. I’ve been to a NYC a few times over the last few years and it’s just not the same as it was when I was young. It’s just worse in everywhere, and more expensive. Somehow the election of Eric Adams feels almost symbolic like the election of Barack Obama. I don’t even mean that in a racist polemic sort of way. I just think it’s significant.

But yeah, I don’t know. I actually got a job at my Alma Mater and moved back there. It sucks. Huge mistake. I would not recommend it. You should only ever go back to your Alma Mater when you’re old as a professor, and to other college towns never.

>> No.23077762

Haha, well I am ugly but I guess women just perceived me as having a mysterious aura. Either way the result is the same so we're on similar wavelengths.

>> No.23077773

I don't like America. But Canada is bad too. Europe fucked itself. North Africa is a shithole now. So is the country of South Africa. The Middle East is fucked too. And I'm too stupid to learn an Asian language and China and India suck too.

I go back and read how 1900s authors moved to Morocco or Algeria or Yemen or Ethiopia and none of that seems possible now.

>> No.23077778

You know how when you’re young people tell you that are life mistakes, like teenage pregnancy, drug addiction, getting arrested, these decisions you make that can somehow make you fail at achieving even middle class mundanity? Well, I feel like that except I’ve made decisions that prohibit specific success. So it’s mundane stuff. That’s how this stuff feels. It’s not like you did drugs and ruined your life irreparably. It’s more like you took the wrong job and ruined your upside potential irreparably.

>> No.23077783

What’s wrong with sub Saharan africa

>> No.23077793

You should start improooving now, because when (or if) you ever find a way out, you'll be much more able to take advantage of it. Don't do anything rash like self-harm because it could cause irreparable damage to your body yet not kill you.

>> No.23077796

There's nothing to improve though.

>> No.23077797

NTA but sometimes I daydream about having my ultimate mental breakdown and just fucking off to Ghana or Botswana for a bit

>> No.23077800

arent they warlord hellholes

>> No.23077810

You're really well off or too bad to improve? If the former, that's great and you should start seeking some form of outside help (the reason I say this is because it's probably not going to come from within). If the latter, you can do always improve even if it doesn't seem like much. Do pushups, study, etc. Yeah, you can call me a faggot for trying to tell you what to do, but this is the best advice.

>> No.23077824 [DELETED] 

I already exercise. I already spend 5+ hours a day touching grass every day. And there is nothing for me to study
That stuff doesn't help me man. Its a distraction. It doesn't actually get to the root of it. The improvement meme is so annoying. People like you just throw it around everywhere. When it comes down to
>exercise more
This is just a fucking hobby. Call it what it is. Its not going to change your life. Its a past time. And for me I get nothing out of it. Zero. But when I say that people take personal offense as if I'm shitting on it or I'm determined to be sad. Neither is true.
Then they say something boils down to
>arbitrarily pick something and just start improving at it even if you have no interest and hate it in fact hating it is good thats how you know you're really studying
Which is just bizarre and masochistic to me.

At some point I guess I've got to accept that whatever spark humans are meant to be born with I just wasn't.

>> No.23077840

It’s possible, just way shittier and there are a lot more hoops to jump through. Those guys didn’t even need passports, let alone visas or proof of income.

>> No.23077842

I see. I misinterpreted your issue.
Then there isn't anything you can do besides reinvigorate your sense of meaning (I differentiate this from "finding a purpose," because if you don't care then the purpose will be meaningless). Usually this occurs through relation to people or communities, but you have major interpersonal issues so that isn't realistic. That leaves your only options being therapy or hoping something will magically change. Since you are doing really well you should be able to afford it, but if you have tried it and it didn't work you'll have to wait an indefinite period of time.

