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23064541 No.23064541 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.23064550

They hate us cause they ain't us.

>> No.23064552

Misandry isn't real.

>> No.23064568

Kinda based. I respect it. Like writing a book called I Hate N—

>> No.23064587
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Meditations by Marcus Aurelius

>> No.23064589


>> No.23064591

Let me show you, Barbie,
you see, Mansplaining is when a man tells a woman what she already knows....

>> No.23064596 [DELETED] 

Call it whatever you want. I just want a list of the most bluny man-hating, total scrote death supporting works of literature that exist.

>> No.23064599

this is the most blatant plea to be raped that I've ever seen

>> No.23064602

Call it whatever you want. I just want a list of the most bluntly man-hating, total scrote death supporting works of literature that exist.

>> No.23064605


>> No.23064607


>> No.23064612


>> No.23064615
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>> No.23064625
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>> No.23064626

A lot of these man haters would just be happier if they had been raped and impregnated / forced to birth for a living.

>> No.23064637
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>> No.23064645
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This one is from the 1950's

>> No.23064656

trvth nvke

>> No.23064668

>has a male partner nevertheless

>> No.23064672

>A lot of these man haters would just be happier if they had been raped
Didn't work for Dworkin.

>> No.23064680
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>> No.23064685
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>> No.23064686

>men as a species
at least she can admit women are not fully human

>> No.23064687

He's probably a sub who likes getting whipped and pegged though.

>> No.23064690

Imagine accepting your place as “one of the good ones”. Is there anything more cucked? Also this is the behaviour of BPDemons

>> No.23064691
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kek she's married

>> No.23064693

Maybe the answer was more rape.

>> No.23064698

No, women like that always want to be Dommed. Always.

>> No.23064699

Sometimes they issue could be the configuration. Try a different orifice.

>> No.23064704
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she's a qt

>> No.23064714

The wedding day must be, for a woman, what the first time I installed Morrowind was for me. The greatest day of your life. They get to be a princess for a day, I got to be an unviable Argonian spellsword.

>> No.23064724
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>In the book Johnston outlines her vision of radical lesbian feminism. She argues in favor of lesbian separatism, writing that women should make a total break from men and male-dominated capitalist institutions.[1] Johnston also wrote that female heterosexuality was a form of collaboration with patriarchy. Writing in the Gay & Lesbian Review in 2007, Johnston summarized her views:

Once I understood the feminist doctrines, a lesbian separatist position seemed the commonsensical position, especially since, conveniently, I was an L-person. Women wanted to remove their support from men, the "enemy" in a movement for reform, power and self-determination.

>> No.23064739

Literally all men need women for is procreation. We do literally everything else better. Except, maybe, complaining. They're pretty good at that.

>> No.23064742

I agree with this but from the other side. I think men should abandon women altogether and take up homosexuality. Perhaps artificial wombs can finally make this dream come true. There is no point trying to reconcile the sexes.

>> No.23064749

I say we just remove their rights and sexually enslave them. What are they gonna do, fight back? lol

>> No.23064760

The difficulty here is that most men are weak-willed and susceptible to female manipulation, otherwise we wouldn't be in our present situation.

>> No.23064764

I thought the author was a man at first

>> No.23064771

So true. I guess I'll just keep doing my best to accelerate the collapse, so we can start from scratch again.

>> No.23064802

Objectively correct, stocism is the castration and civilization of man.

>> No.23065041

In orthodoxy people are forced or strongly advied to repudiate their cheating partner. Orthodoxy is relevant in this, since it became the religion of the empire.
Thus no christian is allowed to be a cuck, and if he is, and didn't reject his wife, he gets excommunicated (punishment of not having communion) for a long time. And then second mariage is allowed. Only for women, if the husband cheats, she is not excommunicated if she doesn't divorce him.

>> No.23065047

>just sit there and accept life ramming your ass

Even without that, stoicism is a cuck philisophy hence it's appeal to third worlders.

>> No.23065055

It's first worlders who like muh stoicism.

>> No.23065292
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But if civilization collapsed you would be competing against Chad who would use his massive fists to gather a personal harem. What makes you think weak men would get a smidge of pussy?

>> No.23065300

Women aren’t real, either

>> No.23065304


>> No.23065311

Kind of hard to do that since females are the foot soldiers of kikes

>> No.23065335

this is a trans woman, right? even in her femme wedding photo she's clocky

>> No.23065816

Incredibly based.

>> No.23065894

I thought she was a trans woman. I mean damn look at that face and that flat chest.

>> No.23066024
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>> No.23066029

SCUM Manifesto by Solanas?

>> No.23066042


>> No.23067298

rape would be rampant, you don't need consent in such a world

>> No.23067313


>>Literally all men need women for is procreation. We do literally everything else better.
No. Men are happy to spend their life competing for women. this is not an atheist thing.

this competition is literally the heart of any society.
Men even love more to compete for women in atheism thanks to the jewish shows like how i met your whore mom where the crowd cheers for the gay actor competing for whores lol
In atheism, women are at the center of the society, because according to atheists, women are not ''objects'', so this coupled with the innate male devotion to whores, women are bound to dominate any atheist republic.

Women will always sit at the top of the sex market, & men will always like it.
Over thousands of years men have developed a neurotic narrative where somehow they are the stronger sex for putting their energy into pleasing women and the ruling class. Men are the one talking about hooooonor and how seducing women is awesome. Again even fucking Casanova took pride into a being free dildo to whores.

