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23056167 No.23056167[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What books does he read?

>> No.23056172

>1. Leo Tolstoy, War and Peace
>2. The Russian fairy tale Kolobok
>3. Mikhail Lermontov
>4. Samuil Marshak, The Twelve Months
>5. Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, The Little Prince
>6. Alexandre Dumas
>7. Ernest Hemingway
>8. Ivan Turgenev
>9. Omar Khayyam
>10. Sergei Yesenin

>> No.23056174

>No Dosto
I'm actually disappointed.

>> No.23056182

based Putin

>> No.23056184

very very based
the rest is meh

>> No.23056202

Pretty good taste.

>> No.23056217

Slav garbage.

>> No.23056224


>> No.23056231

We keep telling you that russians don't rank Dostoyevsky that high but you won't listen

>> No.23056272

He probably has more books written about him than the average /lit/fag read in the last 10 years.

>> No.23056281


>> No.23056289

He mentioned him in the interview at least

>> No.23056302

>The Russian fairy tale
That must be his favorite one

>> No.23056320

>Samuil Marshak, The Twelve Months
redpill me on Marshak russanons, never even heard the name

>> No.23056387

>Twelve Months
Do you think Putin has seen the anime version?

>> No.23056394

Putin only reads the Estonian translation though, for some odd reason

>> No.23056540

>Ernest Hemingway
pseud detected

>> No.23056579

Ivan Ilyin and Dugin

>> No.23056582

Kraut isn't an actual source

>> No.23056596

Putin is a fake Christian that’s why. He literally said in the interview he doesn’t see God’s providence in world events. That was quite shocking for a self-procaimed “Christian” ruler. Shows it’s all posturing for the plebs.

>> No.23056652

Khlebnikov, Soloviev, Fyodorov, Kharms, Lenin, Dugin, Mamleev, Limonov, Pelevin

>> No.23056686

The Butter Battle Book

>> No.23056703

200 Years Together by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

>> No.23056711
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He's the type of guy that exclusively plays Byzantium in EU4 and this whole russian map painting thing is just a coverup.

>> No.23057592

This interview is one of the most embarrassing things I have ever watched. Putin is a fucking retard.

>> No.23057769

Watching my close friends take the bait on this circus weighs heavy my heart. Nothing about this interview is real or genuine. The conservatie adult man's Oprah Winfrey show.

>> No.23057803
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>Putin is a fucking retard.
even before you start picking out the many holes in his historical narrative, what the fuck was he doing? Surely he knew that the demographic that would be watching carlson's show would be MAGA-boomers, many of whom never finished highschool. Did he really think they'd be receptive to a historical lecture about eastern europe?

How significant numbers of /pol/cels are still enamoured with him is beyond me (daddy issues?). useful idiots and edgy teenagers LARPing about being a 5th column?
Its weird and kind of sad

>> No.23057846

>Major world leader in important war talks to western journalist for first time since it blew up
>He should address only the dimwitted journalist's core audience
Fucking retard

>> No.23057902

Yo know what's even more embarrassing, being an American and not being part of the 5th column.
America imploding is actually in the best interest of every American.

>> No.23057918

that was the purpose. to rehabilitate his image in the eyes of magashits. dummy.
Don't be so melodramatic you dumb kid.

>> No.23057930

The Practice of Recruiting Americans in the USA and Third Countries

>> No.23057935

Some of these are books and some are authors tho...

>> No.23057941
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He could have gone on 60 Minutes or interviewed with anyone. He chose Tucker. I wonder why?

>> No.23057943

by going completely over their heads he's managed to get these boomers to think he's a genius. 4D chess m8.

>> No.23057965

This pretty much. Americans are used to being talked to like retards by their politicians (this is what they vote for), so this will seem giga big brained. Especially since we've had cognitively impaired geriatrics in charge for the last 8 years, and it's not like Bush II was super articulate. Obama was regularly criticized for being to cerebral and wonky, and isn't not like he was super intellectual or anything.

>> No.23057971

I thought he had barely concealed contempt for Carlson being an entertainer rather than a journalist. i think he quipped a bit about it but maybe I'm just projecting (im not watching it again to find out). It was obviously not going to be a serious interview as Putin would never accept that. Putin thinks tucker's a fucking joke but maga-boomers still buy into him.
I think its because American's seriously get journalism, entertainment, punditry and advertisements confused as they're all mashed up in their MSM news coverage.

you raise a child on retard sandwiches and they will turn into retarded adults.

>> No.23057987

This is basically what happened with /pol/ during the aftermath. "I have no understanding of this and lack the brain power and attention span to follow what he's saying. He must be a genius"

>> No.23058014

>rise to the top of the ranks in KGB
>become world leader
>use cunning strategy to backslide democracy until you have a near despotism
>destroy anyone in your path
>turn the struggling democracy of russia into a criminal mob-state
>still maintain a positive image to the entire non-western world
And there are retards calling Putin stupid. He's far more intelligent and capable than the jokes that are called western "leaders."

>> No.23058046

To be honest, I'm quite curious about Tucker's relationship with Russia. He doesn't need money, he's an elite San Francisco heir, despite his attempts to appear like an everyman. However, he does seem to love attention and praise.

From his leaked texts, we know he has contempt for Trump and thought Trump was misusing their shared base by pushing his "stolen election narrative." But Tucker was scared enough of being unpopular with his base that he continued to do "stolen election stories," with a passion, even as he grumbled to others about it all being bullshit.

Contrast this with his attitude towards Russia after the invasion. Russia is not popular with his Boomer base, who still remember it as the USSR. Early opinion polls showed widespread support for US aid for Ukraine among Republicans. Bills passed with lots of GOP votes. And yet here, Tucker was fully ready to risk angering his base, going all in with headlines like "Zelensky Declares War on Christianity," and the like. He also dedicated a ton of show time to the invasion, making it pretty much the key issue at the end of his tenure with Fox. Nor was the network apparently pushing this endorsement of Putin, other coverage was not positive.

You could just chalk this up to him being contrarian and dug in on the issue, but there are two weird things.

One, he ran with the Kremlin talking points on a major goal of the invasion being to seize biolabs in Kiev. The US had helped upgrade these facilities, which research dangerous pathogens like antibiotic immune TB (common in Eastern Europe). But the Kremlin had it that this was part of the cause for war, that these were bioweapon facilities where "Slav killing super viruses," were being prepared, with bats and pigeons set to be used as vectors in a bio attack on Russia.