>> No.23077852 [DELETED] 

Its more fuel to the fire that haunts me. I'm young(ish), I'm attractive, I'm rich, I can spend all day reading under a big oak tree or in a cafe, I'm depressed, I'm lonely, I'm miserable, I'm unlovable, theres nothing I can spend money on, there's nothing I want to do, I don't like people but I need people, I want to die

And if I complain about literally anything or try to find advice I get nothing but scorn because of the aforementioned windfall. I've never felt more alienated. I hate myself.

>> No.23077860

Sounds like you should pay for a high quality therapist dude. at the very least it'll be someone better to talk to than anons.

>> No.23077861
File: 165 KB, 768x768, 1708024353331127.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>resist getting pizza
>make healthy dinner instead
Satan status = gotten behind me

>> No.23077867

>One faction, known as the "Architects of Verity," uses their mastery over LLMs to uncover truths, fact-check widespread misinformation, and promote transparency. They design their prompts to extract hidden connections, analyze data at an unprecedented scale, and present information in a way that is both accessible and undeniable. Their LLMs assume the role of investigators and educators, tirelessly working to counteract the tide of falsehoods with hard facts and reasoned arguments.

>Opposing them are the "Masters of Mirage," a group equally skilled but driven by different motives. They exploit LLMs to generate persuasive, yet utterly false narratives, create deepfakes, and sow discord among populations. Their prompts are cunningly crafted to produce content that blurs the line between reality and fiction, making it nearly impossible for the average person to distinguish truth from fabrication. The roles they assign to their LLMs are those of agitators and impersonators, spreading misinformation like wildfire across the digital landscape.


>> No.23077872 [DELETED] 

Its just too bougois for me. I would feel way too guilty and awful just for going to ever make progress. Also I don't trust therapists at all. I just can't.
I was not raised rich at all. My current life just feels so disparate. But I guess its the exact kind of thing I deserve

>> No.23077873

A churning, a roiling, three hours' wasting. A wet towel and a plastic bag. A glimpse of bags under the eyes while walking past the mirror. A bottle of water against dry lips. A small room in a small apartment. A sinking, a crushing, an end to wishing. A dream of another life and a waking to a life with no dreams. A stack of hardcovers gathering dust. A cool dusk with the streetlights all white and cold on a purple bruise of a sky. A plea with the most High for inoperable brain cancer. A way out. An ending. Nothing.

>> No.23077878

I didn't understand how diarrhea worked until I was 24.
I thought there was no way the food that you eat could come out your ass the same day, so I imagined there was at least a 24 hr latency period and any time you were having diarrhea, it was something you ate yesterday or earlier.

>> No.23077881

It's okay dude. You are bourgeois now. Privileged people have their own equally valid problems resulting from modern technological society. Do it bro, I believe in you.

>> No.23077882

I think Gobinism perfectly combines aristocratic ideas with democracy. In any way the book is recommendable to anyone who seeks a basic but profound comprehension on human history as a whole, and to how European imperialism still radiates into current world politics events to this day, by how it explains, what I assume was the common view of European imperialists in that era, how they considered the non-Europeans governments of that time to be criminal, without precisely condemning them for being undemocratic, a nuance wich differentiates modern US imperialism with 19th Century European imperialism, and we must see the Count as a European imperialist, for he was ambassador of French foreign affairs and traveled internationally for his job. I think the following quote perfectly summarizes the vision of a legal state that is not perfectly democratic.
> "Yes," said the Hindu Arian, or Sarmatian, or Greek, or Persian, or Mede, and even the Celt, "yes, fatherly authority is the type of political government; but it is nevertheless by fiction that the two facts are brought together." A head of State is not a father: he has neither the affections nor the interests. While a family head wants only very-difficultly, and by some sort of reversal of natural laws, [...]
Pgs 271
> [...] the illness of his offspring, it may well be that the prince, without even being guilty, directs the tendencies of the community in a way too damaging to the particular needs of each one, and therefore the worth of the Aryan man, his dignity is compromised; it does not exist, the moreso, the Arian is no longer himself: he is no longer a man. This is the reasoning by which the white warrior simply stopped the development of patriarchal theory, and, consequently, we have seen the first kings of the Hindu states as merely elected magistrates, fathers of their subjects in a very restricted sense and with a heavily guarded authority. Later, the rajah gained strength. This change in the nature of his power came about only when he commanded far less Arians than mestizos and blacks, and he had the less free hand as he wanted to use his sceptre on whiter subjects. The political sentiment of the Aryan race is therefore not absolutely repulsed by patriarchal fiction alone, it only comments on it in a cautious manner.

