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File: 299 KB, 1024x1024, countelephantula(15).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
23075698 No.23075698 [Reply] [Original]

Give me your plot suggestions.

>> No.23075948

>le bat escapes le lab cause le janny was watching le porn
>le bat flies to le zoo
>le bat bites le elephantino
>the bitten elephant is transported to zoo from new york from le zoo in le romania
>local jews turn him into count elephantula

>> No.23075952

John Merrick but he vampire

>> No.23075996

He goes to Europe to seek revenge on the men responsible for the death of his family
Kurtz and Marlowe

>> No.23076004

this mf cookin'

>> No.23076007

Actually not bad.
Spreading elephantitus through bites, could probably make a solid joke about how sleeps in a coffin (sitting up of course).

>> No.23076022

It writes itself, get on it.

>> No.23076049

>origin is something to do with the ivory trade (you can go back as far as the 1500s if you want)
Cartoonish would be simple like his herd being slaughtered (if you want to anthropomorphize) or you could do the colonialism angle of having a slave put a curse on interlopers by turning an elephant into something similar to the archetypal characteristics of a vampire (you have to probably factor in the rich feeding off of the life force of the poor somehow, this can be inverted).
>white hunter tracking him with an anthropologist because he's fucking with the flow of ivory to x European country
Gives you the buddy and fish out of water angles. They can also represent different forms of imperialism attempting to assert control and if you don't mind cliches you can kill one of them off (or both if you want to end it that way)

>> No.23076052

fuck off, Marxist trash

>> No.23076053

Count Elephantula is just an ordinary American, and his bite causes obesity.

>> No.23076074

I hate Marxists. Do better.

>> No.23076078

>le rich feeding off the poor
>le imperialism
you're fooling no one, Chaim

>> No.23076084

Stop making everything about politics, I just want to enjoy the riveting tale of Count Elephantula in peace.

>> No.23076091

>>le rich feeding off the poor
You didn't pick up on that as part of the vampire archetype? Pretty slow, anon.
>>le imperialism
Colonialism. Nothing of what I wrote says you can't have the hunter using force to keep things in line represented as superior to the condescending academic. If gives you the opportunity to criticize how academia has framed colonialism.

>> No.23076093

The question is, how does Count Elephantula operate? Does he pass as a regular elephant in the zoo when he's not drinking blood? Is he vulnerable to sunlight? Okay, we've figured out how he becomes Count Elephantula, but what does it actually mean to be Count Elephantula, anyway? Can he talk?

>> No.23076095

Count Elephantula is inherently political.

>> No.23076103
File: 25 KB, 640x474, subtext bottom text.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>le rich feeding off the poor
>You didn't pick up on that as part of the vampire archetype? Pretty slow, anon.
Dracula was literally about the jews literally sucking blood.

>> No.23076108

I'd lean into realism and have him only appear at night and seem to somehow vanish during the day. The less that is know about him the better. IMO the best part of horror is the establishment of character and theme while no one knows what the fuck is going on. Once the monster is 1:1 with the protags things get boring.

>> No.23076116

Its like if the elephant man couldn't die to escape his tormented life.

>> No.23076131

The upper class being rejuvenated by interaction with he poor is a Victorian trope that still exists today (fuck, Titanic did it). The Dracula archetype took this and turned it into the idea of a static upperclass (feudal) figure literally feeding on the lives of peasants. If you read it in its historical context you can see it as indicative of angst toward a political system that would end in WWI.

>> No.23076139

No, it's about jews.

>> No.23076149


>> No.23076274

Being Anti imperialist and Marxist aren’t inseparable.

>> No.23076282

both are jewish

>> No.23076287

no, it's about Sensitive Young European Aristocrats.

