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/lit/ - Literature

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23051583 No.23051583 [Reply] [Original]

>my collection? Here bro
In all seriousness, are you guys as neurotic as /v/ and /tv/ when comes to piracy? Books are expensive and some editions are just way too expensive

>> No.23051656
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I do not pirate. Gutenberg has something like 70,000 books available for free. Open Textbook Library has tons of books. When I wish to buy a physical book, I go to a second-hand shop here in my city; if they do not have what I want, or the quality is lacking, I order new online or in "very good" or "like new" condition, but only for those books which I deem worthy as permanent additions to my physical collection. What need is there for piracy? The worker is worthy of his wages.

>> No.23051729
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>what is a library
I usually get a book from there and read it, if I like I buy it
I obviously could just read the digital version but I prefer not staring at a screen longer than I actually need for work or study

>> No.23051882

>are you guys as neurotic as /v/ and /tv/ when comes to piracy?
Neurotic how? Do they dislike piracy there?

Where I'm from books aren't that expensive, ones that cost over $10 are rare, the average price is like $6, that's a good deal for hours of cool experience. We also have something like Gutenberg where a lot of classics are available for free. Used books go for like $2 sometimes.

The problems arise when you're looking for more obscure classics that had only a single edition in our language printed 70 years ago and only a few copies in a bad shape are available for whopping prices like $100.

Also I pirate books from dead authors for convenience. They won't get my money anyway, and I don't really care about their children and supporting shitty book publishers which scam authors.

>> No.23052084

If the author is dead, then all of his work is a public good. That is why I exclusively buy used copies of classic literature.

>> No.23052119

i don't buy books but i also don't have to pirate them that often just because there's such an immense amount already freely available. if there's something specific i want that can't be had for free then yeah i'll "pirate" it from libgen but i feel like that barely counts as piracy. it's only really piracy if you're downloading textbooks that are still currently in school curriculums. since it's generally free to read books and any book you could want could hypothetically be freely available in a library, it doesn't matter if you didn't actually obtain it legally in a library. it's probably in a library SOMEWHERE

>> No.23052602

La biblioteca

>> No.23052682
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I'm reading the best of (according to my research) the Western Canon in chronological order, so copyright hasn't really been an issue. (Ok I don't know Sumerian and I wasn't going to learn just for Gilgamesh, but there are plenty of free translations.)

>> No.23052697

I don't have a moral objection to piracy I just like physical books.

>> No.23052700

Buy? Books by dead authors? Where is this money go to? Capitalist swines…?

>> No.23052715

Lol. I had worked somewhere in a larger system where I got to see what books were actually available and started to write down books that I liked, getting them from online shadow libraries. Then I moved and wanted to get them from my local library, initiating searches on them.
>55% of them were straight up unavailable
>Another 40% of them were through Libby, which was pointless since I didn't want to infect my ereader with apps like that and sign in with a bunch of bullshit
>The remaining 5% were in the system as print but at the other location, and weren't high on the priority list

>> No.23052833 [DELETED] 

Why they pay coding-monkeys money to code a useless app when offering epubs and pdfs etc are enough for loading on Calibre , Books app on IOS or Google Play Books?

>> No.23052851
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I prefer physical books in order to avoid screens, and for retention purposes and to keep a bookshelf. I'll keep technical writing and manuals stored digitally for utilities sake.

>> No.23052871


Outed as low IQ and technologically illiterate. E-readers use e-ink screens, which is the same effect in your eyes as reading from a paper book. It's not an LCD screen, it's e-ink. Even if you do turn on the light, it would be the same effect as reading with a night lamp.

>> No.23052878

Not them but I just don't want to

>> No.23052879

Men who obsess with gadgets should honestly be hit with hammers.

>> No.23052882

I am not poor i can afford all the books i want and i bought all the books i wanted without hesitation

>> No.23053003

Which is proof of a consumer mind: spending your time and money on your personal library (equivalent to a Funko pop collection), or spending a couple hundred dollars in a device and then never again having to spend money on books?

>> No.23053012 [DELETED] 

You wouldn't meticulously orchestrate an elaborate scheme spanning continents, where you recruit a team of specialists with diverse skills, carefully plan every detail of a high-stakes casino robbery, from disabling security systems to bypassing biometric locks, meticulously forging identities and alibis, executing a flawlessly synchronized heist under the cover of darkness, all while navigating through a labyrinth of double-crosses and betrayals, laundering the stolen millions through a web of shell companies and offshore accounts, evading law enforcement agencies across multiple jurisdictions, only to ultimately succumb to the weight of your own greed and hubris, leaving behind a trail of shattered lives and broken promises in your relentless pursuit of ill-gotten wealth and power. Piracy is a crime.

>> No.23053022

My library was free and took no time
You're a bit obsessed with other people

>> No.23053089
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>autistic incel shit nobody cares about
fine, shill me the best e-reader or tell me which one are you using
>comparing books, as if there's only fiction, to literal toys for manbabies

>> No.23053119
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Microstorage is more expensive but it has the best of all the other formats. You're not reliant on access to any battery or other source of electricity but you can still store a lot of books with very little space. It doesn't degrade nearly as easily as paper or electronic storage. The copies can't be modified, you own them for life. I work as an archivist, creating microfiche and microfilm copies of books, mostly reference material, news articles, economic reports, and other dry stuff but I do plenty of stuff on the side for my own purposes. I run an underground literature cadre (I don't live in the US) and for the purposes of those looking to emancipate themselves, microstorage is definitely the best.


