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23073872 No.23073872[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Leftists are actually fucking retarded. They actually believe the shit retards like Adorno pulled out of their asses in their narrative fiction writing deleriums like the nazis being a direct result of the Enlightenment and were clearly a type of positivism because "uh, they donut see the human!" And then just shut up and twiddle their thumbs when you tell them that the Nazis clearly considered Jews to be less than animals and had clear reasonings as to why they deserved what they did to them. How obtuse can these guys be? It's like the perfect moral argument for censorship which everyone from Plato to Descartes wpuld be in favor of

>> No.23073878

>the nazis being a direct result of the Enlightenment
This is true though

>> No.23073886

How do you know? Are you, like, a mystic who thinks that because event A happened in the past then event A must have caused B? Suck cock or something

>> No.23073898

No Rousseau no Nazis

>> No.23073902

the nazis were openly anti-enlightenment values

>> No.23073908

No? How about the obvious causal connection between a state that worships its own version of science, socialism, nationalism, etc. and Enlightenment thought. Nazism is a direct descendant of the French Revolution.
The Enlightenment encompasses many different strains of thought, and scientiic racism and authoritarian utopianism was one major component of it

>> No.23073922

No retards no anon.
Are you implying the fucking General Will was an absolute fucking determinant causing a massive chain of events leading to Hitler getting an idea that grew larger than himself in the Beer Hall? Might as well say no Marx no Gottfried Feder no Sorell no nazis. Go suck cock or something.
Well, Adorno and his retard clique did have very weird ideas about what the enlightenment really was. I just think it's silly that these crypto marxists try to dissasociate from the people who are arguably their predecessors, though I am humble and do not jump to rash conclusions. Either way, the idea that positivism caused the Nazis is silly. Like saying that the printing press was responsible for the content of every book printed.

>> No.23073926

> Might as well say no Marx no Gottfried Feder no Sorell no nazis.

>> No.23073929

>a state that worships its own version of science,
Slinds like universal philosophy to me. And no wonder, I mean, they had Heidegger after all. Husserl would've been proud if only he wasn't jewish

>> No.23073933
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>> No.23073940
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but then they also had major anti-reason views.
and so forth. of course everything that happened after the enlightenment was in some way influenced by it. in reality you're just cherrypicking to link something you don't like (rationality, science, facts, intellectual honesty, clear thinking, truth, reason etc) to the nazis.
as a whole the nazis had nothing to do with enlightenment thought unless you inflate that term to the point of absurdity to just to score a point, like the anti-science leftists do.

>> No.23073941
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OP here, my fuse has expired. I love you all anons all though I say this and that

>> No.23073947

No I like the enlightenment, it’s just obvious that the Nazis are also its children

>> No.23073954

it's obviously untrue.

>> No.23073955

Authoritarian Utopianism seems to be more a property of premodern politics though ever (Plato’s Republic). The nazis weren’t attempting to build some humanistic utopia; they implicitly conceived of the nation as a single spirit.

Scientific racism seems to be something more auxiliary than essential; the spirit of fascism rings to me like pre-philosophical shamanism.

>> No.23073958

fuck off back to /pol/

>> No.23073966

>The nazis weren’t attempting to build some humanistic utopia
Neither was Plato...
>the spirit of fascism rings to me like pre-philosophical shamanism
Have you read the philosopher of fascism?

>> No.23073972

And yet, observe how quickly on-topic it becomes!

>> No.23073978

Rousseau's insistence on muh human goodness is what led to modern feminism and leftism in the first place. Paglia discusses this and BTFOs Rousseau fags in Sexual Personae.
If your argument is that Nazism was a reaction to leftism so Rousseau caused Nazism, you're missing the forest for the trees and are better off blaming Rousseau's parents.

>> No.23073988

"leftists" are a functional boogeyman that live in your head

>> No.23073990

>neither was Plato
Yes, that’s the point. The fascists were like the premodern Plato, not like the enlightenment.
>have you read the philosopher of fascism?
No. What did he say?

>> No.23073992

If the boogeyman is so functional why is he a boogeyman? He should get a real job

>> No.23073993

> The fascists were like the premodern Plato, not like the enlightenment.
Read ‘Modernity and the Holocaust’

>> No.23074312

How could a philosophical phenomenon cause a political phenomenon when politics and philosophy only ever intersect insofar that philosophy can rationalize and mask the pragmatic, cynical, sociological origins of political action and desires? The primacy of the political is absolute, the realm of the political is the alpha to the beta, gamma and omega of all other spheres of human thought and action.

>> No.23074328

Or I guess to put it in marxist terms, how could the superstructure influence the base to such a degree when the superstructure is fundamentally a product of the base rather than the other way around. Isn't it marxist common sense that we seek and create ideologies that suit and serve our practical interests rather than arrive at our ideologies through some idealized, de-politicized sense of reason and abstract philosophical debate?