These were ridiculous claims. First because a super virus that only targets one ethnicity is sci-fi shit. Second, Ukrainians are also Slavs. Third, because the US aid and upgrades came when there was still a pro-Russian government in Ukraine. Fourth, because Russian scientists worked in these buildings.

Yet he pushed the ridiculous story for weeks.

Then there was the leak of US data on the war. This looked bad for Ukraine, showing a failing air defense system and high losses, but also looked bad for Russia, showing heavy losses and 1.4-1.8 KIA for each Ukrainian.

Tucker did a whole segment on these, but rather than quoting the real leaked documents, used a Kremlin version of the leaks (photoshopped) showing vastly higher Ukrainian losses and vastly lower Russian losses, declaring this was clear evidence that Russia was near victory and that all aid must be stopped.

But he didn't even stop there, strangely claiming that the US had soldiers fighting on the ground in Ukraine, risking World War III, and "getting Americans killed." The quote was something like, "our soldiers and theirs are shooting at each other." To say the least, this is false.

>> No.23058066

The Ukraine war was an objectively stupid move and it hurt his popularity at home, kind of revealed Russia to be a paper tiger after years of nonstop posturing
Not sure why he thought he would be able to just roll in and take the place over in a month

>> No.23058068

This claim of NATO soldiers went along with Kremlin claims that their high losses and slow progress were due to large numbers of NATO soldiers secretly being on the ground. "We are fighting all of NATO," essentially.

Then he got canned, which was surprising.

Following this, he tried to go back to making his own show, but got his with a cease and desist. His contract has a golden parachute clause but it entails that they can block him from making a new show for a certain period.

This however, didn't ultimately stop him. He risked the millions of dollars to keep doing material where he continued to focus heavily on Ukraine, hitting out at the Ukrainian government in even more negative terms (and he had already been calling Zelensky a pimp and anti -Christian by this point).

Which is all to say, his total commitment to Russia is super strange. It might just be he is a true believer or dug in after being criticized for a contrarian take. However, it's strange enough that it makes one wonder about kompromot. I don't think it would be about money, but a honeypot of some sort? Seems possible.

You see similar things with Scott Ritter and others who are basically Kremlin mouth pieces, shredding their credibility to boost even the most ridiculous Kremlin talking points. Ritter is a confirmed kiddie diddler so it's more obvious why he needs Russia for work.

>> No.23058075

>to rehabilitate his image in the eyes of magashits. dummy.
No, he just wanted to dunk on a western journalist by wasting his time with bullshit answers. His target audience in that performance was the russian people

>> No.23058102
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Yep. the great Cucker Carlson question. Useful idiot, 5th columnist, attention seeker (clicks $$$) or bought and sold with russian money?
Maybe he's completely mindfucked by this point and even he doesn't know. I found it to be quite discombobulating when I've acted in a duplicitous manner with people for a long period of time. Also, its not uncommon for grifters to lose their grip on reality and start believing their own shtick.

>cuck cuck cuck

>> No.23058110
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he got canned for costing rupert murdoch $750m by mindlessly spreading disinformation to gullible baby boomers

>> No.23058116

I doubt russians were that interested in it, but I did wonder if it was a joke or an example of Putin's sense of humour.

>> No.23058117

putin is so obviously a fake christian its not even funny and the russian orthodox church is as well. patriarch kirill is condoning the death of his fellow christian brethren for literally no reason.

>> No.23058121


>> No.23058148

This thread is entirely organic and representative of /lit/, just a coincidence that it's about an interview with Putin and none of these kinds of takes are found in other threads

>> No.23058152

Putin fucked up and caused a lot of pointless deaths but there is no such thing as a "fake christian", Christians can believe in literally anything, it's unironically the most versatile religion in the world. There are good and evil christians, there are conservative and progressive christians, there are anarcho capitalist and marxist leninist christians. This "fake christian" argument is just ridiculous. Christians don't even share an universal consistent bible, every faction got their own canon plus their own consensus.

>> No.23058156

Are you a retard or a shill? Not everyone you don't like is a retard. Putin may be evil, but he's not also completely retarded just because he's (Current Enemy). Get your head out of the propaganda, it makes you sound like a 60 year old boomer that watched to many Good Guys vs. Bad Guys action movies.

>> No.23058167

Yes, but it was still surprising since that hasn't been an initial demand of Dominion. He got canned because it was part of the settlement IIRC.

His texts were particularly distasteful in light of later events. His whole thing has been "how can we be spending money defending Ukraine's border when we aren't defending ours!"

There might be a fair point here, although it seems like it should be possible to better police our border AND help our allies. But with his behavior it begs another question: why do you tell millions of people that their country just had a rigged election when you absolutely don't think it is true? You're not willing to stand up to popular opinion amongst your audience when it comes to the foundation of democracy in your own nation, but when it comes to defending a hostile foreign power's invasion of another country, then it's time to take a stand and educate your audience on the truth?

The whole thing has become ridiculous. I would love to see fewer migrants, particularly illegals. And we get the biggest bill on migration in 30-40 years, Dems over a barrel finally having to all these demands, and then all the sudden it's "no, we can't do anything on the border now, it's an election year. We will just pass the military aid by itself." Ridiculous.

>> No.23058168

putin is just a more cunning libtard himself thoughbeit. the only real difference is his domain is eurasia rather than oceania.

>> No.23058281

glownigger botfarm found this thread kek

>> No.23058492

History of Russia Vol. I-XXVII

>> No.23058525

I'm glad more people are catching on to the fact that Putin is a fucking retard who maintained power more by luck, intimidation, and mafia shittery rather than genius 4D chess moves and gigabrained political maneuvering. Anyone who knows the events surrounding the apartment bombings already knew this but now even MAGA Qtard types are starting to see it.

>> No.23059153

None of those are achievements that require high intelligence, just the willingness to be evil, backstab your friends ands kill off any major opponents, which is what his career consists of.
As to the "positive image" - whether shithole country retards are resentful against the West and put their hopes of owning it onto Putin doesn't really matter, and for the others it has more to do with the cheap oil Russia is providing them.

