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/lit/ - Literature

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23068386 No.23068386 [Reply] [Original]

>The French Revolution gave birth to two great myths: one, that physicians could replace the clergy; the other, that with political change society would return to a state of original health. Sickness became a public affair. In the name of progress, it has now ceased to be the concern of those who are ill.

>> No.23068547

Based Ilich poster

>> No.23069085

It's sad writers like this only get the attention they deserve when the crises hit. He had a brief renaissance during the covid hysteria but that has all died down. Same with Agamben. And nothing has changed. The crisis continues. We are still in the State of Exception and the Medical Nemesis advances. The Overton Window has shifted again now and with it the agenda. It seems we are entering the mid-way point of a protracted economic war that further dispossesses the citizenry of its productive value where the surplus, rather than funneling directly to Capital as such, will be used for grand world-building(destroying) projects. Gauguin's masterpiece needs to be updated: a haunting image of simultaneous neotenous geriatrics barcoded in a control vector, lab mice in a labyrinth without telos or hypothesis, forgotten and abandoned by the scientists. How did we get here? What have we become? Why are we continuing?

>> No.23069102

>the other, that with (...)
This part of the quote is stupid. The guy goes "I will write about sickness" and casts so wide a net that he can say any random idiocy under this umbrella

>> No.23069109 [DELETED] 

the fuck are you talking about? his books were a hit and everything he said has already been worked into education systems around the world.

>> No.23069168

Can you provide an example?