>> No.23076374
File: 17 KB, 343x457, 1707364947347153.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok here you go

America, 2020s.
The elephant calf Yochi is ill and in peril of death.
A degenerate homosexual orgy in New York has caused an outbreak of a brain altering virus that is sexually transmitted.
This fated night, one of the drunk, sex crazed faggots breaks into the zoo, and, unable to enter any of the cages or protected areas, heads for the veterinarian's office, looking to score some drugs. What does he find ?
Yochi of course, weak and defenseless, lying down trying to get through the illness.
The disgusting man, after some deliberation, has his way with the little Yochi, scarring him forever and transmitting the virus to him.

The following day, the incident is covered up as a meaningless act of vandalism and Yochi's accident is not even mentioned. After all, he was already ill. And he couldn't tell anybody.
But elephants never forget.

Yochi's illness worsens and spreads throughout his body. The doctors are worried and decide to send him someplace he can roam more freely and possibly recover.
Pittsburgh Zoo, Pennsylvania.

It is hard going but the malady clears and Yochi grows up to be a big strong elephant. He is not sociable. And he has found, for some reason, that he understands far more than his kin do, and than the humans give him credit for.

One day, as he is brought for a check inside the zoo facilities, his ears prick up as he chances to listen to a television. He recognizes a voice. A university professor, by the name of Daniel Lubovitz, is being interviewed. He looks unwell. Yochi is shaking. That's the man ! It was he visited him on that faithful night ! He spread his curse to Yochi and made him a lone elephant even among his equals !
That same night, the pachiderm escapes, breaking the nets that trap him, for half the strength of a prison is in the mind of the prisoner, and Yochi's rage can no longer be contained.

His tracks are lost in the forest.
His mission is to find and end a man, to exact a long overdue revenge.

Local legend has it a massive shadow roams around at night, staring with blood red eyes and woe unto those that meet it in the plains.

And in nights of storm, near certain abandoned sheds, a mysterious music plays after dark...out of a piano carved in human bones

>> No.23076382

He literally wore a star of David.

>> No.23076503

>The disgusting man, after some deliberation, has his way with the little Yochi, scarring him forever and transmitting the virus to him.
>And he has found, for some reason, that he understands far more than his kin do, and than the humans give him credit for.
I wonder if you're capable of realizing how much you told on yourself by accidentally making it so engaging in homosexuality gives you superpowers and imbues you with an increased ability to understand the world.

>> No.23076588

Everybody sees what they want
It was a parody of the monkeypox accident used as a narrative device

>> No.23076609

What did you wrote i dont speak Croissant?

>> No.23076906

Naw, I'm pretty sure you think being molested gave you special powers.

>> No.23076965

lmao thanks anon

>> No.23077117

>Dr. Moreau travels to Africa as doctor for a colonial expedition
>All moral restrictions gone, he experiments on the locals to pursue his twisted fantasies of creating new forms of life
>crazed by the ingestion of a local psychedelic, he one day attaches a negro chieftain's monstrously large penis to his face just because.
>the creature does not survive and is dumped in the local elephant burial ground; a bunch of elephants mourning their departed alpha there are shot.
>as the members of the expedition descent into mad debauchery and spend yet another night drinking themselves into a stupor, one strapping young lad who tries to hold himself to higher standards takes a walk and observes a strange ritual being conducted by some local tribesmen on the burial ground
>a group of them consume the decaying elephant cadavers, then slit their throats over the body of their disfigured former chieftain, covering it with their blood
>the lad returns to the camp in a state of panic, but as he tries to relate what he saw his concerns about possible dangers are ridiculed, convinced as the other men are of their untouchable superiority
>next day they find his body mangled and drained of blood; also, it seems he's been raped ruthlessly.
>more deaths happen
>the survivors return to London, where Dr Moreau narrates the story to his old mentor, Dr Van Helsing.
>The old man tries to coolly play it off, but he knows that for his poor, deranged student, the horror has only just begun... the horrofic wrath of Count Elephantula!

>> No.23077643

Explain the mystery of the "elephant graveyard".

>> No.23077885

>Give me your plot suggestions.
Lord Babar returns to Belgium/France and starts drinking colonist blood.

>> No.23078973

It's like indian graveyard but with... elephants

>> No.23078978

He gets staked by the bayonette of an elephant gun