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/lit/ - Literature

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23049617 No.23049617 [Reply] [Original]

He was 14 Mann you sick fuck

>> No.23049667

All faggots are pederasts; we used to simply refer to them as such instead of using nonsense terms like "homosexual"

>> No.23049689

Thomas Mann was a truly disturbing individual
>Mann's diary records his attraction to his own 13-year-old son, "Eissi" – Klaus Mann: "Klaus to whom recently I feel very drawn" (22 June). In the background conversations about man-to-man eroticism take place; a long letter is written to Carl Maria Weber on this topic, while the diary reveals: "In love with Klaus during these days" (5 June). "Eissi, who enchants me right now" (11 July). "Delight over Eissi, who in his bath is terribly handsome. Find it very natural that I am in love with my son ... Eissi lay reading in bed with his brown torso naked, which disconcerted me" (25 July). "I heard noise in the boys' room and surprised Eissi completely naked in front of Golo's bed acting foolish. Strong impression of his premasculine, gleaming body. Disquiet" (17 October 1920).[

>> No.23049715

>Death in Beniss
Dhombass Manngh 8DDDDDD

>> No.23049720

Don't forget his other gay son, who killed himself, and his dyke daughter, who Carson McCullers had a crush on and dedicated Blue Eyed Nigger to.

>> No.23049733

>Find it very natural that I am in love with my son
The German mind, everyone.

>> No.23049854

>Strong impression of his premasculine, gleaming body. Disquiet

>> No.23049878

what a surprise, the true creative has a soul and that soul has strange yearnings beyond those programmed into it by society/media. npcs, predictably, find that disturbing. can't he just want an apple vision pro??? don't worry, you can still write without a soul, maybe "isekai" or a netflix show. but true art is closed off to npcs, even just its appreciation, let alone creation.

and no, i know what you're going to say, thinking that niggers are apes and the holocaust is a lie does not make you any less of an npc, that's just you trying to fit in with a clique. the true soul is alone

>> No.23050041

>if you think being sexually attracted to your 13 year old son is weird, u are an npc and u cant understand REAL literature!!!!!!!!! yes i am very serious, why do you ask?

>> No.23050042

i find myself agreeing with this post

>> No.23050053

it's funny that you want to go there, given the history of heterosexual age norms (let alone the obvious morphological resonances of the feminine)

>> No.23050065
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Yeah, but he was polish, so he's forgiven.

>> No.23050067

you really think anyone on this board understands what you just said

>> No.23050075

Heckin true the straights should NEVER talk about gay pedophilic desires unless they want us to talk about straight pedophilia. I bet they would hate that because they must secretly find straight pedophilia okay and this is just an excuse to attack gaydom!

>> No.23050093

old enough for kisses

>> No.23050101 [DELETED] 

It's unironically okay with heterosexuals do it, THOUGH.

>> No.23050105

It's unironically okay when heterosexuals do it.

>> No.23050111


>> No.23050132


>> No.23050161

you think that it's fine when people fuck minors under certain conditions

>> No.23050184

the right's been courting maps as a new source of revolutionary potential/disenfranchised bums to rugpull for literal years. anything you get this moron to admit with your epic rhetoric skillz has been an item in a ppt for longer than you have been out of high school, provided you are that. you are not slick. this is not an elite forum. it is a very small pond and it's getting smaller all the time

>> No.23050195

>the right's been courting maps as a new source of revolutionary potential/disenfranchised bums to rugpull for literal years.
Care to elaborate a little? You aren't wrong but I never thought about it in those exact terms. It makes anime avatar twitter make a lot more sense.

>> No.23050200

Im just did a le funny.

>> No.23050209

If it's heterosexual, yes, it's natural. Fucking a 16 female as a 18+ male is unironically okay.