>> No.23077910

Are you actually schizo or is that a figure of speech? Are the women who’ve approached you attractive? It seems like you could have some type of allure to you because it is rare for women to cold approach nowadays. But alas, it is the classic self-deprecating aura you have that has barred you from making a meaningful connection. I’m not judging you, just relating.

>> No.23077919

I've been losing weight without really meaning to lately. Should I be concerned?

>> No.23077926

Yes that's a warning sign / symptom of a bunch of things. Could be nothing, could be something mild like a parasite, but it could also be something more serious. Get a checkup and report it to your doc ASAP.

>> No.23077936

I still think this. What's the shortest possible time between eating food and shitting it out your ass?

>> No.23077938

I'm diagnosed schizotypal, but it was disputed by my therapist before my release from the hospital (this was almost 5 years ago). She told me directly that the psychiatrist made a mistake and that I was likely avoidant with possible schizoid traits.
At the very least, I'm schizo, but not schizophrenic (I have never been assessed as having delusions).
Yes, all of the women were very attractive. It may have just been extremely good luck back to back.

Thanks for relating anon :p

>> No.23077950

? That is what it is.

>> No.23077991

But to be clear, I am using schizo as a figure of speech. I disagreed with the psychiatrist that gave me the schizotypal diagnosis because some of the traits are ridiculously far removed from me, and my therapist argued that with him. I don't dispute that I have strange beliefs (compared to normal people) and a reduced interest in friendship, so when I say schizo I generally base it on my being very odd in comparison with the average person.

>> No.23078006

As intellectually delayed as one would assume ensconces my cognitive framework, those birthed by a divine intelligence above mine, not by right, but by chance, a fluke, ensure through themselves to yonder upon me this mercurial dilemma. These dapple stained bedsheets run red with runny ruddy rubbish rabble rawrgle. Am I not a man? ANSWER ME! She a child of Christ. I tempted by Sahtahn himself. To be as a syringe. Injectifornication. The Japanese have a phrase for this: Kanojo wa Watashi no naka ni haraimashita.

>> No.23078019

>do bench press, difficult but i survive
>do squats, sweating like crazy, heart racing, feel like simaltaneously vomiting and shitting myself at the same time
What causes this?

>> No.23078023

Depends on how much you have eaten, the shit will come out solid in the beginning and flobby in the end. Switching to a vegetable diet after a day long feast will also give you flobby shits, but that practice is very cleansing to the body and should be done every once in a while. Continue with half a gallon of the nastiest beverage yoghurt they got in the store and dilute the nausea with beers. Accompanied with a few cheap huffy cigarettes.

>> No.23078024

Oh okay, so you're not actually schizophrenic. Psychiatrists are terrorists. Your therapist is right. I fucking hate medicinal psychiatry so much. That being said, what is your type in a woman?

>> No.23078055

I want a blue eyed blonde haired. Not that I wouldn't settle with a black haired black eyed but her bone mass must be opulent in exchange. Nothing too blubby or assy she must be decent. As in character, I demand more from myself than I demand from her. I demand myself not to look upon her sexually, not to see her beauty in a perverted light, I want to love her and her to love me and we must make love to each other not sex.

>> No.23078058

I don't really care about psychiatry but
schizoid isn't schizophrenic
It means someone that is comfortable with few social contacts, muted emotional expression/flat affect etc

>> No.23078070

>That being said, what is your type in a woman?
I'm getting off work so I'll answer in a few minutes. (If you're still lurking)

>> No.23078071

I can smell intelligence.