>> No.23059157

>War and Peace and not Anna Karenina
>the little prince

>> No.23059161

>None of those are achievements that require high intelligence,
Anon, I don't expect much from you, just a modicum of self-awareness.

>> No.23059168

>commie kgb agent doesn’t love jesus
The only amazing thing is that you’re surprised. The american right’s clown mirror version of russia is truly staggering.

>> No.23059169

Which Pootin are you referring to?
The guy has least 7 or 8 clones

>> No.23059170

>Poland started WW2

>> No.23059177

That's because the Republican party has become the personal goon squad of Donald Trump

>> No.23059222

>rise to the top of the ranks in KGB
Never happened. He was a KGB pencil pusher and he left the "top of the ranks in KGB" to become a taxi driver.
>become world leader
Modern day Russia is a world leader as much as post-WWII Britain is a world leader.
>turn the struggling democracy of russia into a criminal mob-state
Always was a criminal mob-state, the only reason he rose to power was by helping the mob fleece the Russians.
>still maintain a positive image to the entire non-western world
Who cares what thirdies are told to believe in their dysfunctional shitholes? Russia could be as rich as Norway and it's a dump because of people like him.

>> No.23059236

Why would you want to be like Norway anyway
>hurr seething thirdies
They can just jump on a plane and seek "asylum" in their country of choice for free shit lol

>> No.23059257

England and France started WW2. Poland was just the catalyst
>Russia could be as rich as Norway
Lmao sl*v delusions

>> No.23059260

So you can leech some off of me, just like russians leech western culture?

>> No.23059263

Yeah yeah, the usual /pol/ drivel. The brown hands that type this shit would grab a greencard at first chance.

>> No.23059274

>there arent millions of niggers and shitskins in Europe
What world do you live in?

>> No.23059294

>He literally said in the interview he doesn’t see God’s providence in world events.
You're retarded. Tucker asked Putin if he sees the "supernatural" in world events. Putin said he didn't, and then gave a vague answer about "laws", which, if you think about it, could naturally include so-called "supernatural" events. Notice how his final statement affirms the existence of the soul and the role of the Church.

Putin likely has a much more nuanced view of God and spirituality, but he wasn't going to expose those views and simply hint at it for those who have a clue.

>> No.23059295

>kind of revealed Russia to be a paper tiger after years of nonstop posturing
So why is Ukraine losing

>> No.23059300

Norway is still a pretty nice place but browns are actively destroying it as we speak

>> No.23059318

>A man who is responsible for almost a million of deaths (russian and Ukrainian) ...affirms the existence of the soul and the role of the Church.
>Putin likely has a much more nuanced view of God and spirituality
Religion speak is retarded and I didn't want to get into this, but if he really is religious, a genuine believer in christian god and all the stuff that comes with it that once he is dead his soul is only gonna go one way and that is down. Again this pretty much proves that his faith is for the show.

>Why is poor country with no resources who just got abandoned by their biggest ally is losing
I guess war is going so well for russia that putin even had to get american reporter to start spreading propaganda in hopes that american public maybe change their mind and pressure politicians stop the war for him.
I feel we will be seeing more interviews with chinese, indian and reporters of other large countries next

>> No.23059325

No, a fair bit of /pol/ was laughing at him and calling him autistic when it came out. The man was acting like an EU4 player with his 30 minute rant about the last 1000 years of Russian history.

>> No.23059340

Cope, Jew.

>> No.23059348
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So, a fake roman empire fan
TRVE ROMAN LADS know if the empire doesn't hold rome it's not the roman empire.

>> No.23059363

>lol imagine caring about history
I can always rely on this board for the most vapid takes. Every post competing for the title of woman with the strongest herd instincts.

>> No.23059387

Grade A copium.

>> No.23059405

That's not the point, the point is that climbing mirrors using something that happened houndreds of years ago as an argument for modern conflict is dishonest and retarded

>> No.23059409

Why don't you do everyone a favor and explain the relevance of a viking chieftain founding a kingdom 1000 years ago to whether invading a country today is justified. I'm just a poor npc, I don't get it, please help.

>> No.23059416


>> No.23059418

You're not contradiction what the user said, you're just moving the goal post. Basically every Western military analyst agreed with Putin's assessment that he could take Ukraine within three days and now the war drags on and you're trying to sell that as a success. What can Russia win anyway? Largest country on earth fighting for a bit of land and a warm water port that NATO would destroy within hours. The war is pointless and that's Russia's problem.

>> No.23059439

One of the main ideas of orthodox (small o) Christianity is that God’s providence is behind world events and that God has a world-historical plan, perhaps vague and unknown to us, that is causally important. Putin’s assertion that there is no supernatural force in history and that history follows natural “laws” is a typical assertion of atheistic materialism, which conceives of the world as following its own lawlike mechanical framework without any higher unifying principle that determines or structures or gives justification to those laws. It doesn’t matter that he asserted the importance of the Church because it is painfully obvious he did that for propaganda purposes, to trick the plebs by identifying with them. It’s the same as when Napoleon pretended to be a Muslim in Egypt. Totally cynical power grab.

>> No.23059459

Many kind souls including presidents of russias have tried their best to help you retards understand the simplest things but nothing said registers.
Historical context matters, it was not presented as justification for anything and when you say shit like that you're revealing you're either dishonest or dumb. The narrative Putin presented is the same he always presented but is rarely reported in western media for some reason despite the guy explicitly calling for peace the entire time as long as independent Donbass and Russian Crimea are conceded. No added Russian territory, just some guarantees, stop skirmishes, persecution of Russian speakers and acknowledge that not abandoning his military base and area only populated by Russians is not an "invasion".

One side consistently lies about what the other actually says and actively tries to prevent journalists from investigating. The other side appears to be some desperate and emotionally scarred mongolian peasants with not even a fraction of the powers of manipulation and narrative control displayed by their opponents every day. How does anyone fall for it? It's because the lie doesn't have to be convincing, they just need to exert manufactured social pressure through the media and you predictable monkeys will always go for it.

>> No.23059480

No shit Sherlock, Putin's been in the game for 40 years, there's almost a thousand books about him in circulation.

>> No.23059501

The Ukrainian people see themselves as a distinct ethnic group with their own political autonomy. It doesn’t matter that years in the past they diverted from the wider ethnic group known as Rus. Putin bringing this history up was evidently an attempt to claim that Ukrainians are actually Russians and that therefore it is justified to annex Ukraine. What else could he have meant by relating the story of the Ukrainian soldiers who refused to surrender because “Russians don’t surrender”? He was saying they think of themselves as Russians, but are fighting against Russia for some misguided reason.