>> No.23050215

The right unanimously wants to skull fucking crush "MAPs" and burn their disgusting pedophile bodies in the ovens. It's leftist retards with their "tolerance" courting pedophiles. They have been for a long time.
"MAPs" are very involved with leftist discord trannyspheres. The fact that you say MAP instead of what they are- pedophiles- shows that you have a hidden sympathy.

>> No.23050218

"anime avatar twitter" in the pejorative sounds a little too near to bourgeois moralism for me

>> No.23050225

I don't how else you describe the near decade of back and forth arguments between sexually abused weirdos with blue hair and smug anime girl avatars. We both know who has the right wing talking points.

>> No.23050248
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>> No.23050256
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>> No.23050260

Why was Nabokov branded a pedo author for Lolita but this guy got off Scot free?

>> No.23050285

To be fair he doesn't say that. He says things like enchanted, love, impression. I think there's more wriggle room than just the most base lust which modern society conditions us to interpret us as.

You're a great artist and father. Seeing your son is kind of like seeing a young you again in addition to loving him like s father. Seeing him naked might fascinate you in a way you can't express.

It's not normal or defensible if he did molest him but I think there's something to it.

>> No.23050286

i reject both of these premises

>> No.23050299

I am saying in public consciousness, Nabokov is usually branded le pedo guy but Mann isn’t.

>> No.23050314

this isn't true, so far as I have seen, hence my rejection of it as a premise

>> No.23050330

the difference is that you're impregnating someone, thus giving new life rather than sodomizing someone, thus giving death via disease. back in the old days not everyone was such a perv y'know, it's not like they were getting bjs. obviously that wouldn't work any more and you'd end up with a lot of fucked up wives but in rural agrarian villages it made sense.

>> No.23050336

Okay, well one has to look no further than this very board to reach that conclusion.

>> No.23050338

I reject the premise that this board is indicative of wider public consciousness

>> No.23050340

is lgbtqia+ just another word for pederast?

>> No.23050344


>> No.23050652

Homesexuality doesn't imply sodomy

>> No.23050742

He was a mulatto and a libtard who hated nazism. This is your guy.

>> No.23050746

He was not a mulatto. Hating Nazism is okay.

>> No.23050778

His mother was half-Creole, that basically makes him a nigger.

>> No.23050814

No, he wasn’t if you are referring to Thomas Mann. She was white Brazilian.

Also he didn’t initially hate right wing politics. He wrote a defense of militarism in 1913.

>> No.23050816

1918 I meant


>> No.23050818
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She didn't have any negro blood. Mann's maternal grandmother (pic rel) was of mixed Portuguese and Amerindian blood (mostly Portuguese) and that was it. There was no negro blood.

>> No.23050820

based. I wish homosexuality without sodomy was more mainstream. I can appreciate the male form and also be disgusted by the anus

>> No.23050825

that's just homoeroticism, no?

>> No.23050837

I would say that sucking cock and jerking a guy off are a little more than homoeroticism. I have no problem with those things but I just don't fund the anus erotic because it's the place where feces comes out.

>> No.23050844
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He was 14 Socrates you sick fuck

>> No.23050849
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>He was a ... libtard
He wrote a giant right-wing tract

>> No.23050864

Yeah I already pointed that out but thanks. Mann was one of those who just supported whatever was popular at the moment. At the end of his life he was a “tankie” but retired to capitalist Switzerland.

>> No.23050875

>Mann was one of those who just supported whatever was popular at the moment.
If that were the case he would have become a Nazi, but he didn't.

>> No.23051233

>all right wingers

>> No.23051237

The right is known for homoerotic ideas and grooming of children.

>> No.23051240

How can the most sōyboy looking nonwhite be the face of the right? What next? A slavic woman with dyed hair and half shitalian children?

