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23054182 No.23054182 [Reply] [Original]

Pitiable circumstances, vitriolic mentality, and unenviable unease wreak like a fatal disease. Prudently petulant personages, practicing provocative provocations of egocentric exasperation electrifying the sullen slave, a magnanimous exhibition of humility endears the slave to peers but appears insincere when spoken and not seen. What is heard is not what is known behind the scenes. Mindlessness is akin to ignorance, culpable in deed to contriving the misinformation mislead. Bide the tongue when expressing secondhand third-rate words of "wisdom".

>> No.23054207

Ah, the whole goddamn scene reeks like a festering wound, doesn't it? Here we are, a bunch of miserable sods, stewing in our own vitriolic brew, pretending like we've got it all figured out. It's a circus of fools, each one more eager than the last to parade their egotistical tantrums like some badge of honor. Yeah, keep jabbering, you prudently petulant pricks, your provocations are as empty as the bottles I drown my sorrows in.

And then there's the poor bastard, the sullen slave, slapping on a grin so wide you'd think he's won the lottery. But it's all bullshit, isn't it? A magnanimous exhibition, my ass. It's as transparent as a ghost and twice as pathetic. But oh, how they lap it up, the peers, nodding and smiling like it's gospel. If only they knew the rot behind the facade. But who am I kidding? They wouldn't know genuine if it smacked them in the face.

What's heard is a far cry from the grim reality lurking backstage. It's a godforsaken pantomime where mindlessness waltzes with ignorance, partners in crime in the grand scheme of deception. And don't even get me started on that high and mighty advice, spewed from mouths too drunk on their own mediocrity to realize they're just regurgitating the same third-rate drivel.

So, keep your damned tongue in check, will ya? Spare me the enlightenment you think you're peddling. It's all just noise, a cacophony of the blind leading the blind straight into oblivion. And you, sitting there, soaking this up - what's your excuse? Think you're any different? Get off your high horse before you fall and break your neck. And don't look at me for sympathy; I've got none to spare.

>> No.23054230

Lovely, your ability to write dwarfs me, I love it, gib more of your stabbing words or tell me what you read

>> No.23054232


>> No.23054248
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>> No.23054385


>> No.23054426
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>> No.23054539
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>> No.23054546
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Absolutely not.

>> No.23054620
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>> No.23054633
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>> No.23054813

Shieeet is this the bitter at the circus sideshow reality of retards we currently occupy thread?

>> No.23054822
File: 1.90 MB, 1965x1267, anti-peace-right-wing-nut-job.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is now a Justin Mohn album listening party thread.


>> No.23054859

Funny. Could be good if your idioms were less banal.

>> No.23054886
File: 2.98 MB, 1291x1261, bef4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who invited you into this thread?

You need to be at least THIS schizo to post here:

>> No.23055314

take care of your skin and use cool eyepads with aloevera