Putin’s historical justification does not make sense given the type of modern State he heads. These sorts of historical claims could be made by Russian emperors, who viewed themselves as the God-ordained rulers of this particular Orthodox Slavic group, with a deep political history based on religious and aristocratic family ties. Putin on the other hand heads a modern nation-state whose legitimacy derives from “the Russian people” and not from God, or aristocratic tradition. Hence these sorts of imperial arguments make no sense.

Putin is obviously throwing shit at the wall and seeing what sticks. He has these arguments:

1. NATO expansion
2. Imperial history
3. The Donbas question

Only point (3) is worth considering from a moral standpoint. And yet who is to believe that Putin gives a shit about morality? His reasons obviously lie elsewhere.

>> No.23059519

Unfortunately, Tucker is either a paid Russian shill or turns out to be another MAGA Boomer tard. If he was really /our guy/ he couldn't have resisted the interrupting the lecture on European history.

>"I'm going to have to stop you right there Vlad."
>*Looks at camera

>> No.23059522

>Putin is a fake Christian
wow really

>> No.23059533

The pro ukraine side used to be fluent in english. What changed? I don't even care about this whole thing but it's genuinely odd to see every pro ukraine/anti russia post be so poorly written.

>> No.23059538

Euro hours, many polacks, krauts, wops, etc.

>> No.23059551

>and that therefore it is justified to annex Ukraine
You're dishonest and/or an idiot. There's no other explanation. You read my post and decided it would prove some point if you did the exact same dishonest shit I described in that post?
You can't engage with what's said so you make up stories. I tried to help you gain some insight and instead of engaging with even a word of it you made up your own fantasy that the fucking mongolian faggot explicitly and emphatically denies multiple times in that video, in all his declarations for a decade, in his actual actions and in the formal negotiations which were confirmed by a Ukrainian official on camera to have been stopped by Boris Johnson.

If Britain was joining the Soviet Union or whatever the US would want to present their historical ties to the uneducated retarded masses for context to why they see their interests related and why some territories previously shared between them may now be in dispute etc. Some deranged hysterical idiot might assume based on nothing else that those are subtle hints to plans to annex Britain. It's hard to believe idiots like that exist but here you all are.

>> No.23059565

"Superstition" comes from Christians as derogatory term. The material world and logical rules are themselves expressions of God. There's no need for anything "super".

>> No.23059579

>just the willingness to be evil, backstab your friends ands kill off any major opponents
Be serious for a moment.

>> No.23059581

He is definitely a paid russian shill but modern (?) American debate where the actual point does not matter only interrupting your opponent does is retarded.

>> No.23059594

Reminds me of these black debating shows on yt. Who tf thinks interrupting is a good thing lmao.

>> No.23059625

>calling for peace the entire time as long as independent Donbass and Russian Crimea are conceded. No added Russian territory, just some guarantees, stop skirmishes, persecution of Russian speakers and acknowledge that not abandoning his military base and area only populated by Russians is not an "invasion".
Kill yourself you fucking gopnik. The russian/Ukrainian border, same as with Finland and Baltics has been agreed on in 1991 after ussr collapse, the appropriate agreements had been signed by russia and other countries. Now it appears that russia never really cared about those agreements. Donbas and Crimea are part of Ukraine, as agreed, russians living there are immigrants and ethnic minorities in Ukraine. Because if you don't agree with this then we go further back and give back Crimea to Tatars as it was their land originally, same with Kaliningrad, it goes back to being German land. Amur goes back to Chinese.
You kacap garbage are a fucking horde of criminals and terrorists, always have been, always will be. Americans should have put you down long time ago.

>> No.23059669

Wow, thanks anon for answering to a concrete question with the generic vacuous statement that "historical context matters", it's all much clearer now.
It was very much presented as a justification, since the whole history lecture was to imply the non-existence of something like a Ukrainian nation.
Let's try this one: if the Soviet Union was a legitimate country, and Lenin was its legitimate sovereign, why does it trigger Putin so much that "for some unknown reason" (his words lol) Lenin "created" Ukraine? It's just how history happened, isn't it, and being mad about it doesn't give you any claim on that territory, not Donbass, not Crimea, not Odessa, nothing.

>> No.23059867

Russia never touched Ukraine before the government was overthrown in a CIA backed coup and the political rights of Russians in the Eastern territories and Crimea were thereby suppressed (for these were the regions which voted for the deposed president). You cannot appeal to treaties in the 90s which establish Ukraine’s borders because those treaties immediately go out of the window when a revolution occurs and a new government is installed. Imagine someone overthrows the federal government of the US, imposes their own president, and then expects the US States to remain obedient to this new president that was installed against their will. That’s not how things work. You don’t get to carry out a coup d’etat and then claim the same rights and legal privileges of the government you just overthrew. Thank God the Russians were there to defend the rights of those regions to secede from an illegally established State. If Ukraine had just let them leave, this wouldn’t be a problem.

>> No.23059875

Nobody said superstition. He was asked if God has a role in history and blatantly said no, it’s all just mechanistic laws.

>> No.23059909

>he didn't read 1000 books in the last 10 years

>> No.23059935


>> No.23059950

> he counts how many books he reads
Oh, anon, I...

>> No.23059962

>Donbas and Crimea are part of Ukraine, as agreed
They're lived in by Russians. The idea that you're the reasonable one while demanding they leave areas they live in is deranged. That's a line a large power said they were willing to go to war for. You pressed them on it for no fucking reason and then complained when the violence that was already ongoing and supported by you escalated.
You can't even begin to pretend to argue sincerely or engage with anything said. Like I said from the start it won't matter even slightly what I say to you retards. In your replies you don't even seem to grasp what's been said to you on any level or how to think about any subject. You've been fed what you should think and you'll find ways to focus reinforce those beliefs no matter what.
>It was very much presented as a justification
It explicitly was not. There's no interpretation needed on your behalf, the fucking guy explicitly said this is not justification for annexing Ukraine and he does not want to annex Ukraine. Ukraine can call him out on that today.
>since the whole history lecture was to imply the non-existence of something like a Ukrainian nation.
To then explicitly state the Ukrainian state should exist independently? Try to make even the slightest sense. Try to not appeal exclusively to fantasies you made up based on nothing.
>doesn't give you any claim on that territory, not Donbass, not Crimea, not Odessa, nothing
The territories being Russian gives him "claim" on those territories. Crimea has nothing to do with Ukraine, to "invade" Crimea he had to do precisely nothing. Conceding Donbass to Ukraine would have made sense before when Ukraine wasn't acting insane and actively persecuting Russian speaking Ukrainian citizens as documented by third party observers and Ukrainian legislation.