>> No.23051247

Infamous right winger Thomas Mann

>> No.23051270

I liked mann evendoe I only read one book by him and it was death in venice and other stories
Little herr, der bajazzo, tonio kroger, and death in venice is a good stories, I enjoyed them

>> No.23052019

Nice, now learn English

>> No.23052054

dangerously truthful post

>> No.23052328

what's even wrong with tasteful pederasty? there's a difference between enjoying neotenous boys and some moustache-faced guy luring kids into his 70s wood paneling home

>> No.23052345

Hey, I saw the trailer for a movie about the kid on the cover of that book. He was marketed as a teen heart-throb but was really being passed around by homosexual entertainment producers.

>> No.23052349


>> No.23052355


>> No.23052362


>> No.23052790

They aren't the ones founding sex cult communes.

>> No.23052820
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During the transition from the German Empire to the Weimar liberal democracy, Blüher, a radical conservative and monarchist, became a staunch opponent of the Weimar Republic. In 1928, he had the opportunity to meet the former Kaiser Wilhelm II, in exile in the Netherlands. Blüher believed that pederasty and male bonding provided a basis for a stronger nation and state, which became a popular concept within certain segments of the Hitler Youth.[1]

>> No.23052852

Americans are in a constant state of "No the right condones pedos" "No the left are the real racists". Insanely funny.

>> No.23054071

if it were a mother talking about her son you guys would be posting "based"

>> No.23054312

>enjoying neotenous boys

>> No.23054525

>To be fair he doesn't say that
he quite literally says "i am in love with my son" and "in love" means romantic and/or sexual interest

>> No.23054534

What if you’re 41 like me?

>> No.23054536

>enjoying neotenous boys
>some moustache-faced guy luring kids into his 70s wood paneling home

>> No.23054613

It’d you’re feeling fruity just remember it’s not the slightly under developed green bananas that will get you in trouble…..it’s the strawberries. Don’t eat the strawberries.

>> No.23054631

you'd know a lot about that

>> No.23055137

guess I cant read The Magic Mountain now..

>> No.23055244


Really, though, both will.

>> No.23055253

I don't get it.

>> No.23055256

At last, a sensitive man in the sea of chthonic maggots writhing on this board. NPCs simply can't fathom the true love of beauty

>> No.23055265

There's nothing wrong with enjoying the insolent grace of youth from a distance. A forbidden desire not acted upon, disturbs not the delicate surface of social mores

>> No.23055316


>> No.23055333
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Actually he was 11.

>> No.23055341

Fun fact: almost all of Mann's kids came out as homosexual. Really makes you think.

>> No.23055342

Forgot to add that The Holy Sinner was about incest

>> No.23055348

Fucking based ,also in Italy 14 is the age of consent.

>> No.23055401

Mann and Visconti, old world aristocratic morality incarnate. Sensitive young men. Unimpeded by wormlike normativity. The eagle of Eros soaring above the unwashed masses.

We will win.

>> No.23055451

I don’t think most normalfags know who Thomas Mann is or what Death in Venice is

>> No.23055582

When you leftists say minors, you just mean girls who are younger than 30

>> No.23055652


>> No.23055728

The only moral issue is the power differential that older people exert over younger people. But this is certainly less outrageous than all the boys who have been shipped off to die in wars run by old people. I think the outrage is it’s a boy….but men have gawked, banged, and married girls since the dawn of time.

I’ve read Death in Venice. Where should I go next? Has anybody read Memphisito by Klaus?

>> No.23055733

Mephisto isn't bad but very much a commentary on art and Nazism

>> No.23055740

I have never felt more seen on this board. /lit/ pretends to appreciate art and literature, but anything that deviates mildly from the most baseline form of existence causes them to seeth like the rest of society.
I do think Mann is a faggot, though, but that's besides the point.

>> No.23055747

Faggots often create great art

>> No.23055754

I agree. Burroughs is one of my most favourite artists of all time and he was a mega faggot.

>> No.23055756

Death of a parent is to the comedian like getting diddled or neglected is to the artist.

