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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 163 KB, 800x1066, 1297885921755.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2307610 No.2307610 [Reply] [Original]

>sitting in student lounge waiting for class to start
>listening to Lady Gaga's The Fame Monster album on my mp3 player
>the other English majors sit down at the table with me
>take off my headphones and put them on the table, go to turn off the mp3 player
>The only girl says "Oh what are you listening to anon?"
>grabs up my headphones and puts them on
>bursts out laughing
>"oh my god this little faggot actually listens to Lady Gaga, no wonder everyone thinks he's gay"
>everyone in the lounge starts laughing at me
>go to grab my headphones from her and snap the cable
>go to stand up and run out of the lounge and trip over my bookbag
>burst into treats
>spaghetti starts falling out of my pockets all over my copy of Finnegan's Wake, ruining it
>finally make it out of the lounge and hide in the restroom until closing time
>check my email when I get home and my professor emailed me saying that if I don't even know what good music is then I should just change my major

So. How was everyone else's week?

>> No.2307617

At least you're not a tripfag. You have that going for you.

>> No.2307621
File: 3 KB, 167x225, 1325612354170.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sage goes in all fields

>> No.2307629

>listening to Lady Gaga

Stopped reading there.

>> No.2307625

>spelling finnegans wake wrong

>> No.2307634


>> No.2307637

I had something similar happen to me recently, OP. I was listening to The Royal Bach Orchestra, because it is a great music choice for relaxing and concentrating at whatever task may be at hand.

You on the other hand listened to Lady Gaga, never a good choice.

>> No.2307640



>> No.2307644

>listening to Lady Gaga
>English majors hated it

somebody isn't an English major, and it's you, op.

>> No.2307648

It would be much more believable if she liked lady gaga. Lady gaga is insanely popular. Generally, people like her. You won't find anyone who doesn't like her actually because even those who don't like her still enjoy the music ironically, or at least appreciate style and success.

>> No.2307650


Pretentious people and bro-type people hate Lady Gaga.

Both of which tend to be in the student lounge in college.

>> No.2307661

Those kind of students have and always will be an unnoticeable minority. The majority are the typical popular crowd who enjoy drinking crappy alcopops, watered down lager, listening to mainstream top 40 pop music in boring clubs.

>> No.2307674

That child shouldn't be holding the kitten like that.

>> No.2307681
File: 37 KB, 600x659, tee shirt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You deserve all the shit that happens to you,get some taste in music .

>> No.2307689

LOL, no. You got it in reverse. It's people who want to fit in pretend to enjoy listening to Lady Gaga's "music".

>> No.2307693

>fat kid squashing kittens neck.
>parent takes photo instead of beathing the fat shit.

>> No.2307712

What the fuck is wrong with Lady Gaga?

>> No.2307718
File: 21 KB, 300x300, reasonstokill.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP you forgot
>I also use memes and try b funneh.

You should kill yourself.

>> No.2307723

nothing. her shit's just as good as madonna's early shit ie fucking good

>> No.2307735

> >parents take photo instead of breathing the fat shit
>instead of breathing
>breathing the fat shit
>breathing the fat shit

>> No.2307736

Also, this: >>2307718

>> No.2307768
File: 23 KB, 324x586, 1325815833954.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>that picture

>> No.2307769
File: 93 KB, 406x700, ladysovcheckthisguy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will you check this guy, never breathed kid before.
Man, you must have lived a mundane existance.

>> No.2307781
File: 155 KB, 400x505, Eat shit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Can't even write good copypasta
>Can't wrote /lit/-relate copypasta
>Probably thinks he/she is hilarious

Go back to /b/, you sad sack of shit.

>> No.2307804


Actually I just wanted to shit this board up even more than it already is.

It's a subtle commentary on people like Quentin and Deep & Edgy

>> No.2307814

>In high school
>Listening to Wagner
>Reading The Inferno
>A girl comes up to me and accuses me of being a loser for listening to classical music and reading
>She moves on
>A professor comes up and punches me in the face
>Says I can't possibly appreciate Wagner without knowing the story and reading the English version of the Inferno is for morons
>Throws my milk on the ground
>Runs off to catch up with the girl
>They start fucking in front of me

>> No.2307816

>Subtle commentary

Your homework for tonight:

Read 1984 and watch Dr Strangelove.

Return when you have improved yourself.

>> No.2307824

this one on the other hand is good

>> No.2307835


I've read and watched them respectively, actually.

Some of my favorite pieces of media.

>> No.2307877


A teacher in one of my English classes was making fun of Lady Gaga - he asked us if her act was really serious or not.

All the girls in my class defended her. "No, Lady Gaga is actually pretty deep, there's a lot of commentary to fame and stardom in her music."

Jesus fucking christ.

>> No.2307886


>> No.2307890


There is, actually.

And her videos have lots of symbolism regarding religion and the NWO.

>> No.2307923

>That feel when their is pretention everywhere.
I bet these faggots either listen to metal or classic.

>> No.2307980

>>2307610 sauce
what's the girl name?

>> No.2307985

I quite like Lady Gaga. Her music is catchy and her outfits are silly. :)

>> No.2307987


Hey man I like metal AND Lady Gaga.

>> No.2307992

Little Miss Michelin. That photo is from 'uglyanimaltorturekids5.zip'.

>> No.2307997

Gaga is a smart woman underneath that facade of crazy.. I respect her for the fact that she's become a pop idol while satirizing and trolling the sensationalism surrounding pop personas. Don't like all of her music though, it's alright I guess.

>> No.2308004

>she's become a pop idol while satirizing and trolling the sensationalism surrounding pop personas
Yet she's a pop idol herself. LOL, the irony.

>> No.2308005

Yeah, Gaga's OK - nothing transcendent about her, but she does largely question the nature of what she's doing, and provoke a bit of debate. If I had a daughter, I think I'd prefer she was into Gaga than Miley Cyrus.

I'd like all her friends to be really into Rhianna and dress and act like little slags who'll let you beat seven shades of shit out of them.

>> No.2308008


>> No.2308010

>I'd like all her friends to be really into Rhianna and dress and act like little slags who'll let you beat seven shades of shit out of them.

Creepiest comment I've read on /lit/

>> No.2308016


Must be your first day.

>> No.2308042


They've got mods on /mu/ - this isn't a music thread. It's just shitposting.

>> No.2308084
File: 121 KB, 1002x826, lit_so_classy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Pretty normal. Pic related.

>> No.2308102

I'm the one who later in that thread asked if he could post pictures of himself in the bath with his sister then claimed that 'wincest is hoarded by the Illuminati' but I stand by my statement. There's something really fucking creepy about >>2308005

>> No.2308112


>>>implying shit posts don't get the most replies on /lit

>>>implying shit posters aren't attention whores dressed up in shit

>> No.2308123


I'm the guy who wrote about the Rhianna thing, and I'd like to thank you for the compliment. Praise from Caesar.

>> No.2308132

>"oh my god this little faggot actually listens to Lady Gaga, no wonder everyone thinks he's gay"