>> No.23059988

You don't need to count. If you know that you read two books a week, it's ~1000 in 10 years.

>> No.23059997

>The territories being Russian gives him "claim" on those territories
ummm... no, it doesn't. Does he get to have Brighton Beach too? Does he get Israel? How much does Germany have to cede, there's like a million Russian migrants there. Not to mention Poland, Czech rep, the Baltics...

>> No.23060088

>Does he get to have Brighton Beach too?
How many Russian military bases, factories and businesses are there? What's the trade volume?
Why do you want bloodshed so much?
As presumed close allies forever they saw no problem with Ukraine owning Crimea based on ancient history despite it being functionally Russian. It became a shared area for tourists from both sides and trade to flow through but it was still controlled and lived in by Russians.
Suddenly one day after reneging on their side of an agreement and generally acting deranged due to glownigger influence Ukraine demands Russia leaves a Russian province with their only southern port based on the deal Ukraine just shat on. After a decade of actively provoking an escalation while Putin asks for peace the escalation finally happened and everyone acts like that's the crazy part.

>> No.23060098

Idk how much hope I have left anymore anons. He won't stop and westerners abandon the war one after the other.

>> No.23060196

>slavic AIDS-ridden alcoholics don't rate the creator of profound literary genius that high
yeah I wonder why

>> No.23060198

>the king of the slavs like slavshit.
i shouldn't be surprised

>> No.23060208

Your retarded analogy with America and the UK actually argues against your nonsense perspective, not in favor of it. Of course your demented slavnigger brain lacks the faculties to properly realize that irony, but it is still funny.

>> No.23060221

A huge part of orthodox christians are materialist due to their marxist background and again they are undoubtedly christian. There is no such thing as a "fake christian" unless they straight up deny their faith.

>> No.23060222

Who cares

>> No.23060228

Are you stupid? The Kremlin actively rejects western journalists and picked tucker because he's a useful idiot.

>> No.23060241
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>muh color resolution

Or the ukies kicked him out because putins Russia is a shithole. Putler can claim he's denazifying this and Poland aggression that but at the end of the day he's the reason his neighbors hate his country

>> No.23060250

after two years of war russians celebrate they advanced few streets in a town 50km from their borders
ukraine is losing the same way afghanistan was losing

>> No.23060259

Idk, afghani women didn't leave the country in droves. Both are shitholes but that's the only way you can compare them.

>> No.23060305


>> No.23060319
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Why does tucker look so constipated?

>> No.23060329
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People have been saying his live translator mightve been bad so he was/looked confused the whole time

>> No.23060524

>muuh CIA
And then the breakaway regions were ruled by FSB agents. Every accusation and admission.

>> No.23060537

>Le bad guys won
Can you believe this shit?

>> No.23060543

mfw i'm 50% into the book and just realize it sucks

>> No.23060551

Thank god we snatched this beautiful city from the kuffars before their hellish machines could seize it. Glory to kaysar i rum sultan erdogan خَادِمُ ٱلْحَرَمَيْنِ ٱلشَّرِيفَيْنِ

>> No.23060558

What he actually meant was for Sweden to take rightful ownership of both Russia and Ukraine and save them from continued conflict.

>> No.23060559

he was expecting a talk show

>> No.23060579

This is really antisemitic

>> No.23060584

Pretty sure he can't read

>> No.23060598

The dawning realization that the dialogue partner you took for reasonable is actually insane. Like, schizo level. Ever had that experience? I had, I can see it in Cucker Tardsons eyes.

>> No.23060602

The irony

>> No.23060687

>Putin said Putin said….
Who cares what Putin said? He’s a known liar. Weeks before he invaded he swore it was a mere military exercise. Putin shills back then were unanimously claiming that Western media is in hysterics and Putin has no plans on Ukraine. Now after the invasion these same shills have switched to claiming that he had no choice but to invade. Well if he had no choice why did nobody see it coming? I’m sure if Putin annexed all of Ukraine you guys would come up with a reason for why it was necessary and just.

>> No.23060715

Hopefully books on how to finish this war. Fucking dragon ball z shit.

>> No.23060717
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I believe this is his reaction to Putin saying “I will take thirty seconds or just one minute to give you a short reference to our history” then instead going on for about half an hour and Tucker being increasingly about how long this historical background would be. I have to admit, that was pretty funny. Power move by Putin. Probably some KGB-era psychological-warfare tactic meant to act as a metaphorical ball-slap and establish dominance or something, I don’t know. I don’t have a bone in this fight and am not really pro-Putin or pro-Ukraine — both of them seem like corrupt shithole countries run by oligarchs/mafia-like governments, but I also doubt the conflict would have happened as it did without the excessive U.S./CIA/NATO provocations, although Putin has to take some blame for being a megalomaniac, too. I guess I’ll fall back on le radical centrist “both sides bad” view, which of course makes me the target of hatred from just about everyone. Genuinely hilarious moment of that interview, though.

>> No.23060764

>wanting to join a defensive pact to protect yourself against your crazy neighbor is a provocation.

>> No.23060783

Don't care

>> No.23060804

If Russian bases or factories are not wanted in another country they better leave, lol. The fact that they really really would like to keep "their only southern port" is too bad. Should have saved their soviet empire then, should have done better diplomacy and relations with their neighbors, should have been a power that Ukraine would rather follow than the West, should have avoided turning into a shithole dictatorship that's just icky to associate with.
Imagine shilling with a straight face that Putin is in the right because he's so very deeply butthurt and needs to vent, lmao

>> No.23060808

It's okay, they're doing something about it now.

>> No.23060957

Does that mean all legal agreements ever signed were nulified when that putin shill was removed from power or just the agreements that defined Ukraine/Russia border?