>> No.23055771

Like rupaul or dj sophie, not even kidding

>> No.23055773
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>> No.23055903

you better sissy that walk

>> No.23055925
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This is the kid from OP's book cover.

>> No.23056032
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Nothing wrong with being a boylover. It's healthy, and natural.
Being attracted to your own children is absolutely normal and you should be attracted to them. How is that wrong? Should you think your children are hideous instead?
>The right unanimously wants to skull fucking crush "MAPs"
Which is why /pol/ and other right wing communities are the only places on the internet which is critical of age of consent laws and feminist anti-sexual dogma.
>The only moral issue is the power differential that older people exert over younger people.
There are no moral issues with man/boy love. Two people of a different age can, and most often do have a positive and perfectly healthy sexual relationship with each other. Muh power dynamics is just a mindtrick created by Judeo-Feminism to push white people away from each other and damage the fabric of society. It doesn't even mean anything, it's just a Jewish smokescreen that is used to justify anything.

Every country which does not have Jews, has pederasty. If a country does not have pederasty, it has Jews.

>> No.23056064

dangerously based. There is no refutation to this

>> No.23056490

Their minds are not developed, it's wrong

>> No.23056676

I don't like the gay stuff.

>> No.23056681

neither is yours

>> No.23056816
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I unironically find this a persuasive counterargument to the whole AOC thing. Most people are borderline retarded, and even 60 IQ adults are legally allowed to have sex (even procreate, for Christ's sake). There are ten year old boys out there right now that are more responsible and intelligent than the average 20 year old female. The whole range of argumentation in favour of strict AOC laws has no counter to this. The best possible argument, as it seems to me, is to admit the ambiguity and openly declare that such an abstraction is necessary because we cannot legislate for individuals. The whole moral outrage thing normalfags are subject to is just boring.

>> No.23056828

>dj sophie
Ew and he was a heterosexual autogynephile.

>> No.23056944

Holy based

>> No.23056960

the thing is, if there really was some sort of measurable "brain maturity" then nothing would stop you from legislating for individuals: develop a test, like a driver's license for your dick/pussy, where once you pass it other "adult-brained" people can fuck you, you can marry, be in porn etc, but everyone who didn't pass it yet is off-limits to you. one person will pass it at 13, another only at 23 or whatever, if you're legit retarded you never pass it and so on. that way you're actually "protecting" people who need it. but i suspect no such test could be developed because this "brain maturity" shit seems like bullshit science that wouldn't hold up if you tried to use it in practice.

ultimately people freak out about this stuff for ugly irrational reasons and not out of concern for the "victim," so i don't think the legislation will ever be sane.

>> No.23057201

Huh? But isekai is a notorious pedo self-insert genre

>> No.23057240

I'm a 27 year old virgin whose mental age is 15. Who am I supposed to go for that would actually lead to something happy?

>> No.23057436


maybe somebody who will play a father/mother role to you and take care of you since you are still immature

>> No.23057450

That sounds utterly horrible. But it confirms the idea I will never have a healthy balanced relationship. I'll be forced to get with a used up girl and it'll be a fucked up power dynamic

>> No.23057976

>power differential that older people exert over younger people

This is entirely situation dependent. Being older doesn't mean a person wields more power. They may even have less power, meager resources and worse economic prospects combined with lesser attractiveness, while a younger person may have better attractiveness and better economic prospects. They may even be more intelligent if less "wise" or experienced.

plenty of women with minds of teenagers, so i'm sure you'll find someone

>> No.23059367

Age of the boy. Pubescent vs pre-.

>> No.23059646

"They hated him because he spoke the truth."

>> No.23060736
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>Mann and Visconti, old world aristocratic morality incarnate. Sensitive young men. Unimpeded by wormlike normativity. The eagle of Eros soaring above the unwashed masses.

>We will win.

