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23049872 No.23049872 [Reply] [Original]

It's so easy to look at the descendants of freed slaves and ask yourself: how can they continue to behave and act this way? This book made me understand why they do what they do just a little more.

We are dealing with people who can't even read an analog clock. They are descendants of a defeated race that lingered and spread through the country.

I don't hate negros, and I don't excuse their actions, but I need to try and understand just a little.

>> No.23049877

>They are descendants of a defeated race that lingered and spread through the country.
They are descendants of a race brought to North America by the Anglos.

>> No.23049948

Why are you posting this here? What do you think anyone here is going to have to say about this, especially with the moronic blurb you wrote?

>> No.23050004

Dumbass take. Racists like you are a literal vestige of human thought. You will NEVER understand because every train of thought you have rests on ignorant and perverse foundations. Die in your ignorance. We don't need the "understanding" or tolerance of men like you.

>> No.23050012
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>Why are you posting this here? What do you think anyone here is going to have to say about this, especially with the moronic blurb you wrote

>> No.23050026

What did he mean by this

>> No.23050372
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Don't try and bully me. Don't do that. I read a book relating to the treatment and effects of an emancipated race brought to America against their will and I'm seeing the aftermath of those events as I live and breathe. I made a thread about it in hopes that some random Anons have read the book also.

>> No.23050397

>how can they continue to behave and act this way?
Do you know anything about history, or do you think that just because slaves were freed, everything was just fine afterward?

>> No.23050462

Whenever slaves become free there are no more problems and life is good. Just look at Haiti.

>> No.23050484


How many more decades until this excuse starts wearing thin for *you* anon?
I mean, after these latest Israeli shenanigans, more people than I could've imagined clearly started showing their fatigue with the ol Holocaust card.
I wonder how much more bending of the knee and sucking nigger dick it'll take for the inter-generational-inherited-slavery-trauma ticket to stop 'hitting', as they say.

>> No.23050540

Haven't read this, but Song of Solomon is one of the worst fucking books I've ever read.

"Oh, what if blacks murdered people, can you imagine such an outlandish territory for fiction???"

"This black man is bad because he is a LANDLORD, the sympathetic character is the tenant who got drunk instead of paying rent."

"This woman went insane because she wanted to fuck her idiot cousin so bad."

It's 100% insane ethnic resentments that even in-universe it's clear that blacks caused their own misery but they're still mad anyway, it's incredible really.

>> No.23050562

>This book made me understand why they do what they do just a little more.
How so?

>> No.23050593

It's the trauma of not knowing your grandparents, the trauma of having your children stripped away and sold, and you know all the other horrors that happened to these people's ancestors. I just get melancholy reading books like these because there is no fix and even 159 years later we are still feeling the effects in our society.

It's why they hate education, the law, etc. and they love to be self destructive degenerates; the majority (not ALL) of them are just so fucking dumb. Look at the stock they come from. It just sucks.

>> No.23050598

>It's the trauma of not knowing your grandparents
tf? this aint 1900s, im pretty sure most of these little niglets know their grandparents

>> No.23050604

It's a 20th century book, so it was a bigger issue back then, I think.

>> No.23050723
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>It's why they hate
No, it's not. They adopted (white) redneck culture from the borderlands of England. Read pic.

>> No.23051263

I somehow find this suspect. Their manner of speaking is certainly redneck. But their rhythm, music and dance is straight from Africa. How can they have known what to adopt then?

>> No.23052333

Then read the argument. There was plenty of evidence and, as it is collection of essays, just that part isn't very long. Although the rest is interesting too. You can get it off libgen.

>> No.23052347

>"This woman went insane because she wanted to fuck her idiot cousin so bad."
What's up with ADOS and incest? Were they forced to be incestuous by their masters and the "intergenerational trauma" lived on?

>> No.23052396

lol are you serious right now, whites are more famous for inecst than blacks, southern whites in particular

>> No.23052591

In my school experience, most of the books we were forced to read, written by black authors, complained about racism. Obviously American public schools provide a incredibly narrow slice but I recall having to read books that just complained about whites and how oppressed and downtrodden blacks are.
We had to read roll of thunder hear my cry in middle school (can’t remember anything about it besides it being about blacks in the south) and being so bored.
The next book by some miracle was about Ernest Shackleton’s Antarctic expedition and all the shit that went down. Way more interesting and actually gave accounts of heroism and staunch transcendence of hardship.
In short, most books about blacks I had to read in school were just complain fests which were a waste of time.