>> No.23078073

I started adding squats to my DL & BP routine last week and didn‘t get anything like that but was dead beat the next day. I chalk it up to working unfamiliar muscles my existing program didn‘t reach.

>> No.23078080

I recommend watching Resident Alien (TV show). It's good. Don't watch the trailer.

>> No.23078130

>I demand myself not to look upon her sexually, not to see her beauty in a perverted light,
It's in your nature to view beauty in a perverted light, that's how babies get made. Your heart's in a good place though.

>> No.23078136

don’t call him don’t call him don’t call him don’t do it?????? Don’t do it?????? you can’t do it?????? Don’t do it never do it don’t do it something very bad will happen never do it don’t call him,?,,,, don’t call him he’ll be mad don’t do it you can’t do it????

>> No.23078146

Oh is it you again? Arent you the one who was gonna drown herself in a river because some dude was ignoring you and you thougth he was reading your posts on /lit/

>> No.23078156

Hilarious. My brother blocked a girl on social media and she started messaging him through e transfers, however that works. She then wrote him a 5 page letter and delivered it with cookies on valentines. I told him to rip up the letter and eat the cookies, but he was smarter than me and read the letter and shared the cookies with his coworkers. That way if she tainted them with period blood or whatever a bunch of angry army guys will take care of business.

>> No.23078158

I shouldve done it then I shouldve donr it then I shouldve done it then they wouldn’t let me go home so I couldnt do it?????? I couldn’t do it,???????? hes very mad??????

>> No.23078169

You should seriously just check into a funny farm and get medicated, unironically

>> No.23078174

Niggas out here with psycho stalker girls and I cant even get a number

>> No.23078175

Girl what

>> No.23078177

how big would you dream if you knew you couldn't fail?

>> No.23078181

I am medicated I even went to the hospital on Monday and they gave me two new medicine it’s not helping even??? It s bot helping??? and I saw a psychiatrist there it’s not helping???? I can’t

>> No.23078182

I have a good job and don’t have to live in a shitty city. Why am I so miserable and restless then?

>> No.23078185

what good dick does to a bitch

>> No.23078186

Meds arent magic, you have to try and improve your situation. Or post tiddies and coomers will say nice things about you. I for one am a fan of tasteful pokey nipples through shirts, but use your imagination.

>> No.23078187

I hate my nose.

>> No.23078204

This, post tits or gtfo

>> No.23078246

>That being said, what is your type in a woman?
That question admits of infinite complexity, so I couldn't give an accurate answer if I tried.
If I were to give an answer, it would just be a woman that is intelligent, free-thinking, shares at least some of my interests, and most importantly accepts me for who I am. The problem is that "accepts me for who I am" entails quite a lot, but that's not important here.
My 'most serious answer' is odd, but I want someone that would cause me great harm. No, I would absolutely love a terrible woman— a woman that would hurl pains thousandfold upon me, who would dissect every character flaw, and use each one as a means of tormenting me to the greatest extent imaginable. I have not had such an enticing thought in my life, as a matter of fact. It is solely in this way that I could feel truly comfortable with the relationship, no, I daresay I would feel as if I deserved the relationship! Yes, deserved it! And I do mean this in two ways, as you could probably guess; firstly, if I am being harmed, and the relationship is little good, it would be hard for me to not deserve a pile of dirt. Secondly, in the sense that all of the pains or troubles I cause would be repaid doubly, triply, or a hundred times over, and this being my deserved punishment. Additionally, I could serve some use to a vicious woman, because if she is entertained by this process, then I rendered some service. But there is a greater benefit to this: In order for a woman to be truly awful, in order for her to cause me the greatest harm, she must sincerely understand me. Yes, she must understand me to exploit my weaknesses! And that desire for understanding is reached by a means other than love. And now you see the benefit of this arrangement— a relationship where there is no fear of rejection (this by the relationship being founded upon it, so the great calamity has passed), a satisfaction knowing that a woman that cares little for me will not be harmed by my problems, and that she will be honest and forthright with my flaws, and that I will not have to fear that I am being judged for these flaws in secret (as it will be very open indeed!).
All of my hopeless and deluded romanticism of true love could not hope to overmaster this practical desire for a real solution.

