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23057765 No.23057765 [Reply] [Original]

Post-Kant German philosophy is embarrassingly bad. I often try to force myself to read Being and Time but after the first few pages my disgust overloads and I have to stop. It's the kind of juvenile garbage that a 16 year old who happens to have read Aristotle and Duns Scotus would write. Hegel, Husserl, Heidegger etc all suffer from the same problem, and that is that they are completely uncritical of their starting points and their methods. Ironically even Kant suffered from to a lesser degree. It doesn't matter how "profound" your statements about le Being are if you epistemology and logic are complete garbage. It seems that no matter how much from the history of philosophy they read they are incapable of understanding philosophy at all, they simply aren't philosophers. It's embarrassing to open a book called "Beyond Good and Evil" and see 300 pages of random paragraphs about women and how the french are better than the germans. It's even more embarrassing that this absolute garbage is actually taken seriously by academia and by you fucking losers. If you actually like German philosophy, then you don't understand philosophy and you never will. Imagine if Plato opened up a book by Husserl only to see it dive straight in to a thousand methodological presuppositions and vague terminology. He would feel anger and disgust as he tears apart every sentence with basic pre-schooler logic and dialectical analysis. Every time I see some faggot on this board say that Hegel or Heidegger was the endgame of philosophy I begin to feel an inexpressible rage bubbling up inside of me and wish I could just reach through the screen and strangle him to death.

>> No.23057778

>I begin to feel an inexpressible rage bubbling up inside of me and wish I could just reach through the screen and strangle him to death.
That's the seething that happens when you get filtered.

Es lebe Deutschland!

>> No.23057791

>Es lebe Deutschland
their language is such garbage too, that's at least one thing Nietzsche was right about. I was actually learning it for a few months but then the fugue broke and I realized just how horrible the language actually is. Now when I think about the German language it's like thinking about a blind guy with down syndrome smashing baby's skulls with a sledgehammer. There is absolutely nothing I can find in it that is aesthetically pleasing.

>> No.23057804

>read 6 pages of Heidegger + half a wiki article on Husserl
Heidegger and Husserl are not only both doing the thing you are saying philosophers should do, they are the modern pioneers of it. It's no harder to learn Heidegger's terms and see what he's saying than it is to learn basic logic.

>> No.23057808

>I was actually learning it for a few months but then the fugue broke and I realized just how horrible the language actually is.
That's funny way to say you got filtered.

Es tut mir leid unglücklicher Ausländer.

>> No.23057818

>no mention of Schopenhauer

>> No.23057828

Schopenhauer doesn't even deserve to be mentioned, he wrote some interesting stuff but it's completely unrigorous and poorly reasoned. He basically read a lot of philosophy, understood its concepts in his own way, and then wrote books explaining his own understanding, but I never saw much evidence that he had any desire to go beyond or get behind the concepts.
I will still read Being and Time, I just have to say how much I cringe at it

>> No.23057835

>Schopenhauer doesn't even deserve to be mentioned
You're right, just not in the sense you imagine.

>> No.23059140

I just dont understand how low iq faggots like you dont feel ashamed when you run to us to cry about how hard you got filtered