>> No.23053075

>They are descendants of a race brought to North America by the Anglos.
They are descendants of people deemed unwanted by their fellow Africans so they were sold to Anglos. If you're a cheiftain are you really going to liquidate your hardest workers? Your brightest minds? Your kindest and most helpful people? Your most self-sufficient? No. You're going to take the criminals and the lazy and the stupid and the violent and sell them off.

>> No.23053134

Ralph Ellison is better in my opinion. Invisible Man and his posthumous novel have wonderful universal themes that people still get filtered by looking at the surface level. He was a charter member of the Fellowship of Southern Writers just like Shelby Foote. Yet he was from Oklahoma. How the fuck does that even happen? He wrote good literature, is what he did. He supported lots of Southern writers because they shared his disillusionment with modernity and took a close look at the soul of man.

>> No.23053145

*by the Jews, do at least try to be factual

>> No.23053147

Why would you read anything by a black person?

>> No.23053347

To learn; to understand them. They aren't leaving America and once abortion is abolished their numbers will skyrocket.

I've read Invisible Man. Didn't care for it, personally. But it did give me the perspective of a black man trying to better his people's situation. I don't think it worked but at least there are those that tried.

>> No.23053382

Why does this have to do with me asking why american niggers are incestuous? Is Sowell right about blacks copying rednecks as someone else said here?

>> No.23053607

This book is ass.

>> No.23053861

As is true for about 98% of black authors, they are but figureheads and their works used as artifice by the collegiate left to keep the canon as black as possible for no point other than for it to be as black as possible, to I guess help them sleep better or to fuck with white dead authors posthumously or some otherwise retarded agenda. She'll be forever assigned to lit majors and won't do anything but piss off for the gayest or blackest or most womanly (or some combination therein) among them.

>> No.23053886

I think the problem though is that 50% of the country thinks it’s reasonable to just expect them to be like whites and Asians and when they fail just slowly level civilization until it’s at a level where the stats don’t look quite so bad. So you should be asking fewer questions about that 13% and more questions about that 50% because the former is almost natural while the latter is obviously some kind of deeply dysfunctional Utopianism that is neither natural nor good for anyone.

>> No.23053904

Beloved is pretty good as far as books like this go though.

And white Americans were undesirables to a significant degree as well so they should all be poor and violent just the same but they’re not. It plays a factor, sure, but there’s just no denying the history of slavery, Jim Crow, and the years since haven’t exactly molded these people into something great. It’s one thing to admit that there’s no clear solution to ameliorate this, that it’s neither an excuse nor admission of guilt for those living, and that it’s not helpful to dwell on it, but it still is obviously true that their shitty lot is owed at least in part to their history in America and not their genes or caste or whatever else.

>> No.23053912

Yeah thanks to Hollywood media depicting them as violent backward inbreds. It was New Yorker and lefty icon FDR who married his relative, not Kentuckian Abe Lincoln.

>> No.23053928
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It's simple. They're trapped in a cycle of poverty that started during slavery. It's the same thing many other poors of all races are going through but blacks have to deal with the added layer of their peers shaming them if they "act too white".

They hate education because their schools have been glorified babysitting centers for generations. They hate the law because it isn't enforced in their neighborhoods and acting tough is just how you survive in the ghetto.

Actually, several African nobles were enslaved. Picture related, this chief's grandsons were sent to Brazil by the Portuguese.

>> No.23054868

“Beloved” will change you if you let it. That’s why it’s powerful. And that’s why it’s feared.

>> No.23054906

I don’t blame blacks. I blame whoever the fuck freed them and didn’t send them back to Africa. It’s like blaming women for being whores, when it’s clearly men’s fault for not being able to control their women. But really this isn’t the case either. Men can control women, and whites can control blacks, it’s just that they are stopped from doing so by their own governments.

>> No.23055076

>And they took my milk!

>> No.23055258

But even the west was in poverty at the exact same time, even up to the 50s in the UK and Europe it was. America was built on people fleeing shitty situations to build a better life. They faced similar racism like Irish white monkey statements, religious persecution etc but the way we look at it is twisted and manipulated.
White people are no monolothic group, the actual people who caused the slave trade and most oppression was the same people who dictate the conversation now and rile blacks up to hate the whole group of whites. Instead of focusing their efforts on actual perpetrators and their descendents they want to target everyone based on a fantasy.

>> No.23055939
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>> No.23055953

is this true

>> No.23055990

It's an actual quote from the book, if that's what you're asking.