But in all seriousness (although the above was serious to a surprising degree!), love is mysterious and known by experience, so I wouldn't know until it's "too late." In my mind she would be someone that shares my essential values, understands me (at least to some degree), and shares enough interests that if we weren't lovers we could be friends.

>> No.23078249
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>> No.23078262

Just calmly explain the story, please. It will make you feel better, and I'm interested. Don't share any specific personal information in your delirious state, though.

>> No.23078263
File: 138 KB, 753x707, stanczyk1687288072252528.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A few weeks ago I saw a video, a vertical one for phones, of a couple soldiers being killed by a military drone, shot from the drone itself. I couldn't even tell if they were Russians or Ukrainians. The first one wasn't moving when the drone dropped some sort of anti-personnel munition on him, the other was still moving and reacting as far as I could tell, at least until he was killed too. Just imagine, being picked off one by one, by a machine, and have your death be broadcast to everyone within hours.

>> No.23078265

Oh it's the based masochist again.

>> No.23078268

I'm not reading all that

>> No.23078271

Don't worry about reading it, it's a shitpost :P

>> No.23078291

I can’t even get calm I can’t do it and nothing will ever be okay again????? He said he wasn’t angry and he would help and he said we could talk on the phone but then he got very mad and was saying “I hate you I hate you I hate you you disgust me I hate you” and I was crying and crying he wouldn’t stop saying it he’s very mad???? And he says I’ll count to 30 if you don’t stop crying by then I’ll hang up??? He’s very mad He hates me forever he’s very mad????? And now I think about it all the time in my head every day it’s just “I hate you I hate you I hate you you disgust me” that’s all I can think about and it hurts so much that I can’t stand it even???? And the new medicines aren’t helping I can never get calm again it’s never going to get better never I can never stop thinking about it and it hurts so much

>> No.23078297

Who was he?
And are you feeling like harming yourself?

>> No.23078302

Give me a reason to love you...

>> No.23078305
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>> No.23078308

>my girlfriend always asks if I'm mad at her
>tell her she'd know if I was mad, I'm italian
>asks again
>and again
>and again
>now I am mad at her for asking if I'm mad at her
Fuck drives me nuts. At least you didnt ask him if he'd still love you if you were a worm or didnt exist.

>> No.23078313

youre overdoing it

>> No.23078325

Everything you say is foreshadowing something.

>> No.23078328

He lashed out on you because he became frustrated and helpless. It seems like he's also not very well in the head too. You have to understand that. No man should ever make you feel this way. Consider taking care of yourself and thinking only of yourself for the next week or two

>> No.23078330

Who is this schizo
no I won't take my meds

>> No.23078351

Same pretty much. Sorry anon hope you can find some relief

>> No.23078366
File: 2.70 MB, 1200x1920, From Hell bloodiest moment so far.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reading From Hell, I'm about halfway through, and pic related has been the bloodiest moment so far. When I got to this page I was just like, fuck yeah. Good shit.

>> No.23078397

I've developed a strange neurosis wherein I feel compelled to commit to long-term memory all of my thoughts and conversations. I'm also frequently plagued by the fear that I have forgotten some very important and life changing idea from earlier that I had neglected to write down or otherwise commit to memory. Is there a name for this?

>> No.23078407

i have that

>> No.23078422 [DELETED] 

Keeping a low profile on the edge of a small town until I can secure a vehicle and rifle, then becoming politically active again.

Putting together a small hunting party with a redneck Iraq/Afghanistan war veteran and a black Sunni Muslim who took a deal to work as an asset for domestic intelligence.

Hoping to make a bit of money and advance the political mobilization of the rural and ghetto anti-government base.