>> No.23060786

Jews like Allen Ginsberg have been among some of the most high profile pederasts

>> No.23062498
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I remember when I first saw this movie I was totally heartbroken. I don't know why but the next two days felt like a dream. I read the novella shortly after, while obviously a better piece of art I didn't feel like the wind had been knocked out of me

>> No.23062520

Neck yourself pederast.

>> No.23062537

>Itt pedo defenders

>> No.23062568

thats a big clitoris desu

>> No.23063380

You want to fuck teenage boys.

>> No.23063784
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Time forgives no one.

>> No.23063786


>> No.23063788

He looks great you gross faggot

>> No.23063790

Both the catboy and the Death in Venice actor aged pretty gracefully. Most men turn into disgusting ogres by their 40s

>> No.23063805

some actual thoughtful gems in this thread

>> No.23063809

Most faggots I have met were low lives who at most had a high school education and worked some meaningless dead end job meant for women.

>> No.23063812
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>> No.23063826

He honestly looks alright for 70 years old

>> No.23063842

Socially weird, biologically normal. It should be a bit of a faux pas, but not something to become a hysterical shrieking woman over obviously. We live in not only a feminist but a highly feminised culture.

>> No.23063848

Those are pedophile sodomites. Know the difference, it can save your life.

>> No.23063856

Not comparable because faggot "marriage" is an absolute rarity that only happens among higher educated faggots while the vast majority of mentally sound men get married.
Besides, what the fuck does that even mean? So women make more money than men in the median marriage? But then why does it say household income?
Stop spamming this meaningless shit retard.

>> No.23063865

good post
I don't relate to his desires in specific, but I do get people like Mann and why they exist

>> No.23063874

>wanting to fuck little boys is art
Do you not realize you are mentally ill?

>> No.23063876
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Thomas Mann was a disgusting groomer just like the loathsome Greeks. Most of Western "art and culture" is degeneracy that should be burned. Savonarola was right.

>> No.23063884
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That's it anon. That's the answer I was searching for.

Congratulations again.

>> No.23064012

He looks great you fucking tranny

>> No.23064068

I've been alive for so long but can't wrap my mind around homosexuality. I just can't. It seems like the antithesis of the male experience. How can one man look at another, feminine features even, and feel lust? I just can't fucking bring myself to think of it as anything but the most vile taboo.
No, the creative soul recognizes the beauty of the male/female dynamic and recognizes the senseless degeneracy that is pederasty and homosexuality. The best stories revolve around the eternal relationship between the male and the female, the good and the evil.

>> No.23064106

Imagine being attracted to females.. vile creatures ..

>> No.23064181

Idk man. I'm straight, but in some ways the male body is the absolute limit of objective physical beauty (OP pic: >>23059753), whereas the female body is absolutely brutalist and utilitarian in its design. I don't get buggerers either, but I definitely understand why homoeroticism is a thing.

>> No.23064692


>> No.23064737

>No, the creative soul recognizes the beauty of the male/female dynamic and recognizes the senseless degeneracy that is pederasty and homosexuality. The best stories revolve around the eternal relationship between the male and the female, the good and the evil.

This is 100% true but porn addicts aren't ready for this pill

>> No.23064748

Still waiting for heterosexuals (the niggers of sexual orientation) to produce a Michelangelo or a Leonardo.

>> No.23064778

Sexual frustration in pederast is what makes them write groundbreaking philosophy or create genius art. It's their role in society. Nature choose to sacrifice their reproductive function in order to redirect the energy toward the creative function.
Although it's true that Mann had a family, but he was probably not satisfied when fucking his wife, hence the writing.

>> No.23065530
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What percentage of /lit/ is gay/bi?

>> No.23065719
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I know I am gay.
>tfw no short, beefy, librarian bf.

>> No.23065731

This anon is right.

>> No.23065754

what on earth

>> No.23065790
File: 222 KB, 1400x1200, 1591816860994.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just want to lay my head on my bf's stomach as I read or listen to him talk about books damn it.
Letting a cute twink sleep on me as I read would be great too.