>> No.23060976

Does that mean that if russian immigrants open more businesses in some region in Germany they can demand independance and then a little later officially join russia? All because there are many russians living there and they have many enterprices.

>> No.23060995

Lost all respect. No way he hasn’t read Ivan Ilyin either, which makes him even more cucked.

>> No.23061003

>I’m sure if Putin annexed all of Ukraine you guys would come up with a reason for why it was necessary and just.
Hohols have to be saved from their own retardation. Would you let a man with down syndrome operate a nuclear power plant or fly a plane?

>> No.23061013

Ilyin is likely his favorite philosopher but he’s not putting him in a list like that cause he’s seen as an evil Tsarist reactionary.

>> No.23061020

>I’m sure if Putin annexed all of Ukraine you guys would come up with a reason for why it was necessary and just.
Yes, I already believe this.

>> No.23061033


Judging by that interview, I'd say he mostly reads wikipedia.

>> No.23061041

Wow, a fellow /lit/izen.

>> No.23061050

When a coup d’etat or revolution occurs it throws everything up for question. Why do you think a revolutionary state should inherit the same honour, respect, and legal privileges of the state it overthrew? The political will of the pro-Russian population in Ukraine was suppressed through revolution, and in a democratic logic this is enough for the State to lose its legitimacy.

>> No.23061060

As was said in the UN declaration of 1970. Good post anon.

>> No.23061066

Stfu faggot ass nigger, he has a country to lead and wars to fight. He has an actual life, a career and a legacy. You have absolutely nothing, you sit on your pasty ass and read what men better than you wrote and that is your definition of who is a cuck and who is not. You amount to absolutely nothing, you retarded incel.
Same goes for those faggots >>23056540 >>23059157

>> No.23061093
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So what you're saying is Russia destabilized Ukraine so now it can ignore treaties and whine about being treated unfairly good Kremlin dick sucking right here

>> No.23061100

He's leading his country into the gutter and you're a spineless retard for praising him

>> No.23061105

You guys lost, get over it.

>> No.23061106

lol at this terminally online retard acting like he is any better, it all sounds like a hard projection

>> No.23061112
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Are you joking right now?

>> No.23061114

I'm not praising anyone, retard. I'm just telling you that you're a giant faggot for insulting someone because he read author X instead of author Y.

>> No.23061119

>Fucks ukrainian women who already say they won't go back
It's over, even if they retain some slivers of ground.

>> No.23061120

afghan women didn't really have a convenient train connection with western europe, so they went to hide into caves instead

>> No.23061124
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Maybe he would be a better leader if he didn't read so much garbage

>> No.23061138

He disappeared in his reading nook for months and no one could get a hold of him. And of all the world leaders, he's the one who's the least involved in day-to-day stuff. Though he's probably busy now micromanaging his 3 day special military operation.

>> No.23061139

I’m saying those treaties aren’t compelling in this scenario.

>> No.23061152

Dostoevsky was an antisemite, just like Solzhenitsyn, and neither of them are popular in Russia for this exact reason.

>> No.23061155

I wish Tucker would have asked him directly whether he thought that the Ukrainians would fold immediately. Everything indicates that he did so. He called it a special op and not a war, he launched failed attacks on Kiev. Clearly he miscalculated something. He also let Putin avoid his question of whether the territory he has now is enough.

>> No.23061171

Marxist Christianity is a niche and even if it exists as a serious viewpoint it won’t deny that God is behind world history it would probably just say the instrument he uses is class conflict

>> No.23061176

Yeah Russia made it that way

>> No.23061190

>Say something retarded and pretend it is le balanced
>Get called a retard by Anon
>Don't care, I am le proud retard

Why bother voicing your opinion?

>> No.23061194

I don't care being corrected because I don't care about the whole this side other side shit. Get rekt skrub.

>> No.23061201
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Cool story bro. If you care so much why don't you sign up for the next human wave. After all, this is making Russians safe, right?

>> No.23061203
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great so we are pol now

>> No.23061206
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It's a good thing Putin is such a strong leader and just man. Imagine, these men might have been threatened by NATO aggression and spontaneous aggression but for his acts to prompt such dastardly acts. Now they are safe.

>> No.23061210

No but what are you gonna do about it realistically lmao.

>> No.23061212

>intimidation, and mafia shittery
>rather than genius 4D chess moves and gigabrained political maneuvering
He studied differential equations and Crystallography rather than Mathematics and Chemistry.

>> No.23061214

call the jannie hotline to get you all banned, then tip the jannie 20%

>> No.23061218

>Yeah I'm neutral, I think both countries are bad, okay? But Russia defending itself against NATO aggression was justified (from my neutral point of view). Also Putin is a total badass, here's a gif of him from my fap folder. Z
It's good to hear these sobering neutral accounts from time to time, we are all too brainwashed in the West.

>> No.23061221

Why don't you for ukraine?

>> No.23061226

Midwit taste as expected by a politician

>> No.23061227

Lol good luck, this place hasn't seen a jannie in months except for the biggest offenders. It's over.

>> No.23061228

These men died for their country, as many have before. Why mock them

>> No.23061229

just watch

>> No.23061232

Don't care about this slav genocide, didn't even read your shit tbdesu.

>> No.23061235

@me in my dms when they do

>> No.23061269

Putin thought the war would be over in a week with a sweeping victory fought by slick professional soldiers in a Rambo style “special military operation”. Now he has to cope with the fact that he’s sent hundreds of thousands of men to die in a pointless war that could’ve been avoided and currently has no end in sight. He has to double down and pretend everything is going according to plan.

>> No.23061272

Lol I hate Russians and I want more of them to die.

>> No.23061280

>Putin thought the war would be over in a week with a sweeping victory fought by slick professional soldiers in a Rambo style “special military operation”.
No, he thought that he could pressure the Kiev Junta into signing a peace and neutrality deal, then when Boris Johnson convinced the Ukraine to fight a long war Russia switched to mobilization and military industrialization in preparation for said long war.

>Now he has to cope with the fact that he’s sent hundreds of thousands of men to die in a pointless war
It's not pointless, Russia stands to benefit strategically immensely and acquire huge amounts of resources, land and Russian-speaking citizens, moreover it was necessary to avert the threat of the Ukraine joining NATO and related issues.