Got to fix my computer to recover my files and work on the book some more. Right now working on the section for weaponizing small commercial drones.

Carpentry work is steady, I work hard and talk little. Writing down some Bible verses to help my coworker who just lost his woman of 10 years. The pain in his face is deep and his spiritual suffering is palpable. I think God sent this man to be healed, my soul is called to help him.

>> No.23078433


>> No.23078434

It's 2024, there's plenty of reasons to want to be a woman

>> No.23078439

I am down so bad. Down catastrophic. Down cataclysmic. Mariana trench down. Centrifugally pinned. I need to get out of this situation before I do something stupid. I need to do it fast.

>> No.23078494

What happened bro?

>> No.23078558

Everyone has lost their minds. The new Kanye is not good.

>> No.23078561

someone give me a /lit/ chart please. dont care what it is, i'll read the whole thing

>> No.23078564

I haven't listened to it, but I've been giving it good reviews because I've heard it's antisemitic.

>> No.23078575

My depression has gotten to the point where it physically hurts to move. I have played guitar for 9 years and still fucking suck at it so hard. I want to kill myself so bad but then my parents would have to bury me and my brother would likely kill himself as well. I have absolutely nothing to live for. I spend the first and last 30 minutes of my day praying for God to kill me in a freak accident on the way to work or while at the grocery store etc. I have memory loss from weed. I take 40 minute showers. Certainly there is not a more despicable, miserable creature on the face of the earth than me. I drive like an asshole and yell at people in hope that one of them will follow me home and shoot me dead. I have never known the touch of a woman. I hope I never do. I have genuinely reached the point where if a woman was to show attraction to me I would probably cry or throw up. Nonetheless it would not be a good feeling.

>> No.23078580

damn that's crazy... can you give me a /lit/ chart to read? Anything will do

>> No.23078584


>> No.23078595


>> No.23078627

recently I've realized I cannot read anything outside the small area your eye focuses on, i.e. the peripheral vision. idk why but I found this very distressing. do you think it can be trained to fix this?

>> No.23078631

Yes, it just takes practice. I have excellent peripheral vision, because my dad would punch me out of nowhere so I learned how to watch for it. Thanks, pop.

>> No.23078637

That's normal silly

>> No.23078641


>> No.23078642

Nah he just wanted to make sure I didn't turn out gay.

>> No.23078651

he just made sure he's ending up in a nursing home if it were me

>> No.23078718

I wish a smokin’ hawt Japanese she-samurai in an awesome giant robot powered both by nuclear and coal-fired energy would crush your buildings beneath skyscraper highheeled boots literally the size of skyscrapers while uttering an electronically amplified Kiai that blows out every window and eardrum in a nine hundred yard radius.

>> No.23078724

And if a smokin’-hawt sinobabe crushed your edifice of lies beneath her sexy metallic heal, you would flee in panish from broken doors and glass-fanged windowframes. And while you fled in shrieking panic the ruined building with blood dripping from your ears, a dusky-skinned yet buxom total babe from Puerto Rico painted green and carrying an awesomesauce space-gun would blast you in your private parts.

>> No.23078820

You fellas need help

>> No.23078822

Nah, that would be a downgrade, thinking with my vagina instead of my mind.

>> No.23078826

The funny thing is if you switched you and her she’d just leave you. And women are hardly ever straightforward.

>> No.23078835
File: 120 KB, 1199x895, In the heat of the night.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had a dream last night and in the dream, I was sitting next a woman on the bus and she was crying, I can't remember if I asked her what was wrong or if she just told me out of nowhere but she told me that her son died in a car crash. She asked me to hold her hand so I held it by the fingers like you would if you were gonna kiss the top of a woman's hand, I rubbed the top of her fingers with my thumb and I said "I'm so sorry to hear that". It felt nice, I don't know why it felt so good to comfort someone.

>> No.23078870

I cry everytim

>> No.23078872

I'd honestly kms if I was krillin.

