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2307616 No.2307616 [Reply] [Original]

I don't get this Theatre of the Absurd stuff. What's the point? What do we take away from it? Nothing makes concrete sense so I end up inventing my own context for the dialogue. Is that the idea?

>> No.2307623

>What's the point?
>Nothing makes concrete sense

See, you do get it.

>> No.2307620

>I end up inventing my own context for the dialogue
Holy shit I was doing this with all the books I read, movies I watched and paintings I saw and had no idea it was wrong!

>> No.2307627

>What's the point?

that's exactly the point.

>> No.2307628

Have you read Esslin's "Theatre of the Absurd"?

>> No.2307630

You take away from it that nothing makes concrete sense and you can take nothing away from it.

>> No.2307646


I didn't explain myself properly. In something like "Endgame," there is no backstory and no explanation. Whereas in a usual text, there is character development and so on, insight into the impacts of surroundings and experience, etc. This stuff is just blank and void.


That seems like a cop-out, though. People pay for this stuff, and evidently enjoy it. Why would they if it's all just an elaborate troll?

>> No.2307651


Nope, and I don't really care enough to pay for a copy. If you have a link to a PDF or something I'd appreciate it, though.

>> No.2307652

>People pay for this stuff, and evidently enjoy it. Why would they if it's all just an elaborate troll?

How should I, you, or anyone else, even themselves, know?

which is the point

>> No.2307656

Many of the authors limned in Esslin's work rejected the term "theatre of the absurd" and rejected the notion that they were writing "absurdist" works.

Just sayin'.

>> No.2307667

What, do they not have libraries where you live, you lazy fuck? If you don't care enough to read the seminal book on this shit, why are you wasting our time asking us for the same information?

>> No.2307679


But surely they themselves know why. I am reading Beckett's stuff against my will, in order to form a strong argument for an essay. There's my excuse. What I want to know is why people subject themselves to this stuff voluntarily. I take it as read that people who read this stuff already understand the futility of living, so why pay to have it repeated over and over again?

>> No.2307680

>i don't enjoy therefore it is inconceivable that anyone else does

full retard. if you think it's just a troll, you're missing the entire point, which has been plainly put in the thread.

get yourself checked into an asylum for halfwits.

>> No.2307685

>why pay to have it repeated over and over again?

you could say that about ANYTHING. execution counts for a lot you pleb.

>> No.2307692


We have libraries, yes.

They do not have a well-stocked wall of Irish nonsense, however. It is more in the vein of Dickens and Twilight. Stuff normal people read, as opposed to uber-obscure /lit/-board narcissists.

>> No.2307697

Because it can be said better. And because people like to read things that confirm their existing viewpoints.

>> No.2307702

I don't understand how it's related to the absurd of Camus' work. Absurdism =! surrealism

>> No.2307703
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>> No.2307709


what the fuck are you, twelve? gtfo

>> No.2307710


I'm not trying to be an arsehole, I'm just trying to understand. Take this:

"Nagg: I've lost me tooth.
Nell: When?
Nagg: I had it yesterday.
Nell: [Elegiac] Ah yesterday!"

It says nothing, it has no context, it is never referenced again, it evokes no emotion. It is a waste of time, and if that is the point, fair enough, but don't charge real money for it.

Yes, I am a pleb, etc.

>> No.2307722

Would you say the importance of being earnest bridges the gap between the absurdist production and the serious play?

>> No.2307726

>I'm just trying to understand.

No, you're not, you're being purposefully obtuse.

>don't charge real money for it.

Who the fuck named you the emperor of commerce?

>Yes, I am a pleb

Fucking obviously.

>> No.2307727

Stop trying to get oil from a water spout, faggot.

It's not supposed to make sense nor be enlightening.

>> No.2307730

Fuck it, I give up.

>> No.2307733

Does not find the comedic value in what he posted.

>I need someone to hold my hand when I read a book.

I'm a huge Beckett fan so of course I'm going to be right up his ass with my nose, but if you don't get Beckett then you should probably just stick to Twilight.

>> No.2307737

It has importance to the characters, no greater importance to you, much like the conversations we engage in every single day.

>> No.2307798

Beckett was a fag writer writing fag plays for fags.

>> No.2307839


oh shit nigga the Smecketty Becketty bum-boy defense force is gonna be on you now