>and currently has no end in sight.
The end is staring the Ukraine and its western sponsors in the face, the Kiev Junta is catastrophically short of trained manpower, artillery shells and heavy equipment, Russia has the strategic initiative and the Ukrainian lines are collapsing all along the front and Russia has not even started their Kharkov offensive yet.

>> No.23061282

Retards in this very thread believe everything is going according to plan

>> No.23061290

Kek, case in fucking point >>23061280

>> No.23061294 [DELETED] 
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Maybe it was how they rolled in raping everything in sight and looting?

>> No.23061302

2 more weeks till cukrainussia wins and we finally can go back to talking about other things

>> No.23061310

>the church is the patriarch
you're illiterate

>> No.23061324
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They died so a 70 year old man could play IRL Hearts of Iron 3 and build up his legacy as one of the great Russian strongmen. Unfortunately, he's also a shit leader who was so surrounded by yesmen that he believed his own bullshit and now a million plus have fled the country, spurring on demographic collapse, while casualties are headed north of 400,000 and will almost certainly reach half a million this year, with 150,000 or so being KIA.

This would be like America taking 500,000 dead and over a million casualties if you scale for population. And the vaunted Soviet stockpiles are now all gone and it will take decades to replace them. And two new countries on the border entered NATO and neighboring states vastly upped defense spending while also shutting down huge amounts of trade with Russia. Truly, their sacrifice has helped make Russia safer and stronger.

>> No.23061325

Russia switched to mobilisation after it had already been pushed out of Kiev, Kharkov, and Kherson. They clearly underestimated Ukrainian strength. Everything about their propaganda and initial military strategy indicates that they assumed Ukraine would crumble immediately.

>> No.23061330

Doesn't explain why you mock them aside from them being born in le other side.

>> No.23061351

I think it behooves us as observers to give men on both sides their due respect.

For he to-day that sheds his blood with me
Shall be my brother; be he ne’er so vile,
This day shall gentle his condition:
And gentlemen in England now a-bed
Shall think themselves accursed they were not here,
And hold their manhoods cheap whiles any speaks
That fought with us upon Saint Crispin’s day.

>> No.23061353

Yes it does

>> No.23061358

Russia isn't due any respect

>> No.23061370

>aside from them being born in le other side.
Oh I already gave away I knew your reasons.

>> No.23061376
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>he let's act like raping orcs and try to enslave others to our KGB Boomer because we are too pussy to overthrow them. After all, what can be done? If only the Tsar knew!
>Noooo! You have to respect the invaders! Think of their sacrifices! All the dedovschina they endured from the Chechens!

>> No.23061387

True, this is why I don't care about this slav genocide. Why's it our problem again?
>Slavs die and get raped
>By gulp le other slavs
Lol okay

>> No.23061388
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But it is the last bulwark against degeneracy!

>> No.23061389

It’s a complicated situation but looked at objectively Russia had a genuine cassus belli. Whether their actions were strategically or even morally sound is questionable. But they were not there on purely self indulgent pretexts.

>> No.23061403

>Ukraine being one step behind russia in almost every category
My sides lmao

>> No.23061406
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>Though he's probably busy now micromanaging his 3 day special military operation
He's busy with some bussy methinks

>> No.23061414
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Looked at objectively, Russia's strategic actions are the equivalent of driving right into a landmine... which, by the way...

>> No.23061422

Russia is a bulwark against the globalist liberal world order dominated by US imperialism. Nobody said Russian society was perfect. It’s admirable that they arrest gay pride people and defend traditional values. Doesn’t mean they don’t have social issues, especially being ex communist.

>> No.23061431

Tucker follows Elbridge Colby on twitter and they presumably run in the same "not cia" circles. Elbridge Colby hates the war on Ukraine because its wasting real and social capital that would be better directed towards a more geopolitically important war with China over Taiwan.

>> No.23061433

>All this coping
>Knowing ukraine won't recover for the next 300 years
What for?

>> No.23061435

They definitely miscalculated horribly. However they are winning the war.

>> No.23061438

The globalist liberal world is much better than HIV central

>> No.23061447

>globalist liberal world order
>you can publicly call your political leadership a bunch of senile pedophiles and no one will bat an eye
>based trad rvssia
>get gulag'd or drafted if you criticize the war or putin

>> No.23061449

Not much difference between russia and ukraine in these pics. Damn maybe they are the same people.

>> No.23061455

Freedom of speech is a core liberal bourgeois value. So yes, the liberal world order…

>> No.23061458
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>Based and read Russia
>Sends Eurasian Muslim shock troops into a White, Christian, European country while gloating about how they love to rape a loot.
>Higher HIV then the West
>Safe haven for CP servers
>Higher drug use
>More Muslims
>Heavily reliant on migration due to demographic collapse
Guess where this is from...

>> No.23061462

This, I would consider Putin, Erdogan, Orban, and Netanyahu all to be the greatest statesmen of our time, not because they've done anything good, but they've hung on for 20 years in some pretty rough places, and seem to get their way on almost everything whether from their friends or enemies. It really is quite masterful. Then again, I have an atypical view here, other people might blurt out Churchill for instance, but he was thrown out of office during a war never to return—literally a loser. Had Hillary Clinton been elected in 2016 and again in 2020 I would have to rank her too among the masters of statecraft, for spending what would have been nearly 30 years in top federal offices.

>> No.23061498

Is clinging to power the only metric for judging great statesmen then? But by that metric Saddam Hussein, who ended up hung by a Shia militia as they chanted Al Sadr's name and left behind a war torn and ruinous country would be a "great and successful statesman." Qaddafi would be a great statesman despite dying getting literally raped with a knife by a mob of his own people. Chavez would be a great statesmen despite the fact that his lack of planning for his own death plunged his nation into chaos and sent its citizens fleeing in droves to degenerate America.

Meanwhile, Washington would be a mediocre statesman because he at first refused power, and later stepped down after two terms.

It seems to me like ruining your country's prospects should disqualify you. Let us take Solon's advice and count no man happy until he is dead. If you leave things so that they collapse as soon as you are gone like Diocletian, then you have done something wrong. This is why Aristotle defines human flourishing even in terms of what happens to one's loved ones after death.

>> No.23061514

Russia would be better without putin gone

>> No.23061519

Uhm esl, you made a whoopsie

>> No.23061530
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>> No.23061604

>into a White, Christian, European country
Ukraine is only one of those, I'll let you figure out which.
Although, if the russkies are mongoloids, then I don't see how you can make the claim that Ukraine is European, so... none of those?