>> No.23078877

Scratch that, I'm just feeling sad because acknowledgement of aging reminds me my parents have a limited and rather short time left on this earth.

>> No.23078898

I've been feeling very blackpilled lately. Constantly despondent. There is no way out.

>> No.23078923
File: 84 KB, 987x1024, 1707569249516752.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What in particular perturbs you? Breeding? Wait till your t falls, until then embrace a monastic lifestyle. Political status quo? Everything has already happened and will continue to happen for eternity in endless cycles. Other? force artificial dopamine, go dance at a night club for the fuck of it, sky dive, sell your car and buy a motorcycle, say something retarded to a woman you don't know. Nothing changes if nothing changes, life is a joke, etc etc

>> No.23078972

Larger muscles being worked, with a longer path from the heart to deliver fresh blood.

>> No.23079048
File: 839 KB, 2448x2447, 1698443044194636.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pls halp

>> No.23079049

In theory I know you are correct. I must do something or nothing will ever change. But in practice I cannot bring myself to ever do anything different. There is some severe cognitive dissonance going on.

>> No.23079060

I need a break from everything and everyone.
People exhaust me and the noise of the city is driving me crazy.

>> No.23079066

How do we know those AI videos are actually AI and theyre not bullshitting us?

>> No.23079069

You can tell with an eye for detail. Not even a keen eye.
Regardless, AGI is not coming any time soon.

>> No.23079079

Not getting a wife who does not share ancestry with me would be a big mistake, just like a fruit looses it's freshness when it changes hands too many times. It must be done this way, it is of upmost importance.

>> No.23079085

Are you saying you want to marry another race or that you don't want to marry another race.

>> No.23079087

It is my duty and consciousness to marry a relative.

>> No.23079097

Bros, I'm watching an IRL live streamer and he's in India right now and these drivers are wild, how the fuck did any of these people get licences? This isn't even on a bustling tightly packed street or anything, this is on the highway.

>> No.23079105

>Not getting a wife that does not share ancestry
Let "who shares ancestry" be referred to as "relative."
>Not getting a wife who is a not-relative is a mistake.
>[[Not getting] a wife who is a [not-relative] is a mistake.
Therefore, it is bad to not get a wife who is not your relative, or, you need a wife that does not share your immediate ancestors. Learn English bro....

>> No.23079106

Have you tried asking an AI?

>> No.23079107
File: 646 KB, 720x819, 1639195932323.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never tell the truth to anyone. Lesson learned.

Parents asked if I'm not ashamed of myself, told them if they must know if it will make them feel better I think of killing myself every day. Now it's awkward when I see them upon leaving my room and I've overheard them talking to their therapist friend about me.

You're suppose to go through life completely alienated never saying what you think or feel. I get that know.

>> No.23079115

I really, really don't like you people.

>> No.23079117

Me too thanks

>> No.23079150

that small area you're talking about is what ends up on your foveas, small points in your retinas with a very high concentration of cones compared to the rest of the retina, which is populated by a lot more rods
that's pretty convenient because rods are no less sensitive than cones to movement but they're a lot more sensitive to light since their area that's exposed to light is much bigger than in cones, though that has the drawback of, you guessed it, a lower ability to discriminate fine details
anyway, the reason why all that's convenient is it allows you to see fairly well in the dark (but you lose a lot vmof visual acuity) and you can see movement in the corner of your eye without the need for enough brain power to give you the perception of fine details over your whole visual field, which wouldn't even be very useful since you can just move your point of regard to wherever
there are, of course, individual differences in how many cones relative to rods people have in different regions of their retinas, but, as a general rule, the peripheral field of vision isn't high resolution enough for reading, and this can't be improved significantly because it's a physical limitation of your eyes rather than a cognitive limitation of your brain

follow me for more cognitive psychology

>> No.23079167

Growing up on 4chan fucked me up in a lot of ways. But I also have a lot of sincere, sweet memoried from this site that could never have been possible if the internet had not existed. If I end my bloodline that's fine. I have plenty of ancestors that died in bogs or were the first ones shot climbing over the trenches at Ypres. If I die childless because my particular quagmire was 4chan, well whatever. You can't change history

>> No.23079174

Time moves too quickly, I've seen a bunch of shit lately that I thought happened recently but it happened years ago.