The day men stop putting women on a pedestal is the day society dies forever. And normies are fucking obsessed with living, with '''transmitting genes'''', like any atheist NPC keep saying, with building crap to fill up their lives with.
And women love to sit on the top of the sex market. Women get free easy life just by existing. That's how fucking insane their life full of privileges is. & women will never ever let this go.

Even in the apocalyptic days that beta cucks keep dreaming about and somehow they survive thanks to all their dubious survivalist skills they learn in atheism by watching youtube, they fancy themselves as providers to women lol. They literally would give lots of free shit to women, from all the hoarding they had done before the apocalypse. All of this because of vagina , fucking lel.

You even had 2 fucking top military guys from Rome fighting over the egyptian roastie known as Cleopatra. that's 2000 years before atheists took power. That's how pathetic military guys are. And how men in general are pussyslaves and wageslaves.

>> No.23067317

>artificial wombs
If you believe in the inevitability of technological advancement, this WILL come about some day. Perhaps next millennium.

>> No.23068412
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Adam Johnson, an anthropologist teaching at University of North Carolina at Charlotte (he was called a hero after his actions during the 2019 mass shooting on campus. He was teaching an Anthropology class when the shooter entered the room, did not hesitate to react.

>Montagu is arguing that women are not only culturally superior but naturally superior to men. While I agree with the general sentiment, the argument isn’t particularly convincing.
>Montagu also discusses women’s cognitive superiority, whether it be intellectually, sexually, or creatively. While arguing for women’s cognitive superiority, he relies too heavily on Freudian theory. It becomes reductive and attributes a lot of men’s behavior to their jealousy of women’s ability to have children while neglecting the cultural context that produces and constrains gendered behavior. Montagu writes, “… women are, on the whole, more quick-witted than men, because they were born that way…” (p. 102)
>While I disagree with women’s natural superiority, I do agree that women are superior in other ways, which Montagu illustrates beautifully. Women are enculturated to be patient, strong, nurturing, and less aggressive, but it doesn’t follow that these features are derived from their biology. The features are likely a product of their historical subjugation and living within a patriarchal society. The Natural Superiority of Women does something very interesting; it serves as the antithesis, the negation of the thesis of men’s superiority. As Hegel argues in the Encyclopedia of Philosophical Sciences (1830) there is a conflict between a position and its counterposition, each containing parts of the truth but also exaggerations of the whole truth. In their conflict, a synthesis is worked out, getting closer to the truth. I think that Montagu’s argument serves to move the discourse along so we, as a society, can better understand the relationship between the genders more thoroughly and create a society that values all members equally, not just genders, but races, abilities, and class.
>Aside: I was once asked: “if you could resurrect any anthropologist to have a chat, who would it be?” I quickly came to a definitive answer, and it is Ashley Montagu. The Natural Superiority of Women and Man’s Most Dangerous Myth have both been incredibly formative books for me.

>> No.23068423

I have a lot of guns.

>> No.23068427

That's retarded, you're retarded.

>> No.23068787

thread has been suspiciously quiet after this post

>> No.23069145

You would need Chad's consent to rape his harem, otherwise you would get his fist in your face. Again, why do you think weak men would get a smidge of pussy? Women would flock behind strong men to avoid weird incel rapists.

>> No.23069221
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Men need women and women need men right now, but as soon as that condition isn't true I am sitting up leaning forward downright excited for the woman genderstate and hell, the male genderstate too. It would be a Plato's Republic tier idea, brought into real life. God it would be entertaining either way.

To be honest, I don't think lesbianism or homosexuality plays a big part in it. Obviously in an environment without the other sex you don't exactly have other options, but whether everyone remains straight or becomes a fag/dyke is somewhat irrelevant.

>> No.23069376

This. It taking this long to get mentioned is a sign none of these fuckers read anything

>> No.23069759

if that thing hates men, why does it try to look male?

>> No.23069767

catcher in the rye

>> No.23069790

There's this one book written by a woman which isn't really misandrist but more like a blackpill reality check where it mentions how women don't marry down (IE, a male doctor marries a nurse, a female doctor marries the head of the hospital but never a nurse, a female CEO remains celibate, etc.), how short men know they're living life on hard mode, and a bunch of other stuff.
I can't remember what it was called.

>> No.23069796
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this one for sure

>> No.23069800

Trying to understand the male point of view is the opposite of misandry.. and the nurse in your story would either have a top tier personality or gigantic tits, men just don't care about their wife's paycheck most of the time.

>> No.23069824


>> No.23070602

shes talking about the dog

>> No.23071333

>She advises women to reduce their relationships with men and toxic masculinity, in order to rediscover the benefits of the "sisterhood" among women.
What's the point of this essay when political lesbianism has already existed for a long time?

>> No.23071344

Was about to say this. Goddamn il/lit/erate board.

>> No.23071396

why would a female ceo remain celibate? she has to continue her bloodline for the company to remain within her grasp.

>> No.23072491
File: 85 KB, 634x419, End of Men - And the Rise of Women.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

by almost every measure, women are no longer gaining on men: They have pulled decisively ahead.
this new state of affairs is radically shifting the power dynamics between men and women at every level of society
she helps us see how, regardless of gender, we can adapt to the new reality and channel it for a better future.

>> No.23072495

Lesbians aren't real, all women are bisexual.

>> No.23072503

>she helps us see how, regardless of gender, we can adapt to the new reality
I'm adapting by going to a different college town every weekend and raping random women, because they deserve it.

>> No.23073067
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>Montagu was born Israel Ehrenberg on June 28, 1905

>> No.23073102

more real than misogyny

>> No.23073103

bump. I think she would've made a great man. No one gets us like she does <3