>> No.23061618

No, if you leave behind a failed state that's a problem, Qadaffi and Saddam had a shot but they were annihilated by the United States, perhaps the poorest least self-preserving decision possible is to risk your entire state in battle against an enemy which can rain hellfire on you from behind a desk. Endurance is crucial to achieving objectives, and if you don't achieve them what is your tenure worth. Israel, Turkey, Hungary, under their respective illiberal masterminds routinely extract concessions from everyone who wants their support, they are nobody's lapdogs without being given their rawhide first. Putin had the privilege of anticipating his Saddam or Qadaffi moment and taking steps to make sure it would never happen, even in Ukraine where his military fails horrendously on offense, they have forced Ukraine to invade itself, to suffer attrition on its own soil. Meanwhile he can resupply through Asia, punished but not broken by sanctions, the worst sort of thing you can do is of course to wound an opponent without finishing him off, the same sort of failed western strategy has made Iran, North Korea, etc., shitholes as they may be, quite resilient and anti-fragile in miserable ways. Russia as a giant Iran, a terrible outcome, disaster of US foreign policy, a more menacing Russia as the outcome. How he dies and what comes after, that determines his legacy. The other three are on better footing, Netanyahu perhaps the least, though his real threat comes from the ultra right withdrawing their support and not from other segments of Israeli society disliking him (this dynamic is poorly understood by western commentators, who are hardly aware that the West Bank settlers are an ironclad vote bank on par with Black Democrats in the US)

>> No.23061622

>Without puddin gone
>Without him gone
Yes, you made a whoopsie

>> No.23061640

Cope and seethe

>> No.23061645

NTA, but we are the seed of Kyivian Rus, a civilization founded by our ancient Nord Aryan ancestors. We gave the Slavs civilization and they served us in turn. Even the Romans paid tribute to the Nord armies of the land.

But the recalcitrant Russians bred in great numbers, and turned over to the Mongols. They drank deep from the cup of Asiatic despotism, and mating with the other Steppe peoples became a dire horde. This horde extinguished the lights of old Novgorod and Kyiv, and ushered in an era of darkness. While the Russoids became even more degenerate and Asiatic, the old Aryan seed remained strong to the West. Some of these medieval children of the Nords helped beat back the Mongol Yolk in Poland and Hungary, but only after falling back.

In the 1940s, our Aryan brothers came to liberate us and again many children of the Nords fought side by side with their brothers.

And still we fight, for our ancestors, for Wotan, and Thor! Linguistic families ≠ genetics my friend. One's tongue does not negate one's Aryan seed.

>> No.23061651

>Putin had the privilege of anticipating his Saddam or Qadaffi moment and taking steps to make sure it would never happen, even in Ukraine where his military fails horrendously on offense, they have forced Ukraine to invade itself, to suffer attrition on its own soil.

Uhh, didn't Putin have to flee his capital just months ago and do an emergency broadcast about the dire threat of immanent civil war because a catering guy he elevated into a war lord was marching towards his capital and destroying all resistance?

Doesn't sound super stable.

>> No.23061666

Yeah but he blew him up in a boss move comparable only to Michael Corleone’s elimination of competitors in The Godfather

>> No.23061677


>> No.23061694

Sure, and that works for now. But it means the next person will have way less of an incentive to make a deal.

That said, Putin's position looks much better now that they have been incorporating all the irregular units into the army. At one point, there was a plan to let other billionaires get their own armies too, seemingly as a way to "balance" against Wagner. But this is obviously a recipe for a civil war given the state has no clear succession plan (Putin's legal successor is sort of a nobody) and they had multiple militaries with allegiances to individuals.

Still, it's hard to see what will happen when Putin dies, and he isn't young. Nor can he step down with the war going on because of his "legacy," and it seems like it could easily stretch well into his 70s at this rate.

But who knows, maybe he will pull a Mugabe and rule for another 25 years kek.

>> No.23061748

There's a lot of theater that goes on in Russia, but the outcome was the elimination of a rogue asset and as satan >>23061666 noted, he did it so horrifically and extravagantly that it sends a message nobody could fail to notice—we will bury you indeed!

>> No.23061757

> Still, it's hard to see what will happen when Putin dies,
Medvedev or another security state functionary with name recognition would take over most likely

>> No.23061802

The question is whether any candidate has enough skill to handle the beast that has been created. Sometimes nobody does. Is there someone as vicious, calculating, and fear inspiring, or not?

>> No.23061835

>The political will of the pro-Russian population in Ukraine was suppressed through revolution
What political will would that be? Being controlled by russia? Not having independence? Because that is what was suppressed, even today there are many ethnic russians living outside occupied territories in Ukraine without any problems, having same rights as ethnic Ukrainians. Since when does political will to betray your host country is a valid political will?

>> No.23061839

The problem isn't finding a person to take over, it's that multiple people will think they should take over, especially now that Putin's star has fallen so much over this war and the coup.

When your system is "dictatorship for life," and the ruler kills his political rivals, sitting out and waiting ends up not being an option for many.

That's the problem with all the fueds. It becomes "if this guy becomes Tsar, I'm dead, better rebel."

>> No.23061856

NAFOids are completely and utterly delusional.
No surprise I guess, if they think a man can become a woman they've lost all touch with reality.

>> No.23061870

very original reply, zigger. I guess they dont pay shills for the brains huh

>> No.23061874

2 more weeks till your women return from da west!!!

>> No.23061894

Typical zigger obsessed with trannys and gays. In zigger mindset in Nato/west there is no one else left but gays and trannys

>> No.23061906

I'm not Ukrainian. Lol. It might not have dawned on (You) but nobody else likes you either

>> No.23061910

The very last hohol shill, how sad. Noone cares anymore, you guys lost lmao.

>> No.23061914
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It's not our women who are going to be leaving tranny. Winter still has months to go, how long until Bongs and Frogs are knocking on Russia's door.

You can see the results here.

>> No.23061916

You or your monkey's rapesows, same difference. If you have no women you have no country, simple as.

>> No.23061921

>2 more weeks till intervention
lmao, I'll keep fucking ukie sluts during these 5000 weeks of just 2 more weeks.