>> No.23079181

get yoosed to it

>> No.23079184

I don't really discuss my problems with anyone because I don't see the point.
If I did, these are the possible scenarios I contemplate:
>They don't care
Pretty self explanatory, waste of time
>They do care
Most likely will hurt them, or make them worry about you. No one is going to fix my problems. At "best" you'll get pity or sympathy, maybe they will open up too turning in more negativity.
>They do care, but not for good a reason
They use your feelings against you.
I'm convinced I'm not going to find any savior that's going to say or do something magical and fix me. I'm not stupid, I can figure out my own problems.

>> No.23079185

Want to elaborate on the ways it messed you up? I am curious.

>> No.23079210

I'm afraid of art going even more downhill ever since the announcement of Sora from OpenAI. Art is dying because AI is lowering people's standards of what's good and because of that, they're becoming too lazy to make high-quality stuff anymore. AI won't ever be able to achieve a person's full vision in its current form and I doubt it ever will, yet people will just generate some random pic of the thing they want and they'll just settle for "good enough", without fully achieving what it's supposed to be. It's getting pretty sad honestly and I don't want the internet and every single piece of media to get oversaturated with AI garbage.

>> No.23079214


a whole month? If you have a job, I don't know how you can achieve it but... only in the social field do you stop being able to connect if you don't have access to the network (and I'm talking purely about WhatsApp)

>> No.23079224

Yeah and you'll realize that human will is being subordinated to technique and Kaczynski was right.

>> No.23079246

Time for a walkie.

>> No.23079263

To watch another episode of The Boondocks or to go to bed, I think I'll go to bed, I won't be surprised if I end up watching another episode though.

>> No.23079314

This video, which black pilled me

>> No.23079346

I think the degree to which businessmen participate in politics is America is an unmitigated disaster and to blame for many of the political missteps over the last century. The GOP in particular liked to imagine that wealthy business owners are the closest modern analogue to the old gentry-aristocracy, but they’re not. They’re not the same people, not the same type of people, they have none of the same interests, tastes, preferences, or manners of thought. The absence of a genuine aristocracy is devastating. In Europe, even though what’s left of the old aristocracy is largely apolitical, they “get it” more than the wealthy business class underneath them gets it and due to their history, the business class apes them to a huge degree. But in America, these people are just left to run amok. It’s basically a giant corporation of businessmen and their private lawyers sitting in legislatures. It’s nuts.

>> No.23079368

I'm sorry that happened to you man. I think people like that just have no idea what it's like, the idea of suicide is an incomprehensible boogeyman. It really is best to just never say anything to anyone about these topics, keep it to strangers on the internet.

>> No.23079372

why would you be ashamed

>> No.23079401


>> No.23079409

How are Americans coping with the fact that boomers destroyed their country, sold their futures, and endured that the future for them looks like a failed European colony in the Americas like what South Africa is to Africa? Personally, I think it’s important to be optimistic but looking at what actually happened over the last century and where are today, that feels illogical.

>> No.23079419

Dumbass. Your parents love you and are walking on egg shells around you because they don’t want you to kill yourself. Instead of just confessing misery to people, try asking them for help. “Look, mom. I’m really unhappy. I know that’s not your problem but I think it would be better if my life got better. Can you help me?”

>> No.23079420

Remote job that requires no work and gives months of paid vacation. I really only work 4 months per year.

>> No.23079461

Everything is dying, dude. Haven’t you noticed? The luddites were right. Tech has encroached on every traditional arena of human life and fundamentally changed it, made it ugly and alienating.