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/lit/ - Literature

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23051040 No.23051040 [Reply] [Original]

attention. ATTENTION /tv/! I suppose /lit/ is welcome to hear the news as well.

Since Germ is clearly indisposed from the abounding tragedies surrounding his life, such as some shit in Myanmar, I have taken it upon myself to finish his life's magnum opus. Instead of mr georgio here, I shall instead be completing both Winds of Winter and A Dream of Spring, with my own....fine little touches, of course. I shall also be writing the script for the newly remade seasons 5-8 for the GOT show, while remastering the original 4 seasons to completely remove Ser Loras and Renly Baratheon(it was my belief that these characters were....how to put it.....kinda gay. and so I replaced Renly with Patchface and had Ser Loras thrown into a meatgrinder by the Mountain that Rides). I know, I know, its a heavy burden all of this, but luckily mr germ here shall be working FULL TIME providing me with alcohol and cigars for, what we writers like to call, la inspiracion. I will be providing a much better series than mr germ here, God bless his old and deeply troubled soul as it be, and I am sure you will ALL be satisfied with my work.
Sincerely, Anon

p.s. I havent finished reading the books, I have not and I dont plan to lol