If a book is unavailable, libraries worth their salt will take requests to add it to their catalog. At least that's my experience with public libraries in middle and upper class areas. Obviously if they have overstocking issues and your request is something very few patrons are going to be interested in, they're much less likely. That being said, most of the books that this board discusses are going to be at your average public library, or even better ones. It's worth at least being active at your local library since that's where a lot of people who like books hang out even if they're normies. If you want to start a book club to drop pills or whatever that's also your best route. Americans should be proud of their extensive public library systems.

>> No.23053144

>books are expensive

lmao they're like £10 per copy

>> No.23053233

>libraries worth their salt will take requests to add it to their catalog
I'm not sure if that will mean anything. At best it's at the bottom of the queue and by that time, I may have lost interest completely.
>If you want to start a book club to drop pills or whatever that's also your best route
I have never been in a book club but no way would you get mostly childless, left-leaning white women to go along with anything remotely red-pilled
>Americans should be proud of their extensive public library systems.
It really depends on the city

>> No.23053452

Can't annotate public library books

I pirate most of my shit as pdfs and take comments down in acrobat. If I love the book I'll buy the physical copy off amazon or at a used bookstore.

>> No.23053528

Why only to local businesses and my fellow man.

>> No.23054420

>The worker is worthy of his wages
Lets say 15/hr. He has to document how many hours he spent. Wants he get paid up then his book has to be free from then on

>> No.23054462

>freely available in a library
That's good point, if you can get it free in library then what's the difference where you get it free at? If a library can get it and give it away for free or we can get a book and give it away for free, who cares who gives it away for free?

>> No.23054472

I love physical books, the probably is I have too many. All my walls are covered with bookshelf full of books. Then I have stacks of huge storage crates full of books filling my living room because all my storage spaces are already full of boxes full of books
So now I'm looking into reading books digitally

>> No.23054486

This except pirating scares me and I think I'll get a virus
Also I hate these new-style suits with low rise pants that expose the bottom part of the shirt. makes whoever is wearing them look like a 6th grader in a 5th grader's clothing

>> No.23054832

Holy based

>> No.23054846
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I have a lot of ebooks and there is no replacing physical books. This is cope.

Ebooks are very useful (especially for rare and out of print works), but imo you should be buying nice physical copies of any ebook that you really like.

Start a curated collection of hardcovers or good quality paperback if no hardcover prints available. Read the ebook first, then purchase later if you really want a copy. No blind buys = no wasted buys.

>> No.23055241
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Unlike vidya and tv shows/movies, books in physical can offer a different experience than reading digital. Like having the feel of the cover and the pages, how much you've read, being able to read without the need of technology, and also you can have your own kind of bookmarks
Of course it's way more convenient reading digitally since the tech takes same space as one physical book but it can read like hundreds of books

Also one thing to note is books that are over a century don't cost over $100 unless they part are off a large set, meanwhile, many 20 year old games cost more than $100 and even over $200 simply because they stopped manufacturing them

>> No.23055266

I pirate everything, including books. I literally have no money. I also just love stealing shit.

>> No.23055268

Kek this, not exactly a problem for books since most good books were written hundreds or thousands of years ago.

>> No.23055269

E-readers look gay and I don't want to look like a soiboy when reading.

>> No.23055270

Where to download book sars

>> No.23055309
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There's one missing, perhaps the most popular & powerful symbol of all...

>> No.23055447

Based Joao pereira

>> No.23055583

ereaders are good for novels nd straightforward reads. They suck at anything that requires flipping back and forth. Physical is hands down the best in that category.
The experience of physical is nice, something pleasurable about them.

>> No.23055584

No one cares about piracy on 4chan except trolls who want to bait pirates.

>> No.23055631

Get viruses first and then pirate. No reason to be scared of something that already happened

>> No.23055643

they have a collection of .txts which are unreadable and heaped with formatting errors and typos
People who suggest this simply don't read and are posers.

>> No.23055755

I pirate all sorts of things, book or not, and my government and ISP pretend not to notice. Having physical copies is nice but digital is better in almost all cases. If I want to buy a book made in another language then I'd have to pay half a month's worth of wages for it, and several times that for the ridiculously massive shipping costs, so it's just not feasible. Also, pirating helps tremendously when you want to read an old version of a book, or just an old book. I rarely read anything made after the second world war and also usually try to get the earliest edition of the books that I pick out, so digital really helps.

>> No.23055828

What are you talking about? I am literally downloading tons of Gutenberg files as we speak. I read from them almost every day. You're literally bonkers.

>> No.23055849

yeah enjoy your 'classic' 19th century .txt files riddled with spelling errors.
Meanwhile, I'll read real books, also for free.

>> No.23055860

>dude dude dude they’re basically the same thing
>it’s just like fake paper but on a screen
>what do you mean you prefer paper
>wahhhhhhh my redditor friends told me I was so cool for doing the newest thing and getting the ereader thing

>> No.23055864

>the probably
Yet not a single one of those “books” have been read

>> No.23055873

that would be a probably
...or would it?

>> No.23055901

I check standard ebooks first & if they don't have it libgen/irc it is.

>> No.23056557

Yeah, I didn't get it off of 4chan, thus parts of reality will be hidden. But we know. We are such that can tell merely by the filename, or the pixels.

>> No.23056562

I will pirate every single book on the planet.